31 Jan 2025


Many old timers have fond memories of Heathkits.  Their kits were excellent with building manuals that step-by-step showed you how to build the item. 

Someone restarted the company some years ago, and I think this is still going. I won't say "strongly" as the last time I looked they had a very limited range at very high prices!  Sadly, it has a very limited range. I suspect they must have a very loyal customer base. By my judgment they would have closed several years ago. I wish them well, but they need far more kits at reasonable prices. The competition from the Far East must be crippling.

My introduction to radio was a Heathkit Electronics Workshop for Christmas 1961 bought for me by my dad. Little did he know it was the start of a career and hobby. Even now this hobby still gives me loads of fun.

I still like the form factor of the "Benton Harbour Lunchboxes".  These were a series of AM transceivers for 11m CB, 10m, 6m and 2m. At the time these were ideal, although their wide super-regen receivers would struggle today.

See https://shop.heathkit.com/ .

More Anglesey Abbey - NOT amateur radio

My wife did this collage of our walk at Anglesey Abbey yesterday in the sunshine, blue skies and cold.

8m QRP FT8 (Friday)

My QMX+ at 2W on 40.680 MHz USB was turned on FT8 at about 0945z.

UPDATE 1920z:   Just EA7KBX (1661km) has spotted  me.

630m WSPR RX last evening

5 stations were spotted with the furthermost LA3EQ (769km) in Norway. No further stations were spotted overnight. 

Winter sunshine - NOT amateur radio


Yesterday, although it was only about 5 degrees C, was sunny, so we went for a walk at nearby Anglesey Abbey. This is where the photo was taken.

10m QRP WSPR (Friday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon has been on since breakfast.

UPDATE 1404z: 
15 stations have spotted me today.

Sunspots - Friday January 31st

 Solar flux is 164 and the SSN 144. A=6 and K=1.

30 Jan 2025

630m WSPR RX overnight?

Once again I may try 630m WSPR RX overnight. It will be interesting to see if any new stations are spotted.

UPDATE 1808z:  My 630m WSPR RX was turned on.  G1GKN (54km) spotted.

“Our” windmill - NOT amateur radio

This was our windmill in the frost a few years ago.  We can see it from the kitchen and lounge.

8m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

Despite being on most of the day, nobody spotted me. I shall try again tomorrow.

10m 500mW WSPR (Thursday)

My beacon was turned on at 0914z.

UPDATE 0920z:  No spots.

Thursday plans

 Today I shall go on 10m QRP WSPR and 8m QRP FT8. I also have to mend my 6m antenna coax plug!

481THz beacon

This was the beacon I used on optical frequencies many years ago before my stroke. It was received well over the horizon at many kilometres and was capable of being copied far further. 

I still have it and would love to use it again .

Sunspots - Thursday January 30th

 Solar flux is 173 and the SSN 161. A=7 and K=1.

29 Jan 2025

8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

 Turned on the QMX+ at 1350z. No spots of me as of 1424z.

UPDATE 1550z: No spots of me today sadly.

UPDATE 1717z: WW1L (4976km) has copied me.

10m QRP WSPR (Wednesday)

Turned on at 1350z.  Spots from the USA.

UPDATE 1548z:  16 spots of me so far today. Mostly USA.

630m WSPR RX overnight

My 630m "ad hoc" antenna (coax to my 2m big-wheel via ferrite rod ATU) was left on overnight. In all, 5 stations were spotted with the furthermost OH1LSQ (1733km) who was spotted 12 times! It may be "ad hoc", but it very definitely works.

This was originally shown as FT8 spots. Keith (thank you!) pointed out my mistake that I have now corrected!

Sunspots - Wednesday January 29th

 Solar flux is 171 and the SSN 128. A=12 and K=1.

In the shack counting birds! - NOT amateur radio

This was me earlier this week counting birds from the shack window. 

The weather was mixed and windy and there were fewer birds than normal.

Oscar 100 activity

Every few weeks I try to give an update on (in)activity on the narrowband transponder of this geosynchronous satellite. My last peek was shortly after European lunchtime midweek.  

To say activity is almost zero is sad, but true. I appreciate this is just a snapshot, but judging by the levels seen, I suspect this will be the last time we see a geosynchronous amateur radio transponder for very many years. It would not surprise me if this is the last.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

Promise - NOT amateur radio

 This is a trough of snowdrops that are just coming out. 

28 Jan 2025

10m 500mW WSPR (Tuesday)

 My stand-alone 10m WSPR TX beacon has been on since just after breakfast. No spots at1109z.

UPDATE 1325z: 
8 spots of me.

US Dollar to Russian Ruble - NOT amateur radio

At one point earlier in the month it looked like the Ruble was collapsing against the US Dollar. I am not sure if it is the Trump effect, but it has recovered a lot since then. Maybe the stories of the collapse were premature?

See Dollar to Ruble .

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)


My IC-705 was turned on after breakfast. 15 spots of my 10W FT8 so far at 1023z.

UPDATE 1103z:  Now spotted by 19 stations. Es or single hop F2? Furthermost is a spot by SM2GHI (2013km).

UPDATE 1328z:  24 EU spots of me.

630m WSPR RX overnight

Using the coax up to my 2m big-wheel antenna via an ATU I was on 630m WSPR RX. 5 stations were spotted with the furthest SM2DJK (1720km) in the north of Sweden. It was good to see 630m WSPR well used.

Map from WSPRrocks by Phil  VK7JJ

Sausage pasta - NOT amateur radio

This is a quick and easy (and low cost) meal we sometimes have. 

Sausages browned first then cut up, added with pasta, mushrooms, cheese, sweetcorn and a few herbs, all in Creme Fraiche. 

Ready in about 10 minutes. Served with a few peas.

DeepSeek AI - NOT amateur radio

There is a new AI program from China that is "upsetting the apple cart".  It is called DeepSeek and is supposed to be better than ChatGPT. When I went to try it yesterday, it was unavailable due to a malicious attack.

There is little doubt that AI will get even better over time and will have a great impact on our lives. In many ways it will be a force for good, but it will cost us jobs and could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

See https://chat.deepseek.com/ .

Remote control of an ICOM rig

It would be good to operate my IC-705 over wi-fi from my iPhone. This would mean I could control the radio whilst in the lounge or even in bed! 

I am sure there are several programs, but I saw this one yesterday. It is not cheap at $36.99. There are versions for the Mac and iPad. 

One could even control the radio over the internet.

See https://ham-radio-apps.com/sdr-control-for-icom/ .

Sunspots - Tuesday January 28th

 Solar flux is 162 and the SSN 146.  A=8 and K=1.

27 Jan 2025

630m WSPR receive (Monday)

As my earth-electrode "antenna" is not connected and  my Tigertronics SignaLink USB interface is faulty, I am RX only using the IC-705 and the coax up to my 2m big-wheel via a ferrite rod ATU. 

So far this evening, 2 stations spotted on WSPR with the furthermost DC0DX (467km).

UPDATE 2230z: 
Just 2 stations spotted this evening. I shall leave the RX on overnight.

Receiving commercial services in the UK

In the UK we have some unusual rules. I think you may legally listen to commercial broadcasts (like aircraft bands) but it is illegal to make use of the information received. This was probably done with the best of intention. I guess this was to prevent industrial espionage or terrorism, but it leaves a "black hole" when you just listen or report for fun.

I wonder if anyone has actually been prosecuted here in the UK for infringing this law?

6m QRP FT8 (Monday)

 At about 1340z, I decided to go on 6m FT8 with the IC-705.

UPDATE 1537z:  Spotted just by 6 English stations.

8m QRP FT8 (Monday)

My QMX+ has been on 8m FT8 TX (about 2W to the low dipole) since about 0920z. No spots at 1222z.

I think I'll QSY to 10m FT8 with the IC-705.

Big Garden Birdwatch 2025 - NOT amateur radio

This was organised by the RSPB over this weekend. Lots of UK individuals and schools took part. The idea is to record the maximum number of each species in an hour. Over the years some patterns emerge.

It was quite noticeable how bigger birds now dominate. In my hour I saw not one small bird!! The smallest was a blackbird.

See Big Garden Birdwatch

10m 500mW WSPR (Monday)

My beacon was turned on at 0924z.

UPDATE 1710z: 
 15 stations have spotted me.

“Our” windmill in the rain - NOT amateur radio

After a decent start, Sunday was a miserable day. This is the view from our lounge window.

Sunspots - Monday January 27th

 Solar flux is 171 and the SSN 140. A=3 and K=0.

26 Jan 2025

10m QRP WSPR TX (Sunday)

My stand-alone 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was turned on at about 1058z.  Just EA8BFK (2880km) spotting me.

UPDATE 1320z: 
12 stations have spotted me. See table.

UPDATE 1855z:  22 stations spotted me today. Now QRT.

8m QRP FT8 TX (Sunday)

My QMX+ with about 2W to the low dipole was turned on at about 1058z this morning.

UPDATE 1857z:  Just one spot of me by EA7KBX (1661km). Now QRT.

Wicken Fen collage - NOT amateur radio


My wife made this collage of our walk yesterday. We are expecting rain later!

Too easy?

As mentioned in the earlier post, I am on 10m QRP FT8 at the moment. At the peak of the solar cycle it is all too easy! 

At solar minimum it will be very different as many will desert the band. In my view 10m would be good for DX at solar minimum far more often than we would have thought. 

I really hope more stick with 10m, even 8m, FT8 for much longer so we can see. 

One useful experiment would be to TX FT8 on 15m, 12m, 10m, 8m and 6m sequentially and see how many stations spot on each band over time. Ideally this should be carried out over several years around solar minimum. An antenna that covers all these bands would be needed.

10m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

As my QMX+ was already on 10m FT8  from yesterday, I decided to try 10m QRP FT8 this morning. 

UPDATE 0936z:   My 3W to the end-fed had been spotted by 19 stations. On RX the furthermost is Japan.

UPDATE 1019z: 
141 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX (see map) and 73 stations have spotted me.

Watery world - NOT amateur radio

One of our favourite walks is to Wicken Fen where we stop half way, before walking back, for a coffee and a bite to eat at the cafe.

It is a watery world. In mid-winter it can be a bit bleak but lovely on a cold winter's day with a blue sky.

Being fenland, it is very flat so we can see our village church in the distance. 

Wicken Fen wind pump - NOT amateur radio

This pump replaced a much older wind pump used to keep water levels in this nature reserve at just the right level. Wicken Fen is (I think) the oldest National Trust property in the UK.

Why are numbers down?

On Friday night our local radio club had its AGM. Some were there in person and many were on Zoom. One of the questions was why membership had dipped 33% in the last 12 months.

To me the answer is clear, although it is not one we want to hear. Amateur radio is mainly a hobby of old men. As we age fewer people want to venture out at night. Some die, go into care homes, become ill, or for some other reason amateur radio is no longer important.

At some point I took a screen shot. Most were grey haired old men! This is not a problem confined to amateur radio. My wife was in a choir for over 30 years that had to fold as most were too old. At the same meeting was a leader of sailing club. He said that there were too few young people joining. Many church congregations consist of old ladies. When they die or go into homes many churches will close as they will be unable to afford the upkeep costs.

With regards to our local radio club I suggested some time ago to hold all talks by Zoom and have a regular social meeting in a cafe or pub. This would mean no room hire costs at all saving several hundred pounds a year.

If amateur radio is to thrive we need to understand what "turns on" younger people.  What attracted us to the hobby (the magic of radio) rarely works these days.

Sunspots - Sunday January 26th

 Solar flux is 182 and the SSN 131. A=3 and K=1.

25 Jan 2025

10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

 As 8m was quiet, I put my QMX+ on 10m FT8.

UPDATE 2230z: So far, 236 spots of me. QRT now.

10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was turned on after our walk this morning.

UPDATE 1443z:
  So far, 8 stations spotted today.

Walk this morning - NOT amateur radio

Today, the sun was shining and the wind had dropped, so we went for a walk at Wicken, UK

8m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

After a walk this morning, I turned on my 2W FT8 on 40.680 MHz from the QMX+ to the low wire dipole.

UPDATE 1542z:  No spots.  Probably, I have found out all I need to know about 8m. My main experiment was to find out just how useful really low ERP  could perform on this band. It would appear that my 2W to a low wire dipole is quite enough to reach the Caribbean, USA, Canada and South Africa if the F2 MUF goes high enough. For Es, it behaves much like 6m. I am not sure I shall learn much more now. It is a pity more countries do not allow radio amateurs access to the band. As I have said many many times (I can say it no more!) just 5kHz wide, low power, narrow digital only, would be enough. It would appear the FCC and OFCOM (and probably the RSGB) seem dead set against this sadly. It makes you wonder what our hobby is really about.

UK weather forecasts - NOT amateur radio

 UK weather forecasting is hard as it is where many air masses meet. Despite this, millions have been spent on super-computers to make it better.  On my phone I have 3 weather forecasts. This morning they are all different! Looking out the window it looks sunny but cold. I think I will choose that one!

Why do they pretend?

Sunspots - Saturday January 25th

 Solar flux is 205 and the SSN 131. A=7 and K=0.

Quiet corner - NOT amateur radio

This is a quiet part of our village. Snowdrops are out!

24 Jan 2025

10m 500mW WSPR (Friday)

My QRP 10m WSPR beacon is on.

UPDATE 1807z:  29 stations have spotted me with the furthermost ZD7GB (7607km). QRT.

8m QRP FT8 TX with the QMX+ (Friday)

My QMX+ is TXing QRP FT8 on 40.680 MHz.

UPDATE 1809z:  No spots. QRT.

"Our" windmill late yesterday afternoon - NOT amateur radio


This was the windmill next door late on Thursday afternoon. 

The hedge in front is ours. 

We get a good view when we have breakfast and in the lounge where this photo was taken.

Peace - NOT amateur radio

It saddens me that so many who were so badly affected in WW2 (6 million Jews were killed) are now able to inflict such horrors on innocent people in Gaza. 

What happened to the Jewish people on October 7th 2023 was horrific, but nothing, NOTHING, can condone what has happened since.

It seems that mankind is incapable of living in peace. More and more I am saddened that so much hate exists.

How simple can you make a transceiver?

Before my stroke in 2013 I enjoyed seeing what could be done with almost nothing. This circuit was based on an earlier design for 40m CW by someone in the USA. Others made copies and some remarkable DX was  worked.

Sunspots - Friday January 24th

 Solar flux is 205 and the SSN 169. A=10 and K=1.

23 Jan 2025

Rally reminder

This Sunday the following rally takes place:

Sunday January 26th - Lincoln Short Wave Club Winter Radio Rally, Market Rasen, LN8 3HT. Contact m5zzz@outlook.com .

Propagation guide

This may not be perfect, but it gives a general guide to HF conditions. It shows the F2 MUF goes way above 30 MHz at times in certain places.

See https://prop.kc2g.com/ .

Previous intelligent civilisations on Earth? - NOT amateur radio

There was a post on Facebook earlier that got me thinking. 

The Earth is probably 4 billion years old and humans have maybe been around maybe 500000 years. What if intelligent civilisations existed in the distant past and then destroyed themselves without a trace? This is very unlikely as we would probably have found some evidence such as tool remains.

However, this could have occurred elsewhere in the solar system (Venus,Mars?) or on other planets in the universe.

Church tower (unusual angle) - NOT amateur radio

This is a view of the church tower in our village from an unusual angle. In places it is almost 1000 years old.

10m QRP WSPR TX (Thursday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was turned on at 0932z.

UPDATE 1842z: 
29 stations spotting me. Now QRT.

8m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

My QMX+ (2W) to the low dipole was turned on at about 0934z.

UPDATE 1850z:  HI0SDR (7062km) has spotted me again. No other spots of me. Now QRT.

Sunspots - Thursday January 23rd

 Solar flux is 214 and the SSN 158. A=10 and K=1.

22 Jan 2025

Refused pardon - NOT amateur radio

It amazes me that the USA president has pardoned so many people who stormed Capitol Hill 4 years ago.  I see one woman has refused the pardon admitting that wrong was done that day.  

I have no right to interfere with politics in the USA. However, I observe how the rest of the world looks on. The USA does not look like a role model for democracy.

In these troubled times everyone in power must project honesty, kindness and a concern for the greater good.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvged988377o .

Kindness - NOT amateur radio

Each year, the Oxford English Dictionary chooses a word that sums up the year. Their most recent is KINDNESS. In these troubled times, we could all do with a lot of this.

Quiet village corner - NOT amateur radio

This is our local church with a fairly recent house (designed to blend in really well) with snowdrops in the foreground.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Wednesday)

My beacon has been on for a bit under an hour. 

UPDATE 1343z:  Spotted by 14 stations so far.

8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

When I got back from Cambridge I turned on my QMX+  on 8m FT8.  Spotted by HI0SDR (7062km) in the Dominican Republic. Another 2W 8m transatlantic.

Why? - NOT amateur radio

 Allegedly the USA president has used an executive order to overturn a conviction of a man who sold drugs on the dark web. This puzzles me.

Sunspots - Wednesday January 22nd

 Solar flux is 225 and the SSN 251. A=10 and K=2.

21 Jan 2025

Village quiet corner - NOT amateur radio

This is a quiet corner of our village with a fine display of snowdrops. To me, snowdrops are a promise of better days ahead.

8m FT8 TX (Tuesday)

At about 1130z I QSYed to 40.680 MHz QRP FT8 with about 2W from my QMX+ into a low dipole. At 1551z 

UPDATE 1916z:  Just LX5JX (468km) spotted me. Now QRT.

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

My 6m QRP FT8 was turned on at about 0935z. At 1112z 39 stations have spotted me.

10m 500mW WSPR (Tuesday)

My beacon was turned on at about 0930z. At 1100z, 9 stations had spotted me with the furthermost ZD7GB (7607km).

UPDATE 1915z:
26 stations have spotted me today. Now QRT.

That Yaesu FTX-1F

It is interesting to read the speculation surrounding the Yaesu FTX-1F. 

It was announced last summer and due to be released "early 2025" yet no specs have been forthcoming leading some to speculate if it will ever appear.

Certainly since the early 2000s market conditions are very different. Back then Yaesu had most of the market with almost no competition. ICOM and others are already in the market and the Chinese are coming up strongly with very keen prices. Yaesu more than ever know this could be their saviour or that it will soon be time to get out of this market.

In  my mind it has to be a market leader in features and price, much better than the IC-705 at a much better price.

At one time Yaesu were way out front. Not any more!

In the past I have had many Yaesu transceivers. They have made some excellent products, but I remain skeptical about this product, knowing that in the end all they are asking is one question, "will it make us money?".

See https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/1hs9jwj/yaesu_ftx1f_is_it_real_or_is_it_vapor/

Tuesday plans

 Assuming the QMX+ initialises in a reasonable time, my plans today are to go on 10m QRP WSPR and 8m QRP FT8. If I have problems still with the QMX+, I shall try 6m QRP FT8 with the IC-705. 

The QMX+ is excellent once it initialises. I hope this is fixed in a software release.

Sunspots - Tuesday January 21st

 Solar flux is 230 and the SSN 277 (is this an error?).  A=20 and K=1.

20 Jan 2025

11 years ago - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows me with my brother when I came out of hospital in 2014.

I was in hospital for 3.5 months with a brain bleed. My brother came to see me regularly from Devon. He also raised lots of money for Headway, a charity for brain injured people.

Unlike many I made a pretty full recovery. Apart from giddiness and poor speech most of me still works!

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/non-amateur-radio/stroke .

US presidential elections - NOT amateur radio

The people of the USA have elected their president for the next 4 years in an election. 

The outgoing president has, allegedly, issued preemptive pardons to prevent the incoming president "going after" those who opposed him in the past. 

I truly hope the incoming president is above such things and continues to uphold all that is best about democracy and sees peace around the world as an honourable aim.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8r5g5dezk4o .

Pititico 1 transistor transceiver

You may be interested in this (and other) videos on the Pititico transceiver on DX Explorer. 

As there is no amplification of the audio on RX I imagine it is not very sensitive so probably safer to call stations you can hear. Putting out a call you might squash another station already there that you cannot hear!

Norway - NOT amateur radio


One of my friends on 365project posted this photo of a Norwegian lighthouse.

6m QRP FT8 (Monday)

At the moment I am on 6m FT8 with the IC705 (10W) and the V2000 vertical omni antenna. At 1200z, just 9 English spots of me.

UPDATE 1258z:  Currently being spotted by 19 stations in 5 countries.

UPDATE 1543z:
28 stations in 7 countries have spotted me today on 6m QRP FT8.

8m QRP FT8 with the QMX+ (Monday)

Once my QMX+ has initialised (with software -019 it can sometimes take ages! I was holding off upgrading software until SSB is available) I intend to go on 8m QRP FT8.

UPDATE 1140z: As my QMX+ failed to initialise (is this just a problem with -19 software version?) I shall not be on 8m FT8 today.

10m 500mW WSPR (Monday)

 My stand-alone beacon was turned on at about 0930z. So far (at 0947z)  no spots of me.

UPDATE 1244z:
   19 spots of me.

Sunspots - Monday January 20th

 Solar flux is 234 and the SSN 143. A=15 and K=3.

19 Jan 2025

LED Christmas Tree

Over Christmas we had a multicoloured fibre optic small tree in our lounge. 

With January in the UK being generally cloudy and dull, we had withdrawal symptoms, so we bought a small LED tree.

World Radio Television Handbook (WRTH)

When I first started my journey into shortwave, I was a keen listener to broadcast stations. Many were propaganda outlets, but I remember getting some great gifts! 

At that time the WRTH was a great help. It is still going strong, but I have not seen a copy for many years. I would imagine it is now far thinner.

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

My QRP 8m FT8 was turned on at about 0955z. Yesterday my QMX+ was spotted by 4 stations including one in the Caribbean. On 8m I run about 2W to a low dipole.

UPDATE 1433z:  So far just a single spot of me by EI3KF (574km) today.

UPDATE 1910z:  QRT soon.

10m 500mW WSPR (Sunday)

My QRP WSPR beacon was turned on at about 0950z. No spots of me yet.

UPDATE 1047z:  Spots of me by EA8BFK (2880km) , EW1LN (1812km) and OH3FR (1756km).

UPDATE 1731z
:  Spotted by 28 stations so far today. Map courtesy of WSPRrocks by Phil VK7LL.

UPDATE 1905z:  The last spot of me was at 1818z so QRT soon.

Evil - NOT amateur radio

 With all that is happening in the world I can only conclude that evil is alive and well. We can argue about why it is there, but it IS there.  It would seem evil is part of the human condition.

Sunday plans

 At the moment my plans are to go on 10m QRP WSPR and 8m QRP FT8.

Sunspots - Sunday January 19th

 Solar flux is 222 and the SSN 128. A=10 and K=3.

18 Jan 2025

10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

At about 1600z, I swapped to 10m QRP FT8 with my QMX+ rig.

UPDATE 1652z:  Spotted by 60 stations including many in the USA. In the last few minutes I have been spotted by ZD7GB (7607km).

UPDATE 2008z:
  Spotted by 102 stations. QRT now.

Our local windmill - NOT amateur radio

We are lucky to live right next door to a fully restored windmill. We can see it from the lounge and breakfast table. 

The windmill is part of our local museum, which is probably one of the best local museums in the whole country.

Wayback machine

Amateur Radio Weekly reminded me that the Wayback Machine has loads of stuff of relevance to radio amateurs. For those unfamiliar with this, the Wayback Machine archives old websites and much old material such as magazines.

8m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

As 6m FT8 was good, I decided to switch my QMX+  to 8m QRP FT8. The output on 40.680 MHz is about 2W.

UPDATE 1223z:  LX5JX (468km) has spotted me. I have spotted him too - with my deaf RX he must have been strong! Also spotted by a station in Austria.

UPDATE 1544z:   4 stations have spotted me with the furthermost HI0SDR (7062km).

Amaryllis - NOT amateur radio

The first amaryllis plant of this group has just come into flower. 

We had one much earlier that grew very tall. 

They are great fun.

6m QRP FT8 with the QMX+ (Saturday)

 My QRP gear was turned on at about 1015z. 

UPDATE  1027z:    8 stations have spotted me.