Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

22 Feb 2025

Almost spring - NOT amateur radio


After what has seemed like a long, wet and dull winter, today felt more like spring. 

For the first time in months it felt mild outside so much so that I pruned my roses. Every year they grow well for a hard prune early in the year. Opinions vary about when and what to do, but I shall stick with what works.

We have had no snow, but several frosts. It is also wetter than I remember. I am sure we have not done with winter yet, but at least there is a hint of spring.

20 Feb 2024

Mild, wet winter? - NOT amateur radio

In this part of the UK we are on track for a very wet and mild winter. Things can change. Daffodils are out early. Unless things dramatically alter, we are unlikely to see snow. Perhaps as the world warms this is how it is going to be?

13 Dec 2023

Winter gloom

This is perhaps the gloomiest time in the UK. Days are short, nights are long, trees are bare and everywhere is miserable. At least after Christmas evenings start to get lighter and bulbs start to appear like snowdrops and daffodils. After about January 6th mornings start to get lighter too. By the end of January there is a clear difference.

6 Dec 2023

Winter garden - NOT amateur radio

There is debate when winter starts. Personally, I go along with the UK Met Office that has winter starting at the beginning of December. To me, winter is December, January and February with spring in March, April and May.

Using the Met Office definition, we are already in winter. During the winter, many trees lose their leaves, grass stops growing or grows very slowly, and everywhere looks dead. Under the ground things are sleeping, waiting to come to life on warm, spring days.

2 Dec 2023

Winter - NOT amateur radio

 This frosty cobweb outside the shack says it all!

24 Jan 2023

Cold winter? - NOT amateur radio

This winter we have seen far more cold and frosty days than for many years. We had snow on the ground before Christmas and we have just had another cold spell. 

It is odd to think that not many months ago we were too hot in bed! Come May we can expect blossom, summer migrant birds and warm days again.

12 Dec 2022

Winter - NOT amateur radio

This is the view from our lounge - brrrr.  It is dark and cold. 

4 Oct 2022

Getting ready for winter - NOT amateur radio

It is surprising how quickly the nights get longer and we switch to "winter mode" with the curtains drawn and nights by the fire (assuming we can afford one!). 

In the next few weeks we dig up the bedding plants and put in daffodil bulbs and winter flowering plants like primroses.

This year we may put in some pansies, as our local nursery had some good, colourful ones (see photo). If these flower over winter, we may get some.

17 Feb 2021

Winter MF plans

Well, that was a non-happening! 

One of my plans for now was an E-field probe in a tree for 137kHz and 472kHz RX. We had the tree lopped, but the E-field probe is not up. I replaced my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground, but my 472kHz transverter does not work, so I am restricted to 472kHz RX only.

Maybe next winter, I shall have more luck!

See .

15 Dec 2020

Winter, late afternoon - NOT amateur radio


This delightful photo was taken by our sons a few days ago. It shows the setting sun and one of our granddaughters.

4 Dec 2020

Winter, definitely - NOT amateur radio

Just now, I had to go to the local post office to do 3 things (1) post a card, (2) post a parcel, (3) buy some stamps. 

It was cold and wet and there was a big queue outside because of Covid-19. Stamps are expensive these days!

It is definitely winter.

3 Dec 2020

Winter - NOT amateur radio wife took this

According to the UK Met Office, we are, from December 1st, in winter. I agree that December, January and February are winter and March is the start of spring. 

We have had some very wet days this year. There have been far more wet days in this part of England than I ever remember. It is very dull.  November and December are among the dullest of months. At least in January the days are getting longer and there is new hope around with snowdrops, daffodils and buds starting.

My wife took the photos in the collage yesterday.  


14 Dec 2019

Winter sun - NOT amateur radio

As we often do and as the sun was shining, we went for a walk at Anglesey Abbey.

As the photo shows, a lovely winter day. Cold and a bit windy, but great.

10 Dec 2019

UK winters - NOT amateur radio

Although we had a few flutters of snow on this day a couple of years ago, most winters in England are just dull. The photo show our local baker and butcher on a typical winter day.

29 Mar 2018

Snow - NOT amateur radio

Unlike most recent winters, this has been quite a cold one, for us. Until a few weeks ago we had some snow as the photo shows. Although it is sunny and bright at the moment, rain is expected later.

13 Jan 2018

Winter - NOT amateur radio

At this time of year everything looks dead. In a few months we will have returning swallows, lambs, fresh green leaves and life. In reality, life is already stirring, but largely unseen.

4 Feb 2017

Winter cheer - NOT amateur radio

This is a gloomy time of the year. Although there are hints of better days ahead with the days lengthening, we have had a very wet and gloomy January. February has started much the same. This moorhen had some much needed colour. Days are lengthening about 4 minutes a day presently.

9 Jan 2017

Winter - NOT amateur radio

There is an outside chance we may see some snow by the weekend. Eastern Europe has been exceptionally cold. Everywhere locally looks wintery. In a few weeks' time the daffodils will be pushing out and there will be clear signs of spring on the way.

1 Dec 2016

Winter - NOT amateur radio

Today is December 1st. How time flies. It seems no time since summer and the evenings (not the mornings) start to get lighter here from December 18th. The UK Met Office assumes winter starts today and it certainly feels like winter here!

28 Apr 2016

Weather - NOT amateur radio

Hail in the back garden
The  weather this year has been strange indeed. We started off here in East Anglia, UK with a mild, wet winter followed by a cold spell in February and March. We are now at the end of April and there have been hail storms and thunder. It has been very cold for late April.  Only yesterday did I definitely see a swallow in Cambridgeshire whereas I usually see these by April 7th and they are common by now. It is as if spring is late. Very odd.