24 Aug 2018

Back home

As we are home again, tomorrow I hope to be back on 10m and 6m. My usual pattern is 10m WSPR TX (500mW) and 6m FT8 (mainly RX). I occasionally call CQ on 6m FT8 but usually just for a few minutes.

Salcombe from the air - NOT amateur radio

When I was a child, I grew up in Salcombe, South Devon. These days it is an exclusive, and expensive, yachting centre for the well heeled. Most houses there are too expensive for most local people to afford.

In 1959 we moved 4 miles north to Kingsbridge. Although still a market town, this is also of morphing into a yuppy place.

Sunspots - Friday August 24th 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and the SSN 15. A=5 and K=3.

23 Aug 2018

Milton Keynes Rally

I have received some advanced warning of this rally on August 26th. This was not my usual source of data.

See https://www.mkars.org.uk/mkars/rally

Erddig House - NOT amateur radio

Our host for the week drove us to Erddig House near Wrexham. This is a fine National Trust place free to visit if you are members. As is often the case, I find stairs hard work these days, especially in old places.

Escalators are hard work these days too. Although manageable, they always need extra care.

Network radios away from home

When away from home is a classic case when network radios are useful, especially with a low cost data SIM. Not only does it allow access to things like Echolink, but also access to emails and the internet.


OFCOM today has published its grant scheme for programme makers and special events equipment owners  (PMSE) operating at 700MHz. This spectrum is to be freed up sooner than originally planned.

See https://www.ofcom.org.uk/consultations-and-statements/category-1/support-pmse-equipment-owners

American puzzle - NOT amateur radio

It is not an exaggeration to say that every American I have met has been kind, generous and caring. Really. Yet America, as a nation, come across as brash, arrogant and possibly stupid. Why?

Please don't misunderstand me. I have great deal of time for Americans. As said before, every single American I have met or dealt with has been kind and generous. Also, I have found American drivers perhaps the most polite in the whole world. Watching TV movies with car chases I could hardly believe how good the driving was in the USA. First class!

Sunspots - Thursday August 19th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the SSN 11.  A=13 and K=3.

22 Aug 2018

Terracotta Warriors - NOT amateur radio

There is a major exhibition on in Liverpool at the moment of the Chinese Terracotta Warriors. These were immense statues created over 2000 years ago. We went to a similar exhibition in London in 2007. It was very good.

Sunspots - Wednesday August 22nd 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the SSN 15. A=7 and K=3.

21 Aug 2018

More VLF experiments

Stefan DK7FC is planning more VLF tests at 17.47kHz:

"Hi VLF,

For this week, i'm planning to start with new experiments on 17.47 kHz,
where i have a (renewed) special permission to transmit.

So far the best results were a prooved carrier detection as well as a 1
character EbNaut decode by Edgar from Tasmania (VK7).

The first goal will be to determine the best time (start time and
length) on the path for this season. We have a usable path for about 2
months centered on our autun/spring time (21st SEP).

The Signal will be exported by SpecLab to simple txt files containing
the FFT data. This allows stacking, which will be required to get some
S/N at all. A reasonable stable path is essential during the
transmission time. All this will be determined by running some carrier
transmissions, a few hours per day, starting about 16 UTC.

When knowing the time to try we will attempt to transfer a 2 character
message and then even longer messages. 5 characters would be realistic i
think, with some luck and good propagation and low QRN on the RX site...

More soon.

73, Stefan"

New Monster Antenna

Southgate News has a piece today about a new dual-band monster antenna from Innovantennas for 4m and 2m. I think if I tried to erect this I would incur the wrath of the neighbours. Perhaps you live on a remote hillside and the nearest neighbour lives 2 miles away!

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/august/new-2m-4m-dual-band-yagis-from-innovantennas.htm#.W3w-ZfZFzIU

Llangollen Aqueduct - NOT amateur radio

This is an amazing piece of architecture designed by Thomas Telford centuries ago to take a canal high across a valley. Although there is a narrow path on one side the other side has a sheer drop! We were taken here today by our wedding "best man". That was 47 years ago! He lives on the Wirral near Liverpool. I was too giddy to walk across.

Catch 22 - NOT amateur radio

This book is always rated highly but I have yet to speak with anyone who has enjoyed it. I managed to get through it, but found it boring as hell. My wife has tried several times, but always given up! We gave away our copy (keep it PLEASE) and were only too glad to get rid of it. Maybe it means more if you are American and it was read years ago?

If you read it, I'd like to know how you got on.

I still find it hard to see why it is so highly rated.

Sunspots - Tuesday August 21st 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the SSN 15. A= 14 and K=2.

20 Aug 2018

Last month's 2m activity contest

Despite a logging error, I see my position in the AL section is unchanged. My error was stupid and cost me points, not that I take any contests seriously.  My main aim is fun, to work a few stations and exercise my voice.

Sunspots - Monday August 20th 2018

Solar flux is 66 today and the SSN 15. A=8 and K=2.

19 Aug 2018

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

As usual, I am on 10m WSPR TX with my beacon. As yet, no spots.

UPDATE  1110z: Several Es spots. Best DX is CS7AOL (1457km).

Yet more on 60m band

The 60m WRC 15kHz allocation is being widely allocated now, with Finland (OH) joining the growing list. Sadly, the Finns are losing some other slots at 60m.

6m FT8

For about 5 minutes I have been on 6m FT8 both RX and TX (2.5W). So far, just G1IDZ (182km) spotted.

UPDATE 1120z: Lots of Es spots. I am convinced FT8 is extending the Es "season". Best DX spot is of IT9QPF (1867km)

Margaret, are you greaving.... - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday there was a young blackbird in the garden when I was cutting the grass. At first I thought it was with its parents being fed. Hours later it was still there. This morning it was dead.

Now, I know this is the rhythm of life. I know it was probably very sick and bound to die. Nonetheless it saddened me. I hid the body in the bushes so my wife would not see it. She will think it just few off.  Perhaps it is just a reminder than what happened to this little bird happens to us all. Perhaps that is why I am saddened.

Margaret, are you greaving over Goldengrove unleaving?

See https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44400/spring-and-fall

Sunspots - Sunday August 19th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the SSN 11. A=13 and K=3.

A statesman gone - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday the world lost one of its great statesmen: Kofi Annan who for several years was head of the UN. There are sadly very few great statesmen and women in this world.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-45235800 .

18 Aug 2018


At 2030z I went QRT on all bands. The last Es here was at 1950z on 10m WSPR. In all quite a decent Es day. I shall probably be on 6m FT8 mainly RX tomorrow.

Grass mowing - NOT amateur radio

In the UK we have had a hot, dry summer. For just the second time since May, I have cut our grass.  Although parts are still brown, it is slowly recovering as we have had some rain.

Perhaps President Trump can be persuaded that global warming is a reality and not a Chinese plot.

FT8 and Es

This summer I have not used JT65 at all. Instead, I have been mostly on 6m FT8 RX with just the occasional TX period. Once in a while I tried 2m and 10m FT8. I have also been on 10m WSPR TX, although WSPR seems much less active than FT8.

FT8 is supposed to be not quite as good as JT65 on weak signals. However, the take-up of FT8 is phenomenal.

I am wondering if one of the reasons we are still seeing Es on 6m so much this late in the season is that users are in just one place and even very short openings get detected? Most FT8 is between 50.313 and 50.315MHz.  In the past, a CQ on SSB or CW might well have been missed. Also, FT8 works with signals that are more marginal than SSB or CW.

Let us hope a few remain on 6m so we can see if 6m Es is much commoner than we previously thought. In an average "out of season" day it would not surprise me to see brief openings. Remember, you only need 15 seconds to be spotted with FT8, probably even less.
6m FT8 RX spots today

ARRL numbers falling

There is a gradual downward trend in ARRL membership. This does not surprise me. However, it is worrying.

Around the world, generally, the amateur radio population is getting progressively older and it is getting harder to attract and keep younger people. We come over as an old man's hobby. I know this is not so, but we have to "connect".

As the demographic gets generally older, membership of national societies and radio clubs is likely to suffer. When I was fitter, I gave quite a few talks at radio clubs in East Anglia, UK.  By and large, the audiences were male and older men with very few women and young people. Unless we attract and keep younger people our hobby will die.

Monkey Dust - NOT amateur radio

In all my life I have never taken drugs. Even smoking cigarettes at school made me sick and after a few I stopped.

At university many were taking LSD. In later years you find people taking cocaine and marijuana.

Now there is a new menace called "magic dust". It looks like a real problem for police.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45186581 .

New FRS rules in the USA

This applies in the USA and NOT in Europe!

The ARRL reports on some rule changes by the FCC which come into effect next year.

See http://www.arrl.org/news/view/new-fcc-part-95-personal-radio-services-rules-published-in-the-federal-register?utm_source=amateur-radio-weekly&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

More in hope than expectation, I am again on 10m WSPR TX with my little beacon. As yet, no spots of me.

UPDATE 1220z: Several Es spots received from Italy and Denmark.

UPDATE 1422z: 6 unique stations have spotted my 10m WSPR today.

UPDATE 1600z: 10 unique spots today so far with 96 spots. Still seems to be plenty of Es.

Patio flowers - NOT amateur radio

For weeks, our lawns have been brown and parched, but they are at last recovering after some rain.  They may get a trim later, although it looks like more rain!

Surprisingly, the flowers in pots on our patio have done quite well as the photo shows.

6m FT8 and PSKreporter maps issues?

Since before breakfast I have been on 6m FT8 (RX and briefly TX) but nothing appears on PSKreporter. At first I suspected my internet connection but everything else seems fine. I even disconnected and reconnected yet still nothing. I stopped and restarted WSJT-X. I have spotted EA7 and I so I know 6m FT8 is good. Anyone else having issues?

UPDATE 1203z:  Up to now I was using WSJT-X V1.9 rc3. I have upgraded to the latest fully released version (v1.9.1) and all seems to be well. See comment from John below that my spots were appearing as 2m spots when I had selected 6m (50.313MHz FT8). Moral seems to be close the software and re-open if you change bands! Now getting Es spots from all over.

UPDATE 1424z: Everything is working now. My brief CQ calls (2.5W to the V2000 vertical omni) were copied widely in southern Europe and I worked several Balkan stations. A call to S01WS was not received, sadly.

Sunspots - Saturday August 18th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the sunspot number 11. A=13 and K=3.

17 Aug 2018



Princethorpe College, Princethorpe, Rugby CV23 9PY. Doors open from 10am to 4pm (8.30am for sellers). Admission is £3. There is a car boot sale and catering is available on site. Steve, G8LYB, 0795 685 5816, rally@rugbyats.co.uk www.rugbyats.co.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Old friends - NOT amateur radio

Since university days back in the 1960s, we have known this couple. They live about 40 miles away and we usually meet up a few times each year. We went to their house for lunch today. When we meet it seems like just yesterday when we last met. In his working life he was a project manager responsible for putting a probe on a comet. He is very modest and talking to him you'd never guess. My wife is on the left.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_(spacecraft)

Visitor Map - NOT amateur radio

Usually I can see where visitors to my blog are from. This was very useful to see where hackers were located. This is a map visible only to me. For several days now, this has not been working. It looks like a Google issue, which I hope is soon resolved.

Lately, several things seem to be getting worse. Several of our famous high street shops have closed as we buy more and more online. Our only bank in the village has closed (similar reason). Picasa no longer allows me to send photos, etc. It almost seems we are going backwards!

No storms?

Looking at the lightning maps, it looks like we are in for a quiet day. The nearest storms are miles away. It is not too hot, but likely to remain dry.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/blitzortung/europe/index.php?bo_page=map&bo_showmap=6
See https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/u121rkr90#?date=2018-08-17

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

Although active since breakfast, no spots as yet. It is still early.

UPDATE 0905z: Still no spots.

UPDATE 1944z: EA8BFK (2880km) in the Canary Islands spotted me 4 times this afternoon. Otherwise no spots at all. Soon be QRT time.

Sunspots - Friday August 17th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the SSN remains 12 (low but not zero!). A=11 and K=2.