31 Jul 2024

8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

My 2.5W 8m FT8 is again on 40.680 MHz USB dial. No spots.

UPDATE 1525z: 9A4ZM (1289km) spotted on 8m  FT8, but nobody has spotted me! 😞

UPDATE 1726z:   Spotted by OE3FVU (1189km).


There is not much call for AM on 6m these days. That is a pity as designs can be simple and effective. This was my Sixbox that appeared in GQRP SPRAT magazine some years ago, I think. I say think as I cannot remember!

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/homebrew/sixbox.

Ready for harvest - NOT amateur radio


This field of corn, seen on our pre-breakfast walk, looks ready to harvest.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Wednesday)

My 10m WSPR beacon is on. I was surprised (again) to be spotted at 0034z by HB9TMC (905km). Es really is sporadic!

UPDATE 1007z:  8 stations have spotted me this morning.today.

UPDATE 2104z:
  26 stations have spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR 

6m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

For some reason my 6m QRP FT8  transmissions were not being reported. Perhaps my timing was badly off or for some other reason. Anyway, I resynced to internet time and restarted PSKreporter and am getting plenty of spots. Some look like Es.

UPDATE 0934z:  13 spots of my QRP 6m FT8 with the furthermost OH6CT (2012km).

UPDATE 1437z:  Having been RX on 6m FT8 for several hours, I am back on QRP FT8 TX again, although I might try 8m FT8 shortly.

Early morning walk - NOT amateur radio

As today is expected to be very hot, we went for a walk before breakfast. On the walk we saw this thistle.

Sunspots - Wednesday July 31st

 Solar flux is 220 and the SSN 261. A=23 and K=1.

It is hard to think we were fearing we were entering a Maunder Minimum just a few years ago. These numbers are good.

30 Jul 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

My 6m QRP FT8 to the V2000 omni was turned on at about 1750z.  Just 2 English stations have spotted me.

Promising EU Es?

At the moment, things look promising with regard to European Es.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

10m QRP WSPR TX (Tuesday)

At about 1233z I switched to 500mW 10m WSPR TX as the European Es looks quite promising. 

UPDATE 1252z:  5 stations have already spotted me. See table.

UPDATE 1534z: Spotted by 18 stations. Furthermost are OE3GBB (1233km) and S57BAT (1233km).

UPDATE 1550z: 
Decent Es to central Europe as shown on WSPRrocks by Phil VK7JJ

USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ and guns - NOT amateur radio

 This poem is about how the world sees certain countries. It is sad but true.

10m QRP WSPR overnight

Yesterday I think the lack of spots was due to a coax fault now mended.

Overnight I was surprised to be spotted by 6 stations some right in the middle of the night.

More swifts? - NOT amateur radio

There are certainly fewer swallows. At one time there were masses on telegraph wires. To see a swallow at all these days is a rare event here. 

The common view is that swifts are in decline too. That is not my experience. Although this may be local, I have found more swifts this summer than the last few years. Last summer I could look skywards and wait 30 minutes to see a swift. This summer, I look up and almost immediately see a swift. It would be good to know the experience of others in the UK. 

Certainly, many swift nest sites have gone. Have they adapted? It would be good if this was true.

See https://rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/swift .

Durham Cathedral - NOT amateur radio


Durham has a fine cathedral on a bend in the river. It is one of the finest in England. This picture featured on 365project recently. 

1st ever webpage?

 We have come a very long way in 30 years. Back then few had heard of the internet. As far I can tell this is the very first webpage:

See https://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html

When I am pushing up daisies in 30 years' time I wonder what my grandchildren will be amazed at?

My first website is still there on the Wayback Machine. It dates from the mid 1990s. In a way, I was a trail blazer!

See https://web.archive.org/web/19970328203144/http://www.lapr.demon.co.uk/ .

Q65 8m tests

Trevor G0KTN is trying some tests with this mode this week on 8m.  Although I have not been successful receiving him so far, I shall try again this week.

UPDATE 1236z: Monitoring 8m Q65. Switched to RX on the V2000 vertical (was on the Par endfed for 10m). No spots. 

UPDATE 1603z:  No spots of G0KTN.

Sunspots - Tuesday July 30th

 Solar flux is 223 and the SSN 211.  A=6 and K=4.

29 Jul 2024

Mallow - NOT amateur radio

We have mallow growing in our garden. 

It looks great at the moment.

Scandinavian Es puzzle

In the past I have mentioned a phenomenon that could be pure coincidence or some Es mechanism not understood. 

Later in the Es season I seem to get more northerly Es openings, particularly towards Scandinavia. There are still plenty of stations from other directions, but stations in Norway, Sweden, Scotland and Finland seem far more noticeable than earlier in the Es season. I have noticed this over several summers.

As I have said, this could be nothing, but I don't think so. 

"Theories on a postcard" please as they say!

Optical DXing over the horizon

Some years ago, when I was fitter, I really used to enjoy going out in the car to experiment with non line-of-sight optical beaconing. I would set up my beacon at 481THz on my windowsill indoors and see if I could copy it over the horizon. Sadly my stroke ended these tests.  

The photo shows my beacon, that was connected to 100mm drain pipe and a Poundland lens.  The LED was bought off eBay. Latterly I bought some much brighter Phlatlights, but I never got around to using them before fate intervened.

I was always amazed how well my tiny signal was copied over the horizon. I presume this was clear air scattering as there were no clouds.

Solar cycle 25 peak?

My favourite site for solar data pushed into this year the peak of solar cycle 25. It was November 2023 for some time. I am wondering if this has to be adjusted yet again, based on the high solar activity this month? They take an average so the peak is always some months ahead of the month with the highest numbers.

See https://www.solen.info/solar/ .

European Es - promising?

After very good Es yesterday, things look quite promising today. Even though it is still early, there are quite a few spots even on the VHF bands like 4m.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/

UPDATE 1305z:  At the moment, Es in Europe looks at least as good as yesterday. See map.

Salcombe: last century - NOT amateur radio

This was where I lived as a young child. This photo was sometime in the last century.

10m 500mW WSPR TX

 Although my 10m QRP WSPR beacon has been on since before breakfast, no reports have been received.

UPDATE 1257z:  No spots of my 500mW 10m WSPR. I am quite surprised.

6m QRP FT8 (Monday)


Stations spotting me
on 6m FT8 today
My 6m QRP FT8 is on. So far, 19 stations have spotted me. See map.  This looks like Es.

UPDATE 1026z: Spotted by 29 stations. One QSO was with an Italian.

Stations spotted here
today on 6m FT8
UPDATE 1251z:  130 stations spotted here on 6m FT8 today.

UPDATE 2109z:   44 stations have spotted me.

Monday plans

 At the moment I plan to go on 6m QRP FT8 and QRP 10m WSPR.

I can’t imagine European Es being as good as yesterday.

Sunspots - July 29th

 Solar flux is 214 and the SSN 189. A=7 and K=2.

28 Jul 2024

8m permanent allocations?

A few administrations have made an allocation to radio amateurs (the progressive ones?).  At the last count I think this was 6 administrations. Many more have allowed operation at around 8m outside the amateur radio service.

I hope many more come to their senses soon. As I have said many, many times, just 5kHz, narrow digital only, and QRP power amateur radio allocation would be a start and allow research. 

Why do radio amateurs in some countries have to pay to do research?

Am I alone in thinking the negative attitude of some PTTs is encouraging law breaking?  At least with licenced radio amateurs traceability is easy.  With my current T&I call I don't have to use a callsign or give my location, so traceability is non-existent. Talk about stupidity!!

A limited time (2 years around the sunspot peak?) amateur radio allocation at 8m with a strictly non-interference clause, with the limitations shown above, would surely cause no harm.

QMX/QMX+ firmware update

Steve G1KQH has informed me that there is a firmware update. As the changes do not really impact me, I shall not update my firmware this time. The upgrade does not add SSB.  Had it done so, I definitely would have upgraded!

European Es (Sunday)

 Es activity in Europe is holding up, at least on FT8. 

Opinions vary over the length of the Es "season" in Europe, but certainly May, June and July can be good. Others think the season goes on to September. 

In my experience it peaks in the late spring and early summer. Indeed, Es will be there at all times of year, but the intensity and frequency go down. 

I suspect FT8 and FT4 will show that 10m, 6m and 4m are open on Es paths far more often than we think. It is for this reason that I hope people will stick with FT8/4  on these bands. We have so much to learn.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

8m QRP FT8 TX (Sunday)

My QRP 8m FT8  TX is currently on 40.680 MHz USB dial. Hoping for reports and QSOs. 

UPDATE 1124z:  No spots on 8m FT8 so far today.

UPDATE 1508z:  As I was out most of the afternoon, I was on 8m FT8 RX only. Only spotted 1 station CT1END (1676km).

UPDATE 1513z:  On 8m QRP FT8 TX again.

6m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

Very shortly, I hope to be on 6m QRP FT8 with my V2000 vertical omni antenna.

UPDATE 0936z:  6m QRP FT8 on. Spotted by 34 stations mostly in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. See map. I think this is Es, so I am now on 8m QRP FT8.

Cow Tower, Norwich - NOT amateur radio

As mentioned yesterday, Norwich is a fine city. Cow Tower (shown in the photo) was built at the end of the 1300s as part of Norwich’s defence’s.

See https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/cow-tower-norwich/ .

Amateur radio?

We have to be grateful for "big" stations with "big" antennas, who sometimes hear us when others might not. 

However, this is not my idea of amateur radio fun. I prefer to see how far my QRP signals reach with very modest, low, antennas. 

Each to their own.

Sunspots - July 28th

 Solar flux is 204 and the SSN 178. A=13 and K=1.

27 Jul 2024

Norwich - NOT amateur radio

Today, we took the train to Norwich. It is a very fine city with a fine cathedral shown in the photo.

472kHz transverter

The photo shows me testing my 472kHz (630m) transverter in the back of the garage at the old QTH. Later it featured in a QST article. It is still used now producing about 10W into a 50 ohm load and about 10mW ERP with my earth-electrode “antenna “ in the ground.

Sunspots - July 27th

Solar flux is 176 and the SSN 181. A=23 and K=2.

26 Jul 2024

OFCOM publications

A reminder that OFCOM publishes a number of publications on a number of subjects that may be of interest to radio amateurs. See the OFCOM website.

In a Cambridge shop window - NOT amateur radio

This was in a shop window in Cambridge today. It was a colourful painting in the Grand Arcade.

6m QRP FT8 (Friday)

15 stations have already spotted my QRP 6m FT8 at 0827z.  Many appear to be Es.

UPDATE 1544z:  119 stations have spotted me today. See map. On RX the furthermost was a station in the Gulf A71VV (5190km).

Sunspots- Friday July 26th

 Solar flux is 167 and the SSN 171. A=9 and K=4.

25 Jul 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

At  about 1805z I QSYed to 6m FT8 from 10m.

UPDATE 1715z:  6 stations have spotted me with furthermost S58P (1247km).

Cartoon - NOT amateur radio


This was shared to me by Steve G1KQH.

Rally this Sunday

 The following has been notified to me. I always advise checking the information is correct.

Sunday July 28th - Wiltshire Radio Summer Rally. Kington Langley, SN15 5NJ.  Contact  Chairman@Chippenhamradio.club .

Punting on the River Cam - NOT amateur radio


A few days ago we went punting on the River Cam in Cambridge as a family.

10m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

My QRP 10m FT8 was turned on around 0845z. 

So far, 8 stations have spotted me with the furthermost V51MA (8640km). 

UPDATE 1545z:  My QRP 10m FT8 has been spotted by 105 stations. Most are in Europe, 1 in Africa, 2 in South America and 4 in Asia. See map of stations spotting me.

UPDATE 1800z:  115 spots of me on 10m QRP FT8 today.

FT8 on CB

 At the moment there are very few monitors on the CB FT8 frequency and nothing has been spotted, so I am about to stop monitoring.

Sunspots - Thursday July 25th

 Solar flux is 175 and the SSN 160. A=6 and K=1.

24 Jul 2024

FT8 on CB

Apparently there is a group of enthusiasts using FT8 on 27.265MHz CB. I have not monitored this but might well try soon. My endfed Par antenna works well on 11m.

630m QRP WSPR tonight?

It is very unusual for me to try 630m QRP WSPR at this time of year. Assuming things work, I might well give it a try this evening. 

The noise floor will be higher at this time of the year on MF and that might mask my QRPP signal. It's an experiment, so the worst is nobody spots me! 

I wonder if people have moved to different modes on 630m and I should try a different mode?

UPDATE 2030z:  Initial tests were not successful. It is probably something dead simple, so I shall try and find out what is wrong tomorrow.

European Es (Wednesday)

The European Es season is drawing to a close until next spring, although there is a far smaller peak around New Year. I do not know why this happens. This is another Es puzzle (to me at least). 

There have been some (probable) Es openings today, although we can expect fewer Es openings than earlier in the spring/summer. As I have mentioned before Es can occur at any time.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

8m FSW4-300 RX tests

G0KTN is doing some tests using this slow mode (5 minute transmissions) on 8m. 

Although I do not have my usual 8m dipole up, I am trying to RX Trevor on the endfed used for my FT8 EA 8m QSOs recently. Unlike the EA stations, this would be by tropo. Theoretically this mode is about 6dB better than WSPR2. His station is on from 0800-2000z. 

Worth a try!

It's funny how reports and QSOs are easier with more distant stations on FT8 than on more local stations on WSPR and FSW4-300.

UPDATE 2036z:   G0KTN not copied sadly.

53rd wedding anniversary - NOT amateur radio

Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. 

In all this time we have never exchanged cards or gifts, preferring to celebrate when we met in 1968. 

What are the secrets of a long marriage? Tolerance and acceptance of each other's quirks. We have been lucky.

10m QRP WSPR (Wednesday)


My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon is on this morning. So far, 4 stations have spotted me.

6m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)


It is very pleasing that activity on 6m FT8 is still good. I suspect most are Es. See the map showing where my QRP FT8 has been spotted this morning.

At the moment solar activity is good although Es is (as far as I know) unrelated to solar activity. I can certainly recall very good Es conditions at all times in the solar cycle.

I am still sure there is a lot to learn about E layer propagation. For example:

  • Those long Es openings to the Far East from Europe on 6m every early summer (Mesospheric clouds?).
  • An apparent uptick in Scandinavian Es late in the season.
  • Long path openings on 6m E layer. Is this some sort of chordal hop?
UPDATE 1355z:  QRT at the moment. 40 spots of me today.

Sunspots - Wednesday July 24th

 Solar flux is 176 and the SSN 167. A=5 and K=1.

23 Jul 2024

OFCOM Consultation

 Just got this from OFCOM......

"Ofcom is today launching a review of the annual licence fees we charge mobile network operators for use of three mobile spectrum bands (900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz).

Annual licence fees (ALFs) are fees we charge mobile network operators to use certain spectrum bands. They typically come into effect after a mobile operator’s licence won at auction has come to the end of the initial licence period. The fees are designed to ensure that the spectrum is used efficiently. We currently charge ALFs for three mobile spectrum bands (900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz).

On 28 March 2024, BT wrote to Ofcom to request a review of the ALFs we charge for 1800 MHz spectrum. We have now considered BT’s request, and we consider that the evidence suggests that a fee review is justified. As a result of the commonalities in the formula we use to set ALFs, we have decided to begin a review of all of the ALFs we currently charge (that is, ALFs for 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz spectrum).

We expect to consult on our initial findings by the end of this calendar year. We welcome any additional evidence which stakeholders consider would assist us in this review."

From a different angle

We usually see King's from a footpath, but today we saw it from a punt. We took our two sons and their children.

Granddaughter with world famous ballerina - NOT amateur radio

On Sunday, one of our granddaughters (who is ballet mad)  met the famous ballerina Darcey Bussell.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darcey_Bussell .

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)


My QRP FT8 on 6m is on. So far, 31 spots of me. I am not sure if this is Es or F2 propagation. 

On 6m FT8 RX 8 stations have been spotted here.

UPDATE 1748z:  39 stations have spotted me today.

10m QRP WSPR (Tuesday)

My 500mW WSPR beacon is on 10m with 2 stations spotting me. These are a local G4KPX (14km) and a station in Portugal CT2IWW (1383km).

Grasshopper- NOT amateur radio

This is a common grasshopper seen in the UK.

Sunspots - Tuesday July 23rd

 Solar flux is 185 and the SSN 173. A==9 and K=1.

22 Jul 2024

Lavender - NOT amateur radio

At this time of year lavender is plentiful. A lesson taught to me was 888 meaning 8th month, 8th day, 8 inches, which is meant to be when and how to prune them.

10m QRP WSPR TX (Monday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon has been on for about 15 minutes at 0936z.  No spots. 

UPDATE 1000z: Spotted by local G4KPX (14km) and OZ7IT (853km) multiple times.

UPDATE 1309z:  YO2MAX (1802km) has spotted me. F2?

UPDATE 1917z: 
 5 stations have spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR today.

UPDATE 2131z:  12 stations have spotted me.

6m QRP FT8 (Monday)

My 6m QRP FT8 has been on for about 10 minutes at 0933z. Just 4 English stations have spotted me so far.

UPDATE 1142z:  21 stations have spotted me so far with the furthermost IT9TYR (1948km) probably Es. The impression is Es is less frequent. It still occurs but not as commonly as a month ago.Although less sensitive than WSPR I think FT8 can be more successful as the TX period is just 15 seconds as opposed to 120 seconds for WSPR2 so very brief openings are caught. There may now be more people monitoring FT8 than WSPR. 

UPDATE 1322z: 30 stations spotted today. See map.

UPDATE 2115z: 
146 stations spotted me on 6m QRP FT8 today when I was using the QMX+.

European Es

At about 0900z, there is some Es in Europe confined to the central area in the main.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/

Plans for Monday

 In a few moments I shall probably try QRP 6m FT8  with the QMX+ and 10m QRP WSPR with my 500mW W5OLF beacon.

Not my idea of amateur radio

It is a good thing we are all different and find something different to enjoy in our hobby. Some enjoy chasing new countries where lots of power, a tower and a beam helps. Some like satellites, some EME, some amateur television, some just like a chat, etc..

In my case it is seeing where my QRP signal reaches with simple antennas. Each to their own. It would be a sadder place if we were all the same. I hope we can all continue to enjoy our hobby in our own way.

Sunspots- Monday July 22nd

 Solar flux is 185 and the SSN 200. A=9 and K=2.

21 Jul 2024

Joe Biden drops out of US presidential election - NOT amateur radio

As I mentioned some days ago,  I do not understand the USA. Apparently Joe Biden has dropped out of the race against Donald Trump. He had been asked to stand down by several in his party. On balance, I think he has done the right thing.

He has put his support behind his vice-president Kamala Harris.

Dalham walk - NOT amateur radio

Today, we had a rare sight this summer - sun!  We went for a walk at nearby Dalham with our son and grandson.

10m QRP WSPR (Sunday)

 Although my 500mW beacon has been on for hours, not a single spot received.

Bracket fungus - NOT amateur radio

 This huge bracket fungus was on a tree stump on our walk earlier.

Anglesey Abbey - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows my wife at nearby Anglesey Abbey on Friday on a (rare) sunny day. At the moment this is probably the dullest summer I can remember. We have had far more rain than usual. Often the grass turns brown by now, but it still looks green at the moment.


Yesterday, I went on 10m WSPR with my 500mW beacon as the antenna was available when I was on 6m FT8. In all, 21 stations spotted me with the furthermost PT2FHC (8860km) in Brazil.

6m QRP FT8 with the QMX+

Since about 1020z yesterday until the evening when I went QRT, I was on 6m QRP FT8 with the QMX+. At 1036z Saturday, my signal has been spotted in Eastern Europe. This could be Es.

UPDATE 0825z:  97 stations had spotted my 6m FT8 QRP yesterday. See map.

UPDATE 1758z:  15 stations have spotted me today. Apart from a spot from Finland, all were UK.

Sunspots - Sunday July 21st

 Solar flux is 207 and the SSN 212 . A=7 and K=1.

20 Jul 2024

10m QRP WSPR (Friday)

 At about  1020z, I QSYed to 10m WSPR with my 500mW beacon. No spots.

UPDATE 1034z: No spots. I suspect many are now using FT8.

UPDATE 1044z:  Spots from OE3GBB (1233km) 

10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)


In all 68 stations had spotted me before I QSYed to 6m QRP FT8. See map.

Californian poppies - NOT amateur radio

 We saw these yesterday at Anglesey Abbey. They have a new patch of wild flowers near the entrance.

Early 10m openings

Although I am unsure if this was Es or F2, I was surprised to find 10m FT8 open in the middle of the night.

Sunspots - Saturday July 20th

 Solar flux is 202 and the SSN 269. A=5 and K=2.

19 Jul 2024

OFCOM publications

On the OFCOM website are publications that they do. In my view, this is an excuse to justify their existence! 

Overall I am seriously underwhelmed by OFCOM. The sooner it is closed the better.

Swifts will soon be gone - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, swifts are still screaming in the skies above us in the UK.  Soon they will be gone. They stay very few months, just enough to breed.  One morning, we will look up and realise they have gone. I look forward to them returning, but I shall probably have to wait until next May.

Being tired , giddy and with a poor voice and amateur radio

Back in 2013 I suffered a stroke. Luckily, unlike many, I had few long-term issues such as paralysis. The long-term issues I have are poor speech, giddiness and tiredness. I suspect this has altered the way I enjoy amateur radio. 

Over 30 years ago I worked 10m QRP SSB DXCC, so I am no longer fussed about working DX.  Although I still use voice modes like SSB and FM, I use these less. The main modes I use these days are WSPR and FT8.  

Nowadays I get as much fun from 1-way reports of my QRP signals as I do from 2-way QSOs.  Had I not had my stroke, I am unsure how important voice modes would still be. I agree that voice modes are essential for the continuance of amateur radio in the form we are used to. 

As I have mentioned before, as we age (many radio amateurs will be over 90 in 20 years), and as PTTs grow tired of amateur radio, that generates no revenue, I can see the future of our hobby is under threat. Hopefully I am wrong.

10m QRP FT8 with the QMX+ ( Friday)

So far, 37 stations have spotted me on 10m QRP FT8 today and I have spotted 70 stations. See map for stations spotting me today.

UPDATE 1338z:   100 stations spotted here today on 10m FT8 and 66 stations have spotted my QRP 10m FT8.

Amateur radio dealers

Dealers worry me . 

At the moment, many are doing a decent business and look like they will be around forever. 

However, some have closed and others must be thinking about it as owners retire or think about it.

When you buy that nice shiny new rig think will this dealer still be around if I have to use the warranty or get it repaired?

QMX+ and Windows 10

The QMX+ is a great rig, but several people had issues with it being recognised with Windows 10. This sequence worked for me:

Do NOT connect the USB lead and do NOT have WSJT-X running!

  • Start QMX+
  • Start PC
  • Connect USB lead
  • Start WSJT-X.

Although I cannot guarantee this, it worked for me. Also, I adjusted the audio levels from the default 54 to 99 on the higher bands.

Doing this, it has been faultless and great.

Sunspots- Friday July 19th

 Solar flux is 209 and the SSN 276 . A=5 and K=1

18 Jul 2024

OFCOM crappery?

 Today I got this from OFCOM. I preferred the GPO. As you can tell, I am not a great fan.

“Ofcom has today published a consultation on its General Policy on Information Gathering.

As an evidence-based regulator, the ability to obtain information to inform our work is fundamental to our role.

The primary purpose of the policy is to make clear to stakeholders how we intend to exercise our powers under legislation where we are required to publish this policy.

We are proposing to update our existing policy - first published in 2005 - to reflect our current practices and powers in this area.

In summary, we plan to:

  • expand the general policy to cover new information gathering powers and clarify its scope;
  • update and clarify the text to reflect our experience of issuing statutory information notices;
  • provide further detail on how we will handle statutory information notices (including in relation to the role of the Information Registry, the use of information provided voluntarily, the use of draft notices, and the disclosure of information and confidentiality); and
  • clarify our approach to enforcement and what we expect from stakeholders when responding to a statutory information notice.

We are inviting feedback on our proposals which must be submitted by 30 September. Taking account of responses, we will aim to publish our final policy later this year.”

What makes me think this is now a QUANGO that has lost its way?

In the days of the GPO I was inspected several times. Since it became OFCOM, I have not been inspected ever.

Upcoming rallies

 The following rallies have been notified to me. It is always advisable to check details with organisers before going a long way. All are on Sunday.

Bury St Edmunds Radio Rally - Rougham Tower Museum, IP32 7QB.  Contact rally2024@bsears.co.uk .

Finningley ARS Rally 2024 Sandcraft, Doncaster, DN8 5SX. Contact kevin.avery@tunstall.com or martin.m0hom@gmail.com .

Need to update scrapbook

My scrapbook needs updating. I shall do this in the coming weeks and make sure the link on my website points to the latest version. I think the main changes are I now have a QMX+ and having a bundle of fun. There may be some other things that need updating.

Donovan's, Kingsbridge, Devon - NOT amateur radio

Kingsbridge is where I lived as a teenager.  Most of the shops are on a steep hill. One of these is Donovan's that sells mainly furniture. I think it dates back to the mid 1800s. Since I was young (a long time ago!), it has not changed much and I hope it doesn't. This photo was taken a few weeks ago when I was down there staying with my brother.

Peak of solar cycle 25?

The last published figure for the peak of solar cycle 25 was June 2024 (smoothed). Since then we have had high sunspot numbers and flux and it would not surprise me if this moved later. 

What is certain is we are seeing some great conditions, so enjoy them!

See https://www.solen.info/solar/ .

Early 10m Es

My QMX+ was on 10m QRP FT8 early (0500z) and already I have had 23 spots all across Europe presumably via Es. It is very easy to miss these very early morning openings.

UPDATE 0930z:  So far I have been spotted on 10m FT8 QRP by 53 stations. The furthermost on 10m FT8 RX is VK6RK (14469km).

UPDATE 1302z:  73 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today with the QMX+.

UPDATE 1638z: 303 spots of my 10m QRP FT8  with my QMX+ in the last day (see map).

UPDATE 2053z:  QRT. 412 stations have spotted me on 10m QRP FT8 in the last day.

Sunspots - Thursday July 18th

 Solar flux is 224 and the SSN 275. A=5 and K=1.

17 Jul 2024

Hollyhocks - NOT amateur radio

We have quite a few of these flowers in our front garden. They look splendid, but then go rusty and look a mess. They also self-seed and are very hard to get rid of! 

Once they have flowered it is better to cut them back before the seeds scatter.

We call them "triffids".  Just imagine if they could walk!! If you are thinking about planting any, think hard.