13 Jun 2016

PW QRP 2m contest - missed it again

Yet again I managed to miss the Practical Wireless 2m QRP contest yesterday. It would have been a good test of my simple station too. It is many years since I seriously entered this 2m contest. This was back in the days of AM I think and we operated portable with a big beam. These days, it would be from home with just my big-wheel omni.

Sunspots and 10m - Mon June 13th 2016

Solar flux is 92 today. Sunspot number is 39 (K=4) and 10m F2 propagation is forecast to remain "poor".

12 Jun 2016

More storms?

At the moment there are thunderstorms in the UK, but these seem to be out to the west and in the Oxford area according to http://www.lightningmaps.org . I shall remain on 10m WSPR and 6m WSPR,but if they get nearer I shall go QRT.

They seem to be moving this way - maybe disconnect everything in a few hours?
Unlike weather forecasts these are actual storms. At this time of year especially, it is worth going to the linked maps to keep an eye on storm progress.

UPDATE 1857z:  At the moment the storms seem to be going in the Chelmsford and Corby directions and not coming towards us.

UK Weather Forecasts are Rubbish - NOT amateur radio

OK, I moan about weather forecasts a lot and here I go again. 

Yesterday the forecast for OUR VILLAGE on the day said rain showers all afternoon. It was dry until we went to bed. 

Today OUR VILLAGE was supposed to be dry all day. It is raining! 

If you cannot rely on the forecast for NOW, what IS the point? Before readers tell me how complex our UK weather is may I say, yet again, our forecasts are rubbish.

The only reliable weather forecast in the UK is to look out of the darn window.

Millions have been spent on super-computers to enable better forecasting - oh yes? 

UPDATE 1400z:  Perhaps the best is to look at the forecast and assume the opposite?

All quiet so far on 10m WSPR and 6m WSPR

It is now, as I write this, 0800z. So far, both 10m and 6m WSPR have been very quiet although it is very early still. Certainly there have been no signs here of Es as yet.

UPDATE 1140z:  So far just a single spot on 10m WSPR from HA9AL (1455km). Nothing as yet on 6m WSPR.

UPDATE 1306z:  Apart from the above Es spot, just G4KPX (14km) spotting me on 10m WSPR. All still quiet here on 6m WSPR.

UPDATE 1342z:  Spots exchanged with G4NRG (58km) on 6m WSPR. I am giving him much better reported S/N. OK, he is running a little more power, but maybe he has a higher local noise level?

UPDATE 1712z: OZ7IT (853km) has just spotted me strongly (+10dB S/N) on 6m WSPR. This is incredibly strong - more than a local! It implies just uW would have been enough.

UPDATE 1852z:  OZ5XN (812km) running 5W WSPR was a colossal signal on 6m WSPR at +13dB S/N. Almost like he is in the same street!

England Football Fans - NOT amateur radio

Yet again, I am ashamed of the England supporters abroad. Now, I am sure it is a small minority who cause all the unrest and violence but these tarnish the game. Also, sometimes others start the violence knowing that England fans will be blamed.

Personally, I think a lot of this is due to drinking to excesses. Maybe there should be a blanket ban on alcohol within a certain radius of games? This seems unfair on "normal" fans who just go to follow the teams.

I am not a great football fan. Some games are watched on TV but I would never follow my teams abroad. It must be 30 years (at least) since I last went to a football match!

Sunspots and 10m - Sun June 12th 2016

Solar flux is 95 today. Sunspot number is 40 (K=2). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation yet again remains "poor". Luckily there has been Es around to liven up 10m and 6m.

Queen at 90 - NOT amateur radio

Although not a royalist, I think the UK queen has done very well over her long reign. The very survival of the institute of monarchy is in no small part due to her. The money that royalty brings in must more than make up for the expense of the royal household.

Ours is a constitutional monarchy: although the queen has weekly discussions with the Prime Minister of the day, she in no way influences the day-to-day running of the nation. She does open Parliament (The State Opening of Parliament) in her "official" role as queen and head of state.

I cannot imagine us as a republic with a president. We are lacking people that we could all look up to and respect. Somehow I cannot imagine the monarchy after Elizabeth dies. It is bound to happen sooner rather than later. Will we still have a monarchy 50 years from now?

QRP and QRP Club

More from Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,
72 QRP Net (Rendez-Vous) weekly report (June 6 to 12, 2016)
Visitors  of  the  week:  US5EFU, UA1CEG, RU3NJC, F/PA0PJE/p, UA1ADF, SM7RYR,  UR0ET,  UA3PCJ,  UR7VT,  UA4NU,  R1OA, RN4NAA, US3EN, ON6KZ, US5ERQ, IT9IFI
IT9IFI became Rendez-Vous Frequenter

See full Visitors and Frequenters lists on the Club 72 web page - www.club72.su
Welcome  all  QRP  operators  on  the  "72  QRP Net" (Rendez-Vous) in Tuesdays,  Thursdays,  Saturdays  at  9 UTC on 14060 kHz (alternative 10116 kHz if contents) +/- QRM, QRL.
P.S. Full "rendezvous" weekly reports published on the blog page -
72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

11 Jun 2016

472kHz transverter

472kHz transverter (homebrew design and build)
All winter, spring and indeed right up to now, I have been using my FT817 and a homebrew transverter for 472kHz WSPR. Although the transverter puts out about 12W, my ERP on 472kHz is a measured 5mW from the earth-electrode "antenna". Although far from efficient, it provides me with a means of radiating a signal on 472kHz WSPR.  Best TX DX this season on the band was well over 1000km to Norway on several occasions. It has copied 1525km on RX with just the FT817 without a preamp.

New UK record on 241GHz

I guess we do things the hard way "because it is there".  There are far easier ways to communicate over this distance! As  I said before, personally I think 481THz (optical) is much easier than microwaves.

UK distance on 241 GHz improved to 400m in latest tests by G8ACE. Tweeted by @UKGHZ which is the UK microwave group.

See https://twitter.com/UKGHZ/status/74124618582711091 .

Local Church Fete - NOT amateur radio

Church Fete in the churchyard
This is usually held the next weekend in June each year, but it was changed to coincide with the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations. Although thundery showers have been threatened all afternoon, they have kept off for now. My wife is running the cake stall as she does most years. It is usually a good chance to meet village people not seen for a while.

6m daytime and thunder

OH5MD (1757km) spotted me on 6m WSPR this lunchtime, but there were no spots on 10m WSPR of my 500mW WSPR beacon.  Because of the risk of thunderstorms this afternoon I have gone QRT on 10m and 6m and disconnected antennas and power plugs to the rigs and PC. I may return at teatime.

There is quite a high risk of storms this afternoon.
See https://www.lightningmaps.org .

UPDATE 1715z:  In the end it was muggy, but dry, all afternoon, The storms seem to be in the Ipswich area and moving away. I shall probably return to 10m and 6m WSPR.

UPDATE 1730z: 10m and 6m WSPR now on. There was a strong signal on 6m just after turning on, but being the first cycle it did not decode.  I shall have to hope this signal returns soon.

6m Overnight

Although my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was not spotted overnight I did see OH7TE (1861km) running 10W at 0418z on 6m WSPR with quite a bit of drift. Although likely to be Es, I am not certain. G4NRG (58km) was spotted on 6m WSPR this morning.

It certainly to be on the right frequency in the 6m band! See my post yesterday!

Sunspots and 10m - Sat June 11th 2016

Solar flux is 85 today and sunspot number 28 (K=2). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".

10 Jun 2016

Marlon Brando

Tweeted by the RSGB:

Friday fun fact – Marlon Brando used the call signs KE6PZH and FO5GJ. He said amateur radio allowed him to be himself.

10GHz DX

I get excited about German spots on 10m WSPR. Meanwhile I noticed this from G4HTZ:

"Just worked DF6IY on 10GHz SSB at 618km ..fantastic conditions but little activity

Now that is DX!  No doubt helped by being on the coast, but really well done Steve.

6m WSPR - doh!

I knew I had to offset my FT817 on 6m WSPR but it helps to be on the correct frequency! I realised I was set to 50.292700 whereas I should have been 50.292970. As soon as I corrected my stupid error of the last few days I was immediately spotted by G0LRD (25km) at +5dB S/N. I feel so stupid. Maybe now I'll see some 6m Es!  Silly boy.

Meanwhile my fully stand-alone W5OLF 10m 500mW WSPR beacon continues to be spotted across Europe and beyond. This little beacon has given me so much fun - it beats everything I have ever owned. It is so tiny too. If everything else had to go this is the one bit of kit I would want to keep. In terms of DX per pound spent this is incredible value. It is so small it can be overlooked, but boy does it pack a punch.

UPDATE 1835z: My first DX Es spot on 6m WSPR this season: EA1CCM (1301km) spotted me at an incredible +4dB S/N at 1832z. Yes, it definitely helps to be on the right frequency!

UPDATE 2135z: OH7AZL (2000km) was spotted on 6m WSPR earlier this evening.

10m WSPR Es - late, but here

Eventually, I see my 10m WSPR is being spotted in Germany from 1006z. This was later than yesterday, but definitely Es around again. I wonder what the rest of the day will bring?

UPDATE 1215z:  10m WSPR spots from France and Denmark now.

6m WSPR Es - not yet here

As yet, I have still to catch an Es opening on 6m WSPR. Others with higher ERPs have. I use WSPR as I can monitor activity remotely in the lounge on another PC, or even in the garden. WSPR also suits my disability as I do not have to use my voice.

In the last few summers 4X1RF (3519km) has received my 1W ERP WSPR on 6m several times. He is monitoring, so I just have to be patient and see if this path opens this year too. I know I'd have more 6m success on SSB, CW or JT65.

In the meantime, I  am trying on both 6m and 10m WSPR although 10m WSPR is quiet here today.

EME or Moonbounce

See http://www.amateurradio.com/ for details of VE7SL's EME activity. He runs (relatively) low power for moonbounce, but still seems to get lots of contacts via the moon. Inspiring stuff.

More UK Rallies this weekend

Sunday 12 JUNE : 15th JUNCTION 28 RALLY
Alfreton Leisure Centre, Church Street, Alfreton, DE55 7BD. The venue has car parking available and disabled facilities. There will be trade stands, special interest groups and a raffle will take place, there is also a licensed bar. More information from Anya Lawrence on 01159 307 322 or by email to adylawri@btininternet.com.

Sunday 12 JUNE : EAST SUFFOLK WIRELESS REVIVAL (Ipswich Radio Rally)
The Orwell Crossing Lorry Park, A14 Eastbound, Nacton, Ipswich IP10 0DD. There will be a talk in station on S22 and car parking is available on site. Doors open at 9.30am and admission is £2. There will be an RSGB bookstall, a car boot area and a Bring & Buy. Special interest groups will be attending. There is a licensed bar and catering available. An HF station running GB4SWR will be on the air. Details from Kevin, G8MXV, 0771 004 6846. www.eswr.org.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

BHS recently, so who is next? - NOT amateur radio

In recent years some very well known shops have closed and gone from UK high streets including Woolworths and recently BHS. Sadly, these stores never quite got their acts together in the on-line age. More are certain to follow.

My bet is on W.H.Smith closing next.  These shops always look tired and poorly lit. You get the impression this is a chain hanging on rather than thriving. They have looked tired for many years now. I find shopping there a dismal experience these days. No, they need to work on their lighting and on-line activities if they are still to be around in years to come.

Shops that will survive are those with a good website, good on-line sales, and a "click and collect" option in a bright and inviting local store. The model is John Lewis. Sadly W.H.Smiths is not a John Lewis. They could be though. I think there time to change, but not much.

Storms in the UK and maps

Apart from in N.Ireland, the threat of thunderstorms seems to have receded with the UK largely free from thunder and lightning. It is always useful to check the maps at this time of the year.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org .

Certainly here in the UK, we have had a fine, settled period this week after some very cold weather. Last week there was an E-W split with fine weather in the west but cold, miserable weather further east. We are now moving back to more changeable weather.

No early 10m Es here today

It is coming up to 0900z. As yet there are no signs of Es on 10m WSPR, unlike yesterday which started off early with Es and lasted (here) until 2144z.

Sunspots and 10m - Fri June 10th 2016

Solar flux is 85 today. Sunspot number has risen (!) to 22 and K=1. The forecast for 10m F2 propagation is "poor" again, although Es is livening up the band.

9 Jun 2016

10m F2 or multi-hop Es?

KP2XX (6723km) spotted my 500mW WSPR at 1926z tonight. I think this was multi-hop Es. This is my best DX this summer on 10m WSPR. FK78ni is the British Virgin Is in the Caribbean. Apart from this spot, all other reports were from Europe. Still nothing on 6m WSPR here, given or received.

UPDATE 2125z:  I4ZTO (1185km) was still spotting me on 10m WSPR a few minutes ago.

Rally (of sorts)

Saturday 11 JUNE : MARTIN LYNCH @ 60!

Wessex House, Drake Avenue, Staines (Nr Heathrow), Middlesex, TW18 2AP

Martin Lynch wants to invite you to his 60th birthday party at his new superstore in Staines upon Thames. Customers old and new are invited, with the event co-hosted by Yaesu, Icom & Kenwood.  Instead of the usual hog roast, a 'fine-dining' experience of hot dogs and burgers(!) with hot & cold drinks.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

New record - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday there were more visitors to this blog than ever before and today, already, the numbers are even higher. Thank you.

Posts are about things that interest me and I hope you find some posts of interest too. Most, but not all, are about amateur radio. 

In the hobby I take a low key approach. My spending is only modest - it is only a hobby - but getting results with low power and home made kit is fun. Since my stroke nearly 3 years ago I have not been able to do as much, but hopefully things will still improve.

Early 10m Es again

10m WSPR started very early today with spots from Denmark. OZ9QV (864km) spotted me at 0654z. It has been busy ever since, but not a peep on 6mWSPR! I am now being spotted in Germany on 10m WSPR. Altogether promising.

Sunspots and 10m - Thursday June 9th 2016

Solar flux is 79 again today and sunspot number 15. K=1. The forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".

Low low cost Baofeng Dual Bander

This came in yesterday from Steve G1KQH:

Just over a Tenner inc P&P and it is yours!

73 Steve

The price is just insane! No wonder the Japanese manufacturers are having a hard time. It would not surprise me if at least one went bankrupt unless they find a way to compete.

8 Jun 2016

472kHz transverter article in QST

At long last it looks like my article for QST in the USA will be published soon. They were waiting for the band to be released, but I wrote this a very long time ago, before my stroke. The stroke was Sept 2013!!

By the way, QST do not pay much. I think we do these things more for love!

USA President - NOT amateur radio

It is not for me to get involved in the race for President in the USA. The people will vote and they will get the president they deserve.

What amazes me is how old all the candidates are. Mrs Clinton is 68. Her husband is 69 as is Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders is 74. I am 67 and there is no way I would want to be active in politics, even if I was fit and well.

SPAM? - NOT amateur radio

Today I got an email purporting to be from Microsoft saying that they think my email address was compromised.

Now, this may be a SPAM, but if you have received any suspicious emails supposedly from me, please accept my apologies. As always DO NOT open links you do not trust or know to be safe. If you have received anything odd, purporting to have been sent by me, please let me know.

Hopefully the issue has been dealt with and you should not get further trouble. If this is a SPAM please let me know too as my mail account did not see this as SPAM.

Acoustic DXing?

This morning I awoke early and could hear a distant church bell tolling at 6am. It could not be heard at 7am. Acoustic conditions must have been perfect - quiet, maybe a mist? The nearest church other than our local church is 2 miles away. It could have been from much further away. The sound was heard in bed and came from the west I think.

In WW1 the guns on the front in France could sometimes be heard in England over 100 miles away.

Back on 10m WSPR and 6m WSPR

The risk of thunderstorms has passed for now, so I have reconnected rigs and antennas and I am back on 10m WSPR and 6m WSPR. Things went back on at around 0850z. Let hope Es brings some results on both bands today.

UPDATE 1010z:  Plenty of 10m Es on WSPR from central Europe but all quiet on 6m WSPR here.

UPDATE 1136z:  Now there are 10m Es spots from GM too. Some of the reports from Germany are incredibly strong. This is often the case with Es. So far, all very quiet on 6m WSPR.

UPDATE 1450z:  Still plenty of 10m Es, but 6m WSPR is still dead here. I notice G3WKW has managed some Es on 6m WSPR. His ERP is higher than mine, but I am surprised to have copied nothing on 6m WSPR so far.

Sunspots and 10m - Wed June 8th 2016

Solar flux is still low at 79. Sunspot number is now 12, but it has been zero for a few days. K=2 and the forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".  We have to hope that Es livens up 10m and 6m.

7 Jun 2016


2m QRP QSOs this evening
This evening was the June 2m UKAC organised by the RSGB. Best DX was 221km to the west country. I had to stop after 9 QSOs after about 50 minutes as my voice was done in and there was lightning getting nearer. Several locals were absent. These were stations I'd normally work very easily.


OFCOM (as you know, I love them) has just released an update for June.

See http://ofcom.cmail19.com/t/ViewEmail/i/3DBC5797D772786F/59D1BD3EA2F08127C67FD2F38AC4859C