Although everything was working on TX, the PC was seeing no audio despite the correct source being selected. It is probably finger trouble, but I have gone QRT for now.
15 Feb 2025
10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)
My 500mW beacon was turned on just after 1000z.
UPDATE 1020z: Just spots of me by EA8BFK (2880km).
The Old Ways - NOT amateur radio
14 Feb 2025
The wonder of sunlight - NOT amateur radio
When she remembered they were brought into the kitchen where they have thrived.
6m QRP FT8 (Friday)
My IC-705 set at 7W was turned on at 0933z.
UPDATE 0950z: Spotted by 6 English stations so far. As I am using the V2000 vertical, I am probably cross-polarized to most serious 6m operators. I imagine if I was using a 6m halo or similar, I could be 20dB stronger on UK stations. I doubt it matters with real 6m DX.
UPDATE 1638z: Spotted by 21 stations including several Europeans - Es?
10m QRP WSPR (Friday)
My 500mW beacon was turned on at 0932z.
![]() |
Map by WSPRrocks Phil VK7JJ |
UPDATE 1700z: Spotted by 25 stations.
13 Feb 2025
Koltur, Faroes - NOT amateur radio
As mentioned before, one of my friends on 365project lives in the Faroe Islands. He takes some great shots of this isolated island group. This is the uninhabited island of Koltur.
Nearly forgot! - 70cms activity contest (February)
The map shows the stations worked - all two of them!
Signs of life - NOT amateur radio
Yesterday, I noticed rooks repairing their nests - soon be spring.
6m QRP FT8 (Thursday)
My IC-705 at reduced power (7W) was turned on just after breakfast. So far, at 1000z, 8 English spots of me.
UPDATE 1730z: 15 English stations spotting me. QRT.
12 Feb 2025
6m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)
My 5W from the IC-705 has been on since just before breakfast. 15 stations have spotted me by 1336z.
11 Feb 2025
Practical Wireless thinner?
Maybe I have not noticed recently, but Practical Wireless, the UK magazine, seems to be thinner this month. My March 2025 edition came via the post today.
Getting thinner can imply it is trying to ride the storm, but is in trouble. I hope it survives.
8m licence free?
It is definitely worth checking what licence free options exist in your country to TX on 8m. These may be ISM, Part 15 or other. In many places you can legally TX on 8m without a licence. Definitely worth checking.
10m QRP WSPR TX (Tuesday)
My stand-alone 10m 500mW WSPR beacon is on.
UPDATE 1048z: 2 stations have spotted me with the furthermost EA8BFK (2880km).
UPDATE 1916z: 27 stations have spotted me with many in the USA . QRT soon.
6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)
My FT817ND is on 6m FT8. So far spotted by 4 stations in England and N.Ireland.
UPDATE 1338z: Now 8 stations spotting me.
UPDATE 1359z: I am intrigued by the spots regularly over 450km on 6m FT8. I am wondering if this is troposcatter or random aircraft reflection somewhere over the paths. One only has to have a single aircraft somewhere on the path at the right spot for 15 seconds. In reality, with military and civil aircraft, this is highly probable in several hours.
UPDATE 1457z: 11 stations have spotted me with the furthermost OZ9QV (861km).
8m TX permit turned down in Canada
I despair.
It would seem that many in PTTs across the planet are totally ignorant of why we want a permit to TX on 8m. Time and again I hear accounts of people applying for a licence to TX on 8m and being refused. It would seem that many in PTTs know absolutely nothing about RF or radio propagation!! All they are interested in is how much money will be generated.
Also, it is my view that PTTs will realise no money will ever be made from amateur radio (just hassle) and it will become a free-for-all with no PTT involvement.
It would seem they no longer know in PTTs what the words "experimentation" and "research" mean.
10 Feb 2025
10m QRP WSPR (Monday)
As I was on 8m FT8, my 10m antenna was available, so I am on 10m QRP WSPR with my 500mW beacon So far 3 stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 1835z: Now QRT. 12 stations have spotted me today.
Website dates - NOT amateur radio
One thing that really infuriates me are websites that have something on them that is time sensitive that are not updated or have a "date created".
Today I looked on the Cambridge University weather page inviting me to meet them in September, except this was September last year! I cannot tell you how often I have read a webpage only to find it is years out of date.
So, the very least they could do is put a date saying when the page was created. Better, still update the webpage!
Sunspot minimum
Probably I am one of the few people looking forward to the next solar minimum! We are currently close to the sunspot maximum and HF (even 6m) conditions can be very good.
This is the first time (just about) when we will have had widespread use of weak signal modes like FT8. If people stick with the higher HF bands as conditions decline we might well find the higher bands are good far more often than we think.
Especially on N-S paths it would not surprise me at all if there are widespread openings even in years with low sunspot numbers.
In many ways the next 11 years will give us plenty of chances to really experiment.
10m QRP FT8 with the IC-705
![]() |
Stations spotting me today on 10m QRP FT8 |
My gear was turned on about 1015z.
Village "centre" - NOT amateur radio
I expect this goes back a long time when there were really two villages.
Our local cafe is called the "Village Green" even though we don't really have one!
Monday plans
At the moment I plan to go on 10m QRP FT8 with the IC705. If I go on 8m QRP FT8, I shall try 10m QRP WSPR, although going on 8m is far from certain
Amateur radio?
This was spotted on Facebook earlier. It is not my idea of amateur radio although I expect we have all worked such super stations.
9 Feb 2025
Progress? - NOT amateur radio
10m QRP WSPR (Sunday)
Before going on 10m FT8 I went very briefly on 10m WSPR with my 500mW beacon. Spotted by EA8BFK (2880km) before changing mode.
UPDATE 2130z: When I went on 8m FT8, I returned to 10m QRP WSPR. In all, 13 stations spotted me.
10m QRP FT8 (Sunday)
At the moment I am on 10m QRP FT8 with my tiny QDX transceiver. Power is about 3W. So far, at 1034z, 9 stations have spotted me.
8 Feb 2025
10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)
My QRP 10m WSPR was turned on at about 1230z.
UPDATE 1613z: 17 stations have spotted me. The furthermost was a station in Brazil.
Our local Co-op shop - NOT amateur radio
8m QRP FT8 (Saturday)
In a few moments I hope to go on 40.680 MHz FT8 QRP TX with my QMX+.
UPDATE 1629z: Spotted by WW1L (4976km). First transatlantic spot of me on 8m QRP (2W) FT8 this month.
Rally on Sunday
The following is due tomorrow. Usual caveats about travel apply:
Sunday February 9th - Radio Active 25 - The Nantwich Rally, Nantwich, CW5 5DG. See
10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)
My QMX+ was turned on at about 1020z.
Clearing the decks?
A major UK dealer is discounting all its stock of second hand FT817ND transceivers. I wondering if they are expecting many to be traded in soon so people can buy the new Yaesu FTX -1F assuming it comes!
Brunch - NOT amateur radio
7 Feb 2025
Talk without talking
At the end of the month I am giving a talk with a difference at the Cambridge Radio Club. The format is different from normal in that I prepare the slides but someone else does the talking, because I can no longer talk at presentations. This is the second time I have done this.
This time my talk is on 8m.
8m QRP FT8 TX (Friday)
At 1315z I turned on my QMX+ on 8m FT8 TX. At 1320z, nobody had spotted me.
UPDATE 1610z: QRT on 8m FT8. No spots of me.
10m QRP FT8 with the QMX+
Just before lunch I turned on the QMX+ to FT8. Power out is about 3.5W to an end-fed.
UPDATE 1301z: So far I have been spotted by 162 stations with the furthermost VK6DW (14466km) in Western Australia.
PC and QMX+ puzzle solved
This morning I solved an issue with my QMX+.
I could not understand why, despite all the settings being correct, my QMX+ refused to have any output on FT8. What had not noticed was that the USB audio on the PC was muted. Once it was unmuted, all was well.
10m QRP WSPR (Friday)
My 500mW beacon was turned on at about 0900z. So far just EA8BFK (2880km) spotting me.
UPDATE 1240z: In all, 8 stations spotted me this morning, before I went to 10m QRP FT8 with my QMX+
6 Feb 2025
8m QRP FT8 (Thursday)
With my antenna PL259 mended I went back on 8m at about 1230z.
UPDATE 1416z: No spots of me.
10m QRP FT8 (Thursday)
My 10m QRP FT8 (using the IC-705) was turned on at about 1115z.
UPDATE 1147z: 120 stations have spotted me. See map.
Thursday plans
Today, I have several things to do:
1. Go on 10m QRP WSPR (already on).
2. Mend the PL259 plug on my 8m antenna (it came unsoldered).
3. Try 10m QRP FT8 with the IC705.
4. Set up GB3PI on my IC-705 and check access.
10m QRP WSPR (Thursday)
My 500mW beacon was turned on at 0900z.
UPDATE 1402z: 16 stations already spotting me today with the furthermost ZD7GB (7607km).![]() |
See |
UPDATE 1642z: 32 stations have spotted me today.
Christ's Pieces - NOT amateur radio
Christ's College, part of the University of Cambridge, is nearby.
Cambridge buildings - NOT amateur radio
VLF memory 2011
This was my copy of a VLF amateur signal from Germany 🇩🇪 on 8.97kHz with my earth-electrode antenna in the ground in 2011.
5 Feb 2025
10m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)
Since fixing the RF feedback issue (see earlier post) I have been on 10m FT8 since about 0700z.
UPDATE 1940z: 14 spots already with the IC-705, all bar one in the USA .
RF in the shack on 10m with the IC-705
For some reason I was getting RF feedback in the shack when using my IC-705 at 10W on 10m FT8. I added a few ferrite beads and this seems to have fixed it,
Waiting for the bus - NOT amateur radio
10m QRP WSPR TX (Wednesday)
My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon has been on since just after breakfast. So far, 14 stations have spotted me.
VLF transmitter
Looking through some old photos I came across this one of my VLF transmitter that was used for earth-mode tests though the ground.
It produced about 5W and my best DX (before my stroke intervened!) was about 6km. Much further would have been possible.
Since my stroke, I have been unable to continue my VLF tests. It is still on my shelf.
4 Feb 2025
Huge sunspot
Apparently there is a very large sunspot that could result in increased solar activity this week.
Is it or isn't it?
This radio was announced, and deposits taken, by many dealers months ago, yet (as far as I am aware) we have never seen any preliminary specs.
The only data I am aware of was the demo at the Tokyo Ham Fair last summer. I am still getting the feeling that Yaesu is "tweeking" the design or was just testing the market to judge whether or not it would make any money.
From what we have seen already it has fewer features than the 5 year old ICOM IC-705, meaning it would be unlikely to make Yaesu much, if any, profit.
As I have said many times, it has to be feature-rich and keenly priced to be a real winner. There are many loyal Yaesu fans, but the market place has become far more fierce since the FT817 was launched.
Come on Yaesu! Where are those specs?
Shetland sunrise - NOT amateur radio
As mentioned before, one of my friends on 365project lives on the Shetland Islands. He takes some stunning photos including this one of the sunrise over Mousa.
10m QRP WSPR (Tuesday)
My 500mW beacon was turned on at 0914z.
UPDATE 1320z: 17 stations are spotting me today.
3 Feb 2025
6m QRP FT8 (Monday)
RF in the shack
By turning the power down I seem to have proved that there is RF floating around the shack. So far I have tried one clip-on ferrite bead on the antenna coax as it enters the rig. I have more clip-on ferrite beads on order which I shall add on the leads between the USB plug on the PC and various rigs. These should be here later this week.
OFCOM licences
OFCOM has announced granting ground station licences to Amazon for its satellite system, mainly aimed at providing internet services. I think their system of low earth orbit satellites is to compete against Starlink. No doubt there will be a price war. See the OFCOM website for more details.
This will result in a huge number of additional satellites in low earth orbit. At some point these either burn up or fall to earth!
Tariffs - NOT amateur radio
The USA has already imposed heavy tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China. It is threatening tariffs on the EU and UK. Whilst I can (I think) understand the reasons, my view is this is a blunt tool that can do much damage to the world economy.
Like it or not the world is very interconnected with supply chains that go the world over. Whilst I can see the incentives to keep things local, this will come at a cost. Suppliers nearer to home are likely to have higher labour costs, so things are likely to be more expensive.
The USA may be big enough to cope on its own. Much of the world cannot.
We may be at the start of a new world order with the USA (for now) forging an isolationist policy, unlike the rest of the world. It will be interesting to see what happens.
Local church - NOT amateur radio
This was our local church some summers ago. It will (all too) soon be spring. This winter has felt very long for some reason with lots of dull and dreary weather.
10m QRP WSPR (Monday)
In a few moments I expect to turn on my 500mW WSPR TX beacon.
UPDATE 1050z: My beacon was turned on at 0948z. So far, spotted by 13 stations.
Winchester Palace - NOT amateur radio
2 Feb 2025
RF in the shack?
When I try to use the IC-705 on FT8 I get an error message saying that there is a problem with the sound card when I know the correct one is being selected. Probably there is RF in the shack.
My antenna is an end-fed, and RF in the shack is often a problem with end-feds. I have never had the issue before. It probably depends exactly where the leads are placed.
Tomorrow I shall try adding ferrite beads to the antenna and PC leads to see if this cures the problem.
One thing I should try is reducing the RF power as this should prove it. With far lower power it should avoid the issue of RF feedback. If this proves it, I know what to do to fix it.
Would you pay over £13k for a transceiver?
One large UK dealer is selling a German made transceiver for over £13k. Now, each to their own, but I do not see this as amateur radio. Personally I would get as much fun with a transceiver having 14 parts total!
Oh, don't forget the linear, beam, rotator and tower!
The future of amateur radio
There was a link on Amateur Radio Weekly yesterday saying that amateur radio in the USA was not dying, but it was changing. I cannot speak for the USA, but I can for the UK.
Many groups are seeing a change, not just amateur radio: churches in the main, have an aging (mostly female) demographic. When this demographic ages and dies there will be very few left in many churches.
Amateur radio is like this. It does, in the main, appeal to older men. Many are retired with more disposable income than those younger people with growing families, high rents or mortgages. I do not see many of them joining the hobby as we did. These days they are more interested in their screens and online games. Worldwide communication is no longer magic and fascinated: it is just taken for granted.
Many PTTs are growing tired of administering amateur radio as it no longer generates revenues.
In the future I can see things changing for sure. My prediction is that amateur radio will merge with CB and become a free-for-all. As long as interference is not caused, these PTTs could not care. The main issue I can see would be traceability without some sort of callsign and registration.
See .
More from the Clink Museum - NOT amateur radio
The conditions and torture must have been awful.
10m 500mW WSPR TX (Sunday)
My 10m QRP WSPR beacon has been on some of the time this morning.
UPDATE 1147z: EA8BFK (2880km) has spotted me.
Sunday objectives
Today, I have 3 aims. We'll see if they are achieved!
1. To go on 10m QRP WSPR with my beacon.
2. To go on 8m QRP FT8 TX with my QMX+
3. To mend the PL259 plug (re-solder) on my V2000 antenna for 6m, 2m and 70cm.
UPDATE 1140z: Well, 2 objectives net! I am on 10m QRP WSPR and have mended my V2000 antenna plug. I seem to have issues with my PC not producing audio on any band. I may have to re-install WSJT-X in case that has got corrupted.
1 Feb 2025
Day off amateur radio
As we were out for most of the day, amateur radio had a rest. Whenever I am in the house I can usually be founds on some band on WSPR or FT8. Not today.
London trip - NOT amateur radio
Firstly, we wanted to visit the Clink prison museum and secondly we had lunch with our daughter-in-law and our granddaughter.
The museum was gruesome, but worth a visit. The meal was excellent.
31 Jan 2025
Many old timers have fond memories of Heathkits. Their kits were excellent with building manuals that step-by-step showed you how to build the item.
Someone restarted the company some years ago, and I think this is still going. I won't say "strongly" as the last time I looked they had a very limited range at very high prices! Sadly, it has a very limited range. I suspect they must have a very loyal customer base. By my judgment they would have closed several years ago. I wish them well, but they need far more kits at reasonable prices. The competition from the Far East must be crippling.
My introduction to radio was a Heathkit Electronics Workshop for Christmas 1961 bought for me by my dad. Little did he know it was the start of a career and hobby. Even now this hobby still gives me loads of fun.
I still like the form factor of the "Benton Harbour Lunchboxes". These were a series of AM transceivers for 11m CB, 10m, 6m and 2m. At the time these were ideal, although their wide super-regen receivers would struggle today.
See .