Years ago I kept a blog of my exploits. I hope you can get some ideas here.
See .
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
Years ago I kept a blog of my exploits. I hope you can get some ideas here.
See .
As I recall, it was about 30 turns of 0.2mm PVC covered wire.
It is still in the back of the garage, I think. It is many years since I did any tests at VLF.
Some years ago I was quite active on amateur VLF. On TX I experimented with 5W earth-mode and on radiated VLF I concentrated on RX and copied several Europeans below 10kHz. The photo shows G3XIZ (45km) although I regularly spotted German stations at far greater range.
Antennas were an 80m loop or my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground at home and a portable multi-turned tuned loop or earth electrodes in the ground out portable. Out portable, the loop on the ground was the most successful.
For amateur VLF signals, this is extremely unlikely to be useful as VLF amateur signals need great frequency accuracy, extremely narrow bandwidths and long integration periods measured in hours or days.
For VLF utility stations this upconverter will be useful.
Before my stroke I really enjoyed experimenting with both ends of the spectrum. I quite enjoyed seeing how far I could get on VLF earth-mode through the ground. This was a Facebook memory from 2011.
It would be good to do some more experiments in the future, if my health allows.
Although for radiated DX below 9 kHz very big antennas are needed for TX, on RX some tiny antennas can work perfectly well such as an E field probe which is tiny. What is needed is very high stability and very narrow bandwidths, usually achieved by locking to a VLF MSK signal or GPS. Some years ago DJ8WX was spotted by locking to a VLF MSK signal (see photo). All this was possible with free software. Sometimes it is necessary for signals to be integrated for hours or even days.
It is some years since I have experimented at real VLF.
At one time I was very active monitoring amateur radio below 10 kHz. Stations from all over Europe were decoded. I also used to regularly run a website dedicated to amateur experiments at the very low frequencies. Some remarkable distances were spanned.
To TX, very big antennas are needed. For RX an E-field probe, which is tiny, is very effective. Extremely accurate frequency control is essential. This is usually achieved by GPS locking or locking to a VLF MSK signal, which is what I did. Bandwidths are measured in uHz. Timescales are measured in hours or even days! Casual listening is extremely unlikely to result in success, except perhaps by earth-mode over much shorter ranges.
Since my 2013 stroke, I have not been active below 10 kHz. Experiments continue and keen amateurs are still knocking on the boundaries and achieving what many thought was impossible.
The photo shows my reception of DK7FC in 2011. In more recent times he has been testing on ever lower frequencies and with earth-electrode antennas.This very simple software RX by SM6LKM was found about 10 years ago. I think it has been developed further by others.
I don't think it has ever been used at this QTH and we moved here in 2013! My stroke rather stopped field work sadly. I would like to do more, but fear this will not be possible. I am sure much further would be achievable.
Interesting that earth-electrodes of sufficient size combined with plenty of power have been used in radiated sub-10kHz tests.
The historic 17.2kHz VLF alternator CW TX that is a World Heritage Site and almost 100 years old is on the air tomorrow, December 24th with a special message. They will QSL.
I am a proud possessor of a rare QSL card from them many years ago. I think this was with my VLF converter and loop antenna. I thought this converter was on my website, but it seems to be missing. I shall add it later. For now, see this page.See .
See also the software VLF receiver by SM6LKM on my video channel at .
UPDATE 1635z: The VLF up-converter should now be available via my G3XBM website (added today).
See . .
Every few weeks I take a peek at the narrowband activity on Oscar 100, the geosynchronous satellite. My own view is activity is patheticall...