28 Feb 2025

FCC approval of the FTX-1F?

The last I heard was a rumour that the worldwide release of the Yaesu FTX-1F was waiting on the FCC approval.  

Despite this, I am puzzled by the lack of more detailed specs.. Has anyone seen any more detailed specs than those released last summer and any idea of the price? 

There is far more competition than when the FT817 was first released.

Yaesu FT101 restoration

The Yaesu FT101 has appeared in several versions since it first appeared way back. This is part 1 of a restoration project on a very old version.

Spring - NOT amateur radio

Tomorrow is the first day of meteorological spring. 

I always look forward to the first swallows returning from Africa on migration. They usually arrive here in mid April, although they are a bit earlier in Devon.  Swifts, that we see more of, arrive about mid-May. These are often heard screaming before being seen.

The first to arrive in Devon are the sand martins, which usually are seen in Devon mid March. I recall my dad telling me when he first saw some on his golf course.

"Sunsetting" - NOT amateur radio

Google Adsense amazes me. The phrase that they have come up with to say they are ending something is "sunsetting"  which is a way of saying stopping! They always use a turn of phrase that disguises the real meaning, making it sound something good.

So, if you want to say something is stopping, it is "sunsetting"

Cleaning the car - NOT amateur radio

Our neighbour across the road cleans his car every week. We clean ours when it gets embarrassing.  Judging by the moss, this must have been several months ago! 

Yesterday I washed the car.  😂

Experiment continued - 10mW 10m WSPR (Friday)

Today, I am concluding my experiment with very low power on 10m. Today, I am running 10mW 10m WSPR. Conditions are more disturbed than yesterday. 

UPDATE 1654z:   14 spots of me so far today. I think my experiment has demonstrated that very low power digital modes really do work on 10m. WSPR is better than FT8, but even 10mW of FT8 can be enough, although you need a clear frequency!   Back to QRO (3W HI) tomorrow!

UPDATE 1910z:
19 spots of my 10mW WSPR today.

Sunspots - Friday February 28th

 Solar flux is 170 and the SSN 129. A=32 and K=4.

27 Feb 2025


This is an outlet for Chinese (only?) companies. I find some of their prices remarkable. Often the goods come by air in just a few days. On some items I guess you might have to pay some duty. Even so, their prices are unbelievable.

I suppose the downside is that this kills western manufacturing that cannot compete with labour costs. Making in Europe or the USA we would not be able to compete on price.  Making consumer goods more locally would stoke inflation.

See https://www.aliexpress.com/ .

Two radio rallies this weekend

On Saturday we enter meteorological spring and rallies occur more often. The following have been notified to me, but I always advise to check before going far.

  • Saturday March 1st - The Lagan Valley ARS Annual Rally, Hillsborough, N. Ireland, BT26 6AE. See www.lvars.uk
  • Sunday March 2nd - Exeter Radio Rally, new venue, The Kenn Centre, EX6 7UE.  Contact g3zvi@yahoo.co.uk .

Local club talk, without talking

As mentioned before, tomorrow night (Friday) at 2000z, I am giving a talk on 8m at the Cambridge Radio Club. As my voice is poor, someone else is doing the speaking even though I prepared the slides and notes. We did this last year and it worked. I am sure if you are not a regular CDARC member you would be welcomed as a guest.

See https://www.cdarc.org.uk/ .

10mW 10m FT8 (Thursday)

My gear was turned on at about 0915z. I am using the IC-705 at 3.2% power with a 15dB commercial RF pad right on the output. No spots yet although I am copying plenty of Far East stations on 10m FT8 RX despite the 15dB pad inline. I suspect with QRP you are more likely to be in the (local) noise or underneath a stronger station, so chances go way down. Given a low noise floor and a clear channel I am sure it would be possible at 10mW. As a reminder, my antenna is a low end-fed about 3m above ground. With the antenna higher and/or with a beam better results are assured.

UPDATE 1209z:  Still no spots on 10mW 10m FT8 TX, so I have QSYed in case I am being clobbered. On the evidence so far, 10mW FT8 is just too little. 100mW was fine. As the sunspots decline I think I will use 2-3W FT8 from the QDX on most occasions. It would seem the 10dB more reduction on FT8 TX power makes it hugely harder. I guess WSPR is better as it takes up less bandwidth (less chance of being clobbered) and works with signals far weaker. Maybe I should try 10m WSPR TX tomorrow at 10mW?

UPDATE 1440z:  Spotted by 2 stations when running 10mW 10m FT8. It is much harder at very low power. I suspect it would be far easier on 10m WSPR with its much smaller bandwidth (about 6 Hz rather than about 50 Hz) and far better sensitivity. WSPR can decode signals probably about 10dB weaker than those on FT8.

UPDATE 2144z:   QRT. 10mW 10m WSPR tomorrow.

Healthy breakfast - NOT amateur radio

Mid-week and at weekends I enjoy a cooked breakfast, but I try to eat healthily for breakfasts on other days. 

My typical breakfast is Weetabix with fruit.

Sunspots - Thursday February 27th

 Solar flux is 180 and the SSN 123. A=16 and K=4. 

26 Feb 2025

17m super-DX

 A local friend of mine reports that he has been spotted in South Australia with just 2mW WSPR on 17m. It goes to prove that not much power is really needed!

Really? - NOT amateur radio

"Apple says it is working to fix its speech-to-text tool after some social media users found that when they spoke the word "racist" into their iPhones it typed it out as "Trump."" .

Promise - NOT amateur radio

We are coming to the end of winter and there is a hint of spring: days are getting longer, snowdrops are out and the daffodils are not far behind. 

100mW 10m FT8 (Wednesday)

My gear has been on since before breakfast.The IC-705 power out is set to 1% (100mW).

UPDATE 0920z:   So far, spotted by 17 stations! QRP? Easy!!

Stations spotting my 100mW 10m FT8 at 1320z

UPDATE 1326z:
  78 stations have spotted my 100mW 10m FT8 including many in the USA. I can't say running just 100mW is really such a handicap. 5W sounds like real QRO!! Furthermost is W5LOR (7629km).

UPDATE 1545z:  131 stations spotting me in 5 continents on 100mW 10m FT8. With an external attenuator, I think I can go to 10mW 10m FT8.  Actually with my 15dB attenuator I could go even lower! 

UPDATE  1604z: Just added 15dB pad to output. Output is now 3.2mW. No spots, so this might be too low, especially if clobbered by a stronger station! Lots of stations still being spotted on 10m FT8 RX even with the 15dB attenuator.

UPDATE 2045z:  QRT. No spots at 3.2mW. Tomorrow I shall try 10mW.


 In the summer is a DXpedition to this Pacific island.

Sunspots - Wednesday February 26th

 Solar flux is 180 and the SSN 155. A=16 and K=3.

Amaryllis - NOT amateur radio

We have had amaryllis plants in flower all the time from November and we still have some still to flower!  

My wife made this collage.

25 Feb 2025

Church abuse - NOT amateur radio

It is saddening that the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches in the UK seem to be untrustworthy when it comes to sexual abuse. 

I know personally of one Anglican priest who was moved on to another parish rather than being sacked after having carried out sexual abuse. He carried out abuse against minors (not me!) and was moved to another parish.

It is my view that this sort of thing is widespread and the churches are more concerned about themselves and less concerned about the victims. A similar situation seems to be the case in the Roman Catholic church in the UK.

You would hope that all churches could be trusted without question.

In my view any safeguarding investigations absolutely must be independent.

Windmill in the sunshine - NOT amateur radio

This is the windmill next door to us yesterday. 

The sun came out after lunch. 

We can see it from the breakfast table and from the lounge.

10m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

My IC-705 at 5W was turned on just before breakfast.

UPDATE 0945z:  Spotted by 21 stations with the furtherest South America and Reunion Is..

UPDATE 1430z:  377 stations have spotted my 5W 10m FT8 today. 

UPDATE 1435z:  Turned the power down to 500mW to see what happens on 10m QRP FT8.

UPDATE 1518z:  Even at 500mW FT8, 28 stations have spotted me with about half of these in the USA with one in the west of Canada.

UPDATE 1727z:
   60 stations have spotted my 500mW 10m QRP  FT8 today.

Mindfulness - NOT amateur radio

This is one of those "new age" phrases that many find annoying.

What it is really trying to get you to do is live and enjoy the "now".  We are often crowded out by thoughts and worries in our heads and forget to enjoy the simple pleasures all around us right now. 

Often the most mundane thing is pleasurable, but we are too busy worrying to just enjoy it.

See https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/self-help/tips-and-support/mindfulness/.

Tuesday plans

 Today I think I shall go on 10m QRP FT8. Probably my QRP will span the world. Probably I shall use the IC-705 at 5W. 

Village sign -NOT amateur radio

This was our village sign yesterday. 

It is located on a place called Pound Hill as it was once the location of the village pound where animals found wandering were locked up and released when the owner paid a fine!

It is also the tiny village green.

Sunspots - Tuesday February 25th

 Solar flux is 203 and the SSN 182. A=14 and K=2.

24 Feb 2025

CDARC website

A quick look at the Cambridge Radio Club website showed a photo of me giving a talk. I am doing one later this week on 8m. I prepare the slides, but as my voice is so poor someone else is doing the presentation and speaking!  The photo must be years old as an "in person"  presentation must pre-date my 2013 stroke.

See https://www.cdarc.org.uk/ .

How? ATS-20+ RX

Just now I saw a Chinese RX on Amazon. 

At £44.99 I just cannot see how they do it.  

What is the world coming to? - NOT amateur radio

When my wife was young she took a wolf whistle as a compliment. These days even just a touch is an infringement of civil liberties and is a sackable offence! Get real, please.  I really hope a judge somewhere says, "case dismissed, stop wasting my time".

Yes, everyone regardless of race, sexuality, colour and nationality has a right to be treated properly and with respect, but there is a vast difference between abusing someone and just a friendly and unharmful touch or comment.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce30l5497x2o .

8m QRP FT8 (Monday)

My FT817ND to the low dipole was turned on at about 0915z on 40.680 MHz with a DF of about 1960Hz. 

UPDATE 1017z:  Spotted by a couple of stations in the Canary Is at about 3000km.

UPDATE 1458z:   7 stations have spotted me today on 8m FT8 with the furthermost ZR1ADI (9777km).

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Monday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was turned on at 0914z.  EA8BFK (2880km) and local G4KPX (14km) spotting me.

UPDATE 1019z:  4 stations spotting me with the furthermost ZD7GB (7607km).

UPDATE 1535z:  31 stations spotting me including JW1ITS Jan Mayen  (2945km) in the frozen north. Best DX is a spot from Brazil.

Monday plans

 Shortly, I intend to try 10m QRP WSPR TX and 8m QRP FT8 TX.  The solar forecast is quite promising.

Reach walk - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, we went for a walk at nearby Reach, which is very old. In fact it has a fair charter that goes back to the 1200s. At that time there was already a fair there. In Roman times, it was an important inland port. We stuck to the roads to avoid the mud

Sunspots - Monday February 24th

 Solar flux is 210 and the SSN 186. A=7 and K=2.

23 Feb 2025

The dangers of AI - NOT amateur radio

There is no doubt that AI can be very good at analysing lots of data very fast and can be much better than a human. Large language models are trained and GPT4 is vastly bigger and better than the last version. Mistakes still occur, yet many people believe it is true!

Recently I have seen several things on Facebook that may have been done with AI. The trouble now is telling what is real and what is not. As time goes by, AI will only get better. All I can advice is you take great care and assume anything a person is supposed to have said is AI unless you know for certain it is real.

Latest FTX-1F news

This was recently on the FTX-1F IO group...

"Talked to the folks at the Yaesu Booth, at the Orlando Hamfest, today. They said the FTX-1F was ready to be released, worldwide. The current holdup is type acceptance, by the FCC, here in the United States. They want to release the radio simultaneously, around the world. They said they could not even bring a radio to look at, because it was not type accepted, yet.

Buddy WB4OMG”

What surprises me is that better specs have not been released giving more detail.


4m and 60m

When I briefly owned a Yaesu FT710 I tried 4m FT8 and was copied all over the UK and mainland Europe despite not having a "proper" antenna and loading up my 2m big-wheel via the auto ATU. Outside the Es season activity was very disappointing. I was surprised.

Also, it is a pity we don't have the WARC 60m band like many others. Many are probably put off by the "bitty" nature of the UK allocations. No doubt we share this with the military who keep saying "no". I bet if we look at all the bands kept "just in case" for the UK military, it would be huge chunks of spectrum.

I fail to understand why radio amateurs cannot gain limited secondary access to some of these with very low power, by NoV, and us being asked to go QRT at any time there was heightened tension, war or interference. After all they know our callsigns and location! In the meantime huge swathes of spectrum ripe for experimentation stay fallow.

If you ask me .... stupid.

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

 My gear was turned on about 0730z . 

8m monitors earlier
UPDATE 1505z:  No spots yet. There are more people monitoring 8m FT8, although I think I miss out with just a few watts and a low dipole. I imagine if I had 20W to a Moxon beam I would be copied more easily and more widely.

UPDATE 1954z:   QRT.  Just one station spotted me today EI3KF (574km).

10m QRP WSPR (Sunday)

 My 500mW beacon was turned on about 0730z . 2 stations spotting me at 0822z .

UPDATE 1957z: 
49 stations spotting me today. QRT.

1930s TX


Someone made a very close copy of this 1930s TX for 40m CW.

Sunspots - Sunday February 23rd

 Solar flux is 199 and the SSN 215. A=6 and K=1.

22 Feb 2025


Some like it and some hate it. 

I agree that if you believe amateur radio is about 2-way chats, possibly with stations across the world, then FT8 is not for you.  Also, with FT8 people will not chance upon amateur radio as many of us did on AM years ago.

In my own case, I have little alternative as my voice is very poor these days!  FT8 works with very weak signals and only occupies about 50Hz whereas SSB takes about 2.3kHz. With FT8 exchanges are very basic.

I am "on the fence" over FT8. There is no way without FT8 nearly 900 stations would have copied my 5W on 10m  today. 

At the same time, I really believe modes like FT8 could lead to the end of amateur radio as we know it.


On Amateur Radio Weekly yesterday was a small yagi to extend the range of LORA systems. They were claiming a range of 40km, although I expect that was line-of-sight. LORA is a long range, licence free, data system using spread spread spectrum techniques.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LoRa .

Norwich - NOT amateur radio


Yesterday, I mentioned going to Norwich by train. It is a journey of about an hour. We love Norwich. The photo shows the arrival at the station in Norwich. It is about 1km walk to the splendid Norman cathedral.

Almost spring - NOT amateur radio


After what has seemed like a long, wet and dull winter, today felt more like spring. 

For the first time in months it felt mild outside so much so that I pruned my roses. Every year they grow well for a hard prune early in the year. Opinions vary about when and what to do, but I shall stick with what works.

We have had no snow, but several frosts. It is also wetter than I remember. I am sure we have not done with winter yet, but at least there is a hint of spring.

10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

 At the moment I am on 10m QRP FT8 with 5W from the IC-705.

UPDATE  0958z:  So far, I have been spotted by 39 stations, despite only being on for a few minutes.

UPDATE 1030z: Spotted by 114 stations. On RX the furthermost is the Solomon Is H44MS (14814km) in the Pacific.

UPDATE 1803z:  774 stations have spotted my 10m 5W FT8  today. 1549 stations have been spotted today on 10m FT8.

Sunspots - Saturday February 22nd

Solar flux is 197 and the SSN 138. A=6 and K=0.

21 Feb 2025

Norwich by train - NOT amateur radio

Today we went to Norwich by train. It’s about an hour by train. Norwich is a fine city with a good Norman cathedral. 

Sunspots - Friday February 21st

 Solar flux is 184 and the SSN 123. A=7 and K=0.

20 Feb 2025

Rally on Sunday

 Sunday February 23rd - Red Rose Winter Rally, Leigh, WN7 2PJ.  Contact lesjackson@ntlworld.com .

Human consciousness - NOT amateur radio

We hear a lot these days about AI. One of my Cambridge University of the Third Age courses is about AI. It is very good and thought provoking.

At the moment AI is not very good with irony or jokes. No doubt with time and better training this will improve.

I guess what we fail to really understand is human consciousness. Just what makes us able to think, become aware of ourselves etc.? In my mind there is a huge difference between the accumulation of all the knowledge on the internet, and of wisdom.  AI can learn all about all the knowledge on the internet, but still not be wise or be able to contemplate its very existence.

At some point I wonder if we will be able to say exactly what human consciousness really is?  In many ways this is a philosophical question.

Milder? - NOT amateur radio

In this part of the UK it is meant to be getting much milder, with a hint of spring. It is quite windy here and I have not noticed it getting milder yet.

Roll on spring!

8m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

Once again, I am on 40.680 MHz FT8 with the FT817ND hoping for some spots.

UPDATE 1134z:  Just one spot by EA8RCP (3022km) of me so far today. I estimate about 2.5W to the low dipole.

UPDATE 1411z:  Now also spotted on 8m FT8 by EI4DQ (580km).

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Thursday)

My beacon was turned on just before breakfast.

UPDATE 1139z:  Just EA8BFK (2880km) spotting me. It seems the single hop F2 to the Canary Is is often open. Interesting that reports of me vary from -25dB S/N to -5dB S/N on this path. This implies he could still  copy me with microwatts at times!

WSPRrocks by Phil VK7JJ

UPDATE 1640z: 
26 spots of me with the furthermost Brazil. 

Sunspots- Thursday February 20th

Solar  flux is 178 and the SSN 119. A=20 and K=2.

19 Feb 2025

Cambridge bookshops - NOT amateur radio

At one time there were lots of bookshops in Cambridge. These days we buy many books online so there are fewer bookshops.  

This one has been around for a very long time. See the photo. 

Old work colleague

A few moments ago I sent an email to an old work colleague who now lives in Moscow. He is a very keen radio amateur who has done a great deal for the hobby.

This is one thing I really like about amateur radio. Whether the person lives in the USA, China or Russia matters not one bit. We are all human beings and all equal. In the days of the USSR it mattered not and Americans freely talked to stations in the USSR.

Amateur radio is above politics.

Let's hope the thought police don't come knocking!!

Ukraine - NOT amateur radio

The Ukrainian 🇺🇦 leader is not impressed with President Trump!! I can't say I blame him.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c62e2158mkpt.

Archetypal Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

Whenever you think of Cambridge you may think of punts and fine weather. Well, today we had the punts, but not the fine weather! It was very cold.

Bite sized chunks - NOT amateur radio

 One of the things I remember from a time management course at work a long time ago was to think of issues in bite sized chunks. Every problem has a solution.

I am reminded of a famous quote by Descartes:

"Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible to resolve it"

See https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/rene-descartes-quotes.

Basically every problem, however complex, can be solved.

10m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

 Today, I am on 10m QRP FT8 with the IC-705 at 5W.

UPDATE 0915z:  59 stations spotting me with the furthermost ZD7GB (7606km).  An SV has his locator wrong as it appears he is in the Pacific Ocean!

UPDATE 1405z: 442 spots of me today. I doubt it can get much better with 5W FT8.

UPDATE 1625z: 625 spots of me today.

UPDATE 1900:  QRT soon.  755 stations have spotted me today. 

Chippenham Park, near Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday we went to Chippenham Park near Cambridge to see the snowdrops. There must be well over a million there.

Sunspots - Wednesday February 19th

 Solar flux is 178 and the SSN 187.  A=14 and K=3.

18 Feb 2025

Famous quote - NOT amateur radio

Saw this earlier:

“The world is not static, and the status quo is not sacred.”
Harry Truman

Oscar 100 narrowband activity

Every few weeks I peak at the activity levels on the narrow-band transponder of this geosynchronous satellite. As before, I find activity levels disappointing. 

I gather someone in the UK is selling a transverter now. Unless and until a "big name" does this, I cannot see activity levels increasing.

This is disappointing. By now, I was expecting the satellite to be really busy. The fact it is not says a great deal about the state of our hobby today.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

Looking around, there are other tranverters on offer. For example, see https://www.leijenaarelectronics.nl/downloads/LE016-R5_System_Manual_13-09-2021.pdf .

See also https://www.passion-radio.com/satellite-qo-100/pack-dxpatrol-100-880.html .

Some have come up with "all in one box" solutions, but I guess this is too hard for most sadly. It requires engineering, rather than a cheque book. Engineering is a dying art these days in the amateur community. Full marks for those prepared to do it.

Anglesey Abbey - NOT amateur radio

This was Anglesey Abbey last week. 

For once it was sunny.

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

 Using my IC-705 at 7W, I am on 6m FT8. It was turned on just before breakfast

UPDATE 0923z:  16 stations spotting me with the furthermost EI3KD (583km) and the station in Brittany.  No "earth-shattering" DX today.

10m QRP WSPR (Tuesday)

 My 500mW 10m WSPR TX beacon was turned on just before breakfast.

UPDATE 1608z:
  36 stations spotting me. It looks like F2 propagation. Furthermost is Brazil.

Sunspots - Tuesday February 18th

 Solar Flux is 185 and the SSN 218. A=15 and K=3.

17 Feb 2025

8m frustration?

Since I have been active on 8m (nearly 3 years now) I have tried again and again to get a tiny narrow digital only 8m amateur band in the UK. 

I was suggesting 5kHz, but even 3kHz would be enough to allow propagation research to proceed. In the past, just a Notice of Variation (NoV) would have been allocated, much as was done years ago when I started VLF tests.

Sadly, it would appear the RSGB and OFCOM just cannot be bothered: it is all too much hassle. Instead they are happy for people who want to do 8m research to pay up for doing so. In the USA the FCC seems equally blinkered. 

The most important things would have been found out around sunspot maximum. Sadly, it would seem self-training and propagation research no longer matter!  2000kHz of low VHF spectrum can be found for DTV work, yet just 3kHz can not be found.

After my 8m Trial and Innovation TX permit runs out, I do not intend to renew it.

RSGB membership? Why do I bother?

A just peace - NOT amateur radio

Both in the Ukraine and Gaza, peace is possible. 

Whatever the outcomes, it is essential that the peace is totally just for the inhabitants of those that live in these troubled lands. 

Peace cannot and must not be imposed on them.

8m QRP FT8 TX (Monday)

My gear was turned on at about 1000z. 

UPDATE 1747z:  Spotted by EI4DQ (580km) in southern Eire.  This is the first 8m spot in several days. QRT.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Monday)

My beacon was turned on about 30 minutes ago.

UPDATE 1745z:
19 stations spotting me.  117 spots of me by EA8BFK (2880km).  Best DX a spot by ZD7GB (7607km). Now QRT.

Tree Hole - NOT amateur radio

This was in a tree at Anglesey Abbey seen last week.

One wonders what lives within! I expect the kids love it and imagine all sorts!

Sunspots - Monday February 17th

 Solar flux is 185 and the SSN 271 (high).  A=18 and K=2.

16 Feb 2025

World order - NOT amateur radio

It would appear a new world order is emerging.  For over a century the USA was seen as the dominant world power. We are now seeing this change as China comes to the fore.

At one time the USA was seen as a beacon of democracy and one that could be aspired to. 

Recently, I cannot see many in the world wishing to follow the USA.

No political system is perfect.

Tree root - NOT amateur radio


This was a tree root seen a few days ago.

8m activity level

It is fascinating to see how interest in 40.680MHz FT8 has increased. Whereas this was a band hardly monitored, quite a few stations are monitoring it nowadays. 

It is a great pity that so many PTTs cannot see fit to allocate a few kilohertz to the amateur service to allow genuine research to be progressed. Instead, many PTTs seem brain dead. 

The map shows the stations monitoring this afternoon. There are probably more as I don't think PSKreporter shows spotters unless they have recently received something or just come on.

10m QRP WSPR (Sunday)

 In a few moments I expect to turn on my 500mW W5OLF 10m WSPR beacon.

UPDATE 1008z:  My beacon was turned on about 1000z. Just EA8BFK (2880km) spotting me so far.

UPDATE 1639z:  25 stations have spotted me today. Plenty of spotters in the USA.

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

Very shortly, I hope to go on 40.680MHz FT8.

UPDATE 1004z:  My 8m gear was turned on at about 1000z.

UPDATE 1638z: No spots.

And the sun appeared - NOT amateur radio

Sometimes you strike lucky as I was a few days ago when the sun briefly appeared. For some reason, just this clump of snowdrops was illuminated and I managed to catch it. 

This photo is totally untouched and this is exactly as it was.

Sunspots - Sunday February 16th

 Solar flux is 184 and the SSN 153. A=28 and K=3.

15 Feb 2025

The sun (briefly) - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday. the sun appeared in the afternoon. Today it is dull and wet again. The photo shows the sun yesterday at nearby Anglesey Abbey.

Anglesey Abbey yesterday - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, we had a brief  glimpse of the sun when we went to Anglesey Abbey.

My wife took this photo. It was bright, but very cold.

10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

Once I had resolved my "finger trouble", I went on 10m QRP FT8 with my tiny QDX transceiver. Lots of RX spots and 5 spots on TX, although I think I am being clobbered by a strong station. I had better QSY!

UPDATE 1825z:  15 stations have spotted me.

Finger trouble resolved

I keep forgetting that when the audio is muted it also mutes the audio coming in on the USB port! Once mute was turned off, RX audio was received.

8m QRP FT8 issues (Saturday)

Although everything was working on TX, the PC was seeing no audio despite the correct source being selected. It is probably finger trouble, but I have gone QRT for now.

10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)

 My 500mW beacon was turned on just after 1000z.

UPDATE 1020z:  Just spots of me by EA8BFK (2880km).

UPDATE 1802z: 
16 stations spotted me before I went on 10m QRP FT8.

The Old Ways - NOT amateur radio

My son gave me a book to read called "The Old Ways". 

It is about walks made by the author on paths that have been trod for thousands of years.  These tracks talk of history. 

Some of the language used was beyond me using some words I had never heard of! 

Sunspots- Saturday February 15th

 Solar flux is 179 and the SSN 111. A=27 and K=3.

14 Feb 2025

The wonder of sunlight - NOT amateur radio

Back in the autumn my wife planted some hyacinth bulbs. She put these in a black sack in the garage  .... and forgot about them!  

When she remembered they were brought into the kitchen where they have thrived.

6m QRP FT8 (Friday)

My IC-705 set at 7W was turned on at 0933z.

UPDATE 0950z:  Spotted by 6 English stations so far.  As I am using the V2000 vertical, I am probably cross-polarized to most serious 6m operators. I imagine if I was using a 6m halo or similar, I could be 20dB stronger on UK stations. I doubt it matters with real 6m DX.

UPDATE 1638z:  Spotted by 21 stations including several Europeans -  Es?

10m QRP WSPR (Friday)

My 500mW beacon was turned on at 0932z.

Map by WSPRrocks Phil VK7JJ

UPDATE 1700z:
  Spotted by 25 stations.

Sunspots - Friday February 14th

 Solar flux is 173 and the SSN 112. A=23 and K=3.

13 Feb 2025

Koltur, Faroes - NOT amateur radio

As mentioned before, one of my friends on 365project lives in the Faroe Islands. He takes some great shots of this isolated island group. This is the uninhabited island of Koltur.

Nearly forgot! - 70cms activity contest (February)

Usually I submit my (pathetic!) entry for this activity contest the next day.  My score is always near the bottom as I run low power to a 2m omni antenna and only stop on for about 30 minutes because of my poor voice. I remembered just now. 

I get the feeling interest is waning. 

The map shows the stations worked - all two of them!