More from Oleg...
Dear Club 72 members and friends,
Operators SM7ZDI, R6TQ, HB9WG became "rendezvous" Honor Frequenters
See full Visitors and Frequenters lists on the Club 72 web page -
See full "rendezvous" report with comments and pictures on the blog
page -
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
31 Jul 2016
Stroke Update - NOT amateur radio
Every now and again I give an update on my recovery from my stroke in 2013. There is very little change! I seem to be on a plateau now with most (all?) foods OK but I still have problems with drinks. Beer and orange are OK in small sips but I find tea (especially Lapsang Souchong) and coffee hard work. I used to love these!
All the time I feel giddy on my feet and I still tire easily after any physical or mental activity of more than 15 minutes. My emotional threshold seems lower - I worry and cry more. I have a sick feeling most of my waking time. Sleep is fine, although I sometimes muddle dreams with reality: for example I was convinced my younger son had decided to break a journey to the Lake District here next weekend. He is coming but they have no plans to visit the Lake District. I must have dreamed this! I can drive and most cognitive functions are fine. My fine motor skills are not as good as they were. My voice is poor.
In summary, I am having to adapt to the new "me". If things improve, great, but after all this time I am beginning to accept my limitations. The main problem is people see me and say how well I look. Indeed I do look well. Inside I still feel unwell. In some ways it would be easier to have a disability that people could see.
All the time I feel giddy on my feet and I still tire easily after any physical or mental activity of more than 15 minutes. My emotional threshold seems lower - I worry and cry more. I have a sick feeling most of my waking time. Sleep is fine, although I sometimes muddle dreams with reality: for example I was convinced my younger son had decided to break a journey to the Lake District here next weekend. He is coming but they have no plans to visit the Lake District. I must have dreamed this! I can drive and most cognitive functions are fine. My fine motor skills are not as good as they were. My voice is poor.
In summary, I am having to adapt to the new "me". If things improve, great, but after all this time I am beginning to accept my limitations. The main problem is people see me and say how well I look. Indeed I do look well. Inside I still feel unwell. In some ways it would be easier to have a disability that people could see.
Es and 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 activity
Apart from G4KPX (14km) there have been no spots of my 500mW 10m WSPR all morning. By contrast, I have had several spots on 6m JT65 and spotted others on 6m too. I can only put this down to too few on 10m WSPR. I shall stick with 6m JT65 for a little longer.
Steve VE7SL has also commented on the possibility of chordal hop Es as a possible explanation of very long 6m Es paths. Steve was saying he'd found this 6m Es season very poor. It is true that I've not caught any really long paths on 6m Es this summer. There have been plenty of European reports, but little further afield on 6m. Even on 10m I was only spotted in the Caribbean once. A couple of Paraguayan spots on 10m may have been Es or Es/equatorial spread F. In all, I tend to agree with Steve: I have seen better Es seasons.
UPDATE 1354z: It seems that Es openings are still occurring but less often than a month or so ago. Today, there has been some Es on 10m and 6m, but not much.
UPDATE 1503z: No further 6m or 10m Es reports. When good, I can get spots from all over Europe with QRP and simple antennas.
Steve VE7SL has also commented on the possibility of chordal hop Es as a possible explanation of very long 6m Es paths. Steve was saying he'd found this 6m Es season very poor. It is true that I've not caught any really long paths on 6m Es this summer. There have been plenty of European reports, but little further afield on 6m. Even on 10m I was only spotted in the Caribbean once. A couple of Paraguayan spots on 10m may have been Es or Es/equatorial spread F. In all, I tend to agree with Steve: I have seen better Es seasons.
UPDATE 1354z: It seems that Es openings are still occurring but less often than a month or so ago. Today, there has been some Es on 10m and 6m, but not much.
UPDATE 1503z: No further 6m or 10m Es reports. When good, I can get spots from all over Europe with QRP and simple antennas.
Ducklings - NOT amateur radio
We had a lovely site yesterday when a mother duck and 8 tiny ducklings decided to walk across our front lawn. Luckily we managed to take a few photos.
Sunspots and 10m - Sunday July 31st 2016
Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number 13. K=0. The forecast for 10m F2 is (yes you guessed correctly) "poor".
Quiet start today
I was not on overnight but restarted the 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 at breakfast. So far, just one Es spot on 10m WSPR by EA1FAQ (1249km) and none at all (yet) on 6m where I have been spotted by a couple of Gs, probably by tropo or aircraft reflection. I have also been spotted by EI4DQ (576km) on 6m JT65. It is just possible this was Es, but more likely aircraft reflection.
UPDATE 1124z: On 6m JT65 I have spotted EA1YV (1289km) and a French station, so there is 6m Es about.
UPDATE 1124z: On 6m JT65 I have spotted EA1YV (1289km) and a French station, so there is 6m Es about.
30 Jul 2016
Plenty of 6m Es
6m JT65 (1W ERP vertical) has been good with Es and other modes today. There has been widespread Es as well as tropo and aircraft reflections. In all, 6m is still good. Es continues on 10m too with a 10m WSPR spot from Finland.
See .
See .
OFCOM crappery
So, I tried to log in to check my amateur licence is still validated. As it was some years since I logged in, I had forgotten my password so I wanted to request a new one. It did not even recognise my email!! Give up.
Do they add any value?
Do they add any value?
JT65 on 10m - well soon
With good Es still on both 10m and 6m, I am reluctant to swap from JT65 on 6m to JT65 and JT9-1 on 10m. As I've said before, it is a case of "either or" on 10m JT65 as I cannot use my W5OLF beacon stand alone as it only works on 10m WSPR. For 10m JT modes I need the FT817 and the PC. I am sure there is more activity on JT modes (certainly true on 6m).
Even though JT modes are less good than WSPR, this is made up for by the 1 minute cycle time and greater activity. I shall probably swap to 10m JT modes mid-August.
Even though JT modes are less good than WSPR, this is made up for by the 1 minute cycle time and greater activity. I shall probably swap to 10m JT modes mid-August.
Church blog addition - NOT amateur radio
This now includes Mildenhall in Suffolk. Supposedly, the largest church in Suffolk according to Simon Knott who knows a few things!
This now includes Mildenhall in Suffolk. Supposedly, the largest church in Suffolk according to Simon Knott who knows a few things!
10m and 6m
On 10m WSPR (500mW) just one early Es spot from northern Spain EA1FAQ (1249km) and otherwise just Richard G4KPX (14km) spotting me.
On 6m JT65 (1W ERP vertical) several UK spots plus one from near Paris, which I think was aircraft refection as it would be very close for Es.
On 6m JT65 (1W ERP vertical) several UK spots plus one from near Paris, which I think was aircraft refection as it would be very close for Es.
Sunspots and 10m - Saturday July 30th 2016
Solar flux is 71 today and the sunspot number 13 (K=2). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor". I'd like to try 10m JT65 but this means going QRT on 6m and 6m is proving quite interesting still with plenty of Es.
See for more solar data.
See for more solar data.
29 Jul 2016
6m Es today
There has been a plentiful amount of Es on 6m today. I have been on 6m JT65 all day (1W ERP vertical) and there has been lots of Es in evidence.
Same stations on 10m WSPR?
As well as low activity on 10m WSPR, when I am spotted it seems to be the same old stations. On 6m JT65 there seem to be more different stations.
10m and 6m Es
Both 10m and 6m have shown signs of Es this lunchtime. On 6m JT65 (1W ERP) I have been copied in Poland and have copied Ukraine by Es. On 10m WSPR (500mW) I have been copied several times in Scandinavia.
Grandchildren - NOT amateur radio
When our "London" grandchildren come to stay they often play with some local friends they first met many years ago.
Supporting the Fenland Repeater Group GB3FR and GB3SO Horncastle Youth Centre, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6DZ. The venue is all on one level and doors open at 10.30am. Admission is £1.50. There will be refreshments available, including hot bacon butties. Details from Tony Nightingale, G3ZPU, on 01507 527 835, or email
A list of rallies can be found at rallies/
As I have said before, if travelling any distance it is worth contacting the organisers to confirm details to avoid disappointment.
Supporting the Fenland Repeater Group GB3FR and GB3SO Horncastle Youth Centre, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6DZ. The venue is all on one level and doors open at 10.30am. Admission is £1.50. There will be refreshments available, including hot bacon butties. Details from Tony Nightingale, G3ZPU, on 01507 527 835, or email
A list of rallies can be found at
As I have said before, if travelling any distance it is worth contacting the organisers to confirm details to avoid disappointment.
Sunspots and 10m - Friday July 29th 2016
Solar flux is 70 today. Sunspot number is 13 (K=4) and the forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor" again. At the moment I am not on 10m WSPR although I am on 6m JT65.
28 Jul 2016
Solar flare
Southgate News reports that there was a strong solar flare recently.
See .
See .
6m JT65 and 10m WSPR
Not a single spot on 10m WSPR all day. However, 6m JT65 was more productive with several Es spots from Europe. I think this proves that activity on WSPR is the main issue, not propagation
Sunspots and 10m- Thursday July 28th 2016
Solar flux is 71 today. Sunspot number is again zero but conditions are more disturbed with K=4. The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".
27 Jul 2016
Sour Grapes? - NOT amateur radio
Although I voted to remain in the EU, a majority in the UK voted to leave. The pound seems to have settled at a fair exchange rate, the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 share indexes seem to be doing just fine. In all, I think the UK can do well outside of the EU. Maybe the EU, especially France and Germany are troubled by such a successful economy (and contributor to its coffers) leaving the EU? I think it is a classic case of sour grapes.
As I have said many times before most in the UK favoured a common market but were not interested in a political union or federal Europe. On balance, I think the EU is heading for difficult times ahead.
No, I think political union, no real control of the numbers coming into the UK from other EU states and more political union were anathema to many in the UK. The positive benefits of being a member of the EU were underplayed.
As I have said many times before most in the UK favoured a common market but were not interested in a political union or federal Europe. On balance, I think the EU is heading for difficult times ahead.
No, I think political union, no real control of the numbers coming into the UK from other EU states and more political union were anathema to many in the UK. The positive benefits of being a member of the EU were underplayed.
Bath - NOT amateur radio
We spent a few nights in Bath with 2 of our grandchildren and their mum and dad. We had a good time. The picture shows one of our sons in a Bath park, feeding ducks with one of our granddaughters. Simple pleasures.
I was surprised by the large number of kites (birds) seen from the train. In all, I saw seven and I was not trying that hard! At one time seeing a kite in England would have been rare. A few years ago they were reintroduced in some areas and now they are seen all over the place.
I was surprised by the large number of kites (birds) seen from the train. In all, I saw seven and I was not trying that hard! At one time seeing a kite in England would have been rare. A few years ago they were reintroduced in some areas and now they are seen all over the place.
Sunspots and 10m - Wed July 27th 2016
My apologies for no solar data yesterday but I was away.
Solar flux is 71 today and the sunspot number 0 (K=0). Yet again the forecast for F2 propagation for 10m is "poor".
Tomorrow I should be back on 6m JT65 and 10m WSPR.
Solar flux is 71 today and the sunspot number 0 (K=0). Yet again the forecast for F2 propagation for 10m is "poor".
Tomorrow I should be back on 6m JT65 and 10m WSPR.
Holiday Inn, Egerton Rd, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XZ.
A list of rallies can be found at rallies/
Holiday Inn, Egerton Rd, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XZ.
A list of rallies can be found at
25 Jul 2016
Packhorse Inn - NOT amateur radio
Last year we (by accident) discovered this place to eat. We have now been there 5 times! It is the Packhorse Inn in Moulton,near Newmarket. We have never been disappointed. They always serve a (free) starter of breads, savoury popcorn and savoury macaroons. Both food and service are excellent.
6m JT65
Last night I received a report from G0LRD that my JT65 timing was out and I was consequently not decoding. To be fair it had been running a long time and possibly my internet timing had not been corrected. At the moment I am not on 6m JT65 or 10m WSPR.
Sunspots and 10m - Monday July 25th 2016
Solar flux is 78 today and the sunspot number down to 16 (K=4). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation is "poor" again. Whether it improves in the autumn remains to be seen.
24 Jul 2016
4X1RF's amazing spots on 6m JT65
Although I have yet to be spotted on 6m JT65 by 4X1RF (me being vertical probably does not help!) he does spot some amazing DX on the band regularly. Every time I look I see spots by him at great distance on 6m. He only uses a 3 element according to PSKreporter - nothing too grand.
I assume these long distance spots are Es, but some could be tropo across the Med, but unlikely. I still wonder about chordal-Es as he seems to regularly spot stations a long way away. I have been spotted in Israel this summer (1W ERP) and I have spotted a station in Kazakhstan twice. Kazakhstan is a very long way!
I assume these long distance spots are Es, but some could be tropo across the Med, but unlikely. I still wonder about chordal-Es as he seems to regularly spot stations a long way away. I have been spotted in Israel this summer (1W ERP) and I have spotted a station in Kazakhstan twice. Kazakhstan is a very long way!
6m JT65 but no 10m WSPR today
Although I am still on 6m JT65 (1W ERP), I gave 10m WSPR a miss today. I seem to get better results and far more reports on 6m JT65. There is far less Es about today compared with yesterday.
45 years - NOT amateur radio
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45 years married! |
Lis has been good to me and she has had a tough time coping with me in recent years. Although I don't say it enough she is still the same girl I met and loved all those years ago.
The picture,taken earlier today, shows the both of us outside our bungalow with the windmill just visible.
Sunspots and 10m - Sunday July 24th 2016
Solar flux is 84 today. Sunspot number is 34 (K=1). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".
QRP and QRPClub
More from Oleg:
Dear Club 72 members and friends,
QRP Rendez-Vous report (July 19 to 24, 2016)
DH0DK became Honor Frequenter - congrats!
See full report with comments on the Club 72 blog page -
Welcome all QRP operators on the next week "rendezvous", see schedule
on the Club 72 web page -
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
Dear Club 72 members and friends,
QRP Rendez-Vous report (July 19 to 24, 2016)
DH0DK became Honor Frequenter - congrats!
See full report with comments on the Club 72 blog page -
Welcome all QRP operators on the next week "rendezvous", see schedule
on the Club 72 web page -
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
23 Jul 2016
10m WSPR
On 10m WSPR I am still using 500mW. At the moment the Es seems to be favouring northern Europe and Scandinavia on 10m.
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Recent 10m WSPR spots (500mW) |
Israel on 6m VHF
4Z5ML (3571km) in Tel Aviv, Israel was spotted on 6m JT65 about 99 minutes ago. This was the furthermost on 6m today. Although there is plenty of Es about, I am not so sure of the conventional wisdom that this is multi-hop Es. I feel sure that one day the experts will discover "chordal hop Es" or similar. This could explain quite a few long distance Es paths. Of course, I could be totally wrong. It would not be the first time!
UPDATE 1430z: Plenty of Es today on 6m JT65. I see that I have been received in Israel. See . It's funny how when there is a lot of 6m Es, it looks like 20m! I have still to spot, or be spotted, transatlantic on 6m this summer on 6m JT65.
UPDATE 1430z: Plenty of Es today on 6m JT65. I see that I have been received in Israel. See . It's funny how when there is a lot of 6m Es, it looks like 20m! I have still to spot, or be spotted, transatlantic on 6m this summer on 6m JT65.
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6m Es today (JT65, 1W ERP vertical omni) |
More hot sun and flying ants - NOT amateur radio
For about a week now we have had better summer weather in this part
of the UK. Temperatures have been in the mid 20s to low 30s (deg C) all
week. We had one big storm which dropped humidity, but yesterday and
today are hot.
It is also "flying ant season". Whilst I was out yesterday, we had
hundreds of flying ants in our bedroom. I gather these larger, flying
ants are queens. They come out on mass to mate. It is usually just one day, then they are gone. The hot weather has not helped.
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Australian flying ants - but UK ones look similar |
HF Propagation Predictions by G0KYA
See .
Taking a peek at Steve's propagation forecasts for 10m this autumn does not look good for E-W propagation from the UK to North America. Even with a sunspot count averaging in the low 30s (possibly too high?) it looks like E-W SSB propagation with 100W is unlikely. With WSPR or JT modes much lower power is possible, but openings to the USA are likely to be much rarer than in seasons past.
Taking a peek at Steve's propagation forecasts for 10m this autumn does not look good for E-W propagation from the UK to North America. Even with a sunspot count averaging in the low 30s (possibly too high?) it looks like E-W SSB propagation with 100W is unlikely. With WSPR or JT modes much lower power is possible, but openings to the USA are likely to be much rarer than in seasons past.
Es aplenty on 10m and 6m
On 6m JT65 I have been spotted in Poland several times. On 6m JT65 RX my best DX so far is Crete SV9CVY (2729km). On 10m WSPR I have been widely spotted in Europe since the early hours of the night. This is all Es. In my experience there is often Es at night. People wrongly assume this is mainly a daytime propagation mode. On 10m, WSPR can help "smoke out" short night-time Es openings.
UPDATE 1135z: A couple of spots recently from Finland of my 1W ERP 6m JT65 signals.
UPDATE 1135z: A couple of spots recently from Finland of my 1W ERP 6m JT65 signals.
Sunspots and 10m - Saturday July 23rd 2016
Solar flux and sunspot numbers are falling again now. Solar flux is 89 and sunspot number is 36 (K=3). The 10m F2 propagation forecast remains "poor".
22 Jul 2016
ULF Amateur Experiments
Stefan DK7FC is always experimenting at VLF and ULF. Recently he has been radiating a signal at 2.97kHz and he has detected his own signal at 9km. This is not earth mode. He is trying to get reports from much further.
See .
See .
As you know I am not a great fan of OFCOM or the FCC, but I put links here so you can read their documents if you want.
As you know I am not a great fan of OFCOM or the FCC, but I put links here so you can read their documents if you want.
Rally - Finningley
The Hurst Communications Centre, Belton Road, Sandtoft, Doncaster DN8 5SX There will be a talk in station and doors open at 10.30am with admittance £3. The venue is all on one level. Car parking is free. There is a large indoor and outdoor trader's area with major traders, special interest groups and an RSGB bookstall. There will be a flea market. Hot food and drinks will be available all day. More information from Kevin, G3AAF on 0783 161 4640.
A list of rallies can be found at rallies/.
As I have said before, I get sent these regularly and reproduce them here in good faith, but contact the organisers if travelling any distance to ensure the information is correct.
The Hurst Communications Centre, Belton Road, Sandtoft, Doncaster DN8 5SX There will be a talk in station and doors open at 10.30am with admittance £3. The venue is all on one level. Car parking is free. There is a large indoor and outdoor trader's area with major traders, special interest groups and an RSGB bookstall. There will be a flea market. Hot food and drinks will be available all day. More information from Kevin, G3AAF on 0783 161 4640.
A list of rallies can be found at
As I have said before, I get sent these regularly and reproduce them here in good faith, but contact the organisers if travelling any distance to ensure the information is correct.
Geostationary amateur satellite
If all goes to plan we could have a new 13cm and 3cm transponding geostationary satellite in place next spring. Being fixed in position, Doppler should be no issue. I guess the date is a problem (these often slip) and getting it successfully in the right place and operational is in some doubt. With declining solar conditions, this could be just what we need. Of course, the dish can be fixed.
See .
I picked this up on the Southgate News page.
See .
I picked this up on the Southgate News page.
6m JT65 and 10m WSPR
There has been Es on both bands although HA9AL (1455km) was the last Es report on 10m WSPR. I was spotted in Italy on 6m JT65 a couple of times overnight.
Sunspots and 10m - Friday July 22nd 2016
Solar flux is 103 today and the sunspot number 49 (K=2). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation is still "poor". The question is will it improve in the autumn? Luckily, we are still in the Es season and there have been days with quite good Es on 10m and 6m including during the night.
21 Jul 2016
JT65 lead arrives
Well, I was impressed with the service from W&S this week. 2 days ago I noticed a problem with a cable and today it arrived by Royal Mail. I am now back on 6m JT65 TX. In the past I'd have fixed the offending cable, but sadly I am too feeble to attempt this.
UPDATE 2130z: Received a spot from Northern Italy - I3VJW (1098km) - about 30 minutes ago on 6m JT65. "All systems are go" as they say. Yes W&S - thank you.
UPDATE 2130z: Received a spot from Northern Italy - I3VJW (1098km) - about 30 minutes ago on 6m JT65. "All systems are go" as they say. Yes W&S - thank you.
FTSE 250 - NOT amateur radio
I found this graph on the Internet. Not sure of the source and it will be removed if a problem.

See .
Tits - NOT amateur radio
We had a couple of young longtail tits eating on our bird table this morning. They are far more common than they used to be. We hear them a lot. They often go around in groups, especially in winter. Their call is a dead give-away.
6m and 10m WSPR
On 6m JT65 RX I have already seen several Gs and 2 stations in southern Europe by Es whereas on 10m WSPR my 500mW beacon has yet to be seen by anyone!
Sunspots and 10m - Thursday July 21st 2016
Solar flux is 112 today. Sunspot number is 56 today (K=1) but 10m F2 propagation is expected to remain "poor" today.
20 Jul 2016
6m JT65 today
Before having to turn everything off because of the storm, I copied quite a few European Es stations and G stations by tropo or aircraft reflection on 6m JT65. I hope my new audio lead arrives tomorrow so I can resume TX on 6m JT65. Results on 6m JT65 are so much better than WSPR. I am sure this is just down to higher activity on JT65.
Storms force QRT
Well, having cut my lawn, it decided to rain, with hail and thunder. The worse seems to have moved east but it forced me to turn off all rigs, the PC and disconnect all antennas.
UPDATE 1900z: Since the storm passed,humidity levels have really dropped and it is a lovely, sunny, pleasant evening now. I shall go back on the air tomorrow.
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Cordless lawnmower - NOT amateur radio
After some delay, I have invested in a cordless lawnmower, powered by LiIon batteries. I have charged the battery pack and will try it later. If I can only cut one lawn between charges it will not matter. I know of a few people who use cordless lawnmowers and they seem very happy.
UPDATE 1645z: Well I tried it out on two lawns. At the moment it took less than 15 minutes for each lawn. Although I recharged after doing the front lawn there seemed plenty of energy left in the battery. Next time I think I'll do both on a single charge.
UPDATE 1645z: Well I tried it out on two lawns. At the moment it took less than 15 minutes for each lawn. Although I recharged after doing the front lawn there seemed plenty of energy left in the battery. Next time I think I'll do both on a single charge.
Sunspots and 10m - Wed July 20th 2016
Solar flux is 105 today. Sunspot count is 58 (K=5) and the 10m F2 propagation forecast remains "poor".
19 Jul 2016
Hot day - NOT amateur radio
We have had the hottest day of the year so far with a temperature of 32 deg C, so we spent some of the afternoon in the garden. We had tea outside. There was a gentle breeze.
Here are a few images in our garden. The first is our Crocosomia "Lucifer" and the second a cobweb on our birdbath. The birdbath was being well used by the wasps today. There was a sparrowhawk chasing the young swifts high above us. The last but one picture is of a goldfinch on our neighbour's TV antenna. The frog (?) appeared when we started watering.
Here are a few images in our garden. The first is our Crocosomia "Lucifer" and the second a cobweb on our birdbath. The birdbath was being well used by the wasps today. There was a sparrowhawk chasing the young swifts high above us. The last but one picture is of a goldfinch on our neighbour's TV antenna. The frog (?) appeared when we started watering.
JT65 issue
I "think" I may have a faulty cable from my SignaLink unit to my FT817. I shall get a new one to see if this makes it better. The PC sees the SignaLink unit, I have TX enabled, and the FT817 works fine on USB so the FT817 PA is OK. In days gone by I'd have tried to fix the lead, but not these days as I am still unable to manage fine motor skills as a result of my stroke. I do not think this is a Windows 10 issue as I can hear the TX if I select the PC's own speakers.
Luckily I am still able to be on 10m WSPR with the stand alone beacon.
Knowing my luck 6m will be wide open across the Atlantic these next few days!
UPDATE 0948z: New lead ordered from W and S. Should be here later this week.
Luckily I am still able to be on 10m WSPR with the stand alone beacon.
Knowing my luck 6m will be wide open across the Atlantic these next few days!
UPDATE 0948z: New lead ordered from W and S. Should be here later this week.
SignaLink USB,
Sunspots and 10m - Tues July 19th 2016
Solar flux is 107 today and sunspot number 68 (K=1). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation continues to be "poor".
I need to sort out my JT65 issue next! I shall be on 10m WSPR in a few minutes. This is "stand alone", so will work once synced to internet time.
I need to sort out my JT65 issue next! I shall be on 10m WSPR in a few minutes. This is "stand alone", so will work once synced to internet time.
18 Jul 2016
JT65 issue?
My shack PC did a Windows 10 update this evening. Whether this was coincidental or not I cannot tell, but neither WSJT-X or JT65-HF software now work: my FT817 refuses to go on TX. I need to check this out in the morning. It could be something tivial. I hope so. I shall look tomorrow with a clear head.
windows 10
Ickworth (National Trust) - NOT amateur radio
Today, we went for a walk at the National Trust grounds at Ickworth near Bury St Edmunds. It was very hot, for a change. In the car coming home it touched 30 degrees Celsius. There were several dragon flies and damsel flies about.
national trust
Trident Vote - NOT amateur radio
This evening, the UK Parliament votes on whether or not to renew the Trident submarines which carry our "independent" nuclear deterrent. I personally think this is a TOTAL waste of money. Most nations don't have this. Are we really any safer? Personally I'd rather spend the money (£100 billion?) on things that help us with 21st century threats such as terrorism.
What amazes me is why so many in the UK parliament think this is "a good idea". Sorry, but we are in NATO and are very very unlikely to fire nuclear weapons. In my view, Trident should be phased out as soon as possible.
Sorry if this is political, but I hate the whole idea of the UK having nuclear weapons at all. Were these ever to be used, it would be the end of civilisation. We should be setting an example for others to follow. Please don't tell me Trident is a deterrent. It certainly is no deterrence against terrorism and never has been. If we are short of money then we should spend what we have prudently.
What amazes me is why so many in the UK parliament think this is "a good idea". Sorry, but we are in NATO and are very very unlikely to fire nuclear weapons. In my view, Trident should be phased out as soon as possible.
Sorry if this is political, but I hate the whole idea of the UK having nuclear weapons at all. Were these ever to be used, it would be the end of civilisation. We should be setting an example for others to follow. Please don't tell me Trident is a deterrent. It certainly is no deterrence against terrorism and never has been. If we are short of money then we should spend what we have prudently.
Sunspots and 10m - Monday July 18th 2016
Solar flux is 112 today and the sunspot number 51 (K=1). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".
17 Jul 2016
Local Museum Summer Fete - NOT amateur radio
See .
burwell museum,
JT65 on 6m and 10m WSPR - Early Sunday
So far, no Es seen here yet on 6m JT65 but 5 UK stations (best DX report 219km with 1W ERP) have spotted me, most in the last few minutes. This is either tropo or aircraft reflection. It is early (0910z). Meanwhile 10m WSPR is very quiet with not a single spot so far. I did a full re-sync to internet time before breakfast. The PC clock is automatically readjusted every 1000 seconds, so as long as the PC works JT65 timing should be very good. The stand-alone W5OLF WSPR beacon on 10m is re-synced every day, although this is probably not necessary.y
UPDATE 1230z: Still 6 UK spots on 6m JT65 and no Es here on 6m. I see that 4X1RF has spotted at least one G today, sadly not me. Maybe my 1W ERP (vertical) is not enough? Just LZ1UBO (2039km) has spotted me on 10m WSPR earlier.
UPDATE 1728z: Now been spotted by 8 different UK stations on 6m JT65 toda. Have copied Cornwall, France and Belgium on 6m JT65 RX today, but this must have been either tropo or aircraft reflection. No 6m Es today and very little on 10m WSPR - just LZ1UBO this morning.
UPDATE 1814z: 6m Es at last today!
UPDATE 1230z: Still 6 UK spots on 6m JT65 and no Es here on 6m. I see that 4X1RF has spotted at least one G today, sadly not me. Maybe my 1W ERP (vertical) is not enough? Just LZ1UBO (2039km) has spotted me on 10m WSPR earlier.
UPDATE 1728z: Now been spotted by 8 different UK stations on 6m JT65 toda. Have copied Cornwall, France and Belgium on 6m JT65 RX today, but this must have been either tropo or aircraft reflection. No 6m Es today and very little on 10m WSPR - just LZ1UBO this morning.
UPDATE 1814z: 6m Es at last today!
ON4KST chat
See . This is probably the most well used chat facility for radio amateurs on the internet. It is set up with various "rooms". People tend to use it to arrange skeds from VLF to microwaves.
Sunspots and 10m - Sunday July 17th 2016
Solar flux is 106 (respectable) and the sunspot number 47 (K=2). Yet again, the 10m F2 propagation forecast remains "poor".
16 Jul 2016
QRP and QRP Club
More from Oleg:
Dear Club 72 members and friends,
72 QRP Net (Rendez-Vous) weekly report (July 11 to July 17, 2016)
See full Visitors and Frequenters lists -
Welcome all QRP stations on the next week "rendezvous" at 9 UTC
Tuesdays, Thursday, Saturday on 14060 (alt 10116) +/- QRM, QRL
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
Dear Club 72 members and friends,
72 QRP Net (Rendez-Vous) weekly report (July 11 to July 17, 2016)
See full Visitors and Frequenters lists -
Welcome all QRP stations on the next week "rendezvous" at 9 UTC
Tuesdays, Thursday, Saturday on 14060 (alt 10116) +/- QRM, QRL
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
10m WSPR
Odd, but no 10m WSPR Es spots here since breakfast, whereas 6m JT65 has produced quite a lot, mainly this morning. I assume there was Es on 10m and this shows a lack of activity on 10m WSPR?
Shortage of RF Engineers? - NOT amateur radio
Southgate News has a link on this subject. When I was in the RF business most RF engineers were getting older and close to retirement. There were few RF engineers coming through leading to a crisis in the near future. A shortage of RF engineers is a real issue in any nation. In my youth, RF was magic: these days it is not seen this way.
See .
UPDATE 1512z: In a recent look in our local shop I counted 15 train magazines, but not a single radio magazine. No, RF (radio frequency) is not the magic it once was. When there are as many radio magazines as train magazines RF will again be seen as interesting! It goes without saying that gaming and PC mags are everywhere.
See .
UPDATE 1512z: In a recent look in our local shop I counted 15 train magazines, but not a single radio magazine. No, RF (radio frequency) is not the magic it once was. When there are as many radio magazines as train magazines RF will again be seen as interesting! It goes without saying that gaming and PC mags are everywhere.
WSJT-X versus JT65-HF software
On 6m JT65, I have reverted to WSJT-X v1.6 from JT65-HF. For some reason, I seem to RX more stations with WSJT-X. A few days ago I had some locals reporting a "ghost" TX signal some 700Hz HF but I have not heard again, despite asking, so I am carrying on with using WSJT-X V1.6. For those not familiar with WSJT-X V1.6 it combines JT65, JT9-1 and WSPR into one package.
For those not familiar with it, JT65 allows basic QSOs and is not that much worse than WSPR. Activity on 6m is far higher than WSPR. Software is free.
For those not familiar with it, JT65 allows basic QSOs and is not that much worse than WSPR. Activity on 6m is far higher than WSPR. Software is free.
6m JT65 and 10m WSPR
Plenty of early Es about and lots of 6m spots already. Today could be a good day, but still to catch a transatlantic Es opening here on 6m JT65. Most 10m WSPR spots have been local.
UPDATE 1055z: Best DX on 6m JT65 TX was a spot by SV1NZX (2421km) in the early hours of the night. On 6m RX I have spotted Ukraine on JT65.
UPDATE 1842z: Still to see any transatlantic Es DX on 6m JT65. I keep looking, but no luck as yet on TX or RX. I am sure the chances are better than on 6m WSPR. I shall be on overnight again, ever hopeful.
UPDATE 1055z: Best DX on 6m JT65 TX was a spot by SV1NZX (2421km) in the early hours of the night. On 6m RX I have spotted Ukraine on JT65.
UPDATE 1842z: Still to see any transatlantic Es DX on 6m JT65. I keep looking, but no luck as yet on TX or RX. I am sure the chances are better than on 6m WSPR. I shall be on overnight again, ever hopeful.
Sunspots and 10m - Sat July 16th 2016
Solar flux is 101 today and the sunspot count a respectable 73 (K=2). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor". Yet again, Es comes to the rescue on 10m and 6m.
15 Jul 2016
Kazakhstan (again) on 6m JT65
UN7TW (5214km) was spotted on 6m JT65 this afternoon. This is a very long way on VHF. Although the considered view is this is multi-hop Es, I think some sort of chordal-Es is more probable.
UPDATE 1702z: Still UN7TW as the best 6m DX.
UPDATE 1702z: Still UN7TW as the best 6m DX.
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6m JT65 spots |
Rally in the Reading area
Reading Rugby Football Club, Holme Park Farm Lane, Sonning Lane (B4446), Sonning on Thames, Reading RG4 6ST. The venue has free car parking and a talk-in station will be on air. Doors open at 9.30am and admission is £2. There will be trade stands, a car boot area and special interest groups. Catering and a licensed bar are available on site. A raffle will take place on the day. Details from Min Standen, 0771 577 1665.
A list of rallies can be found at rallies/
I get sent these notifications and reproduce them in good faith. It is worth contacting the organisers before travelling any distance to check the data is correct.
Reading Rugby Football Club, Holme Park Farm Lane, Sonning Lane (B4446), Sonning on Thames, Reading RG4 6ST. The venue has free car parking and a talk-in station will be on air. Doors open at 9.30am and admission is £2. There will be trade stands, a car boot area and special interest groups. Catering and a licensed bar are available on site. A raffle will take place on the day. Details from Min Standen, 0771 577 1665.
A list of rallies can be found at
I get sent these notifications and reproduce them in good faith. It is worth contacting the organisers before travelling any distance to check the data is correct.
Nice, France - NOT amateur radio
My heart goes out to the people of France who suffered another nasty terrorist attack last night. This was an act of pure evil. There is no way that those who carry out such acts will be rewarded in an after-life.
The people who are encouraged to carry out such attacks on innocent men,women and children may have genuine grievances, but acts of evil are evil. Losing ones life to carry out acts of evil cannot be rewarded.
The people who are encouraged to carry out such attacks on innocent men,women and children may have genuine grievances, but acts of evil are evil. Losing ones life to carry out acts of evil cannot be rewarded.
2m UKAC Results
See .
It was gratifying to see I am more than half way up the AL section at 73rd out of 162, despite just using 5W, a small omni-antenna and only being active for about 40% of the time because of my poor voice. There are multipliers I know I could have worked, but did not. As you can tell, I only enter a few contests a year and go on the air because of the activity, not to seriously enter contests. I am definitely a "fair weather" contester. I am the same with my bird watching!
It was gratifying to see I am more than half way up the AL section at 73rd out of 162, despite just using 5W, a small omni-antenna and only being active for about 40% of the time because of my poor voice. There are multipliers I know I could have worked, but did not. As you can tell, I only enter a few contests a year and go on the air because of the activity, not to seriously enter contests. I am definitely a "fair weather" contester. I am the same with my bird watching!
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6m JT65 spots in last 12hrs (1W ERP) |
UPDATE 1000z: So far this morning all the 6m JT65 spots have been from G stations with the best DX 219km. No Es seen here as yet on 6m. At this distance this is either tropo or aircraft reflection. On 10m just one Es spot so far at 0938z by EA1FAQ (1249km) in northern Spain.
UPDATE 1208z: Plenty of Es about now on 6m and 10m.
Sunspots and 10m - Friday July 15th 2016
Solar flux is 95 today. Sunspot number is 54 (K=3) and the forecast for 10m F2 propagation is yet again "poor".
Despite this, my 10m 500mW WSPR has been spotted over 10000km on 2 days recently.
Even when 10m seems "poor" it is often a lack of activity rather than poor conditions. Just check the CB bands just LF of 10m: if these are "humming" the chances are 10m could be too. Try a few long CQs or use a digital mode like PSK31, JT65, JT9-1 or WSPR. You could well get a nice surprise.
Despite this, my 10m 500mW WSPR has been spotted over 10000km on 2 days recently.
Even when 10m seems "poor" it is often a lack of activity rather than poor conditions. Just check the CB bands just LF of 10m: if these are "humming" the chances are 10m could be too. Try a few long CQs or use a digital mode like PSK31, JT65, JT9-1 or WSPR. You could well get a nice surprise.
14 Jul 2016
ZP4KFX copies me again on 10m WSPR
Just one spot by ZP4KFX (10277km) in Paraguay earlier this evening of my 500mW WSPR on 10m. Again, I am unsure of the propagation mode, but it was possibly a combination of F2 (or spread F) and Es. This is the second day he has copied me on 10m recently.
IC7300 Reviews
Both PW and the August RadCom have reviews of the ICOM IC7300. RadCom's is by Peter Hart and is the more "heavyweight" review. Both rave it with Peter Hart saying it is "a superb radio" and "outstanding value" at £1050.
Rally reminder (2017)
Messe, Friedrichshafen, Germany Trade stands, special interest groups and IARU Member Society's all have stands in the main hall. Large flea market. Lectures take place each day, some in English. There will be a large RSGB book stall. www.hamradio-friedrichshafen. de.
A list of rallies can be found at rallies/
This is a big event. Some have compared it with Dayton in the USA.Get it in your diaries well in advance!
See for details in English.
Messe, Friedrichshafen, Germany Trade stands, special interest groups and IARU Member Society's all have stands in the main hall. Large flea market. Lectures take place each day, some in English. There will be a large RSGB book stall. www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.
A list of rallies can be found at
This is a big event. Some have compared it with Dayton in the USA.Get it in your diaries well in advance!
See for details in English.
Mr Bean sacked - NOT amateur radio
The man, allegedly, who stabbed Boris Johnson - a possible UK Prime Minister candidate - in the back (metaphorically) has been sacked from the new UK Cabinet. I for one, although not a Conservative, agree with this. There is no place in the UK government for such people. I am told Mr Gove was a bright man. His recent behaviour has left me speechless.
10m WSPR and 6m JT65
Recently I resynced the 10m WSPR beacon and PC. The PC probably closed overnight whilst installing updates. Anyway, I am now definitely on both bands.
UPDATE 1145z: A few 6m JT65 spots including an Es spot from Austria. My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon has not been spotted by anyone yet. It looks like there is less Es about.
UPDATE 1620z: Although I have received, and given, a few more 6m JT65 spots, there is still just the one Es spot on 6m here so far today.#
UPDATE 1625z: With just a couple of Es spots by EA1FAQ (1249km), it has been pretty quiet on 10m WSPR here too.
UPDATE 1750z: On 6m JT65 receive the best DX so far is OH7RJ (2001km) a few moments ago.
UPDATE 1145z: A few 6m JT65 spots including an Es spot from Austria. My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon has not been spotted by anyone yet. It looks like there is less Es about.
UPDATE 1620z: Although I have received, and given, a few more 6m JT65 spots, there is still just the one Es spot on 6m here so far today.#
UPDATE 1625z: With just a couple of Es spots by EA1FAQ (1249km), it has been pretty quiet on 10m WSPR here too.
UPDATE 1750z: On 6m JT65 receive the best DX so far is OH7RJ (2001km) a few moments ago.
OFCOM is asking for inputs on a consultation.
OFCOM is asking for inputs on a consultation.
10m WSPR DX analysis by PA1B
Bert PA1B has done some analysis of my recent 10m WSPR spots in Paraguay. At times, much lower power than my 500mW would probably have been enough to be spotted by ZP4KFX.
Dunham Massey - NOT amateur radio
Since Monday, we have been in Cheshire for our annual sibling reunion. As my wife and her two brothers were getting older, we thought it a good idea to meet up annually for a few days. This is a tradition we've now done for 13 years. Traditionally we go somewhere on the second day and the hosts are treated to a nice meal out. Each year we go to a different home. This year we visited Dunham Massey in Cheshire for our day out. This rose was in the Rose Garden there. Next year, we are the hosts.
dunham massey
Sunspots and 10m - Thurs July 14th 2016
Solar flux is 94 today. Sunspot number 54 (K=3) but the forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor". I suspect this will be the case now until the autumn. At least there is summertime Es to liven things up from time to time.
13 Jul 2016
Return to 10m WSPR and 6m JT65
Since returning home I have reactivated my 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 transmissions. Not having been home long, I have yet to check how things are going but there was a strong Austrian calling CQ on 6m so there is definitely Es around.
Sunspots and 10m - Wed July 13th 2016
As mentioned, we were away for a couple of nights, so there were no postings yesterday.
Today solar flux is 93 and sunspot number 63 (K=2). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".
Today solar flux is 93 and sunspot number 63 (K=2). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".
Away - NOT amateur radio
As you may have guessed, we have been away for a couple of nights so there were no blog updates yesterday. Normal service should soon be resumed.
11 Jul 2016
Alibris UK - NOT amateur radio
"15% everything today only". Yet another offer! They must think we are all totally stupid. Is it 3 a week or more?
6m and 10m - early Es
Both on 6m JT65 and 10m WSPR, I have been receiving early spots from Europeans. This is Es.
UKAC - 70cm leg tomorrow evening
A reminder than the RSGB's 70cm UKAC activity contest is on Tuesday evening this week from 1900-2130z. Last month was very quiet, but usually there is quite a bit of activity. Even with my 5W pep and an omni antenna for 2m I can usually work moderate distances.
Sunspots and 10m - Mon July 11th 2016
Solar flux is 94 and sunspot number 46 (K=3). The forecast for 10m F2
propagation remains "poor".
10 Jul 2016
Paraguay on 10m WSPR - F2 at last
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10m WSPR this evening |
UPDATE 1758z: So far, he has copied me 8 times and as strong as -15dB S/N.
UPDATE 1844z: So far, ZP4KFX (10277km) has spotted me 23 times on 10m WSPR at up to -8dB S/N. We almost have a pipe!
6m Es all day

BBQ weather? - NOT amateur radio
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Sunset |
Sunspots and 10m - Sun July 10th 2016
Solar flux is 92 and sunspot number 63 (K=2). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor". Despite the forecast this is an improving solar situation in the short-term. Overall, things are still sliding, but we are seeing improving short-term conditions due to the sun's rotation bringing more active regions into view.
QRP and QRP Club
More from Oleg:
Dear Club 72 members and friends,
72 QRP Net (Rendez-Vous) weekly report (July 4 to July 10, 2016)
Visitors of the week: R1OA, UT8NR, UF6V/RX3PR, RV3GM, UA1ADF, RA1M/mm, US3EN, UR5EFD, UR0ET, Z35M, UA1CEG, LA8BGA, UR7VT, RX3DIT, RU3NJC, US5ERQ
RX3DIT entered in the Honor Frequenters list
see full Visitors and Frequenters lists -
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
Dear Club 72 members and friends,
72 QRP Net (Rendez-Vous) weekly report (July 4 to July 10, 2016)
Visitors of the week: R1OA, UT8NR, UF6V/RX3PR, RV3GM, UA1ADF, RA1M/mm, US3EN, UR5EFD, UR0ET, Z35M, UA1CEG, LA8BGA, UR7VT, RX3DIT, RU3NJC, US5ERQ
RX3DIT entered in the Honor Frequenters list
see full Visitors and Frequenters lists -
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
9 Jul 2016
Stroke - NOT amateur radio
Every now and then, I like to update readers on the after-effects of my stroke. After nearly 3 years I seem to be on a plateau now feeling giddy most of the time, my voice is poor, getting tired very quickly and feeling sick (slightly) nearly all the time. Drinking liquids is still hard. On the positive side, most things work and I can drive. Life carries on.
After all this time, I was expecting to be better. Sadly, I now have to learn to accept these disabilities are permanent. Things may still improve, but progress is likely to be very slow.
After all this time, I was expecting to be better. Sadly, I now have to learn to accept these disabilities are permanent. Things may still improve, but progress is likely to be very slow.
PA0RDT mini-whip
Several people use this very compact antenna on LF and MF for RX. It is an active antenna for receive only. I am thinking of buying one. There was an interesting article on about optimum height mounting.
6m JT65 and 10m WSPR early today
There were several spots by OZ7IT (853km) on 10m WSPR late last night and one German spot, but so far today (Saturday) both 10m and 6m have been quiet with just a couple of Gs spotting me on 6m JT65. I hope things improve later.
UPDATE 1046z: OK, it is early I know, but there is no early Es about here. In past seasons I have noticed more northerly stations later in the Es season. This pattern seems to be there again on 10m and 6m.
UPDATE 1046z: OK, it is early I know, but there is no early Es about here. In past seasons I have noticed more northerly stations later in the Es season. This pattern seems to be there again on 10m and 6m.
Declining solar conditions
We have yet more evidence of the slide in solar conditions. We have had several days without any sunspots in recent days. Next autumn when the Es is rare and 10m propagation depends on F2 propagation, we will see E-W propagation more rarely than last year on 10m.
See .
See .
BREXIT again - NOT amateur radio
We voted in a referendum to leave the EU. Although the pound has fallen, the UK stock markets (FTSE 100 and FTSE 250) seem to have shrugged it off.
There is bound to be a period of uncertainty, but I think the EU is worried about its very survival. In the end the UK will be OK, although the "European Project" i.e. the move to a federal Europe is in grave danger. As I have said before, we want a common market but not a federal Europe. We want peace in Europe, but disagree on how best to keep the peace.
In summary, I think BREXIT is more about the future of the EU than the future of the UK.
There is bound to be a period of uncertainty, but I think the EU is worried about its very survival. In the end the UK will be OK, although the "European Project" i.e. the move to a federal Europe is in grave danger. As I have said before, we want a common market but not a federal Europe. We want peace in Europe, but disagree on how best to keep the peace.
In summary, I think BREXIT is more about the future of the EU than the future of the UK.
Sunspots and 10m - Sat July 9th 2016
Solar flux is 86 today. Sunspot number is 55 (K=2) and the forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".
8 Jul 2016
Bury St Edmunds - NOT amateur radio
Last Tuesday when our "London" grandchildren were off school because of a strike we had a great time in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds having a picnic and playing crazy golf. The picture shows them before our picnic.
Yes you see right! Our granddaughter (always an individual) chose to wear 2 right shoes, with one being a winter boot! We love them just as they are.
Yes you see right! Our granddaughter (always an individual) chose to wear 2 right shoes, with one being a winter boot! We love them just as they are.
Grass - NOT amateur radio
Only on Monday I cut the rear lawn but it already needs cutting again! At this time of year grass grows and I guess the combination of dampness and warmth create ideal growing conditions.
UPDATE 1138z: Grass cut, but I feel knackered!
UPDATE 1138z: Grass cut, but I feel knackered!
6m JT65
So far this morning I have spotted a few G stations on this band (best DX 182km) but no Es seen here yet. I have had reports (from locals) of spurious signals about 700Hz away from my main signal. They say this is not RX overload. This is puzzling as the FT817ND is not being over-driven. Later, I shall swap to JT65-HF software (I need to load it first!) to see if that makes any difference. Currently I am using WSJT-X V1.6.0.
UPDATE 1140z: Just G spots so far (TX and RX) on 6m JT65 today.
UPDATE 2120z: Es on 6m from Scandinavia and Spain. I have now swapped to JT65-HF to see if the "ghost" signal goes with the change of software.
UPDATE 1140z: Just G spots so far (TX and RX) on 6m JT65 today.
UPDATE 2120z: Es on 6m from Scandinavia and Spain. I have now swapped to JT65-HF to see if the "ghost" signal goes with the change of software.
10m WSPR disappointment
Just a couple of 10m WSPR spots from Europe overnight. Although probably a blip of Es these could be tropo or aircraft reflections. So far this morning, not a single 10m WSPR spot since the early hours.
Sunspots and 10m - Fri July 8th 2016
Solar flux is 84 today (up a little). Sunspot number is 25 (K=3) and the forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor". It is a long time now since I have been spotted a long way away on 10m by F2.
7 Jul 2016
Newmarket - NOT amateur radio
This pedestrianised shopping area in Newmarket was once called "The Rookery" but it is
now called "The Guineas". There are horses everywhere! Newmarket is the
home of horseracing. We do most of our food shopping here.
No Es here?
This is the first day this season when I have seen no European spots at all here on 10m WSPR or 6m JT65. There may have been Es around, but not here. Things can still change and the kit is still running on both bands. 10m WSPR has been particularly disappointing.
UPDATE 1930z: Just one 10m WSPR spot by GM4WJA (624km) may have been Es. This was at 1700z today.
UPDATE 1930z: Just one 10m WSPR spot by GM4WJA (624km) may have been Es. This was at 1700z today.
An OFCOM report prepared by an old work colleague
See This report for OFCOM (dated Nov 2015) was prepared by PA Consulting. My old work colleague, Simon Tonks, was involved according to LinkedIn.
UK Conservative Party Election - NOT amateur radio
I have never voted Conservative in more than 40 years but I am very pleased that Michael Gove has been eliminated. In the last few weeks he has, in my view, acted really badly and he has been hosted by his own petard. In my view he deserved all he got. Let us hope he is not in the new Cabinet.
Although not a great supporter of Theresa May, I think she is the best choice for Prime Minister of the UK as we move to leave the EU. She voted to remain in the EU, but is likely to unite the Conservatives.
Interesting times.
Although not a great supporter of Theresa May, I think she is the best choice for Prime Minister of the UK as we move to leave the EU. She voted to remain in the EU, but is likely to unite the Conservatives.
Interesting times.
AES closes
A large USA dealer has closed according to a message from Steve G1KQH. As I have said many times, we are (in the main) an ageing population of radio amateurs and it is quite likely other dealers will close within the next few years. I fear for some UK dealers and some magazines. Unless more young people are attracted, the dealers will go, the magazines will get less revenue from adverts and the magazines will shrink and go too.
What attracted many of my generation into the hobby does not hold true today. To young people today video messaging around the world is commonplace. Young people get "turned on" by different things.
Our hobby will be very different in 20 years.
What attracted many of my generation into the hobby does not hold true today. To young people today video messaging around the world is commonplace. Young people get "turned on" by different things.
Our hobby will be very different in 20 years.
10m WSPR
As yet, no spots of my 10m 500mW WSPR beacon, although it is very early. Certainly no Es spots on 10m as yet. No G spots either. It is a pity I cannot use JT65 on both 10m and 6m at the same time.
Sunspots and 10m - Thurs July 7th 2016
Solar flux is 77 today. Sunspot number is 11 (K=3) and the forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".
No luck on transatlantic 6m DX
Overnight, I see that some Europeans were answering Canadian CQs on 6m JT65. Nothing was copied here sadly on 6m and I was not spotted "over the pond". The gear is still running and I remain hopeful. So far this morning just G spots on 6m and no Es as yet.
UPDATE 0925z: A 6m JT65 spot of me by MM0AMW (520km) is unusual. This seems too close for Es and too far for tropo or aircraft.MM0AMW Loc IO75EJ
UPDATE 0925z: A 6m JT65 spot of me by MM0AMW (520km) is unusual. This seems too close for Es and too far for tropo or aircraft.MM0AMW Loc IO75EJ
6 Jul 2016
10m Es - nothing special today (so far)
All of the 10m Es spots have been scattered around Europe, with nothing remotely "DXy" here so far. No signs here of spots from the Americas for example.
I'll leave things running on 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 just in case. Sadly, I cannot listen with the 10m WSPR beacon, well not on the same rig. The FT817 and PC are tied up with 6m JT65 and WSJT-X V1.6. The stand-alone 10m WSPR beacon (500mW) randomises TX frequency, but is 100% TX. On 6m it is looking for others half the time.
I'll leave things running on 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 just in case. Sadly, I cannot listen with the 10m WSPR beacon, well not on the same rig. The FT817 and PC are tied up with 6m JT65 and WSJT-X V1.6. The stand-alone 10m WSPR beacon (500mW) randomises TX frequency, but is 100% TX. On 6m it is looking for others half the time.
More 6m Es
JT65 is showing there is Es on 6m this evening (see map). I am still amazed by the spot of UN7TW (5214km) this morning. It is such a long way!
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JT65 on 6m today |
Yahoo oddity
Recently I had great difficulty approving members of my VHF AM Yahoo Group. I was using Firefox, which I'd been using for years. Changing to Microsoft Edge and I had no problems at all and they were approved in seconds. I am using Windows 10. I wonder if anyone else has had similar issues? Odd.
Best DX on 6m JT65 for some years
UN7TW (5214km) in southern Kazakhstan (MN52 square) was spotted on 6m JT65 earlier today. This is a very long way for a VHF band! A reminder that I am just using a V2000 vertical omni antenna, so nothing special. It bodes well for transatlantic 6m reception. I assume this was some form of Es.
Early morning 6m JT65
It is now 0926z. Already I have had several G spots of my 1W ERP 6m JT65 beacon and I have spotted several G stations here. I assume these are either tropo or aircraft reflection. Best DX on 6m RX here is G0VUH (157km). Best DX on 6m JT65 TX is G1IDZ (182km). As yet, no Es seen here on 6m.
Early 10m Es
I did a resync of the 10m WSPR beacon before breakfast. There was early Es on 10m WSPR this morning with Danish stations spotting my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon.
UPDATE 0954z: Es spots from all over Europe now.
UPDATE 1028z: Some of the 10m spots are from Holland. If Es, this is very short skip suggesting Es possibly as high as 2m. It is possible these are tropo or aircraft reflections. I think Es is more likely as aircraft reflections are usually accompanied by lots of Doppler and the aircraft have to be in the right place for quite a long time with WSPR.
UPDATE 0954z: Es spots from all over Europe now.
UPDATE 1028z: Some of the 10m spots are from Holland. If Es, this is very short skip suggesting Es possibly as high as 2m. It is possible these are tropo or aircraft reflections. I think Es is more likely as aircraft reflections are usually accompanied by lots of Doppler and the aircraft have to be in the right place for quite a long time with WSPR.
Sunspots and 10m - Wed July 6th 2016
Solar flux is 77 today. Sunspot number is 23, not zero as it has been for quite a while. K=1 but the forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor". Luckily there is 10m Es.
More from OFCOM
See More exciting stuff from OFCOM. Gosh, this is so exciting that I find it hard not to lose sleep.
5 Jul 2016
10m Es WSPR
Today was not (so far) the best day on 10m for Es, although I have received 26 reports from across Europe. Looking at the reports the Es seemed to favour more northerly stations with nothing so far from southern Europe today.
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10m WSPR spots received so far today |
2m UKAC tonight
As this is the first Tuesday of the month, it is the 2m UK activity contest this evening. With VHF NFD last weekend I wonder what activity will be like? As usual, I shall go on for a while until I have to stop because of my poor voice. Usually I manage an hour or less in the AL section running 5W and an omni antenna.
UPDATE 2210z: 8 contacts made with best DX G5BBL/P at 221km. Conditions were up. Good turnout with GM, GW, F, ON and PA heard.
UPDATE 2210z: 8 contacts made with best DX G5BBL/P at 221km. Conditions were up. Good turnout with GM, GW, F, ON and PA heard.
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Stations worked (5W and omni antenna) on 2m SSB tonight |
Grandchildren gone home - NOT amateur radio
We had the "London" grandchildren here last night and today as their school teachers were on strike. We had a picnic in the Abbey Gardens at Bury-St-Edmunds and played crazy golf.
6m JT65 today
At the moment, it looks like there were fewer Es openings on 6m today. Most of my spots were from Gs although I was spotted in Poland this morning (1W ERP JT65) and I have spotted stations as far away as Eastern Ukraine in the form of UR5MED (2692km).
Sunspots and 10m - Tues July 5th 2016
Solar flux is 73 today and again the sunspot number is zero (K=1). The 10m F2 propagation forecast is "poor" again.
4 Jul 2016
SAQ yesterday
Although I did not try to listen for SAQ (17.2kHz CW on VLF) yesterday I wonder who did? It was received in Russia and is a good test of your VLF system. Although they have a lot of power and big antennas it can be a challenge to receive them.
July 4th - NOT amateur radio
If I am not mistaken, today is a national holiday in the USA to celebrate independence of the 13 original USA states from the UK in 1776. I am sure if they wanted to join the UK they would be welcome!
The UK voted recently to leave the EU. Time will tell whether this was a good move or a bad one. We probably have more in common with the USA than the rest of Europe. Certainly we share a common language.
I like Europe but am not a great fan of the EU as an institution. Like many, in many nations, I am happy with a common market but not a federal Europe. The EU has sadly become an inefficient institution which has not added a lot of value in recent years. Although I voted REMAIN, I am not surprised we voted to LEAVE. It is now up to us to forge our way in the world. In some ways being outside the EU is not so bad.
The UK voted recently to leave the EU. Time will tell whether this was a good move or a bad one. We probably have more in common with the USA than the rest of Europe. Certainly we share a common language.
I like Europe but am not a great fan of the EU as an institution. Like many, in many nations, I am happy with a common market but not a federal Europe. The EU has sadly become an inefficient institution which has not added a lot of value in recent years. Although I voted REMAIN, I am not surprised we voted to LEAVE. It is now up to us to forge our way in the world. In some ways being outside the EU is not so bad.
Disappointing Es so far today
With just 3 Es spots on 10m WSPR all day and just G spots on 6m JT65, today has been disappointing for Es. Even with 500mW and my indifferent antenna on 10m, I still get decent reports, but I guess there was not much Es about today. A "bad hair day".
There was a little Es on 6m earlier as I spotted an Italian but, so far, no Es spots of my 1W ERP on 6m.
There was a little Es on 6m earlier as I spotted an Italian but, so far, no Es spots of my 1W ERP on 6m.
Transatlantic on 6m?
Last night I spotted Italians and Finns on 6m JT65 calling "CQ USA" or "CQ NA". I spotted, and was spotted by, nothing from across the Atlantic. I presume some were luckier or just plain hopeful!
This morning all is quiet here with just G spots on 6m JT65 and no spots at all on 10m WSPR.
UPDATE 1114z: No 6m Es seen here yet. My best DX is a spot by G1IDZ (182km). This is either aircraft reflection or tropo.
This morning all is quiet here with just G spots on 6m JT65 and no spots at all on 10m WSPR.
UPDATE 1114z: No 6m Es seen here yet. My best DX is a spot by G1IDZ (182km). This is either aircraft reflection or tropo.
Sunspots and 10m - Mon July 4th 2016
Solar flux is just 72 today and we have yet another day with the sunspot number at zero (K=3). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation is, not surprisingly, "poor". So far, no Es on 10m or 6m here.
3 Jul 2016
QRP and QRP Club
More from Oleg:
Dear Club 72 members and friends,
72 QRP Net (Rendez-Vous) weekly report (June 27 to July 3, 2016)
Visitors of the week: UA1ASB, SV8/LZ1WF, US5ERQ/p, US3EN, UR0ET,
At once SIX operators became Frequenters of the "rendezvous" -
See full Visitors and Frequenters lists at Club 72 web page -
Comments and photos of "rendezvous" -
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
Dear Club 72 members and friends,
72 QRP Net (Rendez-Vous) weekly report (June 27 to July 3, 2016)
Visitors of the week: UA1ASB, SV8/LZ1WF, US5ERQ/p, US3EN, UR0ET,
At once SIX operators became Frequenters of the "rendezvous" -
See full Visitors and Frequenters lists at Club 72 web page -
Comments and photos of "rendezvous" -
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
France v. Iceland UEFA 2016 - NOT amateur radio
As hosts I want France to win the football, but I have the greatest respect for little Iceland. We had one of our best holidays ever in Iceland a few years ago. It was a beautiful place, and nothing like as barren as we had expected. There were lupins everywhere and the people were kind and friendly. At halftime France were 4:0 up so it looks like France will win.
See .
See .
Yet again, I almost forgot this! I was prompted by a Facebook post by the Cambridge Club. I have just been on (5W and a 2m omni antenna) to give away a few points. Because of my poor voice I was not on long but my best DX was G4RFR/P (250km) in IO80ST on 2m. I worked G3PYE/P (local) on 70cm with my 2m halo. The contest runs until 1400z today.
10m WSPR and 6m JT65 and Es
Both 10m and 6m have shown clear signs of Es propagation. I am getting better results on 6m JT65 than WSPR on 10m. I think this is just due to usage. Moving to JT65 was definitely the right move on 6m. Though theoretically not as good as WSPR, it seems to get more reports. Maybe the 1 minute TX cycle helps with JT65? I am still awaiting transatlantic spots on 6m, although I have been spotted in the Caribbean on 10m WSPR by Es.
Sunspots and 10m - Sunday July 3rd 2016
Solar flux is 71 today. Sunspot number is again zero (K=2) and the forecast for 10m propagation is "poor" again. Luckily there is Es on 10m and 6m at this time of year.
2 Jul 2016
2m UKAC activity contest - advanced warning
As next Tuesday is the first Tuesday in July, it will be the 2m leg of the RSGB's activity contest. It runs from 1900-2130z (8pm to 10.30pm UK clock time). I run QRP (5W) to a big-wheel omni (3dBD) antenna. Usually my best DX is around 200km, but this depends on who is active and conditions. Last month I managed further. At this time of the year we are likely to have more portables out on hilltops. Usually I stop after about 1 hour as my voice is not good. Activity levels are usually good. It is a good way to work a few new squares even if you don't like contests.
Old flint tower - NOT amateur radio
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Close-up of the church tower at Merton |
Best 6m DX
Although I have had only 2 stations spotting me all day on 10m WSPR, I have had much better results on 6m JT65. Best DX on 6m today (so far) is a spot by OH8ETB (KP35 2057km) by Es.
I wonder if this station works in Oulu? I went there for work many years ago and was surprised to see the ice in May! We flew to Oulu from Helsinki, a city I liked.
I wonder if this station works in Oulu? I went there for work many years ago and was surprised to see the ice in May! We flew to Oulu from Helsinki, a city I liked.
Church blog updated - NOT amateur radio
After quite a break, I have just updated the East Anglian Churches blog to include Merton, St Peters near Watton in Norfolk. See . This is a very typical lonely, locked, Norfolk church with a round tower. Quietly beautiful.
Sunspots and 10m - Sat July 2nd 2016
Solar flux is just 71 today with yet another day with zero sunspots. K=2 and the forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor". Thankfully there is Es about.
The sunspot number and solar flux are now well down on the peak, which was poor. The next peak is expected to be lower still. See .
The sunspot number and solar flux are now well down on the peak, which was poor. The next peak is expected to be lower still. See .
JT65 on 6m - another surprising day
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Spots on 6m JT65 (1W ERP) to mid evening last night |
1 Jul 2016
UEFA 2016 and Wales - NOT amateur radio
Although not a great football fan, I watched Wales beat Belgium 3:1 to reach the semi-finals. Unlike England (who were beaten by outsiders Iceland), Wales played well. By contrast England were hopeless! Well done Wales - you deserved to win.
Anglesey Abbey - NOT amateur radio
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Young rabbit |
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Damsel Fly |
anglesey abbey
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