Many old timers have fond memories of Heathkits. Their kits were excellent with building manuals that step-by-step showed you how to build the item.
Someone restarted the company some years ago, and I think this is still going. I won't say "strongly" as the last time I looked they had a very limited range at very high prices! Sadly, it has a very limited range. I suspect they must have a very loyal customer base. By my judgment they would have closed several years ago. I wish them well, but they need far more kits at reasonable prices. The competition from the Far East must be crippling.
My introduction to radio was a Heathkit Electronics Workshop for Christmas 1961 bought for me by my dad. Little did he know it was the start of a career and hobby. Even now this hobby still gives me loads of fun.
I still like the form factor of the "Benton Harbour Lunchboxes". These were a series of AM transceivers for 11m CB, 10m, 6m and 2m. At the time these were ideal, although their wide super-regen receivers would struggle today.
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