30 Sept 2014

472kHz activity

This evening, I am sticking on 10m in the hope of the band reopening for real DX or opening very early tomorrow morning.

By now, I usually QSY down to 472kHz, where there is a lot of activity this evening with 49 stations listed on WSPRnet a few minutes ago.

UPDATE 2230z:  Late change of plan. I have QSYed to 472kHz WSPR after all.

10m WSPR - is that it?

The last USA station was K4RCG (5995km) at 1932z. Unless the band opens again, I suspect that the worldwide openings may have ended for the day. With Australia, Reunion, Uruguay, Israel, the USA and great swathes of Europe in the log, it has been a good day on 10m WSPR.


Just took a look at http://wsprnet.org/drupal/wsprnet/spots for FR1GZ spots both given and received. It is amazing that he has so many real DX reports in the log. I guess this is partly because Reunion Is is very remote. Already he has been spotted here 14 times and he has spotted me 3 times so far today.  Many of his reports are greater than 16000km .

RSGB president request

Today I was asked if I could provide a photo of my 8.97kHz TX so the RSGB president could use it at a convention in Northern Ireland. I was happy to oblige.

If anyone else needs to use photos from my website at www.g3xbm.co.uk or this blog I am usually happy to say "yes" but it is polite to ask first.

"Poor" 20-30MHz conditions?

Sunspot count has fallen to 160 today and 20-30MHz conditions are supposed to be "poor" yet on 10m VK3KCX (16883km) has been spotted 6 times on 10m WSPR today, spots have been exchanged with FR1GZ (9724km) multiple times, CX2ABP (11127km) has spotted my 2W WSPR more than once and 4X1RF (3519m) has been spotting me multiple times and 10m is wide open to the USA! 10m really is a truly fascinating band.

There is no shortage of Europeans on 10m WSPR either. Not sure if they are being copied by F2 backscatter or Es.

29 Sept 2014

VLF receivers

To detect VLF amateur signals it is pretty essential to use a good receiver (with frequency locking so extremely narrow bandwidths can be received for hours or days on end) and Spectrum Laboratory software. Spectrum Lab has options to lock to one of the powerful MSK signals near 20kHz and this transforms stability.

For reception of natural VLF emissions it is somewhat different as signals tend to be stronger and of much shorter duration. There are several VLF natural receivers on the net. See http://www.vlf.it/romero2/explorer-e202.html for a typical example.

10m WSPR - recent results

Good conditions continue on 10m with WSPR. These are recent results around teatime. There are plenty of USA spots both ways. Currently I use 2W ERP and a Par 3-band end-fed antenna. In recent days 10m has been open to the USA every day.
Recent 10m WSPR results at teatime today.
UPDATE 2000z:  Maybe  this is like last night and the USA have only disappeared for now to return later, but in the last hour G0LRD (25km), G0VQH (15km) and M0MJH (5km) are the only stations spotting me. It is as if "the big DX switch" has been turned off.

UPDATE 2140z:  Still no further DX this evening.I have just noted that 20-30MHz conditions are now described as "poor". Again, I'll leave WSPR running overnight to see what happens WRT Europeans in the early (before breakfast) hours.


Looking at wsprnet I see VK4TVL and JH1GYE have been spotting each other at a range of 6243km on 6m WSPR earlier today. This is clearly 6m TEP. None noticed on WSPR between the Med and southern Africa or USA to South America. No transatlantic F2 on 6m WSPR seen.

10m - USA today

The first station in the USA, K4RCG (5995km) was spotted at 1218z.  Since that time, there have been lots of USA stations spotted and spotting me. 4X1RF (3519km) has also been spotting me from the other direction.

10m WSPR - excellent start

HB4FL spotted me many times before breakfast starting at 0430z. I was also being spotted in Italy before breakfast. Writing this at 0922z, I see EA is now being spotted. I assume this is Es?

VK3KCZ (16883km) has been spotted a couple of times, so far, although he is running 10W (high power for WSPR).

Sunspot count today is 200 (good, but expect blackouts) and 20-30MHz propagation "normal". Some decent F2 openings are likely on 10m.

28 Sept 2014

Quiet evening on 10m?

At the moment it looks like 10m is now quiet with just locals and the odd European. There seems to be a total lack of North Americans now on the band. I'll be monitoring for a few hours more and things may yet change. 10m has a habit of throwing surprises.

UPDATE 2045z:  Yep, surprises!  Just been spotted on 10m WSPR by three north eastern USA stations. As I half expected, just when the band seems "closed" it opens again to the USA. 10m is indeed a band of surprises!

Long sunny days no more? Until next year.

As the nights get longer and the days get shorter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is useful to know when the sun rises and sets. A useful UK reference is http://astro.ukho.gov.uk/nao/miscellanea/UK_SRSS/. 

It amazes me that we are half way already to the shortest day! I don't want to wish my life away, but I always welcome the time when the days start to lengthen again. Even more, I welcome the return of migrant birds from Africa in April such as Swallows, House Martins and Swifts.

10m WSPR active stations

Active 10m WSPR stations
10m WSPR looks very busy right now.

Note the total absence of stations from South America! This make it look like the band is closed in that direction, which I am sure is not the case.

10m WSPR - plenty of DX about

10m has (again) been good today with plenty of USA station spotted and spotting me. Also, as of 1633z FR1GZ has now spotted me 7 times so far.

UPDATE 1840z: WG2Z (5600km) was still being spotted here at 1826z, but at present there is a shortage of South Americans on 10m WSPR.  This, I think, is  a lack of active 10m WSPR stations rather than poor conditions.  No doubt other modes like PSK31 and JT65 may be "humming" with South Americans! Europeans seem plentiful with several 10m WSPR stations logged presumably Es or F2 backscatter.

USA (again) on 10m WSPR

Right on time, the USA is coming through yet again on 10m WSPR.  K3GEN (5883km) was copied at 1514z and again at 1524z. So far (at 1534z) he has spotted me once.   FR1GZ has been copied 4 times so far this afternoon. KZ8C was copied at 1528z.

The band is opening by F2 to the USA.

UPDATE 1833z:  WG2Z (5600km) is still being spotted here at 1826z at a fairly weak -26dB S/N. The surprise (here at least) is the total absence of any stations from South America so far. I would have expected to spot a few by now.

Sunspots and a return to 10m

Sunspot count today is a respectable 159 (but with blackouts) and 20-30MHz conditions are described as "normal". Having been excluded from my shack for the last 2days (nearly -  granddaughter's cot), I have just returned to 10m WSPR to see how conditions are.

Already EA5WO (1428km) and FR1GZ (9724km) have been spotted here and local G0LRD (25km) has spotted me. Conditions on 10m look normal for late September not long after a weak solar peak. Next year is likely to be harder going.

On current form, South and North America will appear soon on 10m.

27 Sept 2014

Early QRT this evening

As I have a very young granddaughter in a cot in the shack, I have now gone QRT and no doubt missed some choice DX on 10m WSPR! It is always the case that best conditions occur just after I close down, irrespective of the band.

This afternoon, PT2WWV (8873km) was spotted here 20 times. He spotted my 2W WSPR 6 times before I went QRT.  Another new station and country was TA2AEG (Turkey) who was a huge signal but he was using 50W. I don't think he knows that WSPR only needs a few watts. He'll soon realise he can save on his fuel bills!

Sunspots and 10m

Sunspot count today is 203 (high, but with blackouts), yet 20-30MHz conditions are only forecast to be "fair". It remains to be seen how 10m performs today, but already we have seen a wide geographical spread of Europeans on 10m WSPR,  presumably Es, but just possibly F2 backscatter.

Last night the last USA station spotted here was WG2Z (5600km) at 2222z, very late indeed.  SI9AM (1503km) was being spotted early this morning at 0512z here (before breakfast). I only noticed this station as I'd been running WSPR overnight, during which time only locals and GDX copied.

I have the feeling today will be a good 10m day.

UPDATE 1020z: FR1GZ (9724km) copied for the first time today at 1008z.

UPDATE 1342z:   Already PT2WWV (8873km) has been spotted 7 times this lunchtime on 10m WSPR.   He has also spotted my 2W a few times too.

26 Sept 2014

10m WSPR - overnight

As 10m is still wide open I shall leave 10m WSPR running overnight to find out when the opening to the USA/Canada ends.  If it follows the pattern of previous evenings it will draw to a close soon but this is 10m, a band full of surprises.

It will be interesting to see if any Europeans are copied during the night.

I shall check the PC clock sync before I go to bed.

UPDATE 2144z:  KC1AWS is still spotting my 2W on 10m WSPR.

Evening on 10m WSPR

The last USA station spotted here on 10m this evening was at 1902z and that was KZ8C. There may be others later, but at the moment that looks like it for the day.  

EA7KZ is still coming in (Es?) at 2000z and I suspect will be coming through for a while yet.

UPDATE 2040z: Well I was wrong as K9AN was spotted at -24dB S/N at 2038z. A few minutes later quite a few North Americans were spotting me. The opening to the USA and Canada is far from over. The band may have been late coming to life, but it is good now. 10m - another magic band.

Sunspots and 10m WSPR

Sunspot count today is a decent 139 (with blackouts) and 20-30MHz propagation is "good". And yet, 10m has been disappointing.

I started on 10m WSPR quite early but FR1GZ (9724km) has only been spotted 3 times so far and USA stations only started coming through quite late this afternoon.  There have been some Europeans spotted and spotting me as there has been many times in recent weeks. 10m has been rather disappointing today really. Yes,there is DX about, but it is not  what I would call "wide open" as the forecasts might suggest.

10m is another "magic band". It rarely behaves quite as one might expect.

25 Sept 2014

USA at last on 10m WSPR today!

Well, just as I was about to QSY down to 472kHz, blow me if 10m doesn't open to the USA!   N4AU (6976km) was spotting my 2W at -6dB S/N at 1854z and WA9JWL (6360km) at -17dB S/N at 1902z.   10m is an odd band - just when I was about to move off the band, it "comes good".

UPDATE 1922z: Interestingly, KZ8C was spotted by local G0LRD and KZ8C also spotted G0LRD too. But (certainly to this time) Dave has not been spotted by other USA stations.

UPDATE 2116z:   KZ8C (6290km) was spotted here at 1926z. Since then, just local G0LRD.

UPDATE 2153z:   A late spot at 2138z of G6NHU (78km) to end another day on the fascinating 10m band. Now QRT.

Worldwide 136/137kHz grabbers + a simple 2200m RX (kit or ready built)

This link to a very useful list of 2200m grabbers worldwide was found on the website of Yuki JA5FP.   If you are interested in 136/137kHz this list of grabbers may be very useful.  A grabber is a receiver that uploads what it receives to the internet, usually as a spectrograph.

For how to make your own grabber, see how I did it. My grabber is usually only active when I do experiments. See https://sites.google.com/site/sub9khz/vlf-grabbers/vlf-grabber-creation . I used a public folder in Dropbox and pointed my grabber website to this location. In my case I was monitoring 8.97kHz VLF,  or thereabouts, but the same idea will work at any frequency. I used Spectrum Lab or Spectran software to do the actual "grabbing". Other methods are equally valid.

Also on Yuri's site are details of his 136/137kHz receiver. See http://icas.to/lineup/idc-136ii-kit-eng.htm .  This simple, but very effective, receiver uses a divided down HF crystal to give a very stable LO frequency of 130kHz. The output feeds a PC using Spectrum Lab or Spectran software. The receiver is available as a kit or ready built. Ready built the cost (with enclosure and shipped to Europe) is currently $110.  I have no idea if duty is payable.  Kits (less enclosure) is $75 shipped to Europe.

Experiments again - soon I hope

Before too long now, I hope to be able to resume driving again, following my brain bleed over a year ago.

With a bit of effort, I should then be able to resume some VLF earth-mode and 136kHz experiments, looking for my signals from home when out and about in the car, parking up at various sites in the area.

Not many months ago this would have been out of the question, but I am getting better.

10m WSPR - very quiet so far today

Apart from locals G0VQH (15km) and G0LRD (25km) only G6NHU (78km) has been spotting my 2W this morning. It is very quiet on 10m WSPR so far.

Sunspot count today is 76 (still OK) and 20-30MHz propagation expected to be "normal". I would have expected better results today than we have seen so far. It is early days and things may well change.

UPDATE 1128z: At 1058z I was spotted by HB4FL (835km) and PD0OHW (459km). Things may be livening up on 10m?

UPDATE 1302z:  FR1GZ (9724km) was first spotted at 1230z at -25dB S/N. 10m is definitely coming to life.

UPDATE 1600z: FR1GZ has been spotted 15 times so far today on 10mWSPR this afternoon. He has spotted my 2W 3 times. So far, I have seen not a single USA station in the log on 10m. Perhaps conditions are good N-S but not so good E-W?

UPDATE 1845z: No DX (FR1GZ) since 1540z. Still no USA here. I think today the N-S DX was all we were getting.

24 Sept 2014

VK spotted on 10m WSPR today

VK3KCX (16883km) was spotted 4 times on 10m WSPR this afternoon. He was using high power (for WSPR) at 20W but his reports peaked at -19dB suggesting 5W or less would have been fine.

FR1GZ (9724km) has also been spotted 7 times today so far.  He also spotted my 2W at 1338z.

...and today 10m conditions were supposed to be "poor" - VK3, TJ3, FR1 and lots of USA stations - yes "poor" conditions! Wonder what "good" 10m conditions look like?

PA0O (440km) is being spotted again. Still unsure of propagation mode.

UPDATE 1745z: OH5XO (1943km) is coming through now, probably Es?

UPDATE 1900z: 10m is open to Spain. I assume this is Es? The opening seems to be confined to Spain only.   If this was F2 backscatter, I'd have expected a more widespread opening, but I am no expert.

UPDATE  2116z:  EA7IHT (1643km) was still spotting me at 2112z.

10m wakes up

TJ3TS (5478km) in Cameroon was spotting me at 1144z and ZS1ANF (9720km) was spotted here at 1210z. Both are F2 propagation. This was after a very quiet morning on 10m WSPR.

Even with 20-30MHz propagation supposed to be "poor",  N-S F2 seems to be good.   

OH5RM (1860km) has also been spotted several times this lunchtime - this could be late Es or F2.

UPDATE 1240z: TJ3TS was spotted  here a few minutes ago.

Free webcams across the UK (Camsecure)

Sorry, this is NOT amateur radio, but you may be interested. It is a  useful place to look on a rainy day when HF conditions are poor.   See http://www.camsecure.co.uk/Camsecure_Live_Demo_Index.html for a map listing many UK free webcams. You need to click on a county on the map to see what webcams are available in that county.

Hunting around on the site reveals worldwide webcams too.

Return to 10m WSPR and sunspots

The return to 10m WSPR was made just before 0900z, but so far just locals G0VQH and G0LRD are spotting me. At present, 10m seems very quiet, but it is early still.

Sunspot count is 90 (up a little on yesterday) but 20-30MHz propagation is forecast to be "poor".  We'll see.

UPDATE 1045z: Just locals all morning so far. A very quiet start on 10m.  A very disappointing morning so far. Things may change later. We can hope!

23 Sept 2014

472kHz WSPR

I had a very brief spell in the 50MHz UKAC contest this evening, but only worked one local. I was not helped by (a) my poor voice, and (b) using just a V2000 vertical. The latter is fine for Es DXing, but a beam is really needed to work weakish UK stations and I am not going to invest in a 50MHz beam: they are big and really for once a month just not worth the effort.
Initial results on 472kHz WSPR this evening
Instead, I headed down to 472kHz where my very first 5mW ERP transmission was rewarded with WSPR spots from PA0RDT (243km), G3XDV (61km) and M0LMH (223km). There are quite a few stations active on MF this evening, but very few on TX from the UK.

Best MF spot of others so far this evening is F5WK (436km) at -24dB S/N. G3WCB (101km) is the best G so far on 472kHz at -19dB S/N.

UPDATE 2128z:  DJ0ABR (983km) now best DX on receive so far this evening.

UPDATE 2157z:   I will be staying on 472kHz overnight.  Although it would be good to spot, and be spotted, by some totally new stations, I have my doubts. Just going to check PC clock is resync'ed to internet time.

EA7IHT - 10m Es?

The propagation within Europe is quite hard to be sure of at present, but EA7IHT (1643km) may well be Es. It is the right time (teatime) for a brief, isolated Es opening, this is the only Eu DX station seen on 10m WSPR for some time and the distance is right for Es. It is hard to be sure with so much F2 around. My bet is on late Es. Signal level at -27dB S/N was weak.

PA0O - Es, F2 backscatter, or tropo?

PA0O (440km) has been spotted 8 times since 1342z today on 10m WSPR. This is an odd distance and I am unsure of the propagation mode. It would be very short Es skip (and it is late in the Es season) and I would prefer to think this is tropo. He has been copied all afternoon. However, with HF F2 conditions good on 10m WSPR I guess it could be F2 backscatter?

No USA stations have been copied on 10m WSPR since KZ8C (6290km) at 1656z, whereas PA0O has been spotted several times since, tending to suggest tropo.

10m - again wide open to the USA and elsewhere

My first spot (on WSPR) of a USA station was W3PM at 1302z. USA stations have been spotted, or are spotting me, still. FR1GZ has been spotted multiple times (21 times to 1604z) today and he has spotted me 4 times so far, mainly this morning and at lunch time.

10m WSPR

10m WSPR has been good again today with GDX, Europeans from Iberia and DX from much further afield.  Although sunspot numbers have slid a bit, propagation is excellent. FR1GZ (9724km) is the best DX so far, although I see there are USA stations coming through now.


Sunspot count today is 87 and 20-30MHz propagation is "normal". We have already seen F2 propagation today from Reunion Is in the Indian Ocean on 10m WSPR.

Another G1KQH eBay bargain

Our old friend Steve G1KQH has found another bargain on eBay.  As before, you see this as I do - I've no knowledge of the supplier or goods. At 99p it is low cost!

....and another handy tool Roger,

          73 Steve

22 Sept 2014

10m WSPR - USA wide open again

Each two minute 10m WSPR transmission, at 2W, this afternoon receives 4-8 spots every time and the vast majority of reports are from the USA. We are clearly experiencing very fine conditions. If you want to enjoy 10m at its best get on the band in the next few months and enjoy the very good conditions while you still can as in 12 months from now it will be much harder.

UPDATE 2100z:  This morning a couple of locals (G8AKL and G3ZAY) worked a ZD9 on Tristan da Cunha on 10m.  The DX appears to have ended on 10m WSPR for the day with just locals being copied now.

UPDATE 2145z:  Just spotted G6NHU (78km) as my best GDX today I think. He is using 200mW. Now going QRT here.

10m WSPRing again and sunspots

10m WSPR was resumed at 0844z this morning at the 2W level. Apart from locals, the best DX (as of 0916z) is RA6AAW (2780km) by what I assume is single hop F2 propagation. Spots have been exchanged both ways.

Sunspot count today is 72 (still falling) but 20-30MHz propagation is "normal".

UPDATE 1145z: RA3APW (2443km) running 100mW to an indoor antenna has been spotted a couple of times this morning on 10m WSPR, once at a strong -9dB S/N.   Karen uses an Ultimate 3 beacon into an indoor antenna. I suspect this is F2 propagation. Also OZ7IT has been spotted and I have been spotted in Finland by OH7AI (2000km) and also by UA3ARC (2436km).

21 Sept 2014

Now QRT. The next few years on 10m and 6m.

I decided to go QRT about 10 minutes ago. All kit has been switched off.  In the morning I shall probably return to 10m. Today, the band has been in good shape again.

We are now moving into autumn conditions. With sunspot numbers still being quite high, we can expect excellent 10m conditions for months to come. If anything, 10m is going to be "too easy".

6m is unlikely to support much F2 propagation although N-S paths may open by TEP (trans-equatorial propagation) especially from latitudes closer to the geomagnetic equator. Stations in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece etc will have much better TEP chances than stations in the UK.

WSPR is likely to help "smoke out" openings on both bands, but when these bands close it is usually quite sudden. What WSPR allows is near continuous monitoring with little need for intervention. As WSPR works with signals some 12-14dB lower than CW, just a few watts should be enough to see if either 10m or 6m is "open". Of course, this depends on stations being active.

PT2WWV - multiple 10m WSPR spots

PT2WWV (8873km) in Brasilia, has been spotted 7 times this evening so far up to 1900z. I suspect he'll be coming through for a while longer. I wonder if he is monitoring too and if he will be able to decode my 500mW TX?

UPDATE 1945z:  PT2WWV has been spotted 11 times so far this evening.