29 Oct 2019

End fed 10/20/40m antenna re-erected

After being down for all the summer, I have re-erected my 10/20/40m end fed antenna. It broke earlier in the year and I thought some ladder work was needed. I am wobbly on ladders these days. Luckily I could reach the parts that mattered without a ladder and it is now strung to a different tree in the back garden. Getting the wire over the tree was surprisingly hard for me. Years ago this would have been trivial, but not any more.

Although I get a good match on 10m there is a high VSWR on 20m and 40m even with the tuner. At least I am able to WSPR and FT8 again on 10m. Most of the far end (after the 10m choke) is in the tree. To get a decent match on 20m and 40m , I need to choose another end point. It is probably fine on RX on 20m and 40m.

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