25 Mar 2020

Lovely walk - NOT amateur radio

In the warm March sunshine we did a lovely walk in the village today.

In all, we have walked about 3.75 miles today, with everyone keeping at least 2m apart!

Shops shut - NOT amateur radio

Quite a few of the businesses in our village are now closed. See the photo.

2m FT8

Today I am on 2m FT8 using 10W and the horizontal big-wheel omni antenna. So far, 12 stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 2011z: 47 stations in 7 countries have spotted my 10W 2m FT8 today. GI6ATZ (479km) called me and was worked. EI2OC (583km) spotted me.

UPDATE 2300z: Now QRT.

Sunspots - Wednesday March 25th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=2.

24 Mar 2020

How we adapt - NOT amateur radio

It's strange how quickly we adapt to a new reality.  Many countries are on a war footing in the battle with Covid-19 including here in the UK. A year ago no-one could have remotely imagined this. All of us are changing our ways of living and life goes on: we adapt.

My great hope at the end of all this is that we are kinder to each other. Across the entire planet we have all been in it together. This has been a battle for all humanity.

Garden in spring - NOT amateur radio

Springtime again! Despite the virus, life goes on. Today the lawns were cut for the third time. We are lucky to have a garden.

Amateur radio resurgence?

With many of us in full or partial lockdown, minds will turn to what we can all do at home. This year, gardens will be well tended. Home improvements will get done. Many books will get read. Friends and neighbours will be phoned or contacted by video chats.

All things being equal, amateur radio has its part to play. It is a free way to keep in contact with like-minded people. We have an outlet, so let's use it.

One of the things I shall try is to write a few radio articles for magazines. I usually write about things I have done.

OFCOM statement

On the OFCOM website is a statement about their handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

See their website.

2m FT8 vertical

This morning, as an experiment, I am on 2m FT8 with the vertical antenna. ERP is about the same on both omnis. At first glance, it is making little difference with plenty of spots at great range on the vertical antenna. 14 spots of my 10W already!

Stations spotting my 10W FT8 today 
(to 1230z) with the vertical on 2m
UPDATE 1252z:  Already several QSOs and 32 spots in 6 countries of my 10W FT8 to the vertical antenna with the best spot being by EI3KD (583km). Remember this is 10W to a vertical "white stick" fed with cheap CB coax on 2m. Both GI and EI have been reached (again) today with 10W and the V2000 vertical. Really,  polarisation seems to make absolutely no difference! I am being spotted by as many stations on vertical as horizontal omnis.

UPDATE 1319z: Switched to horizontal polarisation to see if Tim Kirby GW4VXE in west Wales and I can work each other. He has a small horizontal beam.

UPDATE 2110z: Today I was spotted by 61 stations in 6 countries, mostly with the vertical omni antenna. Who said 2m is dead? I am only using 10W!

Sunspots - Tuesday March 24th 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=12 and K=2.

23 Mar 2020

Back on 2m FT8

As 17m seems to be closing or closed for me, I have QSYed to 2m FT8 again with 10W and the big-wheel omni antenna.

After just a few minutes, 19 stations have spotted me including GI6ATZ (479km) and EI2OC (583km).  DX on 2m FT8 never fails.  Imagine if I had a big beam and 400W!!

This sort of range is always possible on 2m FT8 and I am convinced this is some sort of (non-aircraft) scatter.

UPDATE 1955z:  Now spotted by 27 stations in 6 countries.

UPDATE 2245z: Since the East Cambs net, I have been using the V2000 vertical antenna on 2m FT8. It seems to be making very little difference, sort of confirming some sort of scatter mode, but not aircraft.. At the moment the best DX spot on the vertical is by EI2OC (583km) with 23 stations spotting me on the vertical. Just now GI6AVZ (479km) was getting at about the same strength as on the big wheel.  Fascinating. Going QRT shortly.

Useful data on social distancing - NOT amateur radio

Many of us are finding life harder at the moment with the current Covid-19 pandemic. This chart shows how social distancing can help slow the spread so that health services can better cope.

We are all asked to do our best to help. Don't just think of yourself: isolating yourself more really, really helps us all.

17m FT8 (10W and the tiny indoor loop)

As I think I have been spotted by most of the stations who would get me on 2m FT8, I may now try 17m FT8 until later this afternoon.

UPDATE 1104z:  Now on 17m FT8 (10W) with the tiny indoor loop. Just one station in southern Spain spotted so far and no-one has yet spotted my signal.

UPDATE 1122z:  Now 3 stations in Europe have spotted me. 4 stations spotted on 17m FT8 RX so far today (3 Europe and 1 Africa).

UPDATE 1235z: 18 stations have now spotted me with PY5EG (9891km) being the best so far. On RX, 16 stations spotted so far today on 17m FT8.

UPDATE 1408z: 35 spots by me of others and 35 spots of my 10W from North and South America, the Caribbean, Africa and Europe! Not bad for 10W and the tiny indoor loop.

Stations spotting me to
1546z today on 17m FT8
UPDATE 1546z: 46 stations have spotted me so far on 17m FT8.

UPDATE 1638z: Now 48 stations on 4 continents have spotted my 10W 17m FT8 to the tiny indoor loop. The loop should be even better on 10m.

UPDATE 1910z:  Now QSYed to 2m after being spotted by 51 stations on 2m FT8.

2m FT8

For a change, I have already gone on 2m FT8. Already 19 stations in 5 countries have spotted me including EI2OC (583km). As usual, still using 10W and the big-wheel omni. This must be some sort of (non-aircraft) scatter as it never fails.

Kestrel - NOT amateur radio

On a recent walk we saw a kestrel. These are quite common. When hunting prey they seem to hover in the sky. This is why the alternative name is wind hover.

Sunspots - Monday March 23rd 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0.  A=7 and K=3.

22 Mar 2020

2m FT8 (10W to the big-wheel omni)

Stations spotting my 10W FT8 TX to the 
big-wheel omni in the first few minutes
Although I have only been on 2m for about 5 minutes, I have been spotted by 20 stations in 4 countries already! Just like that! Amazing.

This is possible at any time it would appear. I am convinced this must be some sort of scatter, but not aircraft scatter.

UPDATE 2146z: Now 36 stations in 6 countries spotting my 10W with best DX being a spot by GI6ATZ (479km). This station seems to spot me every time! Only 5 stations spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX. I shall be active for a bit longer before going QRT.

UPDATE 2225z: Now spotted by 40 stations in 7 countries! QRT soon.

Stormy day - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows "our" windmill next door with a stormy sky. Thankfully, the last few days have been sunny. The marks at the bottom are filled cracks ahead of a repaint. The mill is 200 years old this year!

DXCC using FT8

DR4K was carrying out an experiment to see how long DXCC would take with modest power and a simple antenna using FT8. The answer is not long!

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2020/march/dxcc-experiment-completed.htm

CDARC (Cambridge Club) net on GB3PI - Friday 8pm

As CDARC cannot hold regular club nights at the moment, they are moving online. A net is being organised at 8pm Fridays on the repeater GB3PI. This is with the agreement of the Cambridgehire Repeater Group.

Sounds like a very good use of quiet repeaters.

Country walk - NOT amateur radio

Whilst we are still allowed, yesterday we did a nice walk seeing very few people. A tree had fallen partly obstructing the path. We had to go around it.

20m FT8 again

Once again I am on 20m FT8 using 10W to the 45cm diameter indoor loop. Already I have been spotted strongly in southern Italy and I have spotted 16 stations on 20m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1103z: So far today, my 10W has been spotted by 15 stations (1 QSO) and I have spotted 196 stations.

Spots of my 20m 10W 
FT8 TX to 1410z
UPDATE 1440z: 50 stations have spotted me today on 20m FT8 with the 10W FT8. On 20m FT8 RX 426 stations spotted so far today.

UPDATE 1618z: 54 stations have spotted me so far and 512 stations have been spotted here today so far on 20m FT8.

Sunspots - Sunday March 22nd 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the sunspot number still 0. A=8 and K=2.

21 Mar 2020

W&S open?

According to Southgate News W&S is still open for business and taking sensible precautions with a couple of staff working from home "in the cloud". 

I guess this policy (of keeping the shop open) could change if government policy changes.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/march/w-s-open-and-serving-your-hobby.htm#.XnZ2Ld-TK00

2m FT8 this evening

Stations spotting my 2m FT8 to the big-wheel 
omni antenna in the first 40 minutes this evening
It never fails.

I have only had my 2m FT8 10W to the big-wheel on for about 60 minutes, but I have already had 27 spots in 5 countries.

This must be some sort of non-aircraft scatter. It has completely transformed 2m for me. Unimaginable DX is in range.

Walks nearby - NOT amateur radio

Whilst keeping a safe distance from others, we are enjoying outdoor walks.

Today we went to Dalham, near Newmarket. Trees are coming into leaf and nature carries on.

On a positive note, I expect this latest set of bans has had a good effect on the planet. In some ways we have been alerted by over-dependence on cheap labour on the other side of the globe for our supply chains.

We seem to be kinder to each other too.

Webcams - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, quite a few of us are feeling more isolated. Quite a lot of us are using Duo, Skype, Facetime and similar to keep in touch.

Another thing is webcams which allow us to look at a distance. Last weekend I was able to see my brother and one of his grandchildren at the South Devon Railway at Buckfastleigh (see photo).

See https://www.earthcam.com/

See https://www.southdevonrailwayassociation.org/RailCam.shtml

On 20m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop

At 0730z, I turned on 20m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop antenna (45cm across and thin wire!) and 10W. Already several stations spotted. No spots of me yet.

UPDATE 0936z :  70 stations in 2 continents spotted so far. Just 1 spot of me from Norway so far.

UPDATE 1445z: 30 spots of my 10W today (see map). On RX 332 stations spotted so far.

UPDATE 1620z: Now 51 spots today of my 10W FT8 using the 45cm across indoor loop.

Pixie kit

Some years ago I built a Pixie kit from China.  The Pixie is a simple CW transceiver usually for 40m or 80m. Mine (shown in the photo) cost under £5 with free shipping by air and worked first time. Like many simple rigs, it is a compromise. Great fun.

2m FT8

Last evening I again QSYed to 2m FT8. 20 stations spotted me in 5 countries again convincing me that this is some sort of scatter propagation. EVERY time I go on I seem to be spotted at great range. I am only using 10W to my big wheel omni antenna. The map shows where I was spotted last evening.

Sunspots - Saturday March 21st 2020

Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 0. A=7 and K=2.

20 Mar 2020

Returning migrant birds - NOT amateur radio

Sand Martin
Already we are hearing and seeing chiffchaffs and sand martins are regularly being seen in Devon. Up here in East Anglia, we usually see returning swallows by mid-April with swifts later, usually early May. These returning migrants bring joy to the heart.

My dad, who died in 1987, regularly saw returning sand martins on the golf course at Thurlestone in mid-March.

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/sand-martin/

Life goes on - NOT amateur radio

Mute Swan
Strange how we all adjust to a new reality. Just a few months ago we would not have believed it. In the strange times at the moment some people have been very kind.

Today we did a walk and saw very few people. Life and nature carry on. Nice to think this mute swan knows nothing of Covid-19!

20m FT8

Once again, I am on 20m FT8 (10W with the indoor loop). So far today 11 stations have spotted me with the best DX being KI8JP (3916 miles). On 20m FT8 RX 125 stations spotted with best DX being K7SCX (7505km).

Stations spotting me to 1730z
UPDATE 1617z: 55 stations have now spotted my 10W FT8 and I have spotted 224 stations so far.

Stations spotted today here to 1730z
UPDATE 1730z:  287 stations spotted so far today. 58 stations spotted here.

UPDATE 1915z:  75 spots of me today. A few QSOs.

UPDATE 1946z: 77 stations spotting me today so far. Activity now dropping off. On 20m FT8 RX 455 stations spotted her.

UPDATE 2011z: The last map shows the stations spotting me on 20m FT8 TX.

VHF/UHF beacons on FT8?

It seems to me to be a "good idea" if all beacons had an FT8 transmission slot. A single FT8 TX slot is only 15 seconds, but this would allow monitoring of beacons at great range.

For those not equipped for FT8 there could still be a CW slot. All the beacons in a region could co-exist in a few kilohertz of band which beacon hunters could monitor all the time.

WSPR is too long at 2 minute transmission cycles, but FT8 would be far better. Shorter TX slots would make monitoring by modes like aircraft and other types of scatter more probable.

On reflection, maybe all beacons including HF ones need an FT8 slot?

Sunspots - Friday March 20th 2020

Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 0. A=12 and K=1.

19 Mar 2020

2m FT8

As 20m seems to be closed now, I have QSYed to 2m FT8 instead. On 2m FT8 RX stations as far apart as Brittany and Germany spotted.

On 2m FT8 TX (10W to the big-wheel omni) 10 stations have spotted me so far with the best being GD3YEO (384km).

As I have said before, I am convinced this is some sort of scatter mode, but not aircraft. Polarisation does not seem to matter much and it seems to be there nearly all the time.

UPDATE 2140z: 14 spots of me so far this evening with best DX a spot by GI6ATZ (479km) and 10 spots of others.

Stations spotting my 10W
on 2m FT8 TX this evening 
UPDATE 2310z: After a QSO with a Dutch station, I am now QRT. In the end, 20 stations spotted me.

Covid-19 spread - NOT amateur radio

If you are like me, you are probably fed up with talk about Covid-19.

This map seems quite good. You can animate it to show how the disease has spread across the planet.

With a vaccine likely to be some way in the future, I hope they can re-purpose some existing anti-viral drug to lessen Covid-19s effects. Some are already being trialled.

Another rally postponed

I have been informed about another rally that has been postponed. If the background makes this hard to read I apologise, but this is as I received it.


CW BOOT CAMP. Stirling and District ARS, Unit 68, Bandeath Industrial Estate, Throsk FK7 7NP GMDX in conjunction with Stirling & District ARS are running a CW Boot Camp in Stirling. Great opportunity to improve you CW skills, registration open to all. Further information at https://www.gmdx.org.uk/cwbootcamp.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

20m FT8

For about 15 minutes, I have been on 20m FT8 with 10W to the tiny indoor loop.

Already over 40 stations have been spotted, but no spots yet on TX. Although I thought that I chose a clear frequency, I must be swamped by a big station that I cannot see. If this persists, I might try a QSY.

UPDATE 1047z: Now QSYed.  70 stations spotted and I have been spotted by 3 Europeans so far.

UPDATE 1345z: So far today, 31 stations have spotted my 10W 20m FT8 including 4 in the USA.

UPDATE 1505z: Now 36 stations spotting me today so far.

UPDATE 1703z: Now 77 stations spotting my 10W FT8 on 20m. On 20m FT8 RX 442 stations spotted with best DX E20EHQ (9459km).