Showing posts with label grandson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandson. Show all posts

6 Mar 2025

Grandson - NOT amateur radio


This was our grandson yesterday at a meal in Cambridge.

9 Jun 2024

Grandson tea - NOT amateur radio


This was my grandson having tea last night.

3 Jan 2024

Revising - NOT amateur radio

For the last few days, our younger grandson has been staying with us. Here he is revising for his GCSEs. I am asking him science questions and my wife is doing Shakespeare.

I seem to recall doing the same about 30 years ago with our sons!

Our grandson - NOT amateur radio

They grow up all too fast. This was our older grandson yesterday.  It seems just a few minutes ago he was a baby! Now he is taller than I am.  

Sadly, he has no interest in radio.  Our other grandson is fascinated. He is amazed by my QSL cards and blog numbers. At some future point I could see him getting a licence.

The moral is to enjoy them at every age.

21 May 2023

Growing up - NOT amateur radio


One of our sons and grandsons earlier in our back garden.

16 Feb 2023

Getting taller - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows our elder grandson in 3 years. In 2021 he was a child. In 2023 he is a young man. Either I am shrinking or he is growing. It is mostly the latter!


13 Nov 2022

Grandson growing up - NOT amateur radio

It seems just a blink of an eye since our elder grandson was born. The same again and he will probably be married with children, we hope! 

We will probably be pushing up daisies!

12 Jun 2022

Where our grandson rang this morning - NOT amateur radio

This is Cherry Hinton church where our grandson rang the bells this morning. 

9 Jan 2022

Overtaking? - NOT amateur radio

My elder grandson is 14 years old. In the last year he has shot up.  He still likes coming here.

This was a photo of us both yesterday. 

20 Dec 2021

Bell hunting - NOT amateur radio

Last Thursday my grandson and I went around Cambridge on a bell hunt. This is him outside one of the churches. 

He has a YouTube channel called "Ringer Luke". He is mad on bellringing!

7 Dec 2021

Start them young

This photo may have been on a few months ago. I post in several places and forget! 

It shows one of our grandsons building a radio. He loved it and was good at soldering very quickly. I had forgotten the thrill of hearing stations on something you had built.

10 Nov 2021

Blink - NOT amateur radio

Our grandson is 14 years old today and it seems like only yesterday that he was born. Moral? Enjoy every moment.  Just think the same again and he will be 28!

26 Oct 2021

Building a radio


This was my grandson in the shack learning to solder and building a radio. He got the hang of soldering very quickly. 

Whether he will have a lifelong hobby only time will tell.

He was thrilled that he could hear signals.

2 Oct 2021

Grandson's crocheting - NOT amateur radio

Our grandson is 12 years old. This is a lampshade he recently did. He is good at art too. 

31 Jul 2021

Concentration - NOT amateur radio

This photo shows one of our grandsons concentrating on something. 

I have no idea what it was. It looks like he was on granny's iPad. I think one of the reasons he likes coming here is so he gets fewer nags! 

"What happens at granny's house stays at granny's house".

17 Jun 2021

12 year old grandson's art page updated - NOT amateur radio

We have a very talented young artist in the family. No, he does not take after granddad!  I have just updated his page on my G3XBM website to include his YouTube tutorial.

See  for a direct link to this page.

13 Jun 2021

Photo time - NOT amateur radio

One of our grandsons earlier today.

12 Jun 2021

OK I failed

This photo was taken in 2010.  It shows our grandson who was 2.5 years at the time in my workshop at the back of the garage in our old QTH. 

He is now 13 and shows no inclination towards engineering! 

7 Jun 2021

Summer - NOT amateur radio

This delightful image of our grandson was taken in 2010! They grow up fast, but this is life.

20 Apr 2021

Start them young?

Looking through some old photos I came across this one taken in 2013 at the old QTH showing our grandson, who is now 13, in my workshop at the time in the back of the garage. 

At the time he must have been pretty young.