Showing posts with label 30m. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30m. Show all posts

2 Jan 2025

30m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

Just to show it works, I tuned the coax outer and ATU up on 30m. 

Just because a match can be obtained it does not guarantee efficiency. The ATU may be very inefficient and the antenna may be firing the signal right up!

What it does show is that almost anything can be matched with a suitable ATU, but this does not mean it will work well.

28 Apr 2023

30m FT8 RX in the last day using the 20-10m QDX

As stated yesterday, my QDX covering 20-10m is used with a 10m end-fed antenna. As an experiment I wanted to try it on 30m FT8 RX. I am amazed. Having been on since last evening only, with a totally non-resonant antenna, 654 stations have been spotted!!

27 Apr 2023

30m FT8 RX with the 20-10m QDX (Thursday)

My 10m band end-fed antenna is way off tune on 30m. As an experiment, I tried my QDX for 20-10m on 30m FT8 RX this evening.  I have no idea how sensitive it is on 10.136 MHz. So far, 384 stations have been spotted at 2131z. The map shows the stations spotted here by 1935z.

13 Aug 2022

30m FT8 QRP with the Miracle Whip

101 spots of me on 30m FT8 QRP despite the FT817ND and just the Miracle Whip on the shack windowsill.

12 Aug 2022

30m FT8 QRP with the indoor Miracle Whip.

As 8m was not good (or 10m WSPR), I have QSYed to 30m QRP FT8 with the indoor Miracle Whip. So far, at 1331z, 21 spots of me already! Surprisingly, just 2 stations spotted on RX. This suggests far more are on RX than TX or my RX is very deaf, which I do not think is the case. Just using the FT817ND.

UPDATE 1436z: 32 stations have spotted me (see map). If you have no decent antenna, the Miracle Whip seems to give results on QRP FT8 TX at least as low as 30m. This is with the MW on the shack windowsill indoors.

21 Dec 2021

30m FT8 RX (Tuesday)

 For a change, I am on 30m FT8 RX. So far, 12 stations spotted, all in Europe.

UPDATE 1525z:  61 spots on 30m FT8 RX so far.

UPDATE 1830z: 104 spots so far.

UPDATE 1947z:  The number of stations spotted remains at 104 suggesting the MUF is lower now. Time to go QRT.

28 Nov 2021

30m FT8 in the last day

In the last day, 155 stations have been spotted on 30m FT8 RX with the Wellgood active loop on the shack window.

27 Nov 2021

30m FT8 RX (Saturday) with the Wellgood active loop

As 10m was poor here, I QSYed 30m FT8 RX, which I had not yet tried on the Wellgood active loop. I QSYed at about 1527z. So far, 18 stations spotted (all EU) at 1520z.

UPDATE 1803z:  77 stations spotted.

UPDATE 1952z:  92 stations spotted.

UPDATE 2137z:   110 stations spotted today.

4 Nov 2021

30m FT8 RX with the active Wellgood loop

On 30m FT8 RX using the Wellgood loop stuck to the shack window inside, 264 stations spotted. 

3 Nov 2021

30m FT8 RX with the Wellgood active loop

For a change, I am on 30m FT8 RX using the Wellgood active loop antenna stuck to the shack window. So far, 13 Europeans spotted. I think this is probably the highest frequency at which I can use the loop to any advantage. It probably still works, but external noise probably ceases to dominate.

UPDATE 1026z: 21 stations spotted.

UPDATE 1919z:  227 stations spotted on 30m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2222z:  245 stations spotted on 30m FT8 RX today.

4 Sept 2021

30m FT8 RX with the indoor active loop

I am trying FT8 on 30m with the Wellgood active loop. I think there is an internet connectivity issue as I am getting local spots, but these are not appearing on PSKreporter. I tried a reboot without success.

UPDATE 1023z:  Working now. 10 EU stations spotted so far.

UPDATE 1206z: 17 stations spotted with the furthermost UA3DPM (2893km).

UPDATE 1233z: 35 stations spotted on RX with the furthermost being JW4PUA (2952km).  Soon be time to QSY, but unsure where to!

25 Oct 2020

30m FT8

My loop tunes down to 30m. It may get to 40m, although I have not tried this yet. 

On 30m FT8 RX 91 stations so far have been spotted (at 1845z) with the furthermost being R6JY (3414km). One station shown on the map as Iran, may have the wrong QTH locator.  On TX 23 spots of my QRP (2.5W to the loop) so far. I think I shall have to see how low I can tune! 40m FT8 here I come.

UPDATE 1940z:  On 40m I was unable to get a low SWR so I have returned to 30m FT8 RX. So far today, 161 stations spotted on 30m FT8. 

27 Sept 2019

30m FT8 RX

Continuing my experiments with the tiny indoor loop antenna, I have QSYed to 10.136MHz (30m) FT8 RX. Immediately 48 stations spotted.

30m FT8 RX on the 
tiny indoor loop as of 2100z
UPDATE 2013z: Now 162 stations spotted today on 30m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop. The first USA station has been spotted here on 30m FT8 RX - N0FW (6352km).

28 Feb 2018

630m WSPR RX overnight

In all, 17 unique stations spotted on 630m WSPR in the last day. Nothing outside of EU, but a couple of new countries for me in the form of 9A3KB (1290km) and HF7A (1294km).

5 Nov 2016

Choosing a new band for JT65 this evening and overnight

As the 10m JT65 DX seems to have ended for the night, I might try JT65 on a completely different band this evening and overnight. I have yet to choose a band. Although I have tried WSPR on most bands, I have yet to try JT65 on the lower HF bands or MF. This could be fun. I shall need to use the auto ATU. Whatever band is chosen, I shall be beaconing "B G3XBM JO02".

UPDATE 1945z:  In the end I chose 30m using my Par antenna via the ATU. We'll see what happens. The local noise level is very high compared with 10m.

UPDATE 2014z: This is puzzling. No spots given or received as yet. Am I using the right frequency? I was using 10.138MHz but maybe I should try 40m instead? I have now QSYed to 7.039MHz on 40m but still just 1 spot. Compared with 40m and 30m WSPR, results so far have been very disappointing.

UPDATE 2100z: Would someone please let me know the correct JT65 frequencies in Europe Judging by the levels of activity I am sure I cannot be using the correct frequencies.

UPDATE 2122z:  In view of my confusion, I think I am going to move to 14.076MHz. Moved to 20m at 2125z.

UPDATE 2134z:  Here was me expecting loads of 20m JT65 spots! So far, nothing given or received.  Maybe I am assuming these HF bands would be "open".

11 May 2016

472kHz (630m) WSPR overnight

Last night I stayed on 472kHz WSPR overnight. I was going to try WSPR on a different band but decided after all to go back on MF.  There are now far fewer active stations than back in the better months. Activity will pick up again come the autumn. No DX spots given or received on 630m WSPR. I think it is now really is the time to pull the plug on 630m WSPR until the autumn.

29 Oct 2014

30m WSPR transceiver kit

By now, you probably realise that I just love WSPR. With quite simple equipment it is possible to be decoded across the planet consistently with real QRP power levels.   I am always on the look-out for new ideas, although until my health improves I am not in a position to build too much myself. See for an example of a complete 30m WSPR transceiver.

This is NOT a new circuit  - it has been around for some years - and it still needs a PC for the WSPR software. Some TX-only WSPR beacons use microprocessors to generate the WSPR TX messages, thereby freeing up the PC and consuming little power overall. Some sync to GPS to avoid timing issues too.

12 May 2010

30m QRP transceiver from GJ7RWT

Andy GJ7RWT has sent me his schematic for a 30m QRP CW transceiver which has some similarity to the XBM80-2 and the transceiver from K4TWJ. He gets 150mW out and the receiver can copy signals down to around 10uV. He has made the circuit on strip board (veroboard) and the layout he used is attached.