10 Jan 2019

160m FT8 RX

At about 1825z I switched from 10m to 160m FT8 RX. Immediately, lots of Europeans spotted.
Stations spotted in the first 15 minutes 
with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.
UPDATE 2205z:  No North Americans so far on 160m FT8 RX this evening.

UPDATE 2225z: First North American spotted on 160m FT8 RX this evening was VA2WA (5115km) in Quebec at 2208z.

Living every day - NOT amateur radio

We are told to enjoy every day and live in the moment. Sometimes we have to think of the future.  Last year Michael Johnson, the America athlete, suffered a transient stroke (TIA), from which he recovered. The cause was not discovered, so he has a shadow hanging over him that it could happen again.

Speaking from experience, strokes can occur out of the blue. Tomorrow is yet to be. One thing is certain: it will not be what you expect.  Enjoy the now.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/46798931 .

Art - NOT amateur radio

One of our friends is a very good artist. We have one of her paintings in our hall. Yesterday, we visited them for a cup of tea and here she is with her husband by 2 of her pictures. She specialises in plants mainly.

472kHz WSPR RX

Last evening and overnight I was on 472kHz WSPR RX.  In all, 12 stations were copied. In the overnight period just one extra station spotted.

My conclusion is it is not really worth staying on overnight as most stations are spotted in the evening period.

Overnight tonight, I shall probably switch from 630m WSPR RX to 160m FT8 RX.
Stations spotted overnight on 472kHz WSPR 
using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

10m FT8 RX

Since just before breakfast, I have been on 10m FT8 RX. Unsurprisingly, no spots yet, although I am ever hopeful!

UPDATE 1035z: No spots.

UPDATE 1300z: Winter Es? So far, 6 stations in 3 countries spotted with best DX IU7GRJ(1754km). One Italian was +5dB S/N.

Sunspots - Thursday January 10th 2019

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number 0. A=4 and K=1. Bouncing along the bottom of sunspot minimum.

9 Jan 2019

Back on MF

Mid-afternoon I returned to 472kHz (630m) WSPR RX. So far, 5 unique stations copied with best DX DL7NN (873km).

UPDATE 2210z: 12 stations spotted so far this evening with best DX LA8AV (1035km). As before, the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground is being used. Seems to work quite effectively at 472kHz.
Stations spotted on 472kHz WSPR this evening

60m FT8 RX

With 2 North Americans and 1 Caribbean as well as loads of Europeans spotted on 60m FT8 in the last day I have reached some conclusions.
  1. The earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground works at 60m, but it is much more effective at lower frequencies.
  2. My 60m noise floor with this "antenna" is pretty low, although I am in no great hurry to return to this band.

The road not taken - NOT amateur radio

Perhaps this is something that comes with old age. I was 70 a few weeks ago.

Time and again I look back at my life and wonder what would have happened if I had made different decisions. I expect these questions are quite common in all of us. For example, what if I went to a different university, or actually had done that PhD? What if I had married someone else? What if I had accepted that directorship, or gone to work in California when I was offered a job?

My 2 claims to fame: I had lunch with Joselin Bell (who discovered pulsars) when interviewed for my PhD. Sir Clive Sinclair asked me for advice on antennas back in the 1970s!

All through life there are branches we could have taken, but didn't. I guess we will never know. This reminds me of a famous Robert Frost poem "The road not taken". Many years ago we visited Robert Frost's house in New England.

See https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44272/the-road-not-taken
See also (for audio readings) https://reelyredd.com/0602roadtravel.htm

Sunspots - Wednesday January 9th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=6 and K=1.

Back on 10m FT8 RX

After a foray on 60m FT8 using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground, I have returned to 10m FT8 RX with my end fed Par antenna.

UPDATE 1350z: No spots yet today on 10m FT8 RX.

Calendulas out in early January - NOT amateur radio

This was out early yesterday. Calendulas come in several varieties and are sometimes better known as marigolds.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendula

8 Jan 2019

70cm UKAC activity contest

For about 30 minutes I broke off 60m FT8 to go on the 70cm activity contest. Only a couple of contacts G4CLA (105km) and M0UGA/P. As usual 5W and the 2m omni antenna used.

60m FT8 RX

This afternoon, I am trying the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground on 60m FT8 following a suggestion by Jan OZ9QV.

Although the match is poor (I have made no attempt to match it), I have already spotted 9 stations in 5 countries on 60m after about 15 minutes!  I am looking on 5.357MHz as suggested by Jan.

UPDATE 1642z: 60m FT8 RX with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground is exceeding expectations.

UPDATE 2215z: VE1YX (4719km) is currently the best DX on 60m FT8 RX this evening.

UPDATE 2220z: CO8LY (7324km) in Cuba is now the best 60m DX tonight.
Spots so far this evening on 60m FT8 RX

Lavenham - NOT amateur radio

Today we had lunch out at a small café in Lavenham, Suffolk, UK. This is an old wool town that made its money when the wool trade was at its height centuries ago. There are many fine buildings in this village.

My son had his wedding reception at the Swan hotel here, where I came for course 40 years ago. After a week here I ended up half a stone heavier! The Swan is on the right in the second photo, just beyond the road works. It is a fine Tudor building.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavenham


Last night I was speaking to G3KKD on 2m FM. Ian is a keen ATV man.  He tells me he is receiving the beacon from the geosynchronous Es'hail satellite that will carry amateur all-mode and TV transponders. He uses a dish and LNB with an SDR receiver at around 1446MHz IF. The beacon is strong.

80m FT8 RX

Overnight, I remained on 80m FT8 RX. Basically very similar to the previous night with best DX a Brazilian PY2XU (9584km).
Once again on the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was used.  I guess the next band to try with this "antenna" is 40m FT8, although I very much doubt it will be any good up there! Mind you, I thought it would be useless on 80m!

Sunspots - Tuesday January 8th 2019

Solar flux is 71 and the sunspot number 12. A=7 and K=2.

7 Jan 2019

80m FT8 RX this evening

Already in the last 30 minutes alone, stations all over Europe are again being spotted using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. At present the best DX spotted is A45XR (5794km) in the Middle East.

UPDATE 2218z: The first North American spotted on 80m FT8 RX this evening was K1CP (4997km).

My ancestors - NOT amateur radio

Many times on this blog I have mentioned that I come from the South Hams in Devon. Today on Facebook it mentioned that ancient trees, not seen since the last Ice Age had been exposed at Hallsands. There were a few photos of these. The last Ice Age was about 10000 years ago.

What amazes me is that probably some of my distant ancestors hunted in these very trees thousands of years ago when this was still woodland and before the seas rose. Humbling.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_age

OFCOM bla bla

Bla, bla, bla, bla.  Motherhood, motherhood, and yet more motherhood...

More OFCOM rubbish in my view. This time it is to remind us about public meetings on their annual plan for 2019.

Sorry, but I would rather they enforced what is there rather than waste money on these meetings. Bring back the GPO and adults who were keen to enforce laws!!

These are my views and others are welcome to theirs.

See https://www.ofcom.org.uk/consultations-and-statements/category-1/annual-plan-2019-20

Like a small kid - NOT amateur radio

OK, I admit it - I am like a small kid with a new toy, even though I have had this Android tablet for over a year now!

This morning, I walked to the local Post Office to post a birthday card and took my tablet with me so I could record the walk using the built-in GPS. It tells me the average speed was 3 mph and the total distance 0.5 miles total.

80m FT8 RX overnight

Last evening and overnight, I went on 80m FT8 RX using the FT817 with my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground expecting, at best, mediocre results. The "antenna" was not even well matched and I made no attempt to improve this. To my surprise, it worked remarkably well.  Best DX spotted was PY2KP (9578km).
Stations spotted last night on 80m FT8 with 
the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.
UPDATE 1435z: I remained on 80m FT8 RX all day today. I see that 9 stations in 5 countries have been spotted in just the last 30 minutes!

Sunspots - Monday January 7th 2019

Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 12. A=9 and K=2.

At the moment, it looks like we are moving just past the solar minimum - time will tell.

At first I had the date as Monday January 6th - since corrected!!

6 Jan 2019

80m FT8 RX with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground

This is an experiment as I do not expect great things of this antenna at so high a frequency. Indeed the match is not as good as on 160m and I have made no attempt to optimise this. On the screen I am seeing lots of EU stations, and these are now appearing on PSKreporter.

Best DX so far tonight is RL9L (4017km) after just 15 minutes!

UPDATE 2104z: At the moment 80m FT8 RX is behaving much like 160m FT8 with all over Europe being spotted. As yet, no DX spotted outside Europe apart from the Canary Islands.
UPDATE 2215z: N4DB (6131km) spotted at 2149z. This is the first North American station spotted on 80m FT8 RX this evening.

QSY to 160m FT8 RX

Just a few moments ago, I QSYed from 10m to 160m FT8 RX. Already, plenty of EU stations coming through.

Online Tax Return - NOT amateur radio

Rather later than usual, this has been completed online. Last tax year, they already gave you the interest on savings, but I did not see this on the online form in this tax year (2017-18). Also, last year you could see how complete the form was, which I found useful.

Next year I must put all relevant forms in one box marked "Tax Return 2018-19". I had great intentions this year!

Anyway, it is now done until the next one.

BREXIT. What a fine mess! - NOT amateur radio

Whether you voted "remain" or "leave" in the EU referendum, we can all agree we are in a right mess!

At the moment the UK parliament is likely to reject the latest proposal and we are due to leave the EU in March this year. If I was a betting man, I would expect our departure to be delayed and some compromise deal agreed afterwards.

Most in the UK are bored with BREXIT and can't believe the mess. All we ever wanted was some control over those who live and work in the UK and tariff free trade with the EU. We never wanted a common currency and taxes, I think. Deep down, I expect most EU nations want this, along with peace in Europe. If this means an EU defence force instead of NATO, so be it.

Back to the drawing board...

10m FT8

For a little while, I have been on 10m FT8 RX. So far just 2E0XXO (121km) spotted, although it is early still.

UPDATE 1127z: No further stations yet spotted on 10m FT8 today.

UPDATE 1306z: PD1DL (328km) spotted.

UPDATE 1606z: 4 stations in 3 countries spotted on 10m FT8 RX. Best DX is MM0KOS (468km). Time to QSY to 160m.

Sunspots - Sunday January 6th 2019

Solar flux is 72 today and the sunspot number 13.  A=15 and K=3.

It looks like things are slightly improving. Is this the real start of the climb to the next maximum? We will know later this year, but for now the signs are promising.

GPS and Anglesey Abbey - NOT amateur radio

Until yesterday, I had not tried my Android tablet (not a phone, just wi-fi) to plot my routes using GPS.

Yesterday, I put my tablet in my pocket as I walked to and from the bakers in the village. It plotted my path perfectly.

Later, I tried it in the car going to Anglesey Abbey some 5 miles away. The plot looks very accurate. I must try it again. I was surprised how well it did in the car.

Earth-mode VLF

Yesterday, I mentioned amateur VLF experiments below 9kHz. A very accessible introduction is earth-mode communications, especially utilities assisted earth mode. Using the latter mode, 6km has been spanned,  with just 5W, although much further should be possible. With much higher power and larger baselines at the TX end, I expect the small radiated power will be detectable hundreds of km away, although this is not going to be earth-mode.

An example of a typical earth-mode VLF transmitter is shown at the link.

Last night on 160m FT8 RX

Last night on 160m FT8 RX just 6 North Americans were spotted.

5 Jan 2019

160m FT8 RX

After having some fun earlier on 630m (472kHz) WSPR, I have QSYed again to 160m FT8 RX. As yet (2246z) no North Americans spotted, although lots of Europeans spotted again.

As no expert on 160m, I presume stations in North America come through later in the night as the days lengthen?

UPDATE 2250z: Best DX so far tonight on 160m FT8 RX using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground is UW6PA (3462km) in Chechnya.

472kHz WSPR RX

After about 30 minutes, just G1GKN (99km) spotted so far this evening.

UPDATE 1832z:  Now 9 different stations spotted including 2 Norwegians. As before, using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

Warm up time - NOT amateur radio

Half way around the winter walk at nearby Anglesey Abbey (just over 5 miles away by car) is a small stall selling coffee. I bet they do good business in January! There were some hellebores out, some snowdrops out and a very few daffodils out.

Flaky internet and 10m FT8

Much of the morning I have been on 10m FT8. Although 2E0XXO has been spotted many times, these spots have not been reported to PSKreporter, presumably as the internet here has been off and on. Usually it is fast and reliable, so I guess they are trying to do maintenance at a quiet time.

UPDATE 1625z: 3 stations (best DX DL) spotted today, but not one reported on PSKreporter.

Overnight on 160m FT8 RX

An average night here. In all, 7 North Americans and 1 Caribbean station spotted on 160m FT8 RX with best DX being KV4FZ (6765km) in the US Virgin Islands.

Sunspots - Saturday January 5th 2019

Solar flux is 72 today and the SSN 13. A=9 and K=2.

Amateur VLF website

Quite a bit of activity is happening below 9kHz for amateurs. Although I sometimes fail, I try to report what is happening on the Sub-9kHz Amateur Radio website. If you are interested, take a look. For RX and earth-mode you do not need complicated equipment or big antennas. This is one of the real frontiers and great fun.