My 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was turned on about 1830z. So far, at 1848z, 6 stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 2212z: 11 stations have spotted me this evening.
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
My 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was turned on about 1830z. So far, at 1848z, 6 stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 2212z: 11 stations have spotted me this evening.
My 2.5W 8m FT8 was turned on after lunch. So far (at 1442z) local spots by G4WSZ (12km), but no DX.
UPDATE 1500z: First transatlantic 8m spot today by WW1L (4976km).
For several days, my beacon, with the PA off, was operating without an antenna because of a coax fault. Today, I repeated the 500uW WSPR test (with the beacon PA off), but with the antenna! I was copied, quite well, in Italy. According to my TinySA spectrum analyser the power is 500uW. According to the report I could have been copied at 100uW or less with a low RX noise floor. My beacon is hard programmed to report 0.5W, even though it was producing 0.5mW for this test.
Even though the beacon is hard coded to report 0.5W, it was actually 0.5mW |
Solar flux is 171 and the SSN 164 . A=5 and K=1.
My 10mW ERP WSPR was turned on at about 1715z. So far, at 1746z, 4 stations have spotted me. On recent nights, I have not had spots from really distant Europeans. I wonder if this conditions?
Today, we had our first real frost. We had one the day before, but not as cold. We are more used to mild weather these days, but today is bitter for us. It is about +2 degrees Celsius maximum, which is cold for here in the daytime. I can hear readers in Canada and Scandinavia saying," you think that is cold?". It is sunny and bright, so I don't mind the cold.
My 2.5W was turned on at 0916z. So far spots from local G4WSZ (12km).
UPDATE 1201z: Spotted by G7PUV (158km) too.
UPDATE 1425z: 6 stations have spotted me including 2 in Florida, USA and 2 in the Caribbean.
UPDATE 1433z: ZF1EJ was getting my 2.5W 8m FT8 at an amazing +21dB S/N. I don't think I have ever had a report this strong, from anywhere!!
My beacon is back to full power (500mW). It was turned on at 0914z. So far (at 0919z) no spots.
UPDATE 1230z: No spots at all, despite a reset on timing. I am suspicious.
UPDATE 1345z: My coax was open circuit - now fixed. It means my 500uW tests these last few days were invalid, so I may repeat these.
UPDATE 1348z: 5 immediate spots. The PA has been working into an open circuit all morning!
UPDATE 1356z: At 1354z I turned the beacon PA off so the output is about 500uW. This time, I have an antenna connected!!
UPDATE 1530z: No spots with 500uW. I shall run at this power if I am around. Interesting test.
Solar flux is 182 and the SSN 130. A=7 and K=2.
After several days without success, I shall end my experiment later today. I have had success in the past, but not this time.
Tomorrow, if I use my 10m WSPR TX beacon, I shall turn the PA on again and run the full 500mW.
My 2.5W 8m FT8 to the low dipole has been on since mid-morning. Yet again, my signal has been spotted in the Caribbean. In the last 2 days I have had 8m FT8 exchanges with both ZF1EJ and PJ4MM. In all today, my 8m FT8 signal has been spotted by 7 stations with 5 "across the pond".
Whilst I am sure a small beam, higher up, and more power would help, this proves to me that even 2.5W can make it when F2 conditions are good.
In the UK there is a row growing about the return to Greece of the Elgin Marbles . These were originally in the world famous Parthenon.
In my view these should be returned.
Although I stand to be corrected, these were essentially stolen! My suggestion is a copy of these should be made and displayed (this has been done before e.g. the Alfred Jewel in the Ashmolian Museum in Oxford). Their proper home is in the Parthenon in Athens, which is visited by millions.
Around the sunspot maximum we can see the MUF going much higher than we are used to. Take for example the 8m band, which is allocated to the Amateur Radio service in some countries and available to some on an experimental basis. Quite regularly, my 2.5W 8m FT8 is copied in the Caribbean, USA and Canada. This is on 40.680 MHz USB dial. This suggests the MUF is probably at 41 MHz quite often even on E-W paths. The MUF is usually higher on N-S paths.
For a long time, I have been advocating that 5 kHz at 8m be made available to the Amateur Radio service, narrow digital modes only, strictly non-interference, secondary, in the ISM band, low power, by application only. I can see this only really appealing to true experimenters. It would appear the FCC and OFCOM (and the RSGB) are dead against, but I struggle to understand why when so much propagation research could be done. Even it permits were limited to around the solar maximum it would be useful. Instead, in the UK we have to pay to do research - total madness and stupidity.
My son had Asian Eggs Royale, which is like Eggs Benedict, but with gin and salmon (see photo).
Overnight I was spotted by 12 stations when using my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode “antenna “ in the ground.
Solar flux is 182 and the SSN 159. A=7 and K=2.
Around teatime, I QSYed to 630m QRP WSPR with my 10mW ERP from my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. At 2030z, 7 stations had spotted me.
The BBC reports that New Zealand is to reverse moves which (hopefully) would have phased out smoking. They have supposedly done this to fund tax cuts. This would appear to be a step backwards. I do not know all the facts.
My 2.5W 8m FT8 was turned on at about 1025z. So far, spotted by nobody.
UPDATE 1208z: Spotted by EI9KP (649km) and G4WSZ (12km).
UPDATE 1338z: ZS3/V51PJ (9081km) has just been spotted.
My 10m WSPR TX beacon remains on with the PA turned off. According to my TinySA spectrum analyser the power is about 500uW. After several days I have still to be spotted.
UPDATE 1100z: It worked at 50mW and has worked in the past at 500uW, but I think conditions have to be exceptionally good for it to work at this power level, especially with higher RX noise floors these days. I shall probably return to QRO for me tomorrow (500mW!!).
This morning I received another (near incomprehensible) email from Google. It was about video policy on AdSense. As with all things Google why use 3 words when 23 will do!! I think those in charge of communications at Google need to go on a plain English course.
I look like a Far East tourist, but they have their uses when trying to get everyone on.
Solar flux is 180 and the SSN 169. A=10 and K=2.
Where did 2023 go?
Earlier this year I bought a 2W 23cm transverter and my intention was to go /P in some UKAC activity contests. I have not been out /P once! Maybe in 2024?
On EI7GL's blog, there is some encouraging news about the 23cm band.
My 10m WSPR beacon is again on with the PA turned off. Unsurprisingly, no spots.
My gear was turned on about 1225z. So far ZS3/V51PJ spotted on RX and G4WSZ (12km) on TX.
UPDATE 1727z: 3 stations in Europe spotted my 2.5W 8m FT8 today (see map).
This was a neighbour's garden last week. His grass is still growing. My grass could do with one last cut.
Solar flux is 176 and the SSN 179. A=14 and K=1.
My QRP station was turned on at about 1945z. So far, a spot by G6AVK.
At about 1300z my 8m QRP FT8 was turned on. So far spots by 9 stations (see map). Good F2 conditions. Probably my best day ever on the band with both Europe and the Caribbean stations spotting me.
In the last few days (until today) I had given up on 8m. Today, I am back on the band and have been spotted by 4 stations including 2 in the Caribbean. F2 conditions appear to be quite good still. It is worth keeping an eye on propagation including the MUF.
After a few days not on 8m, I am back on with 2.5W and the dipole. Already spotted by G4WSZ (12km). I see an ON was spotted across the Atlantic yesterday.
UPDATE 1148z: Also spotted by EI9KP (649km) on 8m FT8.
UPDATE 1430z: Spotted by 3 stations today. Furthermost was HI0SDR/3 (7008km) in the Caribbean. On RX 2 S.Africans spotted here.
Once again, my beacon is on 10m QRPPP WSPR with the PA turned off with an output of about 500uW. For several days, no spots. A good experiment and I live in hope!
UPDATE 1043z: Still no spots, although I am not surprised.
OFCOM is consulting on shared access to spectrum for high speed internet access at microwaves. See the OFCOM website for details. Closing date for inputs is early February.
Solar flux is 194 and the SSN 176. A=7 and K=1.
Saturday Nov 25th - Wiltshire Winter Radio Rally, Kington Langley, SN15 5NJ. Contact
My 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground has been on since teatime.
UPDATE 2220z: 7 stations have spotted me so far. All are UK.
Yet again, I have had my beacon running with the PA off so the output is about 500uW. So far, and I suspect all day now, no spots.
My system (2.5W to the V2000 vertical omni) has been on for hours, with no spots at all on RX or TX. It would appear there is nobody on unless there is Es or F2 about.
UPDATE 1720z: No spots all day. QSYing shortly to 630m QRP WSPR.
Solar flux is 190 and the SSN 174. A=30 and K=1.
My 10mW ERP 630m WSPR was turned on about 1620z. So far, no spots of me on TX. Just M0FMT (51km) spotted on RX.
UPDATE 1716z: 2E0ILY/KIWI (209km) has spotted me three times.
This is a view on one of the quieter sides.
At the moment, I am on 2m FT8 with 2.5W to the big-wheel omni antenna. Already 4 spots. after 10 minutes or so.
UPDATE 1445z: So far today (as the map shows) my 2.5W 2m FT8 using the big-wheel omni has been spotted by 11 stations with the furthermost GI6ATZ (479km).
In the end, I decided to continue my 500uW 10m WSPR tests with my beacon. Although it is pre-programmed to report 0.5W to WSPRnet, the PA is turned off so the actual beacon output is 500uW. Any spots at all would be a bonus. The beauty of the beacon is it just runs in the background. No spots!
UPDATE 1655z: No spots all day at 500uW.
Solar flux is 172 and the SSN 138. A=18 and K=5.
My 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was turned on about 2133z. So far this evening, 3 stations have spotted me.
Using my big-wheel omni antenna, I have been on 2m FT8 since about 0830z. So far, 4 spots today.
UPDATE 0947z: Now GI6ATZ (479km) spotting me. Too easy, even with 2.5W and an omni antenna! I am still unsure if this is aircraft reflection or troposcatter. The reports (decent) suggest aircraft.
0.5mW seemed too low yesterday (no spots), so this morning I am trying 10m WSPR TX at 50mW. I am doing this by running my 0.5W beacon directly into a 10dB attenuator. The beacon was turned on about 0830z. My WSPRnet reporting will still say 0.5W (programmed into the beacon), but the actual power is 50mW. 2 stations already spotting me.
Solar flux is 157 and the SSN 127. A=5 and K=3.
My QRP 630m WSPR was turned on at about 1730z. So far, spotted by 3 English stations.
UPDATE 1940z: Spotted by 5 stations this evening. All these are in England.
With no reports today at all, it would seem 500uW is too little to be copied unless conditions are very good. Tomorrow, I might try with 50mW output, i.e. with the PA turned on and an external 10dB attenuator right on the output of the beacon.
This was at the entrance to a big furniture store in nearby Bury-St-Edmunds earlier today.
In all, 14 stations spotted me with the furthermost the north of Scotland. No spots on 10mW ERP from outside the UK this session.
My 2.5W to the big-wheel omni was turned on about 0930z. So far, spotted by 4 stations.
What happened in Israel on October 7th was horrific. Whilst the revenge sought by Israel is understandable, one has to see the wider picture.
Just bombing the Gaza strip and denying many innocents the basic essentials of life just stokes yet more hatred. What is needed is justice on all sides. Arabs have to accept Israel's right to exist and Israel has to respect its Arab neighbours. This includes the Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank.
Hatred, where ever it comes from has no place in the world today. Everyone, of whatever race, colour or creed has the right to live in peace. We all have a duty to respect our differences .... peacefully.
Our 16 year old grandson has just had his heart broken over a girl. We have all been there. At the time it feels like the world stops and nothing else matters.
All we can do, as can his dad and mum, is love and listen without being judgemental. It is hard. Those teenage years are difficult ones.
For a very brief time before turning my QMX+ off, I went on 6m FT8 for about a minute. In all, 3 English stations spotted me.