16 Oct 2018

Morals - NOT amateur radio

We live, mainly, in a post-religious world. OK there are many that still profess to be Christian, Muslim or whatever, but we live, mainly, as if heaven or hell do not exist and many care not a jot if when we die we just return to nothingness. The truth is no-one is really sure what happens after death, if anything. Even the most vocal atheist is not sure. There is still a lingering doubt.

All this brings me to morals.

In a, largely, post-religious world, what is our moral compass? In the past it was the fear of going to hell. These days what guides us? Generally, we are moral beings, even when we could lead a life of hedonistic excess. What is it that "programs" (most of) us to be moral beings with a sense of right and wrong?

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