17 Oct 2015

Sunspots and 10m - Sat Oct 17th 2015

Sunspot number is a little better today at 68 (K=3) but 10m propagation is again expected to be "poor". What 10m WSPR will be like today is a guess! I shall be active on 10m and 6m WSPR all day. Yesterday was disappointing with just a few spots by G6AVK on 6m and only DX inter-G on 10m WSPR. G4CUI (172km) was the best report on 10m.

16 Oct 2015

Shortwave interval signals

See http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15047843/SWintervalsigs.mp3

This was flagged by Facebook today as a memory I first posted there in 2011. I have no idea where I first found this. If, like me, you grew up with these then I very much hope you enjoy a little trip down memory lane. Memories of simple shortwave receivers and broadcast DXing. Simple pleasures long before the internet.

Even more Sputniks

More on Sputnik tests...
"Dear Oleg,

I have the same experience...
I used both my Vanguard 40 mW tx and the 1P24 Sputnik tx when I was at the fort but no QSO, no response.

Tomorrow and Sunday Ger, PA3GKX and I will be showing what CW can do on the Fort-Island Pampus using two Pixies to send and receive but only over a short distance for demostration to children that (I hope in large numbers) will visit us. Yesterday we arranged the tables, light etc in one of the rooms and put up a dipole. When time permits we will be QRV with an old army-radio AN/GRC9 on 40 or 30 metres as PA6FAP but I know that most of the time will be used to show how to "send" morse code to old DOS-computers that can decode what is sent with a straight key... A challenge that beats any tablet or iPhone, I can assure you.

On 20 October I will be giving a presentation about the "Sputnik days" in one of the local club meetings, showing all details I collected and of course the transmitters I have used so it seems more true than I expected: Get retired and find out that you have even less spare-time...

72/73 and keep beeping and VVV-ing.

Peter - PA0PJE"

"Dear Space Friends,
New Cosmonaut Alexander US5EVD informed: October 15 he repaired valve
TX  and called CQ on 3560 kHz. EW6FA called Alex but QSO not finished
because battery discharged, sorry. Alex going to try PSU today.
Only two days before Sputnik Days finish, I looking for any comments.

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB"

OFCOM - quango?

I'm not sure why I feel this, but I get the impression that OFCOM (and the FCC?) is filled with bureaucrats who really do not have a real grasp of radio. Certainly in the UK OFCOM has little real interest in amateur radio as it gains no revenue from the service. These days all that seems to matter is money sadly. OK we have gained a few new temporary allocations, but these are in parts of the spectrum where there are no real revenue generating opportunities yet. As soon as OFCOM sees ways of generating a revenue stream, these will go.

For the latest OFCOM pearls see: http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/satellite-filings-15/statement/?utm_source=updates&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=satellite-filings-15-statement . Quango psycho-babble.

No sorry, I think OFCOM serves little real value here in the UK.

Sunspots and 10m - Fri Oct 16th 2015

Sunspot number is much the same at 49 (K=3) and 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor". Yesterday, despite the poor forecast, we saw some useful F2 DX on 10m WSPR, so I remain cautiously optimistic for today. I am active on both 10m and 6m WSPR during the day.  By now, I was expecting almost daily USA openings on 10m WSPR.

More UK Rallies (Scotland and Devon)

The Volunteer Hall, St Johns Street, Galashiels, Scottish Borders TD1 3JX. OT 11.15, £2.50. B&B, TS, C. Jim, GM7LUN, 01896 850 245, gm7lun@qsl.net.

Holsworthy Community College, Victoria Hill, Holsworthy EX22 6JD. TS, B&B, C, DIS. Register at http://harc.postalboard.com/login to make any enquiries. www.radioclubs.net/harc/.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Be careful of USB sticks

Steve G1KQH sent me a link yesterday about a Russian USB stick that kills virtually all devices into which it is plugged in. Apparently it sticks 220v into your device. So the message is only connect known safe USB devices into your PC or phone. This is rare and scaremongering but be safe. Don't forget USB sticks can also be a route in for virus's.

"I don’t fancy one of them up my USB port:

15 Oct 2015

FR1GZ spots me on 10m WSPR

Many times I have found that when 10m is expected to be "poor" I have found just the opposite. As an example FR1GZ (9724km) spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon a couple of times this afternoon. So far, 10m has been "good" for me today. 4X1RF, OZ7IT and FR1GZ - not at all bad, and the day is not done yet!

More Sputniks

From Oleg...

"Dear Space Friends,
bad  condx last days, it is not good for QRPp activity. Even RBNs did
not copied my 50 mW CQs.
Yesterday op. Jozef OM6TC logged QSO with OM3PV with Sputnik clone TX
160 mW on 21060 kc to 30 m LW. Congrats Jozef!
Only  three  days  before  finish  of Sputnik Days. I looking for any
reports, please.

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB"

F2 DX on 10m WSPR

4X1RF (3519km) has spotted my little 500mW 10m WSPR beacon several times this morning. This is a hopeful sign as I think it means we could see more F2 later. I am assuming this was F2.  OZ7IT (853km) has spotted me several times too in the early hours on 10m WSPR.

Another UK Rally


Middleton Leisure Centre, Middleton Ring Road, Middleton, Leeds LS10 4AX. Tables £6 if you bring your own, our tables £12. B&B, C. Tony, G0JVI, 07740 003 159, tonymawson@btinternet.com.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

FTSE 100 - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, the UK FTSE 100 share index is up 0.95% on the day.  A lot can still happen during the day but it is trying to claw back recent losses.

Sunspots and 10m - Thurs Oct 15th 2015

Sunspot number is little changed at 56 (K=3) and 10m propagation is again expected to be "poor". With the solar flux at 100 there is a chance of some DX spots on 10m WSPR. We live in hope.
Unique 10m WSPR spots here so far today

The value of 10m WSPR - overnight success

In the small hours OZ7IT (853km) spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon. I have no idea about propagation. It was probably a fleeting Es opening but it could have been tropo or even aircraft reflection.  He only decoded me once but had I not had the beacon running overnight this opening would have gone unnoticed.  This was the first non-local for several days to spot me on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1057z: OZ7IT (853km) spotted me several times in the early hours.

14 Oct 2015

Quiet 10m

Yet again, 10m WSPR has been very quiet here, at least so far today. Although others may have done better, I have not seen any DX for several days. With climbing sunspots, I expect things may soon change and F2 DX will become commonplace.

Sunspots and 10m - Wed Oct 14th 2015

Sunspot number is a little higher at 58 (K=4) but 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor". After yesterday, I am not expecting much on 10m today but with 10m you can never be really sure! Sunspot count is little changed on yesterday and conditions remain disturbed.

Somewhere I read that solar flux needs to be over 100 for things to really "take off". At the moment solar flux is 95.

New QRP eBook from Australia

News from Steve G1KQH:

"New QRP ebook from VK3YE

73 Steve

13 Oct 2015

FTSE 100 - NOT amateur radio

The UK FTSE 100 share index fell earlier, but seems to be staging a recovery. It may even end the day slightly up. There is still over an hour of trading left and a few shocks could change that!

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/markets/europe/lse_ukx .

UPDATE 2015z:  In the end, the recovery "ran out of steam" and the FTSE 100 closed down 0.45% on the day.

10m doldrums

We seem to be a bit in the doldrums on 10m WSPR. Summer Es is now a thing of the past until next spring, although we will still get the odd opening, and F2 seems yet to become commonplace. There has been the odd F2 opening that my 500mW 10m beacon found, but not the daily USA openings I was expecting by now on 10m WSPR. By the time we get io November I expect daily F2 openings will be commonplace on 10m.

UPDATE 1528z:   Still only local G4IKZ (18km) spotting me on 10m WSPR. Very quiet.

70cm UKAC contest this evening

Starting at 1900z, there is the monthly RSGB 70cm activity contest. This lasts 2.5 hours. Activity levels are usually very high during these events, although I imagine the number of portable stations drop off as the evenings get darker. As usual, I shall be using 5W pep and my 2m big-wheel horizontal omni which matches and gets out quite well on 70cm. The main limitation is my poor voice. Usually less than an hour of operating and I am "done in".

UPDATE 2000z: After a single QSO I called it a night on 70cm. I heard quite a few squares including IO90, IO91, IO92, JO02, JO03, at reasonable distances but my voice was not up for it.  The Leicester 70cm beacon was at normal strength.

Yaesu FT991 issues?

The price is certainly falling for this rig, but quite a few people have expressed disappointment. I cannot comment on these reports. Some are disappointed saying it is, "cheaply made".

This is a trend of our age: I have noticed that M&S underpants are now thinner and not as good. My wife recently bought a coat (not M&S) and this was thinner than the one it replaced.  No, making goods to fit a price seems to be the way things are today, rather than built to last. This says lots about our "consumer society". Things are not made to last any more: they are designed to wear out or fail so we buy new items.

This is a state of affairs that ultimately cannot last.

Sunspots and 10m - Tues Oct 13th 2015

In the last 24 hours there has been very little evident on 10m WSPR here. Today, sunspot number is 51 (K=4) and 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor". To be honest, I am not expecting much today on 10m, but I hope to be pleasantly surprised. You never know...

12 Oct 2015

East Cambs Net - 144.575MHz FM, 8pm Mondays

This evening, I was late joining the net and when I arrived there was no-one on!  Usually there are at least 3 of us on. Maybe some are away. All being well I shall be there on time next Monday evening.

Grass cutting - NOT amateur radio

We are now clearly in autumn and the leaves are starting to fall. Today, I cut our front lawn (rear later all being well) but the intervals between cuts is lengthening as the grass is growing less. One, maybe two, more cuts and that should be it until the spring arrives. I usually give it a small tidy-up if needed on a dry winter day. The first cut of spring is usually March.

As Melanie Reid said in The Times on Saturday (she is tetraplegic since a riding accident in April 2010) there are those that live and those that live in fear. We are not in control, despite our best efforts, so let us all try to be with those who live and embrace all life.

5MHz band?

The next world radio conference (WRC-2015) is drawing close to opening. Worldwide, radio amateurs are hoping for a contiguous 5MHz allocation, rather than the channelised allocations common in many countries. A 60m band would be really useful as the sunspot numbers decline and the higher HF bands become far less useful for DX. Whether this contiguous allocation will happen remains to be seen. Most of the lobbying has been done, so I guess we now have to wait and hope.

Sunspots and 10m - Mon Oct 12th 2015

Sunspot number, although low,  is slowly climbing again and is 36 today (K=3) but 10m is yet again forecast to have "poor" propagation.

So far, just local G4IKZ (18km) spotting my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon (100% TX, randomised frequency), although I'll leave this running all day. 6m WSPR is also running (20% TX, 80% RX 1W ERP).

UPDATE 1137z:  Still just local G4IKZ spotting me on 10m WSPR and nothing at all on 6m either given or received.

11 Oct 2015

MLS FT991 video

MLS have dropped their price to match the competition this weekend, but I expect to see further falls soon They have a nice video introducing this radio.

ICOM IC7300 in RadCom?

My new copy of RadCom is due towards the end of next week. I wonder, if as in PW, there will be a "tight lipped" policy as appears to be the case for all advertising in PW a few weeks ago? You can almost hear ICOM saying, "do NOT sell the IC7300, as this is for NEXT year, if at all".

Certainly the UK selling price of the Yaesu FT991 has, as predicted, dropped some way. This will go lower still in the months ahead. If the IC7300 has had to be delayed (software issue maybe, or are they afraid the lack of 2m/70cm will be a problem, or is there a major design issue, or are they worried about the selling price versus the Yaesu FT991?) this would be a great shame.

I was expecting to see this in the UK by Christmas and selling for less than the FT991. I now have my doubts. The next RadCom may give us some clues.

See http://www.cqdx.ru/ham/new-equipment/icom-ic-7300-hf-50-mhz-transceiver/ .

Illness - NOT amateur radio

This last week, in addition to the problems that remain as a result of my stroke, I was laid low by a nasty stomach bug.  Even now, I am sure this is draining me as I feel even more exhausted than normal. Usually I feel wobbly when walking but the levels of extreme fatigue were easing. I still got exhausted doing physical or mental things for 15-20 minutes or more, but with rest I soon recovered.

These last few days I have lost weight because of my stomach bug and I feel abnormally tired. I have routine doctors appointment on Thursday and I will discuss if there are not signs of things getting back to todays' "normal".

To be honest, I have not felt well for some weeks.

Sunspots and 10m - Sun Oct 11th 2015

Sunspot number is still low at 22 (K=2) and 10m propagation is forecast to be "poor". I see some decent F2 distances are being reported by some in Europe, especially over the equator.

UPDATE 1537z:   Because of family and grandchildren, I have only just turned on the 10m 500mW WSPR beacon. I may have missed the best today. Just local G4IKZ (18km) logging me so far on 10m WSPR.

10 Oct 2015

10m and 6m WSPR so far today

I have been WSPRing on these 2 bands for about 40 minutes so far today.  No success, as yet, but I hope to be on both bands all day. Even some DX inter-G would be of  interest.

UPDATE 1142z:  Although 10m remains quiet, I have spotted M0ICR (90km) and been spotted by G6AVK (78km) on 6m. When my PC closed unexpectedly it left my power on 6m as 5mW, whereas it has been 1W ERP all day om 6m and my 10m beacon (does not use PC) is 500mW.

UPDATE 1400z next day: The M0ICR spots were in error. The settings were NOT for 12 hours but a whole week, and M0ICR was spotted earlier in the last week.

Salcombe Lifeboat Disaster - NOT amateur radio

100 years ago next October, there was a disaster when 13 of the crew of the Salcombe lifeboat were lost at sea. Salcombe is in south Devon, UK.  One of my aunties remembered this when she was a child.  In those days these brave men rowed out in very rough seas.  The RLNI has a book out soon about the disaster. At the time, the event was devastating on Salcombe.

Sunspots and 10m - Sat Oct 10th 2015

With a sunspot number of 11 (K=3) and 10m propagation expected to be "poor" again it looks like we'll need a lot of good luck if 10m and 6m are to be any good. These are magic bands and often I have been surprised on so called "poor" days.

Never give up - on 10m especially! The band may appear dead but really be open and this is where WSPR TXing and RXing will really prove itself - catching openings that would otherwise be missed.

9 Oct 2015

Autumn SPRAT

I always enjoy getting my GQRP Club SPRAT magazine every quarter. It is worth every penny. Every edition has circuits and useful ideas. I have said many times that SPRAT would be the last to go if I had to stop amateur radio mags. Currently I get SPRAT, RadCom and PW. I used to get QST digitally, but stopped this.


Is this real? Are they really coming back? My very first introduction to radio was a Heathkit, so I do hope this is true. At one time Heathkits were the very best. There have been a few false dawns.

See https://shop.heathkit.com/shop .

Another rally in the UK

I have been notified of this rally:

Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 8AL. 

Electronic equipment, amateur gear, components, military radio sets and vehicle spares. OT 10am, TS, C. 

Lucy, 01270 623 353, Lucy@hackgreen.co.uk. www.hackgreen.co.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Sunspots and 10m - Friday Oct 9th 2015

With a sunspot number of 24 this is little changed. K=3 which is a bit less disturbed than yesterday. Propagation on 10m is again forecast to be "poor", although I would soon expect to see regular openings to North America on 10m WSPR. So far, I have only caught just one.

UPDATE 1025z:  Although I have been active, and still am, on both 10m and 6m WSPR, I have drawn a blank so far on both bands. On 10m it is again 100% 500mW TX (frequency randomised) and on 6m 1W TX for 20% and RX 80%.

8 Oct 2015

"Give us a Nadiya" - NOT amateur radio

"I can and I will". 

If you live in the UK and have a TV then the chances are you saw Nadiya, the 30 year old mother of 3 from Leeds, win "The Great British Bake Off" last night. She was the delightful girl who wore the world on her face and in her eyes. Her expressions of sadness and joy were just wonderful. She deserved to win, although they were all good.  All day my wife has been saying, "give me a Nadiya" whenever I have been pathetic with my stomach bug. Perhaps this will become an expression?

Wouldn't it be good if our politicians could let their guards down and show us the real people behind their facades? Go on David Cameron, UK Prime Minister, "give us a Nadiya".

See http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2015/oct/08/great-british-bake-off-nobel-prize-acceptance-speeches-nadiya-hussain .

The image below is at http://ichef.live.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/1376xn/p034mtz9.jpg and NOT on this blog. The link and image will be removed if showing it is a problem.

Great post! - like heck!

Well, being human, I can spot these a mile away these days. You read on a bit more and see it refers to an old post and goes on to advertise something. It has nothing at all to do with the post. Thankfully "dodgy" comments go to my email and simply get deleted before they appear on the blog.

Should you see any comments, especially on older posts, that got through, please let me know so I can delete.

If you are a spammer - get lost - play your silly games somewhere else or jump in a river?  You are wasting your efforts on this site.

10m WSPR - blank here today so far

My 10m 500mW WSPR beacon has been on most of the day. So far, it has been copied by no-one at all, with not even a spot by the locals. I'll leave it running,although I am not too hopeful!

If you are a G why not see if you can spot me by tropo/aircraft? This works, especially when planes are in the right places. Inter-G on 10m is very interesting. Yesterday it was copied in North Devon, which is quite away. The more usual range for G stations by tropo/aircraft is 120-200km away.

Sometimes signals can be strong but will not decode. Other times you may see multiple reflections - 6 is not uncommon. The Doppler just has to be right.