26 Jul 2024

OFCOM publications

A reminder that OFCOM publishes a number of publications on a number of subjects that may be of interest to radio amateurs. See the OFCOM website.

In a Cambridge shop window - NOT amateur radio

This was in a shop window in Cambridge today. It was a colourful painting in the Grand Arcade.

6m QRP FT8 (Friday)

15 stations have already spotted my QRP 6m FT8 at 0827z.  Many appear to be Es.

UPDATE 1544z:  119 stations have spotted me today. See map. On RX the furthermost was a station in the Gulf A71VV (5190km).

Sunspots- Friday July 26th

 Solar flux is 167 and the SSN 171. A=9 and K=4.

25 Jul 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

At  about 1805z I QSYed to 6m FT8 from 10m.

UPDATE 1715z:  6 stations have spotted me with furthermost S58P (1247km).

Cartoon - NOT amateur radio


This was shared to me by Steve G1KQH.

Rally this Sunday

 The following has been notified to me. I always advise checking the information is correct.

Sunday July 28th - Wiltshire Radio Summer Rally. Kington Langley, SN15 5NJ.  Contact  Chairman@Chippenhamradio.club .

Punting on the River Cam - NOT amateur radio


A few days ago we went punting on the River Cam in Cambridge as a family.

10m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

My QRP 10m FT8 was turned on around 0845z. 

So far, 8 stations have spotted me with the furthermost V51MA (8640km). 

UPDATE 1545z:  My QRP 10m FT8 has been spotted by 105 stations. Most are in Europe, 1 in Africa, 2 in South America and 4 in Asia. See map of stations spotting me.

UPDATE 1800z:  115 spots of me on 10m QRP FT8 today.

FT8 on CB

 At the moment there are very few monitors on the CB FT8 frequency and nothing has been spotted, so I am about to stop monitoring.