8 Oct 2018

472kHz WSPR

The DX on 10m FT8 seems to have stopped, so I have QSYed to MF WSPR (10mW ERP from earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground).

So far, just a spot from M0XDK (80km).

African migrant birds - NOT amateur radio

The African migrant birds seem to have gone. Swifts went several weeks ago and house martins and swallows seem to have largely gone. There may be the odd straggler. It is just possible that one or two might try to stay over the winter near the coast. 

It is some weeks now since I last saw a swallow. Come next April, they will be back. In the meantime, safe journeys! 

Soon we might see migrants from the north, who think it is mild here!

Village Walk - NOT amateur radio

At the weekend, we did a walk in the village and my wife made this collage. Despite the size, it still feels like a village.

Overnight on 472kHz WSPR

Not a bad night.

Best DX on RX was EA7HPM (1726km) who was one of 11 different stations spotted. On TX (10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground) I was spotted by 9 different stations.

10m FT8

This morning, I decided to go on 10m FT8. An earlier CQ was spotted by no-one, but on RX I have spotted 3 stations in 2 countries. Although these could be tropo, I suspect some are aircraft reflections.

UPDATE 0936z: Looks like I caught some 10m Es! A CQ (2.5W) on 10m FT8 was spotted in 3 southern European nations and EA1UY (1306km) was worked. In all 11 different stations spotted so far on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1152z:  52 stations in 13 countries already spotted on 10m FT8 RX. Best DX is ZS6WB (9094km). Dead band?

UPDATE 1455z: CE5AUC (12196km) in Chile, South America now being spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1720z: VP8LP (12773km) in the Falkland Islands now being spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1930z: Pinch me! This really is sunspot minimum? So many DX stations on 10m FT8 RX today that I can hardly believe it.

Sunspots - Monday October 8th 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number back to zero. A=26 and K=5.

7 Oct 2018


10m WSPR as been given up today as a lost cause and I am now on 472kHz (630m) WSPR with 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. G3KEV (232km) spotted, of course as he has huge antennas, and 3 spots of me.

UPDATE 2112z: So far this evening 9 spots of others with best DX LA8AV (1035km) and 3 spots of my 10mW ERP.

What a difference - 2m and 6m FT8

Outside of the Es season there is a huge difference between 2m FT8 and 6m FT8.  2m seems to be very busy indeed, whereas 6m FT8 is almost devoid of activity.

Any of my QRP CQs is spotted by loads of stations on 2m FT8 whereas I'd be very lucky to be spotted at all on 6m FT8. Although I have been on 6m FT8 all day, I have spotted just one station here. On 2m FT8 yesterday I had already spotted loads of stations in 7 countries in the same period.

During the Es season 6m FT8 is much busier. I guess 2m FT8 is a safe bet with tropo and aircraft reflection. It is a pity more don't stay on 6m outside the Es season to see how it behaves.

10m WSPR

As the HF antenna is available, I am on 10m WSPR TX (500mW). If I get any spots during the day it will be a bonus!

The beacon does not need a PC and is totally stand-alone. It is 100% TX but randomly changes frequency within the 200Hz window every 2 minutes. It has been on for about 20 minutes so far. No spots!

UPDATE 1830z: Still no spots. QRT soon.

St Ives (Cambridgeshire) - NOT amateur radio

My wife made this collage of our trip last week to St Ives (Cambs).

It makes a good summary of our trip, which is why it is included here.

At the top is the famous bridge and at the bottom is the market.

Sunspots - Sunday October 7th 2018

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN has returned to zero. A=6 and K=0.

6m FT8

It is now way outside of the main Es season, but I decided to try 6m FT8 today. The rig and PC went on about 0830z. I called CQ briefly, but got no spots. Nothing received either.

UPDATE 1744z: 11 stations in 3 countries so far today on 6m FT8 RX. Best DX on 6m FT8 RX today is CT7ANG (1801km).

6 Oct 2018

More amateur VLF transmissions

Riccardo  IW4DXW has been doing more 8.27kHz VLF TX tests, but most stations in Europe have failed to decode him. 

Inspired by DK7FC, Stefan, he hopes to do some "guard rail" loop tests soon.

See https://sites.google.com/site/sub9khz/


The VHF station here on 2m is very modest consisting of an FT817ND and a big-wheel omni antenna on the side of the bungalow. For FM a V2000 triband vertical is used. There are no beams. The most power that can be run is 5W, although most times 2.5W is used.

Despite these restrictions, decent DX is worked in UKAC activity contests, no problems are experienced working 2m FM nets and 2m DX on FT8 RX and TX seems quite easy.  The latter mode seems to have transformed the band: DX that would never have been expected is now workable in flat conditions. Sometimes this is aircraft reflection and other times it is just flat band tropo i.e. normal flat conditions. Today, for example, my 2.5W 2m FT8 has been copied in Cornwall and Ulster.

FT8 worries many. Although it is a great mode for simple stations to spot and work DX, it needs a PC and special (albeit free) software. Years ago many chanced on amateur radio by picking up a local 160m AM station. These days this is very unlikely. Our hobby is changing and the appeal of new modes may not be enough to save it. There is no doubt that modes like FT8 are overall "a good thing", but we have to be careful.

BREXIT deal? - NOT amateur radio

Negotiations on the UK's withdrawal from the EU were always going to be fraught and last minute. Both sides want the best compromise.  It now looks a bit more hopeful with more positive noises from the EU.

I am sure that most people in the UK were less than happy with unrestricted movement within the EU, but were happy with free trade within the EU.

If the EU had been a bit more willing to compromise on this, I suspect the referendum outcome might have been different. For this I blame David Cameron (UK Prime Minister at the time) and the EU officials who could not read the "mood music".  The UK has always been on the edge of the EU experiment.

In many countries the people of that nation want to have the final word over who works and lives in a particular nation.  The UK does not want unrestricted immigration. It wants to have the final decision and, in my view, this is quite reasonable. I say this as someone who voted "remain".

This does not mean stopping low skilled workers coming to work in fruit picking, hospitals and hospitality. It means they do not have an automatic right to stay here for ever just because they are EU citizens.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45768848

Homo Deus - NOT amateur radio

I have just finished reading "Homo Deus" by the author who also wrote "Sapiens". I have to admit that these two non-fiction books are perhaps the most thought provoking books I have ever read. "Sapiens" looks at the history of mankind and "Homo Deus" is a look into the future.

You may not agree, but the latter is certainly thought provoking. What is approaching is undeniable: vast amounts of data are known and now, or very soon, machines will be able to process and analyse these data far better than the human brain. Perhaps Homo Sapiens is not the ultimate being we once thought.

The main problem remains consciousness. What is it? What is its purpose? Can we ever understand why it exists?

All the time I am aware of how limited our world view is. According to these books religions are human inventions.

What is clear is how little we understand.

St Ives (Cambs) - NOT amateur radio

As reported yesterday, we went to St Ives on the guided busway. We noticed this pub as it had such a great display of real flowers outside. It is about 200m from the river.

Solar cycle 25

Having scanned what is available, my conclusion is that solar cycle 25 is expected to be much the same as cycle 24 i.e. not great. Perhaps it will be very slightly weaker.  The experts are also expecting the minimum to be quite long. Predictions are getting better, but this by no means an exact science.

This is probably the last peak I shall be around to see, so I hope it is reasonable.

See https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2018GL078387

2m FT8

My XYL had an early optician's appointment in Cambridge, so we were up early.

Yet again an early QRP CQ call was spotted in Cornwall as well as in the West Midlands. At the moment, at 0754z, 8 stations in 3 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX with best DX F6DBI (501km) in Brittany.

UPDATE 1038z: Now 24 stations spotted in 4 countries on 2m FT8 RX with the best DX IU2KXV (1004km). GI6ATZ (479km) was called, he spotted me on 2m FT8 with my 2.5W to the omni, and I gave him a minus 4dB S/N (strong). Then, before we could complete, he completely vanished. Could this have been aircraft reflection? I called and called but no luck.

UPDATE 1556z:  Now 40 stations in 8 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1830z: Now 45 stations in 8 countries on 2m FT8 RX. A brief CQ (2.5W to the omni) resulted in no QSOs but several spots. Best DX on 2m FT8 TX (2.5W) was G4RRA (334km).

UPDATE 1950z: A brief CQ (2.5W) was copied by 9 stations including G7RAU (461km), yet again, in Cornwall. This path rarely fails, although I have no explanation why this seems to work with such consistency.

UPDATE 2025z: Another good day on 2m FT8 RX.
Stations spotted today on 2m FT8 RX

Sunspots - Saturday October 6th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the SSN is 11.  A=8 and K=1.

5 Oct 2018

Low cost spectrum analysers

In my working life spectrum analysers were very useful, but expensive. MLS do mail shots near the weekend and this is no exception. I see this time they are featuring certain accessories including some low cost spectrum analysers. I expect these are a poor substitute for the machines I used, but these are just a fraction of the cost.

See https://www.hamradio.co.uk/

St Ives (Cambs) - NOT amateur radio

Today we went to St Ives in Cambridgeshire on the guided busway. It was a great journey, free with our bus passes! St Ives is a decent UK market town by the river. Today was market day.

2m FT8

Today, I decided to go on 2m FT8 again. At the moment I am RX only, but will put out a few CQs later. Already (within an hour) I have spotted 14 stations in 6 countries with best DX DL6YBF (471km).

UPDATE 1620z: So far today on 2m FT8 RX 37 stations spotted in 7 countries with the best DX on 2m FT8 RX being DJ6GK (607km).

UPDATE 1655z: A recent CQ call (2.5W to the big-wheel omni antenna) was spotted by 10 stations in 2 countries with G7RAU (461km) being the best.

UPDATE 1955z: A very recent QRP CQ call om 2m FT8 TX resulted in no QSOs, but I was spotted by 8 stations with the best DX 244kms away.

UPDATE 2003z: Now 42 stations in 7 countries on 2m FT8 RX today.

Yesterday on 20m FT8

For a complete change I went on 20m FT8 RX yesterday. My antenna is very low and would not match! Even so, the photo shows the stations received. 20m FT8 is just too easy. Imagine if I had a decent antenna!

Sunspots - Friday October 5th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the sunspot number 12. A=5 and K=1.

4 Oct 2018

Liner-2 2m SSB rig

How many remember the Liner-2? For me, it transformed 2m operation.

Back in the 1970s it was the ubiquitous rig for DXing on 2m in the UK and rest of Europe.

Coupled with a 30W linear and 9 el Tonna antenna, this was the rig of choice for many. They had plenty wrong with them, but I look back on mine with fond affection.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/liner2

FT8 article for RadCom

A few weeks ago I submitted another article for possible inclusion in RadCom the RSGB's monthly magazine. It looks like this will appear in the near future. It was only short, but probably apposite. Watch this space.

Writing articles is quite enjoyable. Usually I write about things done by myself, as I find these "flow" naturally. Sadly, my poor health has meant few articles about field work of late. Let us hope this changes.

Grandkids - NOT amateur radio

At the weekend we went to Kent to see one of our sons and his family.

Our grandson was a bit under the weather, but he is much better now. My wife is on the left.

UK Rallies this Sunday


Rougemont School, Malpas Road, Newport,, South Wales NP20 6QB. Doors open 10am and admittance is £2.50. There will be a Bring & Buy sale, catering, lectures/seminars, talk-in, RSGB bookstall, trade stands, special interest groups, and a prize draw/raffle. Lectures: Eric Edwards, GW8LJJ - Free Digital Voice on HF; Andrew Rushton, GW0UZK - Aerial Basics. Contact Michael Rackham, GW4JKV on 01495 226 149 or rackhamone@aol.com.


Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, French Lane, Hack Green, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8AL. This will be a sale of electronic equipment, amateur gear, components, military radio items and vehicle spares. Doors open 10am, there will be refreshments available onsite. Contact 01270 623 353, coldwar@hackgreen.co.uk www.hackgreen.co.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

20m FT8 RX

For a total change I am on 20m (14MHz) FT8 RX.  My antenna is very poor and I cannot get a good match. Even so, I am spotting JA stations.
Within an hour on 20m FT8 RX with a useless, low, antenna!
UPDATE 1252z: Too easy! Spots on 20m FT8 RX today so far. Remember my antenna is low and not even resonant!
UPDATE 1515z: At the moment, Indonesia is the best DX spotted at 11977km. Also, west coast USA is being spotted but nothing from Africa, Australia or South America. I am unfamiliar with 20m, so I do not know the best times for these.

Overnight on 472kHz WSPR

Overnight 10 different stations were spotted and 3 stations spotted my 10mW ERP. At the moment I am not active on the air.

Going backwards? - NOT amateur radio

Green Thumb are supposed look after our lawns. This year, it has been a dry summer, but every lawn we have seen in our village seems to have recovered except ours!

I wrote to Green Thumb 9 days ago. They endeavour to reply, so their computer generated reply says, within 72 hours. So far, I have had no response, so I have written again with yet more pictures. Of course, their computer replied almost instantly again to say how important we are!! Rubbish.

It is not just Green Thumb. We used to be able to ring our local bank. Now you get a call centre in India. Same with the Post Office on-line, insurances etc. It feels like no-one cares any more.

At one time letters were delivered twice a day. Sometimes, you got a letter in cities the same day you posted it.

In many ways we seem to be moving backwards.

UPDATE 2002z: Still no response from Green Thumb.

Sunspots - Thursday October 4th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the SSN 12. A=6 and K=0.

3 Oct 2018

PR gone mad? - NOT amateur radio

Apparently one university (Manchester) has banned clapping as it can cause distress to some people. Whilst I understand this at one level, I think we are all getting a little stupid.

What next? Ban all cars because some people don't like them? Ban planes as some get frightened in them? In my view, this is PR gone mad.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-45729031

MF WSPR again

Rather earlier than previous evenings, I have QSYed to 630m WSPR (10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground). G1GKN (54km) was spotted. I am pretty sure this is a new station, certainly this season. G4KPX (14km) has been quite active and widely received, yet I have still not spotted him! Even if my antenna was very directional, I am surprised not to have spotted him at all.

Sputnik Days

This came in from Oleg RX3G:

Reminder, tomorrow Oct 4 "Sputnik" QRPp Activity Days still begin.
Keep your ears open for Sputnik's "beep-beep-beep" and Vanguard's "V V
V..."  before  Oct  17.  See  detailed  rules  on  the Club 72 page -
club72.su  -  "Sputnik  Days"  in  menu.  Also you can see last years
results with a lot of pictures. See you on "orbit"!

72! Oleg "Mr. 72" RX3G
Duty operator of the Deep Space Communication Center :-)

Some years ago, G6ALB built a QRP 15m CW TX using old Sputnik valves. Our first CQ call resulted in a stateside QSO.  Great fun.

Bad back - NOT amateur radio

This occasionally happens, but things usually get back to normal in a few days. For the last day I have been in agony at times when moving as I must have strained a back muscle.  Taking Paracetamol seemed to do nothing, but 1 ibuprofen seems to have done the trick. I shall take more later. I have no idea how this happened.

10m FT8

Yet again, I have returned to 10m FT8. I have only been on for a few minutes, but already I have spotted OK1AVV (1029km).

UPDATE 1537z: 3 stations in 3 countries spotted so far on 10m FT8 RX. All EU.

UPDATE 1648z: First South American spotted. PU5WMA (10042km) spotted at 1543z. For 3 days in a row I have copied South America on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1730z: LU5HA (11096km) spotted on 10m FT8 RX. 10m dead?

UPDATE 1838z: No more South American spots. I shall stay on a bit longer, but think that is it for this evening.

Conservative Party Conference - NOT amateur radio

For those readers on Mars or outside the UK, the Conservative Party is the party in government, supported by a Northern Ireland party, to give a slim majority. It is led by Theresa May who is Prime Minister.

At the moment the Conservative Party Conference is drawing to a close and Theresa May is due to speak. By the time you read, or skip, this she may have spoken. Her speech last year was a PR disaster with a bad cough and signs falling off the wall behind her.

She could also face a leadership challenge. It is not an enviable position with many in her own party against her over BREXIT. The trouble is who would replace her? We have plenty of people keen, but no-one that stands out as a great leader.  All the people "in the wings" come over as weasels - career politicians with them as their main focus, not the good of the UK.

If there was a General Election it is quite possible Labour, led by Jeremy Corbyn, would be elected on a very left wing ticket. Personally, I am more centralist and wish centralists on all sides would try to form a new party

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-45725615

UPDATE 1320z: It happened and passed off without a hitch. Bet she was pleased!

MF WSPR last night

Last night I was on 472kHz WSPR again with 10mW ERP and the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

An average night with a new station (at least for this season) spotting me. GM4OAS (653km) and 3 others spotted me. On RX 7 different stations with the best DX again being LA8AV(1035km).