This collage shows some of the views.
31 Dec 2024
Around our village yesterday - NOT amateur radio
Change - NOT amateur radio
At this time of year things seem more "raw". It is a time when everyone is expected to be jolly and happy, making sadness and unhappiness all the harder.
Our younger teenage grandson has just been dumped by his first girlfriend. Most of us have felt this pain, that seems like the end of the world at the time.
When people die or are seriously ill at this time of year it seems especially hard.
Things change: things that seem constant and will go on for ever do not. We have to adapt to the new reality. Time usually heals, but change can be painful.
Often we do not appreciate the inner pain others are experiencing. It is all too easy to judge others.
10m QRP WSPR (Tuesday)
My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon made by W5OLF has been spotted by 3 stations today so far.
6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)
My gear has been TXing since breakfast. Yesterday my QRP 6m FT8 from the QMX+ was spotted in the USA + Canada and I spotted both here too. So far this morning just English stations are spotting me.
UPDATE 1029z: 11 stations have spotted me including 1 OK station.
30 Dec 2024
RSGB proofreading (NOT!!)
One of my Christmas presents was a book on the history of the G-QRP Club that has been going for 50 years. I was more interested in the content than the cover, but was horrified to see the spine had a glaring spelling error which will be seen every time it’s put on a shelf! Is this not checked?
I once noticed an obvious spelling mistake on the front cover of RadCom.
To be honest I am appalled that such basic errors occur. I know the organisation depends heavily on volunteers, but this is not excusable. It gives the impression the RSGB is incompetent.
Come on RSGB!!
29 Dec 2024
Highlight of Christmas - NOT amateur radio
6m FT8
Most days I go on 6m FT8 with my QMX+ transceiver. I think that every day I have been on recently I have been spotted somewhere in continental Europe.
If I am able to do this with just a few watts and a vertical omni antenna, it proves how useful 6m can be. Imagine if you had a reasonable beam and more power. You would have an ERP increase of several dB improving the chances of being copied even more.
In the last 30 minutes I have been spotted in Latvia, Germany and Holland on 6m FT8.
Working Russians
Well before the end of the USSR, I remember working loads of stations in the USSR and getting QSL cards.
I have no problem at all with the people in Russia and am happy to work them or get reports on FT8 or WSPR.
In a small way, amateur radio breaks down barriers. I like to think that whatever the race, colour, wealth or nationality, it makes no difference. After all, we all share this planet and are all human beings.
Nice pile - NOT amateur radio
Just one problem! It is on the market for £8.5 million, so I think I shall give it a miss!
After Christmas - NOT amateur radio
6m QRP FT8 (Sunday)
My gear has been on since about 0950z. So far, just English stations have spotted me.
Very clever people
As I said, there are some very clever people. I would not know where to start!
Mid winter Es
Don’t ask me why as I don’t know the answer, but there’s a small Es peak in the northern hemisphere around now so it is worth keeping an eye on 6m . I suppose this could link up with F2 propagation further south to result in some spectacular DX on 6m.
28 Dec 2024
Stiff competition
Since the Yaesu FT817 was introduced almost a quarter of a century ago, a lot has changed. There was serious competition e.g. the ICOM IC-705, many Chinese radios, plus the offerings by QRP labs, HF signals and Elecraft, There are others.
At one time Yaesu had a captive market. This is far from the case today. There are still loyal Yaesu fans around, but the new FTX-1F will have to be very good and keenly priced for volumes to be high.
I was puzzled when ICOM introduced their microwave transceiver as I could not see many being sold.
No, the amateur radio market is changing and fierce. Many will fall by the wayside in the next 10 years.
Simple WSPR beacon
Shetland sunset - NOT amateur radio
This was posted on 365project recently by a friend who lives in the Shetland Islands. It shows the ferry arriving on a calm sea.
10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)
My 500mW beacon has been on since about 1020z. At 1053z, spotted by 4 Europeans. See table.
UPDATE 1415z: The map from WSPRrocks by Phil VK7JJ shows where my 10m 500mW WSPR has been spotted today.
6m QRP FT8 (Saturday)
My QMX+ was turned on at about 1020z. So far (at 1032z) just 9 English stations spotting me.
UPDATE 1129z: So far just 15 English and Welsh stations have spotted my 6m QRP FT8.
27 Dec 2024
10m 500mW WSPR (Friday)
My QRP 10m, WSPR beacon has been on since about 1036z, but no spots of me yet.
UPDATE 2125z: 30 stations have spotted me. Now QRT.
6m QRP FT8 (Friday)
My gear was turned on about 1038z. At 1042z 5 English stations spotting me.
UPDATE 2113z: 23 stations in 4 countries have spotted me today. Now QRT.
Faroe Is - NOT amateur radio
Rally on Sunday
This rally has been reported to me. Check details.
- Sunday December 29th - Sparkford Radio Rally, near Yeovil, BA22 7QX. Contact
Christmas rose - NOT amateur radio
The rose in the photo is just outside our front door. We usually have several flushes a year from this bush.
26 Dec 2024
SSTV from the ISS
Apparently, there will be slow scan TV from the International Space Station over the holiday period until January 5th. I have never tried to receive this from the ISS. Maybe I should try?
10m 500mW WSPR TX (Thursday)
My QRP TX beacon has been on since about 0930z. Spots so far from Italy and Portugal.
UPDATE 2016z: 30 stations have spotted me. QRT soon.6m QRP FT8 (Thursday)
My QMX+ was turned on at about 0930z. So far just English stations spotting me.
New QSL card from Antarctica
I have been spotted down there on 10m 500mW WSPR,
My last actual SSB QSO was with 10W SSB with a station on the British base in the 1980s. I think they had a big Rhombic antenna if I recall. It was a very solid QSO.
25 Dec 2024
Made in China - NOT amateur radio
We are all guilty.
My daughter-in-law kindly bought me a bobble hat. A look inside at the label said, "made in China". It seems most things now are made in China!
In the USA, if they slap a tariff on Chinese imports it is inevitable costs for USA consumers will go up i.e. inflation will increase.
If we make goods in the USA or Europe it is inevitable inflation will go up.
I have no idea what the answer is.
Merry Christmas - NOT amateur radio
May I wish everyone a very happy Christmas. The basic lesson is to share kindness. People appreciate kindness, as do we.
The most basic message, whatever your beliefs, is sharing kindness is the most powerful thing in humanity. 🎄🎂🧑🎄
10m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)
My QMX+ has been on since breakfast.
Proud grandparents - NOT amateur radio
Last night our young granddaughter was performing ballet in front of 2 future kings and many famous people at Westminster Abbey.
It was recorded a few weeks ago and on UK ITV1 television last night.
Watch out for YouTube copies.
Sunspots - Wednesday December 25th (Christmas Day)
Solar flux is 259 and the SSN 219. A=10 and K=3.
24 Dec 2024
UV5 (8) handheld
Seen earlier - NOT amateur radio
This was seen earlier . Very appropriate for Christmas. Whatever your beliefs or none, this is a time to think of those that mean a lot to us.
10m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)
23 Dec 2024
It can only get better - NOT amateur radio
Programming languages
Yesterday I came across a site that showed the progession of programming languages from the time I started working to today. Some of the languages I had never heard of!! Just as well I was not a software engineer!🥴
22 Dec 2024
10m QRP WSPR (Sunday)
My 500mW stand-alone 10m WSPR beacon has been on since this afternoon. So far, 13 stations have spotted me.
"At home" - NOT amateur radio
21 Dec 2024
Oscar 100 narrowband activity
Every few weeks I take a peek at the narrowband activity on Oscar 100, the geosynchronous satellite. My own view is activity is pathetically low. As I have said many times I think the main issue is the lack of a volume market in the USA and Japan as these are outside the footprint of the satellite. This means no interest by the big manufacturers.
My last peek was lunchtime in Europe on Saturday.
Christmas cheer? - NOT amateur radio
How to be cheered up for Christmas (NOT). Saw this on The Knowledge earlier:
"Scientists who are trying to create microbes that present an “unprecedented risk” to life on Earth. That’s according to an international group of Nobel laureates and other experts, says The New York Times, who warn that so-called “mirror bacteria” – synthetic organisms made from mirror images of natural molecules – could evade the immune defences of natural organisms, causing an “unstoppable pandemic, devastating crop losses or the collapse of entire ecosystems”. "
As my father-in-law once said, "I'm glad I am on the way out".
Dusk on Shetland - NOT amateur radio
The days are short and the wind can really blow, but he comes up with shots like this!
Finding that lost Malaysian Plane - NOT amateur radio
The search for the Malaysian plane MH370 that was lost in the Indian Ocean 10 years ago is to be resumed.
Apparently analysing WSPR reports allows the path of the plane to be tracked. I hope they are successful as this must be a nightmare for relatives of those on board. They want answers.
10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)
Just after breakfast, my 500mW beacon was turned on. No spots of me at 0850z.
UPDATE 1005z: Spotted by 4 stations so far.
UPDATE 1500z: 26 stations have spotted me so far.
6m QRP FT8 (Saturday)
My IC-705 QRP FT8 was turned on just after breakfast. So far, just English stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 1013z: Spotted by 22 stations.
VHF NFD - early 1970s I think
In those days it was in early September as I recall. Happy days when we were all quite young!! I have no idea who the people in the photo are. It’s not our group.
As I remember we left a Kingshill PSU behind up there. If it is still there it is covered in rust and ferns 😉😉.
Those were the days!
20 Dec 2024
SPRAT article
Building the QMX+ transceiver from QRP Labs
This video, that I came across, may help making the QMX+ from QRP Labs.
10m 500mW WSPR TX (Friday)
6m QRP FT8 (Friday)
Um, ah, eh and like - NOT amateur radio
Have you noticed how many young people say "like"?
At one time this bothered me, but it is the new "um","ah" or "eh". Language is always evolving.
Recently I noticed how often we say "um", "ah" or "um". I counted 4 in a very short period.
19 Dec 2024
UKAC certificate
In the low power section I came 57th.
Much to my surprise I have a certificate to say I took part!
10m 500mW WSPR (Thursday)
My stand-alone WSPR beacon has been on most of the morning. At 1156z 10 stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 1847z: 20 stations have spotted me. See table.6m QRP FT8 (Thursday)
My 6m QRP FT8 from the IC-705 has been on most of the morning. At 1153z 18 stations had spotted me
UPDATE 1825z: 38 stations have spotted my 6m FT8 QRP (see map).
Busy supermarket - NOT amateur radio
8m QRP FT8 with the QMX+
In many ways I am lazy, putting off things that I could do right away.
As an example, my QMX+ should work fine on 8m FT8 TX using the 6m TX low pass filter using PuTTY to alter the TX band parameters on a band I don't use. This should take a few minutes.
As 6m has been in good shape, I have concentrated on 6m rather than 8m in recent weeks.
Of late, 6m has been in poorer shape recently regarding F2 propagation, although Es sometimes shows a small peak in mid-winter for reasons I don't understand.
I think the RX requires hardware changes to a band pass filter, than I cannot manage any longer, so the best I can manage is to TX on 8m.
Good news - NOT amateur radio
From now on it starts to get lighter at night. At first the change is very slow , but by the end of January it is very noticeable. It still gets darker in the morning, but this is less noticeable as I am still in bed.
18 Dec 2024
6m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)
My IC-705 has been in most of the day. 46 stations have spotted me with the most distant CU6AB (2694km) in the Azores.
17 Dec 2024
1955 shack
This photo appeared yesterday of a USA shack in 1955.
When I started in the early 1960s, most HF was AM. These days it is mostly FT8 and SSB.