24 Aug 2019

Sunspots - Saturday August 24th 2019

Solar flux is 67 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=1.

23 Aug 2019

2m FT8

As usual, I have switched to 2m FT8. Best report of my 10W to the big-wheel is GI6ATZ (479km)  in IN74.

On 2m RX 13 stations in 3 countries spotted with best DX being F0GOW (609km) in IN96.

Merry go round - NOT amateur radio

This was seen in NW England a few weeks ago. Simple pleasures for little ones.

Es again on 6m FT8

Yet again, there is early Es on 6m FT8. Well before breakfast I was spotted up in the Faeroes and just now I worked a Norwegian and was spotted by lots of Finns and others in Scandinavia. Remember, this is 10W to the V2000 vertical omni.

Maybe people are getting the message that 6m Es goes way beyond July! As I said yesterday, it seems that every time I go on 6m FT8 calling CQ with 10W I work someone by Es.

The map shows the stations that spotted me to 0945z this morning on 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1353z: Still plenty of Es activity on 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1652z: The second photo shows the stations received today on 6m FT8 RX. Es season over? I hardly think so!

How it all started

Back in 1961, my dad bought me a Heathkit Electronics Workshop one Christmas. That was the start of a hobby and a career in telecommunications design.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/elwk .

Sunspots - Friday August 23rd 2019

Solar flux is 66 and the SSN 0. A=4
6 and K=2.  The bottom.

22 Aug 2019

Back to 2m FT8

After yet another good Es day on 6m FT8 (some OHs were copying my 10W at a staggering +8dB S/N), I have now returned to 2m FT8.

My initial 2m FT8 CQ was copied by 9 stations with G4ELI (449km) as the best DX spot of my 10W. He is in Cornwall.

On 2m FT8 RX plenty of stations again spotted with DF6DW (562km) as the best DX spotted.

UPDATE  1947z: 10 stations spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2102z:  Now 25 stations spotted this evening on 2m FT8 RX in 4 countries. Most reports are in the -12dB to -18dB S/N region. This suggests "flat band" tropo as the most likely propagation.

Rallies this weekend


Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre, Waldron Road, Broomfield, Montrose DD10 9BD. Indoor event and tables available to sell your own junk. Open to the public from 10am, disabled access and minor catering available. Details from Ewan, MM0BIX on 01674 676 740.


Newton Abbot Racecourse Devon TQ12 3AF. Doors open at 10am with disabled visitors gaining access at 9.30am. Indoor event with plenty of free parking on site. There will be a Bring & Buy as well as an RSGB bookstall. Catering will be available on site. To book tables call Pete, G4VTO on 01803864528 or Mike, G1TUU on 01803557941 email rally team at rally@tars.org.uk.


MKARS, Irish Centre, Manor Fields, Watling Street, Bletchley MK2 2HX. Entrance £3 per person. Various trader options available with extra indoor pitches available for 2019. Free parking and on-site catering. Open to traders 7am, Public from 9am. Additional information at www.mkars.org.uk/rally or contact Francis Hennigan, M0UKF rally@mkars.org.uk or 07563 498 156.


Ernulf Academy, St Neots PE19 2SH. Gates open for Traders at 7am and 9am for the public. Entry is £3. There is Free car parking, an RSGB Bookstall, Bring & Buy with indoor and outdoor stands available. Catering provided on site. Talk in will be on 145.550MHz on GX0HSR. Contact Malcolm, M0OLG on events@hunts-hams.co.uk for details or phone 01480 214282.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Es yet again on 6m FT8

It seems every time I venture on to 6m FT8 there is Es. An early 10W 6m FT8 CQ using the V2000 vertical omni brought QSOs with Lithuania and Italy. On 6m FT8 RX the best DX so far spotted is CN8LI (2114km) in North Africa. 6m dead did someone say?

UPDATE 1806z:  Plenty of SMs and OHs worked after calling CQ on 6m FT8 TX this evening. Loads more spotted me too. 7 people have spotted my 10W FT8 in just the last 15 minutes! Most of these were in Finland by, what I assume is, Es.

2m FT8 early

Overnight I stayed on 2m FT8, around breakfast time there were lots of stations spotted with the best again being Germany. On TX my 2mFT8 CQ was copied by 4 stations with the best being a spot by EI2FG (565km). Not bad for 10W and a big-wheel omni antenna.

Sundial at Peterborough Cathedral - NOT amateur radio

On the west wall at Peterborough Cathedral is this fine, and very old, sundial. The date says 1762, but it looks like it has been repainted.

See http://sundialsoc.org.uk/dials/peterborough-cathedral0589/

LF and VLF ideas

In recent years there has been an increasing interest in amateur VLF work. You may find some ideas on my webpage.

Although big antennas and high power help on TX, this is not so on RX where some very compact antennas can be really effective. E-field probes are very small yet are very effective VLF RX antennas. They are every bit as effective as much larger antennas.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vlf

Sunspots - Thursday August 22nd 2019

Solar flux is 66 today and the SSN 0. A=5 and K=1.

21 Aug 2019

2m FT8

Well, I thought something was wrong! Then I found that my UHF adaptor was not in properly. My recent 2m FT8 CQ was widely spotted, but no QSOs resulted. Best TX (10W to the big-wheel) DX was EI2FG (565km) in southern Eire. Also spotting me were 3 Cornish stations as well as a French station and a Belgian station.

On 2m FT8 RX DF6PW (562km) is the best DX.

2m FT8 certainly works!

UPDATE 1930z:  My last 2m FT8 CQ was copied by 6 stations, although no QSOs resulted.

UPDATE 2025z: 5 stations spotted my 10W FT8 2m CQ just now, including one station in Cornwall. No QSOs resulted.

UPDATE 2054z: 26 stations spotted this evening on 2m FT8 RX with the best DX being DJ6AG (689km) deep into Germany. All this on the big-wheel omni.

Back on 6m FT8

Earlier we went by train to Peterborough, where we went to the Gaia exhibition and had lunch.

Now we are home again, I am on 6m FT8. After a few CQ calls, I am currently RX only. On 6m FT8 TX I was spotted by LA7DHA (1902km) way up in Norway. I assume this is Es. Other spots were by stations in  England.

So far on 6m FT8 RX just one G spotted.

Every time I go on 6m FT8 TX I seem to be spotted at great range, presumably by Es. I think it is disappointing that people desert the band in August thinking that the Es season is over. Clearly with FT8, we are seeing Es every day so far this month that I have been active.

UPDATE 1540z: Another FT8 CQ (10W) was spotted by 6 stations with (again) LA7DHA (1902km) spotting me. Still just one spot on 6m FT8 RX.

Globe - NOT amateur radio

At the moment there is an exhibition on inside Peterborough Cathedral called "Gaia". The centre piece in the nave is a 7m diameter globe of the Earth (see photo). It is very impressive and free in the daylight hours.  They charge in the evenings when there is music and the globe is illuminated.

End fed half wave antennas

The problem with end fed half waves is they are a high impedance at the ends. This is often outside the range that can be tuned with auto-ATUs in many modern rigs that tune out mismatches to about 3:1 VSWR. The common solution is to add a matching transformer so the auto-ATU can cope. There are several ideas around.

See https://vk3il.net/projects-antenna/efhw-matching-unit/

Sunspots - Wednesday August 21st 2019

Solar flux is 67 and the sunspot number 0. A=4 and K=1. Still no sunspots!

20 Aug 2019

BREXIT deal? - NOT amateur radio

We have a Prime Minister who is on record as saying that we will be leaving the EU at the end of October deal or no deal. He has also said the chances of a no deal are 1 million to 1 against.

At the moment both the UK and EU seem to be playing chicken to see who blinks first. It seems to me that the divisions are only over the border between Eire and Ulster. Surely to goodness a compromise can be found that suits both the EU and UK?

If a compromise is not worked out, both lose. No-one wants that.

2m FT8

A few moments ago I switched to 2m FT8 TX. 4 spots with best being GI6ATZ (479km). Yet again, I am running just over 10W to the big-wheel omni antenna.

Already a couple of Germans are in the RX log. FT8 makes things possible that simply would not be possible on SSB or CW for me.

UPDATE 2048z: Just worked F6BTP (323km) on 2m FT8. I called him in answer to his CQ call. I was also copied in Germany (562km) and Eire (565km). Quite amazing with just over 10W to an omni antenna.

Punts in the rain - NOT amateur radio

This photo was taken earlier this summer.

We had a shower of rain, so all the punt occupants suddenly erected umbrellas! They are on the Cam just outside Kings College.

136kHz and 472kHz RX with the E-field probe.

In the coming LF and MF DX season, I hope to be on RX with an E-field probe antenna. As this has to go in a tree, this depends on getting some help as it needs ladder work!

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/mflf/winter

FT991A web page updated

Yesterday I had occasion to ring MLS about my FT991A. Their service on the phone was very good, so I have updated my webpage to share the advice they gave me.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/ft991a

Norwich - NOT amateur radio

In our minds, Norwich is one of the nicest cities in the UK. It has a Norman cathedral and castle, some very old streets, fine shops and a good market amongst its many attractions.

The photo shows one street not far from the cathedral.

6m FT8

An early 6m FT8 CQ 
this morning (0800z)
Yet again, the evidence suggests Es on 6m FT8. A recent FT8 CQ was spotted by 7 stations including SQ9KFZ (1305km). On FT8 RX just G3XDV (45km) and G6NNS (26km).

The moral is stay on 6m!!

One of the issues is people monitoring 6m FT8 RX when at work. Clearly the band is open, but FT8 CQ calls go unanswered. My recent CQ was spotted by 9 stations in 5 countries including OH1QX (1823km).

An FT8 CQ was spotted by 3 stations including 9A2DI (1530km). Es, but no takers.

Another 6m FT8 CQ call by me was spotted by 7 stations in Southern Europe (Es I assume) although no QSOs resulted again. It looks like there is widespread, strong, Es on 6m yet again.

Just after 1100z I again called CQ on 6m FT8. This time I was spotted only by 4 G stations.

UPDATE 1238z: Yet again, good evidence of 6m FT8 Es this morning.

UPDATE 1420z: A recent 6m FT8 CQ call was spotted by 6 people as far apart as Poland and the Faroes. OY1OF (1163km) was getting me at +5dB S/N, which is very strong. He was +17dB with me - just like a pipe. I thought he was a local!

UPDATE 1540z: A recent 6m FT8 CQ was only spotted by 3 G stations.

See the photo of the 6m FT8 RX spots this morning.

Sunspots - Tuesday August 20th 2019

Solar flux is 67 and the SSN 0. A=6 and K=1.

19 Aug 2019

More 2m FT8

2m FT8 TX spots this 
evening so far (1847z)
As the storms seem to have passed, I am back on 2m FT8.

A recent 2m FT8 CQ (10W to the big-wheel omni antenna) resulted in 11 spots, but no QSOs. Best DX was a spot by GI6ATZ (479km).

On RX 28 spots so far this evening with the best DX on 2m FT8 RX being DF6PW (562km).

2m FT8 RX spots this 
evening so far (1847z)
Although some RX reports will be aircraft reflections, quite a lot will be normal "flat band" tropo as these distances (N.Ireland and Devon + Cornwall) seem to possible at any time, not just when aircraft are in the right spots.

Stations spotted on 2m FT8 to 2020z 
this evening in the last few hours.
UPDATE  2020z: It seems hard to believe that all these were spotted on 2m! It seems this sort of DX is available all the time with FT8. And remember, this is with the big-wheel omni - no beams!

Storms stop play

We have quite nearby storms. According to the gap between the lightning and the thunder, it is about 2 miles away (5 seconds a mile). I have disconnected antennas, rigs, and PSU.

UPDATE 1452z: All quiet again. Have the storms passed? Everything reconnected.

Flightradar24 - NOT amateur radio

On my Android phone I am able to track my son and family on their plane journey back from Australia. This is a free app available on the Play Store. It has quite a good rating (4.7 out of 5) and is supported by ads.

Be careful!! There are several with very similar names.

UPDATE 1957z: After a flight from Hong-Kong of almost 12 hours they are now approaching the UK. They will be knackered!

6m Es

It is now the second half of August and there still seems plenty of Es around on 6m FT8. At this time of year, I think the main issue is too few people and not propagation.

Try 6m FT8. You might get a nice surprise.

6m FT8

After the help from Steve at MLS the issue with FT8 on the FT991A seems to be resolved. Using about 10W and the V2000 vertical omni, I had plenty of East Europeans replying to my 6m FT8 CQ calls just before lunch.

On 2m too it seems to be working fine with 2m FT8 spots by 10 stations in 5 countries.

MLS - thank you FT991A issue solved

Well, that was good service from Steve at MLS who phoned me 3 times to resolve my FT991A issue on FT8.

I did a full factory reset but the real trick seems to be to use USB rather than D-U to get the full RX bandwidth. I cannot thank him enough. He was bending over backwards to help.

This was the reply I got from MLS:

"You are very welcome Sir; it’s not just selling a radio to a customer for us it’s looking after them once the item has been purchased.

When we’re asked to match other traders’ prices that generally can’t get anywhere near us for aftersales support, (I employ 4 on-site engineers) we try our best.  Occasionally we have to walk away because I won’t compromise my company standards & indeed reputation.

It’s my name above the door after all.

Enjoy your radio and you are welcome to print my reply on your Blog if you so wish.

Best 73,

Best Regards

Martin Lynch  G4HKS
ML&S Martin Lynch & Sons Ltd.,
Wessex House"

QRP 6m FT8

A few moments ago I switched from 2m FT8 on the big-wheel to 6m FT8 on the V2000 vertical. So far just M0NKR (27km) and G0BNR (37km) spotting me. As before running 2.5W. Nothing yet spotted on 6m FT8 RX.

Operating Pedestrian Portable

This has been on before, but as it is holiday season, now is a good time to remind people. Some surprising results can be had out portable. Even though the power is normally low, the antenna can be optimised for the best angle and some remarkable DX can be worked, especially in the Es season on the higher HF bands and 6m.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/pedestrian

2m FT8

At the moment, I am on 2m FT8 RX using the FT817ND and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far, 8 stations in 4 countries spotted today, with the best being DF7IW (612km).

UPDATE 0858z: A brief CQ call (2.5W to the big-wheel) was spotted by G4RRA (334km) in Devon amongst others.

UPDATE 1400z: A recent 2m FT8 CQ (about 10W to the big-wheel omni)) was spotted by 6 stations in 3 countries. At +3dB S/N I think the spot by F4HRD (182km) must have been aircraft reflection.

Sunspots - Monday August 19th 2019

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 0.  A=6 and K =1.

18 Aug 2019

Back to 2m FT8

A few minutes ago, I switched to 2m FT8 QRP (2.5W to the big-wheel omni). My best report on TX is G7RAU (461km) in Cornwall. On 2m FT8 RX the best DX is DJ6AG (689km).

The impression I am getting is that there are fewer stations now on 2m FT8. This may just be a "time of day" thing, but it could be people now know what is possible on this mode and band and are moving on.

Stations spotted this evening 
on 2m FT8 RX to 2118z
UPDATE 1925z: So far this evening, 7 stations spotted including 3 Germans.

UPDATE 2052z: Now 14 stations spotted on 2m FT8 this evening. Judging by previous occasions, I think this is normal "flat band" tropo although I guess it could be some aircraft reflections and MS.

UPDATE 2123z: Now 17 stations spotted on 2m FT8 this evening.

Yaesu FT991A

The dealer, MLS, has been contacted (web form) and I am awaiting a phone call tomorrow. This has been a good radio, but certainly in its current state, it is not fit for its intended purpose. If a software upgrade can fix this fine.

Oscar 100 - never seen it so busy!

As you know, I periodically check the Goonhilly SDR that monitors the narrowband transponder on this geosynchronous satellite. I have never seen it so busy! When I looked a few moments ago there were 10 SSB signals at once. I get the feeling that people are realising this is up and works and is a reliable route to DX.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

QRP again on 6m FT8

Well, I decided to go back on 6m FT8 using the FT817ND at 2.5W. Almost immediately my CQ call was spotted by 4 stations with the best being SM7CAD (1140km). On 6m FT8 RX the most distant station spotted so far this morning is EA5BRE (1548km).

UPDATE 1330z: 79 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX so far today and a QSO with an HA7 earlier (I was using 2.5W to the V2000 vertical). Most of the time I have been on FT8 RX. We had an internet outage, so I may have spotted more that did not get uploaded to PSKreporter. Best FT8 RX DX is SV3BSF (2275km).

UPDATE 1342z: A recent 6m FT8 QRP CQ call was only copied by G8VR/P (69km).

UPDATE 1553z:  A recent 6m FT8 QRP CQ was copied by M1BXF only. So far today, 85 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX, many Es.