17 Feb 2011

HE3OM on 137.7kHz this evening

HE3OM (Switzerland) is currently active during February using an old broadcast antenna 125m long vertical. Signals in Europe are very strong despite an ERP of just a few watts. This was the QRSS3 copy this evening using Spectran and receiving on a pair of untuned earth electrodes 20m apart directly into the FT817 which is deaf at 136-137kHz, i.e. no matching and no preamps.

16 Feb 2011

70.210MHz test with M0AFJ

M0AFJ's 4m CW at 75km tonight
This evening I did a test with M0AFJ in Milton Keynes about 75km west of me on 70.210MHz SSB and CW. Tim was using 80W to a 5el and I was using about 800mW into my loft dipole. M0AFJ was quite reasonable copy at times (see Spectran image of his CW - about 20dB over the noise) but Tim thinks, at best, he just copied the odd fragment of my transmission. With 20dB difference between us the result was not unexpected. I appreciated Tim trying though as I have now copied 3 stations on the band G6ALB (3km), GB3BAA (89km) and M0AFJ (75km).

15 Feb 2011

4m transverter schematic

70MHz (4m) 1W pep transverter
The schematic of my QRP transverter for 4m (70MHz) is attached here and is also available on my website. Can't promise there are no errors but this is close to the real circuit as implemented. If anyone fancies having a go at this please remember this is a starting point and some optimisation of components and tuned circuit values may be needed with spreads in parts etc. As far as I am concerned this project is now complete and I have taken it as far as I want to for now.

14 Feb 2011

My first 4m QSO this evening

Using my 70MHz homebrew transverter I managed my first ever 4m QSO using my own callsign this evening. I worked G6ALB on 70.2MHz SSB first and then we QSYed to 70.26MHz for an AM and an FM QSO. Reports both ways over our 3km path were fine even though we were cross-polarised. We invited others to join us, but no-one else was about. Years ago (1968) I did work ZB2VHF on 70.26MHz AM when running 4W from our university club station G3OUL.

Signs of springtime

My wife Lis with the snowdrops and aconites
Today my wife and I went for a walk to a quiet spot not far from here where we go every year about this time. At last there are signs of spring in the air with masses of white snowdrops and yellow aconite flowers. Winter is nearly done.

Look at those sunspots!!!

This morning the sunspot count is at 84 with a solar flux level 107, the first time I've seen these figures in very many years. Already PA0O is being spotted by VK2KRR on the 10m band using WSPR. If numbers like these start to become more common, as they should  during the climb up cycle 24, then 10m will be back to its old form with worldwide DX almost every day. Yippee!

13 Feb 2011

Simple Sideband QRP 10m transceiver started

A long overdue project of mine is a QRP 10m simple sideband (DSB) transceiver. Having got the 4m transverter working (circuit to follow) I'm now starting work on this project in time for the summer sporadic-E season. A website to track progress on this has been started. See a Simple Sideband 10m Transceiver. With any luck this will be breadboarded by mid-March. I have included lots of links to other 10m designs from which ideas will be (or have already been) gleaned.

New record on 30m WSPR

For a change this evening I put my 5W WSPR beacon on 30m (10MHz). To my surprise I got a report from VK7DIK at a distance of 17169km. This is a new distance record for my WSPR exploits. Others have, I know, managed this sort of DX with mW powers, something that I will have to try at some point.

11 Feb 2011

4m transverter boxed and finished (for now)

G3XBM 4m transverter - finished (for now) with 2-3W pep
Another good day today saw the 4m transverter completed and even boxed. I also did the FT817 DC switching mod  to put 5V DC on the antenna pins when on TX. It was easy to do, with care, and made the transverter switching so much easier. Don't understand why it was not there as standard for the sake of 1 capacitor and 1 resistor. The limitations with the current design are:
  • IF breakthrough rejection at 28MHz is not brilliant, as one would expect from a single tuned circuit on the NE602 input. I can change the input to a top coupled pair to help, but will see how it behaves on-air first.
  • LPF on the PA is just a single 3 component Butterworth. At some point I should add another section, but as the drivers/PA are linear all the way through, the 2nd/3rd harmonics should be reasonable already.
  • GB3BAA 4m as received
  • The TX strip has DC power on it even on RX. I need to arrange to switch this off later, but I am not worried that there is another 50mA or so when on RX at the moment.
This evening I have rigged up a horizontal dipole for 70MHz in the loft and am ready to find some locals to work. So far just the 70.016MHz GB3BAA beacon 89km away visible well with Spectran (20dB S/N).

10 Feb 2011

4m QRP transverter progressing well

4m QRP transverter (so far)
Today I got on with the 4m transverter build adding the TX LO buffer, the TX mixer, drivers and PA. Output power is around 2-3W pep from an MRF237 PA device (SD1127 equivalent) I had in the junk box. All seems stable and well. All that now remains is to add the TX-RX switching circuit and put it in a box. At the current rate of progress, and barring disasters (like blowing up the PA - my last MRF237) the project could be completed next week.

9 Feb 2011

DK7FC's report on his 10th VLF test

This is an extract of the note from Stefan to the LF-reflector about his tests last weekend:
"Dear LF/VLF group and further VLF watchers :-)

After another very successful, exciting and fascinating /p VLF experiment i want, as usual, thank all the many (>=24) receiving stations who took the time to arrange a suitable antenna/receiver, PC and to watch the experiment and take some interesting captures. The transmissions took place on 2 VLF bands, 33km (8970 Hz) and 58km (5170 Hz).

So, thanks to TF3HZ, SQ5BPF, G4WGT, G3KEV, Daniele Tincani, G3WCD, G3XDV,M0BMU, G3XBM, OK2BVG, OE3GHB, G4AYT, IK1QFK, DL3ZID, F4DTL, OE5ODL, PA3CPM, PA3FNY, DL4YHF, DF6NM, DJ2LF, DD7PC (bold = 1st positive reception on VLF).

Special thanks to Halldor/TF3HZ who wasn't member of this group before but set up a very sensitive VLF receiver and even a most intersting grabber just by my email request. This is the first VLF detection between DL and TF. My signal appeared at up to 15 dB SNR in 4.5 mHz in 2404 km. This helps a bit to get some imagination how far a transatlantic detection is away.

Sorry to those who tried without success this time, like 4X1RF. The next experiment will come soon, maybe in about one month.

So, see you in the 11th experiment. :-)

Vy 73, Stefan/DK7FC'

8 Feb 2011

HamSphere internet ham radio system

How HamSphere works
When band conditions are poor or you feel like a change, you may like to have a go at a different sort of amateur radio experience by trying HamSphere, which is a virtual ham radio service using the internet to replicate HF bands and operation.

User interface is via a simulated HF transceiver presented on the computer screen. The "feel" of the transceiver is remarkably good. Of course, being an internet based virtual amateur radio system, no amateur radio equipment is needed and no RF is radiated, yet the experience is very close to that of operating a real HF radio on the HF bands. For those unable to operate real radios because of planning restrictions or other problems, this system offers some of the fun of amateur radio again. It is like CQ100, but in my opinion better.

The transceiver uses Java technology and simulates all amateur radio bands from 160 to 6 meters. The software, plus a lot more information about this service, is available from http://www.hamsphere.com/ .  The software works in Windows, Mac and Linux.

Using the system I just had a QSO with ZS4CCM in South Africa. It felt like a real "on air" HF QSO. It's no substitute for the real thing, but fun to use on occasions and when HF conditions are appalling.

6 Feb 2011

DK7FC copied well here on 8.97kHz

After a few false starts and faulty kit, I managed good copy of Stefan DK7FC's signals on 8.97kHz this afternoon with my loop in the garden and this simple preamp into Spectrum Lab running on the PC. S/N was around 5-7dB in a 4.52mHz bandwidth. He was also copied in Iceland at over 2400kms.

5 Feb 2011

JT65A on HF

Having seen the article on how to do this in the latest edition of Practical Wireless, I have installed the software and taken a listen/look. Main issue seems to be that the AGC in the FT817 is fierce and with close-by PSK31 signals it kills the gain of weak JT65A signals nearby. Anyway, it looks a useful mode. For HF use, download the HF tailored version at http://jt65-hf.sourceforge.net/. Not yet had a 2-way QSO but will soon when I've got the hang of this.

DK7FC/P active on VLF this Sunday

Stefan plans to be out with his kite antenna and around 100mW ERP on the VLF bands this weekend from 0700-1630utc transmitting on 3 frequencies starting with 8.970000kHz.  Progress can be monitored on his grabber located 40km from the /P location. I am hoping to copy Stefan on 8.97kHz again as I managed it back in December.

These grabbers will show when he is active:
8.97kHz http://www.iup.uni-heidelberg.de/schaefer_vlf/DK7FC_VLF_Grabber.html .
6.47kHz/5.17kHz  http://www.iup.uni-heidelberg.de/schaefer_vlf/DK7FC_VLF_Grabber2.html

4 Feb 2011

4m transverter - stage 1

4m converter breadboard (2N3904 oscillator and NE602)
This afternoon I breadboarded up my 4m RX converter using a 42MHz 3rd overtone oscillator and an NE602 RF amp/mixer. Surprisingly for me, all worked first time and I was rewarded with the sound of the GB3BAA beacon in Tring on 70.016MHz 90km away using my 10m halo as the antenna for now. Signal levels with this antenna were not great, but heck it works.

Next stage is to breadboard the TX mixer and buffer stages.

E-field probe test on 8.76kHz away from home

G3XBM E-field probe for 8-9kHz
With my 5W QRSS3 beacon on 8.76kHz I went out looking for my signal at the local National trust car park 1.6km from home. On the 80cm loop signals were as expected but on the E-field probe disappointing when compared with the results with G6ALB's signal at the home QTH a few evenings ago. Although I could detect my earth-mode signal using the EFP with it flat on the ground there was no copy with the probe handheld in the air. The e-field probe schematic is attached.

1 Feb 2011

VLF earth-mode success: G6ALB copied at 3km on 8.76kHz

Spectran trace of G6ALB on 8.76kHz at 3km
This evening G6ALB fired up his 8.760kHz earth-mode TX at his home QTH running QRSS3 and 40W into earth electrodes spaced 25m apart. We started listening outside his QTH with a colossal signal, moving to the next village (Reach - about 2km) where the signal was still good copy. Finally we parked up outside my QTH in Burwell exactly 3km from Andrew's TX. Signals picked up in the road with my 80cm portable loop into the tuned preamp were still strong - at least 20dB S/N on QRSS3 (see attached). For some reason I was unable to copy Andrew's signals on my own earth electrode pair: I may have had a fault and need to check why, as I was expecting this to give the best result. Andrew's signal was so strong on the 80cm loop that 12 wpm CW would have been copied. His keyer and 8.760kHz signal were generated using "Direct Digital Synthesis" from a 25 MHz clock using my Digilent Spartan S3 FPGA board.

This is the first time I've received another amateur by earth-mode (conduction). The result suggests much further is possible. Experiments continue!

PA1B analyses my 137kHz WSPR results

Bert PA1B has done some interesting "reverse analysis" of the WSPR reports I've given people. Working back from these you can estimate the lowest levels (in mW) that they could have used and still been copyable with me. This also gives a good guide to the likelihood of these stations receiving my weak signal. It is clear that M0BMU should be able to copy my 50uW ERP signal frequently (which he does) but that I'd need a lot more ERP to be able to get reports from the PA stations or SM6BHZ. See attached table from Bert.

29 Jan 2011

137kHz transverter update

Breadboarded 137kHz 8W transverter (ERP 50uW from antenna)
Simple 137kHz QRP transverter - click for larger image
Today I combined the RX and TX parts of my 137kHz QRP transverter for the first time and all is working although I'm losing a few dB in RX sensitivity at the moment. Copying DL, SM, PA and G stations on WSPR RX. Best DX being 148km on WSPR TX.  Who says LF has to be hard? HI.

28 Jan 2011

DRM - a waste of money?

Does anyone know how much the cash-strapped BBC is spending on DRM transmissions on shortwave ? Also, does anyone actually use a proper SW receiver equipped to receive this mode? Surely this mode is a total waste of money.

27 Jan 2011

4m transverter paper design

Today I have been gathering data and information for my 4m QRP transverter and started on an "on paper" design around an NE602 RX mixer, 2N3904  3rd overtone oscillator, 2N3904 driver(s) and a 2N3866 PA. It is surprising how much can be done on paper before you start by referring to datasheets and on-line RF calculators. I'm wondering if my T50-6 toroids will just stretch to 4m.

26 Jan 2011

500kHz WSPR - a good evening

A decent set of reports this evening with my 1mW ERP WSPR beacon on 500kHz. Best DX DF4PV's report at 597km. Also I copied Gerhard DI2AF's WSPR beacon (just over 800km) higher up the band on 505.13kHz.

25 Jan 2011

FT817 antenna pin: getting a DC voltage on the inner when on TX.

The FT817 does not have a DC voltage change between RX and TX on the antenna connector, unlike the old IC202. This voltage was very useful to switch PAs and transverters. I now know how to modify the FT817 to add this feature thanks to Chris GM4YLN who sent the link http://www.kolumbus.fi/oh5iy/HW/Yaesu.html showing one way to make the mod.. Note in this link the FT817 is wrongly called the FT718. An easier to implement link is shown at http://www.bergtag.de/download/ft817.pdf . Thanks again to Chris for this one too.

4m Chinese Multimode rig and a FT817 successor from China?

There are rumours, apparently with some substance, that a Chinese mulitmode transceiver for 4m may be being designed. This would not be too surprising, although expect some delay between "being designed" and being available in the shops.

Of course, with several Chinese FM handhelds and mobiles now available at competitive prices from 4m - 70cm it can only be a matter of time before a Chinese equivalent to the FT817's successor (yes we are still waiting, waiting, waiting Yaesu!) will hit the streets, and at a knock-out price. It would not surprise me one bit if such a rig appeared before the end of 2011. Once the Chinese realise they have a ready market for quality ham gear then look out Icom, Yaesu and Kenwood as your days may be numbered, seriously.

Poland soon on 4m

70.1 - 70.3 MHz will soon be available to the Polish radio amateur service on secondary basis. The maximum power will be 20W EIRP. Date of release still not known yet.

24 Jan 2011

4m transverter

It is almost certain now that my next project will be a 5W transverter for 4m. This is a band I have never used under my own call and for which I have no gear yet. The design should be straightforward transverting to 10m with the FT817 as the driver. I have started a 4m QRP transverter page on my website to track progress of this build.

22 Jan 2011

No luck with OE3GHB and G3XIZ on 8.97kHz today

Despite having my antenna and receiver system well optimised and running a Spectrum Lab configuration file allowing very sensitive detection (DFCW6000), nothing (so far) was identified from either Gerhard OE3GHB or Chris G3XIZ on 8.97kHz today. So far, the only station I have "seen" on VLF is DK7FC/P back in December. Since then I've improved the set-up. G3XIZ didn't have his "balloon extended" antenna in place, so he could be several dB stronger the next time he tries again.

21 Jan 2011

Austrian VLF tests this weekend

Gerhard OE3GHB hopes to be transmitting on VLF this Saturday (Jan 22nd) on 8.96995kHz (+/- 0.03Hz) starting between 0800-0900z. Although the chances of copying him are low, I will be monitoring and uploading what I see (or do not see) to my VLF grabber which will be active as long as possible this Saturday.

20 Jan 2011

Optical DXing at around 460THz

Until I read the webpage below I didn't know that the record for optical morse DX goes back to 1896 and was an astounding distance of 183 miles using a Heliograph between Colorado and Utah in the USA. This link about the heliograph makes fascinating reading. The heliograph is essentially a keyed mirror that reflects sunlight and uses it to send morse code over long distances.  Modern versions of heliograph mirrors are available on eBay for emergency communications. See for example eBay item 250681260168. A good article about heliographs is on Wikipedia, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heliograph.

Modern amateur optical DXing uses either lasers or high intensity LEDs. There is a piece about this on p51-52 of the Feb 2011 RSGB RadCom in Sam Jewell's "GHz Bands" column with further links including http://www.lasercomms.org.uk/index.htm which looks like a useful resource.  There was also a funny article in the RSGB Bulletin of April 1962 called "Getting Going on Bottom Band".  

Dreamer's Band activity around 8.97kHz

In the last few days OE3GHB and OE5ODL have been testing close to 8.97kHz with their signals (from home QTHs) being received at considerable distances across Western Europe. DK7FC was planning his 10th kite VLF test this weekend but has had to postpone this until Jan 29/30 because of the weather. My grabber is currently looking around 8.97kHz and seeing a strong signal, although I suspect this is a locally generated interferer. See http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15047843/xbm_grab.jpg for the grabber as it updates. This is not on all the time, just when I am testing or listening.

Corporate Greed

I don't usually get political on my blog, but something has incensed me this week. Goldman Sachs, the huge multi-national finance company, has declared huge bonuses for its staff. In the press yesterday it was reported that their staff now have an average salary+bonus package of $430000 a year!  At the same time I've read that they've slashed their corporate charity giving by a large amount. If these figures are correct, then I believe them to be obscene and a prime example of the corporate greed of some big financial institutions. I am not sure how to respond, but want to email their CEO, but haven't managed to find his email address on the swish corporate website!  In the end, such greed cannot be acceptable. This is the sort of behaviour that festered revolutions a century ago: the seeds are there for it to happen again within 10 years when the ordinary man says, "no more".

19 Jan 2011

5mW on 80m - best DX 1310km

80m WSPR with 5mW output
This evening I ran 5mW output on 80m WSPR to see what sort of distance I could achieve. It was quite an eye-opener with lots of reports and some good DX, the best being LA2XPA at 1310km. The report from LA3JJ suggests that almost 1000km would have been possible with 500uW. And it is not as if the antenna here is anything: just 5m of coax to the 10m halo with inner and outer joined together as a vertical and tuned through a tiny T1 auto-ATU!

FT817 lowest power setting at 500mW

Do you know, I've only just realised something about my FT817 having owned it for almost 10 years: as someone pointed out to me, the lowest setting on the FT817 is always 500mW whether on an external supply or internal batteries. For some reason I had believed "1 dash" on the display was 500mW on batteries and 1W on a mains PSU. I just checked and it really is 500mW out.

So, my recent WSPR DX spots with 10mW and 1mW were actually at 5mW and 500uW!

Reverse Beacon Network

Thanks to Mike Rainey AA1TJ for putting me on to this. The Reverse Beacon Network is a revolutionary new idea. Instead of beacons actively transmitting signals, the RBN is a network of stations listening to the bands and reporting what stations they hear, when and how well. It works by using skimmers to check activity and then uploading spots to an internet database much like WSPRnet for WSPR spots. Using it you can see if your signals are making it to a given spotting location.

18 Jan 2011

1mW DXing on 40m

Today I reduced the power from my 40m WSPR beacon TX from 10mW down to just 1mW. The FT817 is run at minimum power setting (1W) then via a 20dB attenuator within a few cm of the antenna connector and then into a 10dB stepped attenuator. My antenna is the 5m coax feeder (inner and outer strapped together) up to my 10m halo and tuned via the Elecraft T1 auto-ATU. The first report received at 1436 today was from DC4FS at 523km (-28dB S/N).

VLF earth-mode tests legal without NoV

Today I received a letter from OFCOM, which clarifies the legality of operating so called "earth mode" (conduction/induction via the ground) experiments at frequencies below 9kHz in the UK. In it, the official from OFCOM stated, "We would not normally issue NoVs for communications using non-wireless telegraphy apparatus/stations i.e.  where you rely only on conducted emissions and where there are no intentional radiated emissions.".

Wanting to check earth mode propagation behaviour at a series of frequencies below 9kHz to see how results compared (earlier tests at 0.838kHz seemed around 10dB better than at 8.76kHz), I asked OFCOM if I needed an NoV extension to be legal. One could reasonably also argue that such through the ground conduction tests at frequencies above 9kHz would also be legal as long as they don't
cause any "Undue Interference to any wireless telegraphy" and one was not intending to radiate.

This sounds a wholly pragmatic answer from a government body.

17 Jan 2011

PA1B's QRPp website

Whilst looking at the links on PC4T's blog I noticed Bert PA1B's excellent website all about QRPp operating with lots of tips on how to produce mW power levels and have real fun on the HF bands.

This has encouraged me to have a go, so I am currently WSPR beaconing on various HF bands using 10mW out from the FT817 via a 20dB attenuator right next to the rig.These were the results from 40m late this afternoon and into the early evening. Encouraging!
Best DX 983km with 10mW in just a few hours!

15 Jan 2011

136kHz RX activity

In the last few weeks I've received 136kHz signals from several different countries and stations:


Certainly my receiving system is now up with the best since adding the tuned preamp. My main drawback is the TX/RX loop's directionality which reduces signal levels in a N-S direction. We just need a lot more stations active on the band, especially on WSPR.

13 Jan 2011

Further 8.76kHz VLF test transmissions today

8.76kHz earth mode tests - best DX 5.1km and 4.75km
Today being mild and dry (for the first time in almost 6 weeks) I decided to do a field test with my improved 8-9kHz tuned preamp and loop antenna. A 5W "earth mode" (through the ground) test signal was emitted on 8.760kHz from the Burwell QTH and I ventured out into the countryside armed with the 80cm loop and preamp to see where the signal could be copied. In addition to my usual test sites at 1.6 and 5.1km I tried other directions and sites today. The map attached shows where signals were received and where no copy was achieved. The signal does seem to travel along the metal water pipes, which must be absent to the east where I assume they must be plastic, at least in places.