Following Paul's suggestion, I ordered a PL259 plug and BNC adaptor. This seems to have been correctly fitted with a very low SWR on 6m, 2m and 70cm. All being well, I shall be on the CDARC 2m FM net on Wednesday evening at 8pm.
11 Jul 2023
9 May 2023
V2000 vertical omni
4 May 2023
Sporadic E (Es)
We are just entering the Es season in the northern hemisphere. DX out to about 1500km with low power is common on the lower VHF bands. The photo shows my V2000 omni in 2020. On 6m even QRP SSB is enough to work DX.
26 Sept 2021
V2000 vertical omni
It is used on 6m, 2m and 70cm. Apart from just recently,it has worked faultlessly. Richard G3TFX took it apart, cleaned it, added new coax, and re-erected it. It seems to work like new again.
The photo was taken 8 years ago after it was first erected at this QTH.
30 Jun 2021
V2000 vertical omni issues
For several weeks I have had issues with my V2000 omni which I use on 6m, 2m and 70cm.
G3TFX has been investigating and it looks like the main issue is the coax. The antenna had some moisture in, but this has been removed. I need fresh coax.
In the interim I was hoping to use my VX2 handheld out portable for the Cambridge club net on 145.55MHz FM (2m) this evening. However I cannot find the charger!
13 Jun 2021
6m FT8 RX (Sunday)
UPDATE 1530z: 99 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX (see map).
UPDATE 1805z: 183 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX so far today.
UPDATE 1929z: 252 stations spotted today.
9 Jun 2021
V2000 issues
Yesterday and this morning G3TFX tried to fix my very old V2000 triband vertical antenna. Sadly, we could not remove the bottom collar despite trying everything. It may be possible, but not in situ. Possibly in a vice if the coax is cut this may be possible. I may have to get a new antenna. They are quite expensive.
8 Jun 2021
V2000 faulty
A local friend Richard G3TFX kindly tried to mend my faulty V2000 vertical. This covers 6m, 2m and 70cm. I must have had it for almost 20 years. Recently it developed a high SWR. When Richard investigated it looked like water had got in and there was some corrosion. He came back today to see if he could loosen the collar at the bottom which he could not release due to corrosion. At the time of writing, this is stuck fast.
At the moment it is about 75cm off the ground without radials and horizontal. Despite this, I have still spotted 172 station on 6m FT8 RX with the best DX spotted A92GE (5036km) in Bahrain!!
2 Jun 2014
6m - 4X1RF spots me yet again with 1W ERP (3519km)
I am still hopeful of transatlantic multi-hop Es propagation with WSPR. Patience! I must stick with 6m and keep everything crossed. If, as I have, worked K1TOL on CW in the past on 6m (summer 2007), then WSPR should certainly be possible as long as there are stations active on WSPR in the USA. K1TOL has a BIG antenna farm but with WSPR more modest antennas in the USA should be fine.
28 Aug 2013
More antenna progress at the new QTH
I've just collected my Par 10/20/40 end-fed HF antenna and a 1m solid copper ground rod from the old QTH with the aim of erecting the former and pounding in the latter in the next few days. The Par antenna will allow me to get active on some of the HF bands. The earth rod will form the far end of my new earth electrode pair "antenna" which will be used for a series of tests on 8.97, 136 and 472kHz from the new garden. My 8.97kHz beacon can be fired up in QRSS quite easily so RX tests out in the fens can start as soon as the earth-electrode antenna is ready. It will be fascinating to see how this compares at the new QTH.
My big wheel for 2m has still to be procured or made and erected. When this is in place I shall try some QRP weak signal work as mentioned before.
Something else I want to do is some tests locally on 6, 2 and 70cm using a signal generator connected to my V2000 antenna. Tests with G6ALB suggest just a few uW are enough to reach the next village. So I was wondering what the coverage to a mobile would be like locally with, say, 10uW from my generator? A drive-around test in all directions might be fun.
We are still waiting for Virgin Media internet and home phone access though - due Sept 2nd - to allow proper WSPR tests to begin. I bought a 3G wi-fi dongle with 3GB of data which is being used as a stop-gap. WSPR is my mode of choice when testing new antennas or new set-ups as the internet database (near instant) feedback gives a very good idea of how things are working.
22 Aug 2013
V2000 erected and first QSOs on 6, 2 and 70cms from new QTH
Yesterday morning I was able to work through the Welwyn Garden City 70cm repeater, although conditions were up a bit. Last night I worked several I and HA stations on 6m SSB and CW during an unexpected Es opening, getting good reports with my 5W. Conclusion so far: the antenna works fine.
I am now considering that big-wheel for 2m on the same mast. I am looking forward to working some SSB/CW stations again on 2m.
4 Aug 2013
All my antennas now dismantled ready for the move
It will be some days before I get the antennas sorted and erected at the new QTH, but at least the brackets and antenna hardware are now down and available for a suitable moment.
22 Jul 2009
V2000 vertical on 6m