19 Apr 2021

Geosynchronous Oscar 100

Every few weeks I check activity on the narrowband transponder of this satellite by looking at the web SDR at Goonhilly. The last time I looked was just before 0800z on Monday. 

My impression is activity levels are still low. As I have said before, this is just a quick view and far from scientific. If I looked a few minutes before or after, I might have formed a different view.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

Grandchildren - NOT amateur radio

Like many, we enjoy seeing our grandchildren. We were fortunate to see them all over the last few weeks. Many grandparents overseas have been less fortunate. 

The collage shows them in the last few weeks.

DXCC entities

Long ago, I stopped chasing DX. If I work some rare country or QTH square then great, but I do not chase it as if my life depended on it. There is always tomorrow, but if it "gets away" does it really matter? This is just a hobby. Personally, I like to see where my QRP signals reach, but each to their own. There are many ways to enjoy our hobby.

To some working every entity matters. They enjoy the thrill of the chase. I see Southgate News has a link about this. Apparently there 209 DXCC entities active.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/april/dxcc-country-entity-report-19-04.htm#.YH0zZSjYrrc .

French proverb - NOT amateur radio

 "To understand all is to forgive all".  

I believe this is an old French proverb, but what a good one.

I am of the view that there is good and bad in all of us. Most things that go wrong whether personally or globally are as a result of not fully understanding the whole picture. It is all too easy to judge when we only see part of the picture. 

Sunspots - Monday April 19th 2021

 Solar flux is 78 and the SSN 15.  A=16 and K=4.

18 Apr 2021

IC-705 firmware upgrade

The micro-SD card for the IC-705 has arrived. Tomorrow, I may try a firmware upgrade. Others tell me this is straightforward. I certainly hope so!  I am not sure of the latest firmware (1.24?), but I am sure I shall find the latest on ICOM Japan website.

2m FT8 QRP (Sunday)

At about 1900z, I QSYed to 2m FT8 with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. It is now 1915z and I have been spotted by 5 stations on TX and I have spotted 4 stations on RX.

10m FT8 RX

At 1419z, I turned on the FT817ND and the indoor loop tuned to 10m  As yet (it is now 1432z), no spots. 

The sunspot count is slightly lower than yesterday and conditions more disturbed.

UPDATE 1730z:  Just G0LRD spotted here and on PSKreporter by me. A PY seen mid afternoon, but this doesn't appear on PSKreporter. Overall, this has been disappointing. I'll give it a bit longer before QSYing.  Looking at all the results David G0LRD has got (111 10m spots!!) he is certainly being widely spotted on 10m FT8 today. Not sure what David is using for antenna and power.

If you are looking for a 10m grabber, check this one out in Alaska at http://kl7l.com/28Alaska00000.jpg . If you know of others, please let me know. I see there is a 10m QRSS grabber at https://qsl.net/g4iog/ .

The 4m (70MHz) band


At one time very few countries had access to this band and there was no commercial gear.  Now it is widely available, especially in Europe and several transceivers now include 4m.  One place for data is the 4m website that has quite a bit about the band. It is some years since I was active on 4m.

In Es openings, many European countries can be worked with simple antennas and low power. One possibility is my simple transverter.

See https://70mhz.org/ .

Homemade pasties - NOT amateur radio

Don't laugh. 

This morning I felt inspired to have a go at making some pasties using up some of the food that might have been wasted. I am quite pleased. The photo shows the results. Mostly cheese, mushrooms and onions. 

They taste good too.

Sunspots - Sunday April 18th 2021

Solar flux is 75 and the SSN 28. A=29 and K=3.

17 Apr 2021

2m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

At 1820z, I QSYed to 2m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far (it is now 1830z) 3 stations have been spotted on RX and 6 stations have spotted my QRP TX.

See . This is the FT8 grabber at G0LRD.

Anglesey Abbey - NOT amateur radio

These flowers were seen at Anglesey Abbey a few days ago. My wife did the collage.

Royal Funeral - NOT amateur radio

Like millions around the world, we watched the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh from Windsor Castle. 

I am not a great royalist and cannot imagine the royal family surviving another 50 years unless it changes. When the queen dies the English royal family will be in mortal peril. No, I think what was really being mourned was the end (or very near end) of an era.

Privilege, as a result of who you are, will end. Minor royals who live wealthy lives off UK taxpayers will end. I think the royal family has to evolve. I cannot think of a suitable president should we become a republic. No, I think we will still have a royal family, but very different.

I feel very sorry for the queen who has lost a lifelong husband and companion. They we married for 73 years, which is a long time!

10m Phaser FT8 kit

Apparently, this 4W SSB kit designed for 10m FT8 is about to ship from the USA. Being designed by Dave Benson, K1SWL, it should be good. All SMA parts are already fitted.

As well as my DSB rig, the 10FT8R, this is a project I must build.

Yet more incentive to get my external 10m antenna up!

See https://midnightdesignsolutions.com/phaser/

Twente SDR

My very first post was about the web SDR at Twente in the Netherlands. That was in 2008! It is still there.

See http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ .

10m FT8 RX

My 10m FT8 gear (2.5W to the indoor loop) was turned on at 0808z. After a very brief TX period, I am on RX only. So far, no spots.

UPDATE 1018z: Just G0FWX (160km) spotted so far. No Es or F2 propagation evident here yet.

UPDATE 1120z: 7 stations spotted. Looks like Es to Iberia.

UPDATE 1700z: 11 stations spotted today. See the log for details including one from Brazil.

Sunspots - Saturday April 17th 2021

 77 19 5 Solar flux is 77 and the SSN 44. A=19 and K=5.

16 Apr 2021


As you may know I have had a good deal of success with tiny indoor loop antennas. The photo shows the loop for 10m. 

At the moment I have no HF antennas outside, so I do not know how well my loop antennas compare with "real" antennas.   

All I can say is the loops work much better than I expected.

Home video conversion - NOT amateur radio

Like many, we had lots of VHS and Video 8 tapes, but no way to play them! A few weeks ago I had these converted to DVD. Later today I hope to copy these to the PC as a backup. Later, I will copy these to flash drives for our sons who feature a lot. Many of these have not been seen for years! 

We should have done this years ago, but I suspect, like many, we were nervous of sending these precious memories away. What if they were lost? 

In the end, we used a company called EachMoment who were excellent. At every stage of the process we were kept informed. The resulting DVDs came back with the original tapes about 2 weeks later. Thankfully, even after all these years, they copied fine.

I would have no hesitation using them again.

See https://eachmoment.co.uk/

Haircut day - NOT amateur radio

On Wednesday I had my hair cut in the garden by my son as the photo shows .  My wife had her hair cut too at a local salon. 

Shack some years ago

The photo shows my shack some years ago. I am a dedicated QRPer and rarely use much power. 

Sunspots - Friday April 16th 2021

Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 22.  A=15 and K=3. 

15 Apr 2021

At the seaside - NOT amateur radio


The photo shows one of our granddaughters eating chips on the beach at Felixstowe today. 

Looks like they have good weather.

Another cancelled rally

The Hack Green rally, due this Sunday, has been cancelled. I presume this is as a result of Covid.

70cm FT8 QRP

Last evening there was a 70cm FT8 contest. For most of the time I was on my V2000 vertical antenna with 2.5W. Quite a few UK stations were spotted and I worked one. I wonder if some were spotted by aircraft scatter? 

Clovelly, N. Devon - NOT amateur radio

In 2012 we went on a holiday to North Devon. Remember holidays 😉? The photo shows the village of Clovelly. 

Sunspots - Thursday April 15th 2021

 Solar flux is 74 and the SSN 17.  A=7 and K=3.

14 Apr 2021

Grandchildren - NOT amateur radio

For the first time in many months our grandchildren met up together, socially distanced. 3 of our 4 are in the photo. One is just off the photo.

I shall be glad when they can all meet properly again inside houses.

IC-705 software bug?

Until this evening my IC-705 has been superb. It has firmware 1.12 and needs upgrading to the latest version. 

This evening it went on DV and seemed to freeze. I have no idea what I did. I recently bought a copy of the "Radio Today Guide to the IC-705" which went through how to do a reset if the rig "froze". In the end I did a full hardware reset which seems to have done the trick. Luckily, nothing of mine was yet stored in memories.

I have ordered a micro SD card and hope to upgrade the firmware as soon as I can. I hope this fixes the software bug. I think the latest firmware also adds some new features too.

As a professional RF engineer, I was used to software bugs especially with early releases. Often later releases fixed these. Often bug cures were hidden alongside new features. Most punters did not realise that these releases were primarily to fix the bugs!

Granddaughter, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio


The photo shows one of our granddaughters yesterday in Cambridge. I think that swan looks puzzled!

10m FT8 RX with the improved indoor loop

At about 0800z, I went on 10m FT8 RX with the indoor loop antenna. Unsurprisingly, no spots at 0810z.

70cm activity contest (April)

Last evening, I went on the 70cm UKAC activity contest organised by the RSGB. I was on for 1 hour with 10W and the 144MHz big-wheel omni. It is great fun, but more than an hour is impossible with my voice.

Sunspots - Wednesday April 14th 2021

 Solar flux is 73 and the SSN 16. A=5 and K=1.

13 Apr 2021

Anglesey Abbey walk - NOT amateur radio

We are lucky to live just a few miles away from Anglesey Abbey, which is a great place for a walk. We went there after lunch with one of our grandchildren. 

Even though it was meant to be cold we actually felt quite warm. It was very sunny with clear blues sky.

Pedestrian portable?

With the better weather and the easing of UK lockdowns, you may want to think about pedestrian portable operations once again. 

Especially in the Es season, lots of Europe may be worked from the UK with just a whip, a counterpoise and low power on the higher HF bands and 6m SSB. 

One advantage of pedestrian portable operation is the angle of the antenna may be easily adjusted to get the strongest signal.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/pedestrian .

Bishop's Palace, Ely - NOT amateur radio

Right next to Ely Cathedral is the Bishop's Palace, used as such until the early 1940s. For a while it was a hospital (my dad who was a Pathfinder in Lancasters had his appendix removed here as a precaution). Later it was a Sue Ryder home. Now it is the 6th form centre for the King's School, Ely. It was built in the 1400s.

40m FT8 RX overnight with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground

Overnight I was on 40m FT8 RX. So far, 942 stations have been spotted in 5 continents. It is now 0700z. 

UPDATE 1154z: 1060 stations spotted on 40m FT8 RX. At one point last evening I counted 42 stations in 2.7kHz!!

UPDATE 1435z:
1107 stations spotted so far in the last 24 hours on 40m FT8 RX with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

UPDATE 1848z: 1346 stations spotted on 40m FT8 RX in the last day with an antenna that nobody realises is even there!

N. Devon cottage - NOT amateur radio

This delightful cottage is where we stayed in N. Devon some years ago. 

Sunspots - Tuesday April 13th 2021

 Solar flux is 83 and the SSN 16.  A=5 and K=2. Sunspots return.