19 Jul 2024

Being tired , giddy and with a poor voice and amateur radio

Back in 2013 I suffered a stroke. Luckily, unlike many, I had few long-term issues such as paralysis. The long-term issues I have are poor speech, giddiness and tiredness. I suspect this has altered the way I enjoy amateur radio. 

Over 30 years ago I worked 10m QRP SSB DXCC, so I am no longer fussed about working DX.  Although I still use voice modes like SSB and FM, I use these less. The main modes I use these days are WSPR and FT8.  

Nowadays I get as much fun from 1-way reports of my QRP signals as I do from 2-way QSOs.  Had I not had my stroke, I am unsure how important voice modes would still be. I agree that voice modes are essential for the continuance of amateur radio in the form we are used to. 

As I have mentioned before, as we age (many radio amateurs will be over 90 in 20 years), and as PTTs grow tired of amateur radio, that generates no revenue, I can see the future of our hobby is under threat. Hopefully I am wrong.

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