4 Dec 2024

Fouls, Shetland- NOT amateur radio

 Fouls is a very isolated inhabited island in the Shetland Islands. It has no ferry or air links.

2m activity contest UKAC

 Every month I take part in the 2m activity contest with my 10W and big-wheel omni antenna. Because of my poor voice I rarely stop on very long, but I enjoy the SSB activity. Last evening I worked just 4 stations, but one was in Wales.

Full flower - NOT amateur radio

One of our 4 amaryllis plants is now fully in flower. Another week and it will look past its best. 

Hopefully one of the others will soon be as glorious.

Sunspots - Wednesday December 4th

 Solar flux is 185 and the SSN 126. A=12 and K=1..

3 Dec 2024

More Christmas cheer - NOT amateur radio

This was in a Cambridge department store earlier. 

Now it is December, I am happy. Earlier, I am not!


The photo shows our orchids. The tiny black dot was our last remaining wild  blackberry that I was hoping would ripen on the windowsill. Alas!!

Singing reindeer - NOT amateur radio

The kids love this!  

The Grand Arcade in Cambridge is gearing up for the Christmas season. As we grow older, we become cynical, but to young ones it is magic. 

Whatever your religious views this is a time for love, peace and joy. 

I still do not understand why there is so much hate and greed in the world. We never seem to learn from history. Why can't we live at peace and just accept that we are all different and have basic human rights?

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Tuesday)

My beacon was turned on at about  0720z. 

UPDATE 1900z: 57 stations have spotted me. The furthermost is F61695 (9729km) in the Indian Ocean. QRT soon.

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

 My gear was turned on at about 0720z. So far 10 English stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 0946z:  27 stations have spotted me with the furthermost UN3G (5538km) in Kazakhstan.

UPDATE 1431z:  69 spots of me today on 6m QRP FT8 including VO1SIX (3933km). See map with bars.

UPDATE 1453z:   
64 stations spotted here today on 6m FT8. See map with dots.

UPDATE 1901z:   78 stations have spotted me. QRT soon.

Sunspots - Tuesday December 3rd

 Solar flux is 185 and the SSN 111. A=6 and K=3.

2 Dec 2024

Christmas in Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

Now it is December, I have no worries about Christmas decorations or Christmas promotions. 

The photo shows the Grand Arcade in Cambridge. 

10m QRP WSPR (Monday)

My 500mW WSPR beacon has been on since about 0915z.  4 stations spotting me at 0935z.

UPDATE 1945z:  44 stations have spotted me. Now QRT.

6m QRP FT8 (Monday)

My 6m FT8 has been on since about 0915z. 21 spots of me at 0932z.

UPDATE 1945z:  59 stations have spotted me with the furthermost VK6ZLX (13742km). Now QRT.

Father Christmas - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday the local museum and windmill held a Father Christmas Day with Father Christmas in the windmill. The little ones loved it and, despite the drizzle, it was a real success and a very happy day.

Sunspots - Monday December 2nd

Solar  flux is 186 and the SSN 83. A=7 and K=2.

1 Dec 2024

Tempus fugit - NOT amateur radio

At the start of each month there is just one photo of mine for the month on 365project.org . After, what seems, a blink the month is full.  Tempus fugit. 

Solar cycle peak

People often want to know when this occurs. My best place for solar data is the Solan website, but you may have your own. 

It often varies depending on the period averaged, but my site thinks it was October 2024. Conditions remain good for some years yet.

6m FT8 QRP with the IC-705 (Sunday)

 My gear was turned on at about 0925z. So far, spotted by 10 stations with the furthermost F1PBZ (696km).

UPDATE 2006z:  QRT. 62 stations have spotted me.

10m 500mW WSPR (Sunday)

 This morning, I turned on my beacon at about 0925z.  Before you ask, yes I did turn on the PSU as well this time!  

UPDATE  2009z:
Spotted by 50 stations. 

Amaryliss - NOT amateur radio


We enjoy growing these house plants from bulbs at this time of year. 

We try to stagger them so they flower at different times. 

The first (shown in the photo) is now in flower and looks great.

Japanese Sixbox

Some years ago, I was asked if a Japanese magazine could use my Sixbox in an article. I said "yes" although I have no idea what it says!

Sunspots - Sunday December 1st

 Solar flux is 204 and the SSN 103. A=11 and K=1.