27 Oct 2016

QRP and QRP Club

More from Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,

I glad to inform about new Club 72 member -
# 93 US7IB op. Vyacheslav (Slava) from Kramatorsk city

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

Sunspots and 10m - Thursday October 27th 2016

Solar flux is 77 today and the sunspot number 15.  K=5.

On the face of it, it does not look promising on 10m. Yesterday was similar and it turned out to be pretty good! You can never tell.

Salcombe Lifeboat Disaster, 100 Years On - NOT amateur radio

See http://salcombelifeboat.co.uk/lifeboat-disaster-centenary/ .

One hundred years ago today the small Devon town where I came from suffered a tragedy when the lifeboat overturned with the loss of life of most of the crew. Only two men survived. It was a tragedy in a small community.

There will be a special service to mark this 100 year anniversary.

One of my aunties witnessed the tragedy when she was a young girl.  Most of the crew were not young men as most of these were fighting in WW1.

To this day the RNLI crews go out in any weather to save lives. They are brave men and women.

See https://www.periscope.tv/w/1gqxvRAQEjgxB?q=salcombe for live coverage of the service.

UPDATE 1115z:  I watched the service live on the internet. It was a dignified affair with a packed church.  Sad to think that all the generation that remember this sad event are now long gone, but good that so many wished to remember them.

Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica - NOT amateur radio

See http://motherboard.vice.com/read/scientists-warn-the-collapse-of-this-glacier-could-be-globally-catastrophic-thwaites

It looks as if this glacier is melting fast and could result in a huge sea level rise.

I know the skeptics will say this is just scientists after funding, but we ignore these risks at our peril.

CQWW DX contest this weekend (SSB)

As many of you know, I am not a great contest person, but CQWW is "special" as bands that seem dead suddenly spring into life. This weekend is the SSB leg. As we have grandchildren, I shall miss a great deal of this. Even if you do not like contests, it is a chance to enjoy the increased activity, especially on the higher HF bands.  It runs all weekend.

See http://www.cqww.com/rules.htm .

26 Oct 2016

Slowly declining solar conditions

We are now on the gradual slide down the solar cycle to the next minimum. The slide down is usually slower than the climb after the minimum. The experts are not expecting great things of the next maximum. As always, these are averages, so some days can be much better.

Next autumn we should not expect conditions on the higher HF bands to be much good, although I firmly believe 10m is better than people think. OK, you need to hunt for the DX - it is not as easy as a few years ago, but it is there quite often.

See http://www.solen.info/solar/ .

10m JT65

I returned to 10m JT65 (2W QRP) at 0715z today, having turned the rig on and resynced the shack PC to internet time. So far, no spots.

UPDATE 1008z: EU7FBB (1931km) spotted me recently. F2 or Es?

UPDATE 1050z:  Spots of my 2W QRP 10m JT65 also received from Italy and Slovakia. Es? Nothing yet from outside Europe.

UPDATE 1100z:  It looks like there is widespread 10m propagation to Europe with my 2W QRP JT65 being spotted in Austria, Italy, Slovakia and Belarus. I am assuming this is Es. As I have said many times, 10m is open far more than people think. We have weak signal modes like JT65 and WSPR to thank for enlightening us all.

UPDATE 1345z: 8 European spots of my QRP 10m JT65 so far. Who said 10m was "dead"? Remember, my antenna for 10m is very very average and low. If you have more power and a better antenna you are likely to do better.

UPDATE 1800z: 2 South Americans spotted on 10m JT65 here today (Argentina and Brazil). I am sure this is TEP with the extension to the UK because of good openings in Europe.

UPDATE 1813z:  Now 6 South Americans spotted on 10m JT65 here.  Not bad at all.

UPDATE 1835z:  Now a couple of South Americans have spotted my 10m JT65 QRP: PY1TS (9350km) and PU4ENY (9359km). 10 South Americans spotted here with best RX CE7KF (12753km) in Chile.

UPDATE 2020z: Now spotted 22 South Americans on 10m JT65 today, including HC5K (9541km) in Ecuador. Nothing from the USA.

Sunspots and 10m - Wednesday October 26th 2016

Solar flux is 77 today. Sunspot number is 17. K=4.

On the face of it, today does not look promising on 10m.

The Dutch and the Danes - NOT amateur radio

It is now 8 years since I retired. In my working days I visited several countries around the world. Without doubt the people I liked most were the Dutch and the Danes. Somehow we just "clicked" and got on. They seemed to be like us with a similar sense of humour.

It is some years since I was last in Denmark, but we were in Amsterdam earlier this year. I still like Holland and its people. They are my kind and I wish them, and the Danes, well.

25 Oct 2016

Smart phones - NOT amateur radio

Tuesday is one of my days in Cambridge doing Polar Studies at the Scott Polar Research Institute. The course is run by the University of the Third Age. We are very lucky to have a huge range of courses in Cambridge. We are lucky to have many ex-university lecturers.

See http://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/ .

In a not very scientific study into smart phone use, these were my findings, just looking:
  • Younger people are the main users
  • About 1 in 10 (at least) seemed to be using these
  • More women than men seemed to use these (keep away, don't speak to me, acknowledge my private space?)
OK, I hear you say, so what, but this is a social thing:  in days gone by there was eye contact, people chatted to each other. At the very least people acknowledged each other. It seems most young people have lost the skill of face-to-face contact; the phone seems more important! If this is OK, OK. Sadly, as a boring old git, I think this will come back to bite us.

Above 275GHz

OFCOM is issuing NoV for bands above 275GHz (the Terahertz bands). Although I have experimented at lightwave frequencies (where the test gear is easy) I have not tried terahertz frequencies. What is needed is very simple design that is "sure fire".  At the moment, I suspect only professionals with access to terahertz test gear will apply.

See http://rsgb.org/main/blog/news/gb2rs/headlines/2016/10/21/new-terahertz-band-nov/

RadCom and RadCom Plus

This is the magazine of the RSGB, the UK's national amateur radio society. There is also an additional online version available to members (RadCom Plus) with extra content. Usually the paper copy is a mix of technical and operational news.

See http://www.rsgb.org/  .

10m JT65

Before breakfast I turned the PC and rig on and checked internet time sync. As yet, no spots given or received. South America (if at all) usually gets through late afternoon. There are quite a few monitors in Europe, but they have not copied me yet. I am convinced that JT65 is a very effective 10m mode as the solar cycle recedes and conditions get worse. I remain convinced there is life on 10m long after most people abandon it. My advice? Run 10m JT65 or WSPR in the background and be surprised. On most recent days, 10m has opened to somewhere briefly.

UPDATE 1054z:  Still no 10m JT65 spots as yet.

UPDATE 1625z:  Only UK spots today on 10m JT65 with best DX G0JEI (141km) on RX. So, no great DX today!

Sunspots and 10m - Tuesday October 25th 2016

Solar flux is 75 today and the sunspot number 13. K=4. On the face of it, we should not expect great 10m conditions today, but we may be surprised on JT65 and WSPR!

24 Oct 2016

QRP and QRP Club

Latest from Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,

Welcome new members:
# 89 - RU3GS op. Vladimir
# 90 - R1CAF op. Victor
# 91 - UW5EKR op. Maxim
# 92 - R2AJA op. Igor
Note: to become Club 72 member recommendation require from true member
with more than 1 year membership experience. See rules on the Club 72

Weekly QRP Rendez-Vous report (October 17 to 23, 2016)
Visitors  of  the  week:  US3EN,  DK1DW, SM7RYR, DK1HW, UR7VT, G3XJS,
See  full  Visitors  and  Frequenters  lists  on  the  Club 72 page -

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

Back on 10m JT65

I returned to 10m JT65 quite late this morning, as we were late getting up. Normally, I put things on before breakfast. So far just UA3GT (2635km) spotted by F2.

UPDATE 1202z:   As well as spots of my signal from across Eastern Europe I have spotted stations widely in Europe and Israel. Best on 10m JT65 RX is 4X1QQ (3551km).

UPDATE 2026z:  Just a single South American spotted on 10m JT65 today, after a more promising start.

UPDATE 2050z: Now QRT. Back in the morning.

Sunspots and 10m - Monday October 24th 2016

Solar flux is 77 today and the sunspot number is 14. K=3.

23 Oct 2016

QRT until the morning

After a pretty good day on 10m JT65, I have now gone QRT and will be back on the band in the morning. I did not expect to be copied in Australia this autumn or ever again on 10m. With declining solar conditions, this was a total surprise.

SAQ (VLF CW) Off Air

Apparently, SAQ (17.2kHz) had a fire caused by arcing and is off the air presently. I have no idea if they will be back in time for their usual transmission around Christmas. I am a proud owner of one of their QSL cards from several years ago.

See http://www.arrl.org/news/antenna-fire-puts-saq-alexanderson-alternator-station-off-the-air .

Maths - NOT amateur radio

Our elder granddaughter (5) doing maths with granny at the kitchen table. She is very keen to learn - our granddaughter that is. I think granny has done enough maths!

10m JT65

This morning I went straight to 10m JT65. I switched on about 20 minutes ago, which is later than usual. As normal. I checked the PC was synced to internet time. Before I set things going I could hear a couple of stations.

UPDATE 1012z: Several stations in Russia, Finland and South Africa spotted and my own QRP 10m JT65 spotted by several Russians. F2 I assume. At the moment, things look quite promising on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1130z:  My 2W 10m JT65 was spotted by VK6KXW (14542km) in Western  Australia and ZS6ZP (9121km) in South Africa as well as widely in Europe. 10m JT65 is good today.

UPDATE 1954z:  Lots of spots of South Americans but no spots of my own QRP 10m JT65 signal from stations in that continent. Still waiting for a decent F2 opening on 10m JT65 to the USA this autumn.

Learning CW

It is some time since I tried CW - I use JT65 and WSPR mainly because of my health - but this can be a very effective mode with simple gear. Learning CW can be hard for some. An on-line resource that may help is http://lcwo.net/en/cwsettings .

Sunspots and 10m - Sunday October 23rd 2016

Solar flux is 76 today. Sunspot number is 27.  K=3 .

22 Oct 2016


At 1930z I decided to close the 10m JT65 station. It looks like no DX today, sadly. Maybe better luck tomorrow? Today has been the worst day on 10m here in ages.

After we die - NOT amateur radio

Perhaps this is something that comes with old(er) age? If I am lucky I might have another 20 years, or I could die tomorrow. The only thing certain in life is that we all die, some far too soon.  The great religions of the world all speak of some kind of life after death.  The truth is we just do not know.  Some with great faith believe they have the answers. I prefer to accept my doubts.

I do not remember anything before I was born, so eternal "nothingness" is possible. I guess all humans hate to think in terms of finality. The best ones are those who can accept life as a gift and to live their lives fully. Some argue that without a life after death we have no real moral compass.

In the end I am agnostic - what will be will be. All the major religions seem to strive to understand the ultimate question. One day we will all know the answer.

Illegal parking - NOT amateur radio

On Thursday this week I went to my usual University of the 3rd Age course in Cambridge on the Anglo-Saxons. The Park and Ride car park had been illegally occupied by travellers for the second time this year. They are being evicted. They we completely blocking the disabled parking spots.

6m JT65 and 10m WSPR QRP

Today, I started up on 10m WSPR (500mW) and 6m JT65 (2W). Later in the day I shall probably swap to just 10m JT65. So far, G0LRD (25km) spotting me on 6m and nothing on 10m.

UPDATE 1110z: G4KPX (14km) has spotted me lots of times on 10m WSPR and G0LRD (25km) on 6m JT65, but no other spots as yet on either band.

UPDATE 1750z:  No spots given or received on 10m JT65 this afternoon or this evening.  I have been on 10m JT65 since early afternoon. I think this was a bad day on 10m rather than my end.

UPDATE 1916z:  Still no spots on 10m JT65 this afternoon and evening. Conditions did not look that bad, so I am a bit surprised.  I resynced to internet time a few hours ago.

Sunspots and 10m - Saturday October 22nd 2016

Solar flux is 77 today and the sunspot number is 29. K=1.

21 Oct 2016

A poor 10m day - but still 4 continents spotted

Despite this not being a good day, 4 continents were spotted today on 10m JT65 (Europe, Africa, Asia and South America). We have grandchildren staying, so operating and blogging may be compromised until Wednesday -  and quite rightly as they are only little once.

432MHz (70cm) UKAC results published

At the moment I have climbed to 119th out of 168 in the AL section of this contest. As I am just using 5W to a  2m halo fed with lossy coax, and I am only active for 30-60 minutes (the contest runs for 150 minutes) because of my poor voice, I am quite pleased.

See http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/vhfresults.pl?Contest=432MHz%20UKAC&year=2016 .

Another Rally and a Cancellation

Volunteer Hall, St Johns Street, Galashiels TD1 3JX Doors open 11.15am, £2.50. Bring and Buy, Traders, Refreshments. Details from Jim, GM7LUN, on 01896 850 245, or email gm7lun@qsl.net.


Liz Cabban, GW0ETU, lizcabban@vodafoneemail.co.uk

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Pound-Dollar exchange rate - NOT amateur radio

In the last few weeks the pound has gone down against most currencies. This makes UK exports more competitive, but imports dearer. Against the US Dollar the rate is $1.2244 to £1 currently. The world fears a "hard BREXIT" from the EU. My own view is the EU did not want the UK to leave as it needed us to prop up the (failing?) institution. I think the Euro will weaken a great deal in the next 18 months or so. I am no expert though!

In the short term we are likely to see higher UK prices (inflation) and a bettering of our trade deficit. Many EU nations will need our trade in the future. If we depend less on finance and make more, that would not be a bad thing.

10m JT65

No spots as yet on 10m, although it is very early and I have not been on very long. Maybe things will liven up later?

UPDATE 0904z:  RA6WF (3610km) in Dagestan, Russia spotted on 10m JT65.  I presume this is F2. At the moment I seem to be uploading my 10m JT65 spots to PSKreporter maps OK.

UPDATE 1250z: RA6AM (2908km) spotted me earlier on 10m JT65 (2W QRP). VU2TS (8062km) and EA8GF (2973km)  spotted here on 10m JT65. F2.

UPDATE 2025z:  Best DX on 10m JT65 RX was LW6EUR (11215km) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Sunspots and 10m - Friday October 21st 2016

Solar flux is 75 today and the sunspot number 16. K=1

Yesterday - 10m JT65 RX

Yesterday I was puzzled why I was being spotted far and wide (including South America) on 10m JT65 (2W QRP), but I was, apparently, receiving nothing according to PSKreporter maps. When I checked my own WSJT-X screen on the shack PC, I could see lots and lots of South Americas, all over Europe, Israel, Thailand and others on 10m JT65 RX!  For some reason, my spots were not being uploaded to PSKreporter, whereas spots by others were. I think the problem must have been my internet connection.

At 0727z this morning I returned to 10m JT65 and the PC sync to internet time was checked. I wonder how today will go?

20 Oct 2016

Time to go QRT

With no new spots now for some hours, I am about to go QRT on 10m JT65. I shall be back on in the morning.


For readers in Northern Ireland and  Eire I guess.


Downshire Community School, Carrickfergus, BT38 7DA. Doors open at 11.30pm and admission is £3. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy, special interest groups and an RSGB bookstall. The venue has disabled facilities. Refreshments will be available. Details from Tim, MI0TBL by email to carg@hotmail.co.uk. www.radioclubs.net/carg.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

On 10m JT65 since before breakfast

The 10m JT65 (2W) was fired up just before breakfast. As yet,  no spots given or received on the 10m band, but there are quite a few people looking across Europe and Asia. No signs of UK spots or spots from mainland Europe. Nearer Europe and UK is sometimes possible by aircraft reflection or tropo. Further away depends on Es, F2 or backscatter.

UPDATE 0924z:  Just had my first 10m JT65 spot today: from Austria OE3BOB (1228km). Es?

UPDATE 1128z:  IZ0AIS (1506km) has just spotted my 2W on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1136z: Now EA5/G3XGS (1581km) is spotting me.  Did someone say 10m is "dead"??

UPDATE 1810z:  PU4ENY (9359km) in Brazil copied me earlier on 10m JT65 (2W QRP).

QRP, QRP Club and Sputniks

From Oleg:

Dear Space Friends,
all QSOs installed in the total log page. Thanks!
New memorable certificates sent to:
- Honor Cosmonauts
- Honor Astronauts
Note:  in  next  2017  "Sputnik"  Days  Beacon/TXs  may be claimed as
"Sputnik"  or  "Vanguard".  Identifications  "beep-beep"  or  "V V V"

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB

Dear Space Friends,
Sputnik Activity Days finished. Thanks to all participants and to all
spectators! I'll add all QSOs in the totals log and make the order on
the  page  this  evening.  My  sorry,  I  too much busy with my house
reconstructions now.
Note: the dead line for all reports before October 25.

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB

Sunspots and 10m - Thursday October 20th 2016

Solar flux is 76 today.  Sunspot number is 31.  K=0. Yesterday was not bad on 10m JT65, certainly worth running JT65 in the background.