11 Nov 2016

2m JT65 again

It seems that 144.165MHz is being adopted as the 2m JT65B  frequency in Europe. This morning, starting shortly, I shall be beaconing sending on that frequency (USB dial). Any reports would be appreciated. Best to upload your spots to PSK  Reporter Maps. My actual transmission will, of course, be slightly HF of the dial setting.

UPDATE 1040z: Within minutes of starting I copied DL1BEC (487km) on 2m JT65B in Lower Saxony, Germany. This was totally unexpected! No spots of my 2W QRP as yet.

UPDATE 1904z: Several spots from G6AVK (77km) - thank you.

Sunspots and 10m - Friday November 11th 2016

Solar flux is 79 today and the sunspot number 13 (was zero yesterday). K=2. On the face of it, similar to Thursday, albeit a little more disturbed.

10 Nov 2016

Trump - NOT amateur radio

OK, I am no expert on politics but, like many, I take an interest in the USA presidential elections. I am amazed, although not totally surprised, that so many supported Trump and that he won. I am sure to many there he represents "the American Dream". He also tapped into the general discontent felt by many across the world in the "ruling class elite".

There is, at the present time, a swing to the right. In many ways the politicians in many nations have lost the confidence of many in their nations. Things will swing back when the electors feel they are being represented by those they empower to rule and make decisions.

Time will tell whether or not a rich billionaire really can command the respect of the common man and woman of the USA. In my view neither main candidate was a good choice.

Rosetta probe

Yesterday we went to lunch with old university friends who, like us,  are retired. They live in Letchworth, which is about an hour away.  The husband was the Project Manager of the Rosetta Project during his working life. This successfully orbited an asteroid and landed a probe on the surface. He was interviewed on the TV and made national news recently. He is a very modest fellow, but very bright. He got a 1st in Physics, but you would never believe it. We have been friends for nearly 50 years.

Sunspots and 10m - Thursday November 10th 2016

Solar flux is 76 today and the sun is spotless (zero sunspots). K=1. It will be interesting to see how 10m does today with no sunspots.

Yesterday and today on 10m JT65

Only now did I realise I was on JT65B and not JT65A on 10m yesterday. Not being an expert, I assume I would have not been able to decode anyone and no-one would be able to decode me! Doh! Anyway I am now back on 10m JT65A having just turned the rig and PC back on and done manual sync to internet time.

UPDATE 1020z: ZS6WB (9095km) in South Africa has just been spotted on 10m JT65. Who needs sunspots?

UPDATE 1036z SV8RV (2268km) has recently spotted my 2W QRP JT65 on 10m.

UPDATE 1134z: 10m JT65 spots being given and received today from across Europe, deep into Russia and South Africa. Today looks good on 10m even with no sunspots.

UPDATE 1740z:  2 South Americans spotted so far today.

9 Nov 2016

Straight to 10m JT65 today (QRP)

Just after breakfast, I went straight on to 10m JT65 only. As yet, no spots given or received, but I am hopeful. South America seems to depend on TEP extensions into the UK. At the moment this seems to be mainly when there is some E layer propagation, which is not plentiful at this time of the year. I am still hopeful of a few USA openings.

UPDATE 1930z:   No 10m JT65 spots all day. This has been a very quiet day.

Sunspots and 10m - Wednesday November 9th 2016

Solar flux is 76 today and the sunspot number 24. K=1.

8 Nov 2016

Solar cycle 25?

We are on the way down to the end of cycle 24, with the minimum expected around 2020. Already the experts are predicting what cycle 25 will be like, and solar activity is likely to be poor. Some are even predicting a Maunder Minimum with no sunspots at all for several years and a drop in global temperatures. The truth is we cannot be sure.

The world is warming up, fact, although some think this is not the fault of man. Somehow, I think we are involved. We owe it to future generations to look at the facts and not behave like ostriches. A Maunder Minimum might buy us a little extra time to put things right.

See https://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/01/25/first-estimate-of-solar-cycle-25-amplitudesmallest-in-over-300-years/ .

Whatever your views, equip yourselves with FACTS as much as possible.

70cm UKAC activity contest this evening

As this is the second Tuesday in the month, it should be the 70cm leg of the UKAC activity contest organised by the RSGB. My 2m halo is a good match on 70cm. Although a very poor antenna, I shall be on at 2000z (ish) to work a few stations before my voice shouts "no"! Usually I am on for less than 60  minutes, often much less.

UPDATE 2048z: I stayed on for about 10 minutes only and had 1 contact. Although conditions on 70cm weren't too bad, the level of activity seemed low to me. GB3UHF (432.430MHz) beacon was -9dB here on JT65B on the FT817 with a 2m halo fed with lossy coax, which is quite good. The beacon is in JO01 square.

Back on 10m JT65 tomorrow

Although I got no spots at all on 10m WSPR today, I did copy G6NLZ (153km) on the south coast of the UK on 6m JT65. This could have been tropo or aircraft reflection. No non UK stations today. Tomorrow I intend to go back to 10m JT65 at breakfast time. I'll probably go QRT on 6m and 10m shortly.

Botanic Garden, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday we dodged the showers and went to the Botanical Gardens in Cambridge. As I mentioned yesterday, another week and the trees could be bare.  At the moment it looks very autumnal.

Tuesday's QRP

Today I started out on 10m WSPR (500mW) - no spots, and 6m JT65 (2W) - just spots from G0LRD (25km). Later, I shall probably go to just 10m JT65.

Sunspots and 10m - Tuesday November 8th 2016

Solar flux is 76 today and sunspot number 23. K=1.

7 Nov 2016

QRT - all bands

After listening a bit after 2000z on 10m JT65 and taking part in the East Cambs net on 144.575MHz FM, I decided to go QRT on all bands. I shall be back on 10m JT65 tomorrow, hoping for better results than today.

OFCOM - microwave licence free operation

See https://www.ofcom.org.uk/consultations-and-statements/category-3/wt-exemption-2016 .

OFCOM has published notes on licence exempt use of some microwave bands.

Cambridge Botanical Garden - NOT amateur radio

We checked the weather forecast this morning and it said no rain all day. In fact, it said full sun much of the day. So we decided to go to the Botanical Garden in Cambridge. Yes, you guessed right - it rained! Really, you cannot plan anything based on the UK weather forecasts! We dodged the showers and managed some nice autumnal shots.

Another week and the best of autumn colours would be gone.

Return to 10m JT65

After a day on 20m, I returned to 10m JT65 a few moments ago. 10m is more of a challenge than 20m, which proved very easy with lots of spots at 2W. As yet, no spots.

UPDATE 1005z: RV6FT (3095km) near Krasnodar spotted already on 10m JT65. F2?

UPDATE 1832z:  No further spots all day on 10m JT65 here. No Es. No South Americans. Altogether, disappointing.

Sunspots and 10m - Monday November 7th 2016

Solar flux is 77 today and the sunspot number 24. K=1

6 Nov 2016

Currently on 20m JT65

Last night and overnight I have been (still am) on 20m JT65. Things didn't start to liven up before this morning. I guess the band was "dead" last night with little or no propagation. As an experiment, I shall remain on 14.076MHz JT65 for a while longer before I move up to 10m, which is more interesting.

UPDATE 1014z: Busy on 20m JT65!! The image shows the stations spotting me so far. Quite a few despite a low antenna and just 2W. There is far more challenge on 10m JT65. I'll give 20m a few more hours, then QSY to 10m. I am glad I tried 20m JT65, but it is too easy and I like a challenge.

UPDATE 1322z: Lots and lots of 20m JT65 spots including the USA down as far as Georgia. I've decided to stay on 20m JT65 for the rest of the day and go back on 10m JT65 tomorrow.

UPDATE 1422z:  More 20m JT65 spots from the USA.

UPDATE 2024z:  More USA stations spotted and now South Americans logged on 20m JT65 RX.

Sunspots and 10m - Sunday November 6th 2016

Solar flux is 77 today and the sunspot number 24. K=2.

QRP and QRP Club

From Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,
See  full  WQR  Report  (Weekly  QRP  Rendez-Vous)  with comments and
pictures on the blog page - http://qrp-club72.blogspot.ru/

Note, a lot of Visitors and Frequenters visited QRP Rendez-Vous this week! See the list:
See full Visitors and Frequenters lists on the Club 72 web page - club72.su

For  activity  in the "rendezvous" round tables G4SSH, EA6BB, DL8NGC,
SV2BBK became Honor Frequenters operators

Note: now we have on-line QRP Chat on the Club 72 page - enjoy to talk
with colleagues!
Thanks all QRP operators for activity and comments, see you all on the
next week "rendezvous" round tables.

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

This is a periodic Newsletter of the Club 72. Don't reply to Newsletter address! Send any requests or news to mr72@club72.su please.

Re-reading old stroke posts - NOT amateur radio

Having just re-read some of the comments to my few posts in the second half of 2013 when I was in hospital with my stroke, I realise how much support you all gave me at that dark time.

It is now 3 years later and I am able to drive, eat normally and most of me works although I still feel giddy on my feet, have a poor voice and I find drinks hard. Overall, I am grateful as things could have been so much worse.

From the bottom of my heart - thank you. You cannot begin to realise just how valuable this support was.

5 Nov 2016

VHF Spectrum Forum Notes

See http://rsgb.org/main/files/2016/11/5.2_VHF-Managers-report_Oct2016.pdf .

According to Southgate News OFCOM have recognised that the VHF lo-band noise (man-made) is much worse than it used to be.

Choosing a new band for JT65 this evening and overnight

As the 10m JT65 DX seems to have ended for the night, I might try JT65 on a completely different band this evening and overnight. I have yet to choose a band. Although I have tried WSPR on most bands, I have yet to try JT65 on the lower HF bands or MF. This could be fun. I shall need to use the auto ATU. Whatever band is chosen, I shall be beaconing "B G3XBM JO02".

UPDATE 1945z:  In the end I chose 30m using my Par antenna via the ATU. We'll see what happens. The local noise level is very high compared with 10m.

UPDATE 2014z: This is puzzling. No spots given or received as yet. Am I using the right frequency? I was using 10.138MHz but maybe I should try 40m instead? I have now QSYed to 7.039MHz on 40m but still just 1 spot. Compared with 40m and 30m WSPR, results so far have been very disappointing.

UPDATE 2100z: Would someone please let me know the correct JT65 frequencies in Europe Judging by the levels of activity I am sure I cannot be using the correct frequencies.

UPDATE 2122z:  In view of my confusion, I think I am going to move to 14.076MHz. Moved to 20m at 2125z.

UPDATE 2134z:  Here was me expecting loads of 20m JT65 spots! So far, nothing given or received.  Maybe I am assuming these HF bands would be "open".

Disappointment on 10m JT65 today

After a promising start, today has been a disappointment on 10m JT65. It is now 1538z and although I have spotted 8 countries and 3 continents on 10m JT65, not a single person has copied me! I checked all was well about 1 hour ago.

Things could change, but I am beginning to think this is not going to be so good. 10m is like this: some days it defies the forecasts and is good. Other days, like today, it started off well and has gone downhill. Ho hum - better luck tomorrow? I shall remain on 10m JT65 until bedtime in the hope it will improve.

There is a newer version of WSJT-X, although I don't think this is on general release yet. I may try this although V1.6 seems to serve me well.

Prices up?

In recent months we have seen the pound lose value against the yen and the dollar.  It now looks as if these are being passed on to customers in increased prices.

MLS is offering a deal on the IC7300 at Kempton. See http://www.hamradio.co.uk/amateur-radio-main-equipment-base-station-radio-icom-base-station-radio/icom/icom-ic-7300-hf-50-70mhz-transceiver-pd-6016.php?mc_cid=ce97983f94&mc_eid=e7d0ed0d96. At the same time they are offering the FT450D at £499.

I appreciate dealers have to make a profit and their prices have increased, but I was expecting the IC7300 to drop in price. Are we being warmed up to think around £1049 was a good price? The IC7300 should be less expensive than the FT450D as it has a simpler architecture.

For now, I am happy to wait.

The FT991A will be a direct competitor to the IC7300, so expect a Yaesu-ICOM price war in 2017 with both transceivers fighting it out. I think both will be below £1000 in 2017 despite the exchange rates.

What a difference 2 years makes

Exactly 2 years ago to the day, I was using 50mW WSPR on 10m and getting lots of spots from the USA. This autumn I have been on 10m JT65 and been spotted just once in the USA on 10m when using 2W. Solar activity is on the slide.

See http://www.solen.info/solar/ .

Sunspots and 10m - Saturday November 5th 2016

Solar flux is 76 today and the sunspot number 25. K=1.

Already 10m JT65 is promising today, but time will tell.

After 2m JT65, a return to 10m JT65

Last night, and overnight I was on 144.166MHz JT65B. Several spots were exchanged with G3WKW (133km) and G6AVK (77km) spotted me several times. It was altogether a successful 2m outing and my thanks go to both stations for being on and doing the test. Yet again JT65 looks better than WSPR on 2m. I wonder if there is a need for a WSPR1 with 1 minute TX times? I am sure the shorter TX time helps in some cases, especially if there is Doppler.

This morning I returned to 10m JT65 with spots of stations in the UK, Germany, Ukraine and Russia. Nobody has yet spotted my 2W.

UPDATE 1155z:  With 7 countries and 2 continents so far spotted this morning on 10m JT65, I am surprised that my own signal has not yet been spotted.

UPDATE 1354z: LW2DAF (11211km) in Buenos Aires is the best DX spotted on 10m JT65 RX so far today. He was spotted at 1318z. Still no spots of my 2W, which is surprising. I may close and restart in case something odd is going on at my end and I am not actually TXing.

4 Nov 2016

2m JT65B on 144.166MHz

Since about 1900z I have been on 144.166MHz using JT65B. I am doing a test with G3WKW but if anyone else wants to listen and report to PSK reporter than would be appreciated, of course.

UPDATE 2002z:  G3WKW (133km) spotted me 36 minutes ago on 2m at -24dB S/N! Thanks Bob.

UPDATE 2035z: Now G6AVK (77km) has spotted me on 2m. Thank you.

Rallies coming up

The following rallies are coming up:

The Americahal, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands. The Ham Radio Convention opens at 9.30am, parking is €4, admission €9 for non VERON members. Lectures on NVIS by Ben, PE5B; noise sources how to reduce noise by Jan, PA0JMG, Andre, PA3FIS, Anton, PA0AST and Koos, PA0KDF; Proud 2B PI4YLC, by Mariette, PA1ENG and Claudia, PD5AX; Proud 2B PI4YLC, by Mariette, PA1ENG and Claudia, PD5AX. There will be trophy presentations, trade stands, flea market, homebrew exhibition, young persons area. www.veron.nl


Kempton Park Racecourse, Staines Road East, Sunbury on Thames, TW16 5AQ. The venue has free car parking and disabled facilities. A talk-in station will be in operation. Doors open at 9.50/10am. There will be trade stands, a flea market, a Bring & buy, special interest groups and an RSGB bookstall. A raffle will take place during the day and a lecture stream will be available. There are catering outlets on site. More information from Paul, M0CJX on 08451 650 351 or by email to info@radiofairs.co.uk. www.radiofairs.co.uk.
United Services Club, 8 Roe Mill Road, Limavady, Co Londonderry BT49 9DF Doors open at 11am and the venue has disabled facilities. There will be a Bring & Buy, a talk-in station and trade stands. There will be catering on site and a raffle will be held on the day. More details from Jackie Doyle, MI0JPD on 0788 529 2545 or by email mn0gkl@gmail.com.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

USA Presidential Election - NOT amateur radio

I have no intention of getting involved in the debate, trusting my friends over there to vote wisely. Neither candidate is exactly a saint, but I am surprised by the number who follow Trump. Perhaps to many he represents the "American Dream" - a self-made billionaire who has made loads of money and who promises to make America great again. All I can say is both Trump and Clinton are politicians who are playing to the audience. Rarely does what is promised become reality. The current president was going to close Guantanamo Bay - that was eight years ago! It is still open.

All I ask is think before you vote. Whoever is in charge has their hands on the nuclear trigger for the next 4 years. The safety of the whole world matters. The USA needs to lead by good example and the world is watching.

Back to 10m JT65

Later than usual, I turned on the rig and PC to 10m JT65 (2W QRP) including a manual reset to internet time "just in case". This sync should happen every 1000 seconds automatically, but I have had a few internet issues of late.

UPDATE 1044z:  There seems to be Es about on 10m with my own signal spotted in France, Italy and Russia by RW6HLS (3131km) as well as me spotting stations all over Europe. I guess the Russian could have been F2, but I am sure the others were Es.

Cultural changes

Both my father and my mother-in-law died in 1987. I often wonder what they would have made of the world now.

They died before the end of communism in the USSR, the common use of mobile phones and the internet. Terms like "surfing the net" and "Google it" would mean nothing to them. They would be bemused by people walking the streets with things in their hands and apparently tapping them or talking into them! Smart phones were a long way in the future, as were laptops and tablets.

I wonder what other cultural changes have taken place since 1987? I am sure they would be puzzled by life today.  It makes one wonder how life will change in the next 30 years. By the end of the century the changes could be mind-boggling.

Sunspots and 10m - Friday November 4th 2016

Solar flux is 75 today and sunspot number 23. K=1 .

3 Nov 2016

PSK Reporter Maps

This is a great resource and far far more than a PSK tool. It enables you to see where in the world you are getting on various bands and various modes. I use it every day I am at home to see where my JT65 is reaching and who is coming through. Of course you can view on a different computer. In my case, when JT65 beaconing, I look on a PC in the lounge, going into the shack (only seconds away) if need be.

See https://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html .

365 Project - NOT amateur radio

This has been mentioned before: my wife and I do a photo a day as part of 365 Project. We use it as a kind of visual diary. 

Don't confuse this with Office 365, which is Microsoft's way of ripping you off with its subscription service. Open Office does as good a job in my view for free.

Back to 365project. This is free, but you can pay $19.99  a year to make it private and have additional benefits. Some people use it as a platform for very "arty" photos. Many, like us, post very average photos of our very average lives. It is great fun. You don't need a flashy camera. I got most views with a photo taken with a cheap device with low resolution.

My wife's photos.
My photos.

Sunspots and 10m - Thursday November 3rd 2016

Solar flux is 75 today and the sunspot count zero. K=4.

No 10m spots outside of Europe and with disturbed conditions and zero sunspots, the day may pass with little or no 10m DX outside of Europe.  Mind you, 10m often springs surprises!

Early return to 10m JT65

At 0634z I returned to 10m JT65.

UPDATE 0934z: With spots already from Russia and Greece of my own signal and spots of others in France Russia and Ukraine, today is looking promising.

UPDATE 1004z: With 5 spots already of my QRP 10m JT65 and widespread European spots of others I think there is Es about. Some of the more distant spots may have been F2? Personally, I think this is Es. As I have said many many times, people take a quick look decide 10m is "dead", don't call CQ and quickly QSY down the bands. 10m is open far more than people realise. Thank you JT65.

UPDATE 1120z: PR7MB (7404km) in northern Brazil has already been spotted here in 10m JT65. I think this is the first time I have spotted South Americans this autumn on 10m JT65 in the morning.