15 Dec 2018

Birthday gifts - NOT amateur radio

Around this time both my wife and I become 70. My wife's birthday was at the end of November and mine is in a week's time, just before Christmas. My wife's brother and his wife came to stay and gave us some great gifts.

Storing intermittent grid energy - NOT amateur radio

This is the "holy grail" of renewable energy. These days solar and wind energy are cost effective, but they are not always there when you need them. Crack storage and renewables will be the way to go. There just may be an answer. At the moment this is an MIT project.

Steve G1KQH may have to close his eyes!

See https://www.elektormagazine.com/news/molten-silicon-stores-excess-grid-energy?utm_source=Elektor+International+%28English%29&utm_campaign=afd6eb7863-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_12_13_2018_11_34&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_23bd160f48-afd6eb7863-234067237&mc_cid=afd6eb7863&mc_eid=b5d6dac1e2

160m FT8 RX

About an hour ago I QSYed to 160m FT8 RX from 10m FT8 RX. As on previous evenings lots of Europeans, although many now seem to have swapped to WSJT-X V2.0.

Too late, I found out I missed the start of the 2m MGM contest with lots of FT8 activity. I may give it a try on Sunday morning.

UPDATE 2019z: Lost count of the Europeans spotted om 160m FT8 this evening.

UPDATE 2110z: No North Americans yet on 160m FT8, but best DX is UA0SC (6428km) in Asiatic Russia.

472kHz WSPR overnight

Last night was not bad. In total I was spotted by 13 different stations and I spotted 16 different stations.

10m FT8

For the last few minutes, I have been on 10m FT8 RX. So far, just  PA8MC (404km) spotted.

UPDATE 1710z:  No further spots today here.

QRP Club magazine - Vestnik

The new edition of Vestnik (Reporter) of the QRPclub is available now online.

See http://club72.su/vestnik/qv16.pdf

OFCOM and UK broadband

Please wake me up - is OFCOM about to do something useful? Surely I must be dreaming. Yesterday they announced they plan to force broadband providers to tell their customers when they can get
faster speeds. A good idea.  At present they are consulting. I hope to respond later.

See https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0022/130378/Consultation-helping-consumers-get-better-deals.pdf

Sunspots - Saturday December 15th 2018

Solar flux is 71 today and the SSN 0. A=3 and K=1.

Am I imagining things or is the sun just starting to wake? Of course, this could just be a blip.

14 Dec 2018

10m FT8

Today is my first outing on 10m using the newly fully released WSJT-X V2.0. As yet no spots. I called CQ earlier, but no spots.

If I am lucky, I might see a few Gs later, but I am not expecting much: to decode there has to be activity on 10m FT8 and they have to be using V2.0. As we are at sunspot minimum there is not much activity on 10m currently (sadly), so my chances are low.

Sunspots - Friday December 14th 2018

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=2 and K=0.

Overnight on 160m FT8 RX

A week ago very few were using WSJT-X V2.0. Now a great many are using the new 77 bit FT8 protocol. As well as countless Europeans and some Asiatic Russians, 6 North Americans spotted with the new FT8 protocol with best DX AA7A (8369km) in New Mexico, USA.

Once again using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. 160m FT8 with this "antenna" is astounding me.

It seems most have now switched to the new standard.
See https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html.  Look for WSJT-X V2.0.

13 Dec 2018

Geminid meteor shower

A reminder that this peaks tonight, so often MS DX is possible using the ionised trails of meteors as they burn up. Try 2m perhaps with  MSK144 or FT8.

OFCOM and 700MHz

OFCOM has updated progress on freeing up spectrum at 700MHz.

See https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0027/129933/Statement-700-MHz-clearance.pdf

160m FT8 RX (WSPR-X V2.0)

A few minutes ago I turned on 160m FT8 RX using WSPR-X V2.0. So far, 6 stations in 4 countries spotted.

It looks if more people are moving to V2.0.

UPDATE 1839z: 27 stations in 12 countries so far this evening.

472kHz WSPR

Only now have I turned off 472kHz WSPR. I have turned all off rigs, but expect to be on 160m FT8 later. As I am using WSJT-X V2.0, the latest released version,now there may be far fewer spots until everyone moves over. V2.0 cannot decode earlier versions and many will still be using the older versions.

In the last day on 472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP) I was spotted by 11 different stations and I spotted 17 different stations. For now, I am having a rest!

Sunspots - Thursday December 13th 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number is zero. A=4 and K=0.

12 Dec 2018

472kHz WSPR

Just upgraded to WSJT-X V2.0, now on general release. Overnight, I am on 472kHz WSPR. Version 2.0 has, supposedly, better sensitivity on WSPR. Time will tell.

So far, a couple of spots of others and one of me. Still 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna".

UPDATE 2015z: It works! Already 9 stations spotted on RX with best DX LA2XPA (1310km). On TX, 4 spots of my 10mW ERP with LA3EQ (769km) as the best so far this evening.

UPDATE 2230z: LA2XPA (1310km) has spotted me. With 2 LAs spotting my QRPP so far, this is a promising evening.
472kHz WSPR spots of my 
10mW ERP this evening so far.

Free 60m QRP crystals

Saw this on Facebook:

"We offer FREE crystals for 60m band - 5.353 MHz.  Please share this post to all QRP builders.
Merry Christmas Alex OK1RS and Ondra OK1CDJ."

See https://www.hamshop.cz/

Pound versus the Euro - NOT amateur radio

Well, I am baffled.

Today we awoke to the news that the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May faces a no-confidence vote and could be out of her job tonight. The BREXIT vote in the UK House of Commons has been delayed. Frantically, Theresa May is trying to get words added by the EU to the UK exit deal so it gets a majority in the House of Commons.

Now, if I was a betting man - I am not - I would have expected the UK pound to fall in value against the Euro. What has happened? The UK pound has gone up against the Euro! Good job I am not in charge.

WSJT-X V2.0 now released

WSJT-X V2.0 has been officially released and should be adopted as soon as possible. There are new protocols for FT8 and MSK144. Joe Taylor K1JT is urging all amateurs to adopt the new standard as this is not compatible with older versions. For a period, this will cause some confusion, but I think I'll download the new version later. Call CQ above 2kHz audio with the new version!!

See David's note below: the "above 2kHz applied for the "rc" candidates only, so people can use below 2kHz audio with WSJT-X V2.0 fully released version, although FT8 using the old protocol will not decode

See https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/Quick_Start_WSJT-X_2.0.pdf

See also https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html

10m FT8

Since breakfast, I have been mainly on 10m FT8 RX. No spots as yet.

There is usually a small Es peak in the northern hemisphere around December/January. Not sure why. This is nothing like the May, June, July period, but it might bring in a few more Europeans.

UPDATE 1027z: Still no spots.

UPDATE 1224z: Just G0OYQ (177km) spotted.

UPDATE 1700z: Just 3 G spots today on 10m FT8 with WSJT-X V1.9.

Sunspots - Wednesday December 12th 2018

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 11. A=7 and K=2.

Getting a bit better?

160m FT8 RX overnight

In all, 9 North Americans spotted in topband FT8 overnight, as well as loads and loads of Europeans. Best DX was W5XZ (7555km) in Texas, USA. As before, using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

11 Dec 2018

432MHz UKAC Activity Contest

Every month, the RSGB organises an activity contest. On the second Tuesday it is the 432MHz contest. As I have no suitable antennas, I use either my 2m halo or 2m big wheel antenna and 5W from my FT817ND. Before my voice shouted "stop!" I worked 4 stations as shown on the map.

Top band FT8

G8BCG (394km) was worked when I was running 2.5W from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. On topband FT8 RX so far, loads of Europeans with best DX on RX RV6ADY (2980km).

UPDATE 2242z: No stations in North America spotted yet on 160m FT8 RX, but plenty of Europeans.

10m FT8

Since late morning, I have been on 10m FT8 RX. So far today, just one G spot on 10m FT8 RX G4SWR (149km).

UPDATE 1715z: Just a couple of G spots. Time to QSY to 160m.

Hacked - NOT amateur radio

One of my friends had his PayPal account hacked out of the blue. Luckily, he got his money back. He has no idea how this happened.

It is a good idea to:
  • check accounts regularly and often
  • use strong passwords
  • change passwords often.
He also suggested https://passwordsgenerator.net/ to generate strong passwords

Homely kitchen - NOT amateur radio

Our kitchen can certainly not be classed as "clinical". Yes, we clean sides and floor regularly, but we have postcards and posters on the walls and enjoy breakfast at the table overlooking the windmill. When people stay they enjoy breakfasts relaxing.

Norway again on 472kHz WSPR TX (10mW ERP)

Yet again LA3EQ (769km) in Norway spotted me last night on 472kHz WSPR. I have now lost count of how many times he has spotted my signal this season. I very much appreciate these spots.

Sunspots - Tuesday December 11th 2018

Solar flux is 70 and the sunspot number back to zero. A=11 and K=2.

10 Dec 2018

Angry sky - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, it gets dark early. From later this week the evenings get lighter, although mornings get darker until early January. With "our" windmill in the foreground the angry sky late today was great. Roll on warm summer evenings! It only seems 5 minutes since it got dark at 10pm!

See https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/

472kHz WSPR overnight

Not the best of nights for me with just 7 spots of my 10mW ERP, with the best DX spot being by PD0OHW (459km). On RX, 18 stations spotted including 3 LAs.

10m FT8 RX

Since after breakfast, I have been keeping an eye on 10m FT8 RX. So far today, just one spot EA3ZD (1227km). Disappointing.

Sunspots - Monday December 10th 2018

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 12. A=9 and K=3.

9 Dec 2018

Where I lived long ago (but not this long ago!) - NOT amateur radio

Between 1959 and 1967, I lived in Kingsbridge, Devon. This very old, hand-tinted, postcard surfaced yesterday. I guess it dates from the late 1800s? It is before Fore Street, the main road, was tarmacked - a different age.

10m FT8

A few minutes ago I switched from 630m WSPR to 10m FT8 (mostly RX) for the daylight hours. Already OY1OF (1163km) up in the Faroe Is has been spotted.

UPDATE 1456z: No other spots since.

UPDATE 1830z: 3 G spots in addition to the OY earlier. I have now QSYed to 630m WSPR.

Windmill next door - NOT amateur radio

We are very lucky to live next door to a windmill that is nearly 200 years old. The sails usually turn when the mill is open (Thursdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays Easter until late October). We can have breakfast in our kitchen looking on the windmill and tell which way the wind is blowing by looking at the sails. The photo shows the windmill last evening just before dark.

See http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/  .

M1PRO success on 472kHz WSPR

A few days ago I posted that Jason M1PRO had built a version of my 472kHz transverter. He made a very neat version (see photo).
Well, I noticed last night he was spotted in Norway, Scotland and Belgium as well as lots of places in England. I assume this is with this transverter, although I forget what antenna he is using.  I think he loaded up the coax to his big-wheel. Not sure what his ground is.

Great stuff Jason!

From Jason's RX log, I see he is spotting quite a bit on MF.

Sunspots - Sunday December 9th 2018

Solar flux is a balmy 71 (well, better than recent days!) and the sunspot number 12. A=10 and K=2.

8 Dec 2018

QSYed to 472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP)

At about 1545z (just before dark) I QSYed to MF WSPR. As usual, I am TXing for about 20% of the time (the rest is RX) with about 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. I hope to be active until after breakfast tomorrow. For about 20 minutes my transverter is settling, so I get about 2Hz drift.