22 Mar 2020

2m FT8 (10W to the big-wheel omni)

Stations spotting my 10W FT8 TX to the 
big-wheel omni in the first few minutes
Although I have only been on 2m for about 5 minutes, I have been spotted by 20 stations in 4 countries already! Just like that! Amazing.

This is possible at any time it would appear. I am convinced this must be some sort of scatter, but not aircraft scatter.

UPDATE 2146z: Now 36 stations in 6 countries spotting my 10W with best DX being a spot by GI6ATZ (479km). This station seems to spot me every time! Only 5 stations spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX. I shall be active for a bit longer before going QRT.

UPDATE 2225z: Now spotted by 40 stations in 7 countries! QRT soon.

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