16 Oct 2018

Autumn - NOT amateur radio

On the whole, it is much warmer at this time in October than I can ever recall. Perhaps someone can tell President Trump that global warming is a reality.  At one time we had snows in winter and winters were very cold. Now snow is a rarity.

In the last few days we have had some winds and the tree in our front garden has lost most of its leaves and now looks autumnal.

Chinese lanterns - NOT amateur radio

At this time of the year the plants we call "Chinese Lanterns" are popular. There are some wild and some in garden centres as the ones in the photo.

Morals - NOT amateur radio

We live, mainly, in a post-religious world. OK there are many that still profess to be Christian, Muslim or whatever, but we live, mainly, as if heaven or hell do not exist and many care not a jot if when we die we just return to nothingness. The truth is no-one is really sure what happens after death, if anything. Even the most vocal atheist is not sure. There is still a lingering doubt.

All this brings me to morals.

In a, largely, post-religious world, what is our moral compass? In the past it was the fear of going to hell. These days what guides us? Generally, we are moral beings, even when we could lead a life of hedonistic excess. What is it that "programs" (most of) us to be moral beings with a sense of right and wrong?

Es'hail2 satellite

As mentioned before, this Qatari satellite is due to be put up later this year. It is expected to contain both a linear transponder and a TV transponder. Several people are gearing up for it. Unlike most amateur satellites this is in a fixed position. It uses a 2.4GHz uplink and a 10GHz downlink. So once the antennas are aimed, they can be fixed in position.

At the moment I am playing a waiting game. If it is successfully positioned and works as intended, I might try to install gear to receive it.

See https://www.eshailsat.qa/en/satellites/index/

10m FT8

Yet again, I am on 10m FT8 for the day. A brief CQ earlier was spotted by no-one at all and as yet no stations spotted here. So far, not a great start!

UPDATE 1002z: Still nothing spotted on 10m FT8 this morning!

UPDATE 1117z: So far today on 10m FT8 RX just a couple of Gs spotted with the best DX G0OYQ (177km). Disappointing so far today.

UPDATE 1250z: Best DX on 10m FT8 RX is EA7AAF (1647km).

UPDATE 1701: 4 Spanish stations and a German spotted on 10m FT8 today. No South Americans spotted yet today on 10m.

UPDATE 1757z: The first 2 South Americans on 10m FT8 RX came through here at 1715z. Best  DX is currently PY4XX (9252km). It seems that every time I look at 10m FT8 RX I spot South American DX. So far today, 4 South Americans (all in Brazil) spotted.

UPDATE 1945z: About to go QRT on the band. In all, 5 South Americans spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

Spotted in Norway on 472kHz WSPR

For the first time this autumn I was spotted in Norway last night by LA3EQ (769km). It was the best night this season.
472kHz spots of me last night

Sunspots - Tuesday October 16th 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the SSN is 22. A=10 and K=3.

15 Oct 2018

Now on 472kHz WSPR

After another brilliant day on 28MHz FT8, I have now QSYed to 472kHz WSPR. So far, a couple of spots of my 10mW ERP, but no others yet spotted.

Antenna choices

Homebase-10 Antenna
When the leaves fall, I want to prune my silver birch tree, which is now far too tall. At the moment my Par end-fed covering 10m, 20m and 40m is held up by this tree. At present, I am considering options.

My main HF interest is 10m and one possibility is a rebuild of my Homebase-10 wire halo for 10m.  Via an ATU, the coax to this antenna should match on most HF bands tuned against ground.

Another possibility is my x80 vertical which is in good condition in the garage. This has a 9:1 unun in its base, so a decent match is presented to the rig on most HF bands. Verticals tend to be noisier than horizontals and the x80 can snap in winds.

I could re-erect my Par end-fed.  This is very low, especially for 20m and 40m.

At the moment, the favourite is the Homebase-10.

BREXIT and the Northern Ireland border - NOT amateur radio

A politician I am definitely not!

It seems the UK PM is stuck between a rock and a hard place over the only land border that will be between Eire (in the EU) and N. Ireland (shortly to be outside the EU).

The UK does not want a distinction between N. Ireland (Ulster) and the rest of the UK. The EU and UK want no hard border in Ireland.

The EU is playing hardball. In the end we could leave with no deal and the EU and the UK could both suffer. In the end I suspect a fudge is to be expected.

Remote control of the IC-R30 scanner

Southgate News reports that the software to remotely control the IC-R30 scanner can now be obtained free of charge.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/october/rs-r30-remote-control-software.htm#.W8Rn1vZFy00

Repeater Activity

Some while ago, I bought a network radio, which means I can access lots of repeaters via Echolink.

Now, I am not a great repeater user, but it is noticeable how quiet these are compared with 20-30 years ago. This seems to be worldwide issue.

I guess these days there are other ways to communicate if at home and there are fewer amateurs driving to work than 30 odd years ago. I also think roads are busier, so people have to concentrate on the traffic more.

10m FT8

Yet again, I have decided to go on 10m FT8 for the day. An earlier 2.5W CQ was spotted by no-one!

On RX just one station copied so far, probably by aircraft reflection (but it could be tropo) F8NHF (297km).

UPDATE 1515z: 26 Europeans spotted so far on 10m FT8 RX, but no South Americans.

UPDATE 1518z: The first South American has just been spotted on 10m FT8 RX! PY1VOY (9365km).

UPDATE 1620z: Loads of South Americans plus St Helena spotted on 10m FT8 RX with best DX LU7XZ (13366km).
10m FT8 RX today to 1620z
UPDATE 1740z: 28 South Americans spotted already on 10m FT8 RX!!

Overnight on 472kHz WSPR

Not a bad night, but not brilliant either. In all, 11 others spotted and my 10mW ERP was spotted by 6 stations.

Homework Time - NOT amateur radio

One of our grandchildren busy doing maths homework yesterday in our kitchen.

Sunspots - Monday October 15th 2018

Solar flux is 71 today and the sunspot number 22. A=6 and K=2.

14 Oct 2018

472kHz WSPR

After, yet another, great day on 10m FT8 RX, I have QSYed to 472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP). So far, average.

The spots on 472kHz WSPR with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground up to 2032z this evening are shown below.

Grandchildren - NOT amateur radio

We have had two of our grandchildren here this weekend.

This is one of my granddaughters having a cuddle on the settee in the lounge. It is wet outside.

They are growing up all too fast. In a few years she will not want to do this.

10m FT8

Although I am on 10m FT8 for the day, so far only 1 G spotted, although it is early.

UPDATE  1400z: Several Europeans now plus South America and Newfoundland amazingly!

UPDATE 1458z: No further South Americans spotted yet on 10m FT8 RX. I suppose the reception of VO1HP (3744km) earlier only proves the band was "open" in that direction briefly, perhaps just 15 seconds, but at least this proves there was propagation. Without FT8 this would probably not have been possible. FT8 works with weak signals, is widely monitored and all activity is concentrated in a few kilohertz of the band.

UPDATE 1502z: 4 continents spotted today already on 10m FT8 RX at close to the sunspot minimum. Imagine the next maximum on 10m FT8!

UPDATE 1845z: Lots and lots of South Americans now coming through with LU8XAF (13414km) as the best DX on 10m FT8 RX.

472kHz WSPR overnight

Not a bad night. I was spotted by 8 stations (10mW ERP) and I spotted 10 stations.

Sunspots - Sunday October 14th 2018

Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 22. A=14 and K=2.

13 Oct 2018

Abandoned boat? - NOT amateur radio

This boat was seen at Lakenheath Fen last week. It looks abandoned.  A lot of the lakes there were dried up as we have had little rain this summer.

Khashoggi disappearance - NOT amateur radio

It bothers me that the UK government wants to do business with Saudi Arabia and get them to fight wars on our behalf. In many ways this Middle East state appears out of step with values we hold dear.

The disappearance in Turkey of a critic of the regime makes us all the more suspicious. There may be an innocent explanation, but at the moment it looks murky.

In my view the current government is afraid of losing military contracts, so turns a blind eye on the kingdom's dirt. Moral high ground? We have none. The UK seems as bad as the rest.

472kHz WSPR last night

In the end, 5 stations spotted me and 10 stations were spotted here with best DX EA4GHB (1300km). An average night with my 10mW ERP and earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground on MF.
Unique stations spotted on 630m WSPR in last day

10m FT8 (mostly RX)

There is more activity on 10m FT8 than 10m WSPR. I think the shorter time periods help. So I am trying 10m FT8 today. So far, 3 stations spotted in 3 countries with best DX on 10m FT8 RX F1RAD 867km).

UPDATE 1228z: 6 stations in 4 countries spotted so far today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1423z: Plenty of South Americans and the Falkland Isles coming through on 10m FT8 RX. It seems every day I try 10m FT8 I get real DX and this is near sunspot minimum! Best DX on 10m FT8 RX is VP8LP (12773km).

UPDATE  1452z: Even more South Americans and Falkland Is stations being spotted here now on 10m FT8. Sadly my 2.5W QRP CQ on 10m FT8 was spotted by no-one just now!

UPDATE 1529z: Currently 13 stations in South America spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

Cambridge Bikes - NOT amateur radio

Yes, there are lots of bikes in Cambridge.

It is flat and the traffic can be bad, so people often use bikes to get around the city.

Sunspots - Saturday October 13th 2018

Solar flux is 71 today and the SSN 11. A=5 and K=1.

12 Oct 2018

472kHz WSPR

Earlier this evening I swapped to 472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP). Best DX on RX, so far, is EA4GHB(1300km). So far just 3 G spots of me.

FTSE below 7000 and BREXIT - NOT amateur radio

For some time now, the FTSE UK share index has been falling. It may recover or it could be a sign of market jitters. Many big pension funds depend on FTSE listed companies doing well.

I expect once the BREXIT outcome is clearer things will go one way or the other. A good BREXIT deal could result in a rebound in sterling. This depends on the UK parliament agreeing the deal.

If we leave without a deal, goodness knows what will happen. My gut feel is there will be some last minute bargaining, as no-one really want a bad deal.

Another royal wedding

Apparently the queen paid for the wedding, but we, Joe Public, paid for all the security. I am not sure where I stand on royalty. I guess as a brand it earns a few million, but I am against wealth and privilege when not earned. On the other hand I can't think of a suitable candidate for UK president! Most in public life are a shower.

Goodness only knows what will happen when the queen dies. No doubt this event has been rehearsed and rehearsed on the TV and radio channels. I guess it is bound to happen sometime soon, although her mum lived to a ripe old age.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45827183 .

Park and Ride - NOT amateur radio

One advantage of being old is a free bus pass.

My University of the Third Age course has restarted (Italian Cities) and I drive to the outskirts of Cambridge, then get the Park and Ride bus. For me it is free. I enjoy the bus ride and the course. The photo shows the inside of the bus yesterday.

10m WSPR

I have been on 10m WSPR for about 30 minutes and, as expected, no spots yet.

Yesterday I was spotted in the Canary Is, although that was a bit later. Days with E layer propagation seen few and far between.

Also, I think there is a lot more activity on 10m FT8 these days than 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1818z:  No spots. Bad day.

Today on 2m FT8

My earlier CQ (2.5W to the omni antenna) was spotted by 3 stations. So far today 3 UK stations spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1017z: 12 stations in 3 countries spotted today so far on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1548z: now 18 stations spotted in 6 countries on 2m FT8 RX with best DX, so far, DD3SF(576km). A comparatively poor day! To think, before FT8, this would have been remarkable for me!
UPDATE 1815z: Now 30 stations in 7 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX today.

Sunspots - Thursday October 12th 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number still zero. A=9 and K=2.

2m FT8 RX yesterday

Stations spotted here yesterday on 2m FT8 RX
It seems impossible to realise this is 2m!

Every single day it seems these results are possible even with my big-wheel omni and no beams and no lifts. There is no doubt that FT8 has transformed DX on this band.

In the past if I worked Germany on 2m I would have popped the champagne. Yesterday morning my 2.5W FT8 CQ was copied in Germany and I did not even tell the XYL.

Rallies this Sunday


The Floral Hall, Hornsea HU18 1NQ. Doors open 10am, admission £2, under 14 free. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy run by the Hornsea ARC and RSGB book stall. Hot and cold food available in the cafe. Les, 2E0LBJ, 01377 252 393, lbjpinkney1@hotmail.co.uk www.hornseaarc.co.uk.


Holsworthy Community College, Victoria Hill Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6JD. There will be traders, a Bring & Buy and catering. The venue also has disabled access. Doors open at 10am. Howard, M0MYB, holsworthyarc@gmail.com www.qsl.net/m0omc/holsrally.html.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

11 Oct 2018

10m WSPR

As the antenna was free, I went on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) today. Just EA8BFK (2880km) spotting me. I think this was F2.

Parker's Piece, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

Back in the early 1800s this was the place where a huge party was held to celebrate the coronation of Queen Victoria. 1838 I think. I walk across this park on my way to my U3A course.

Sunspots - Thursday October 11th 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the SSN is zero. A=18 and K=3.

So far on 2m FT8

A before breakfast 2m FT8 CQ (2.5W to the omni) was spotted by several stations including DK1VC (503km).