5 Sept 2018


There is little doubt in my mind that FT8 is transformative.

For several days I have been on 10m FT8 and every day South America has been spotted. Today 10m was open widely across Europe using this mode.

I think FT8 is "winkling out" short openings that hitherto would have been missed. In the past a casual CQ on SSB or CW might easily have been missed, but all FT8 activity is within a few kHz. Just a 15 second opening is spotted by an army of people across the globe. Not only that, but FT8 works with signals weaker than SSB or CW.

The result is 10m FT8 is still useful, even at this low point in the solar cycle.

Fungus - NOT amateur radio

At the weekend, this tree in Norwich was covered in this fungus. On the grass were hundreds of smaller toadstools as well.

10m FT8

This looks more promising than yesterday with already 4 stations spotted in 4 countries since breakfast. Best DX spotted so far is IZ7XWO (1682km).

UPDATE 1036z: Although this is Sept 5th, it looks more like May! Plenty of Es thanks to FT8.
UPDATE 1918z:  Best DX is PU2MMD (9581km) in South America. Sunspot minimum? Poor conditions? 10m?

Sunspots - Wednesday September 5th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the SSN 0.  A=9 and  K=3.

4 Sept 2018

2m FT8

After about 45 minutes this evening on SSB in the 2m UKAC, I am now on 2m FT8, saving my voice. A CQ call (2.5W) was spotted across England by 3 stations. Best DX on TX was M0JDK (135km) who is currently the best RX DX.

IC7300 fan

I did not get a clear answer to my question about this a few days ago.

Basically does the fan run at full speed all the time on TX or does it get faster only when hot?

If it is quiet at low power that is OK. What would be annoying is running 5-10W yet still having to live with a noisy fan. Any answers welcomed.

What I would really like is the low power version with CE approval and a good guarantee. Somehow I suspect this is unlikely.

Elm Hill, Norwich - NOT amateur radio

This picture (or one very like it) was in a collage yesterday. Elm Hill is a delightful cobbled street in Norwich. We went to Norwich on Saturday.

Gmail - NOT amateur radio

Gmail has changed its style.

At one time when you deleted mail, the advert mails disappeared too. Now you have to open them first before they can be deleted. I guess this is to guarantee the ads get read. Yet another "big brother" move?

10m FT8

Although I have been on 10m FT8 RX for a while, no spots as yet. Mind you, it is quite early.

UPDATE 1100z: Still no spots. An RA2 was spotted, but this did not upload to PSKreporter maps.

UPDATE 1326z: Just a couple of spots so far on 10m FT8 RX from RA2 and an I. Best DX is IK0NEP (1425km).

UPDATE 1723z: 3 stations in 3 countries spotted on 10m FT8 RX today so far. I wonder if we will see South Americans later?

2m activity contest tonight

The September leg of the RSGB's UKAC activity contest starts at 1900z and lasts for 2.5 hours. If I remember the contest is on (!), I usually come on for a part. Usually I manage about 30-60 minutes before my voice cries, "stop!". The contest is usually busy and friendly.
In the end, 9 contacts with my 5W and big-wheel omni antenna. Best DX was M0DXR/P on the Isle of Wight.

Sunspots - Tuesday September 4th 2018

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN still zero. A=5 and K=1.

3 Sept 2018

Simple Regen RXs and Transceivers

You may be wondering just how simple you can make an effective HF receiver. You may like to try this.  It works remarkably well.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/regen

If you want an ultra-simple transceiver, try this:

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/feter-80m-qrpp-cw-transceiver

Record UK Summer - NOT amateur radio

It looks like England has just had its hottest summer since records began. The UK as a whole saw temperatures matching those seen in previous hot summers.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45399134

Google Analytics - NOT amateur radio

For some weeks the map showing me where the audience for the blog comes from during the day has not been working. This particular map is only available to the blog owner.

In the past sudden increases in visitor numbers always tied up with increased interest from eastern Europe and Russia. These "blips" seemed to happen about once a month. I assumed these were probing bots rather than visits from people with a genuine interest. With the map not working I cannot tell where visits are coming from.

Already today my blog visits are way up. Already I have well exceeded the number of visits on a normal day. Now, these visits could be genuine, but they look exceedingly suspicious to me.

Norwich Collage - NOT amateur radio

My wife created this collage of our visit to Norwich on Saturday. It includes 3 of the cathedral, Elm Hill, the market, Edith Cavell's statue and the river Wensum.

Autumn? - NOT amateur radio

We have had a long hot summer here in the UK.  The Met Office classes Sept 1st as the first day of autumn.

Already, there are some signs of autumn. Nights are a bit chillier and there is early morning dew on the grass. Soon we'll see migrant birds arriving here from Scandinavia.

These lanterns were spotted on a walk yesterday in the village.


Over the years, several people have asked me about this radio. Back in the 1970s I was involved in the design team.

It was made famous in a TV series called "The Professionals".

The PF8 manual is also available as a downloadable file at the bottom of my page on my main website.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/pf8

10m FT8

As yesterday, I decided to give 10m FT8 another go. So far today, 6 stations spotted in 3 countries with best DX on FT8 RX CS7AOM (1422km).

UPDATE 1254z:  Now 7 stations in 3 countries spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1752z: VP8LP (12773km) was spotted as the best DX.

UPDATE 1840z: ZD7JC (7606km) on St Helena spotted. Sunspot minimum? 10m? No problems!

UPDATE 1953z: I had to move to 2m FM for the East Cambs net. On my return to 10m FT8  CA3JBD (11760km) in Chile was spotted. Great mode this FT8! What did I miss, I wonder?

Ferrite loaded antennas

15m antenna
Giorgio I2GSI has been experimenting with ferrite loaded and compressed antennas for 20 years and has some good success with 20W CW or less. He sent me a few photos and has written some articles. The true spirit of amateur radio!
6m antenna
20m antenna

Sunspots - Monday September 3rd 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the sunspot number zero. A=5 and K=2.

2 Sept 2018

Another UK rally too late

Not sure who is to blame but I am getting rally reminders far too late! Yet again, this is included for completeness as it is totally useless. Let's hope future reminders come much sooner.


Enginuity Centre, Coalbrookdale, Telford, TF8 7DQ. Numerous trader and exhibitor stands booked for visitors to enjoy and also a variety of presentations from guest speakers in the adjacent historic Darby Boardroom. New improved car parking facilities. Admission £4.50 (accompanied under 16s free) from 10am. RSGB Bookstand. On-site catering. Martyn, G3UKV, 01952 255416 (hamfest@ukv.me.uk). www.telfordhamfest.org.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/


This is a variant of FT8 that allows longer messages. Usual frequencies are a few kHz up from the usual FT8 window. I have not tried this yet.

WSPR or FT8?

As you know, I usually go on 10m WSPR TX, but today I am on 10m FT8 instead. OK, on 10m WSPR I usually TX with my WSPR beacon at 500mW. On FT8, I am mostly RX, but CQs go out at 2.5W. In both cases I use the same antenna, which could be several dBs better.

My impression is there is far more activity on 10m FT8 than 10m WSPR, although I have not really done a fair test. In theory WSPR should be better than FT8, but I am sure the 15 second TX periods in FT8 help to "smoke out" some brief openings. In WSPR the TX periods are 2 minutes.

If today is anything to go by, 10m FT8 is keeping 10m going for longer than many expected with good Es still into September.

Egyptian Goose - NOT amateur radio

This goose was spotted in Norwich yesterday. I think it is an Egyptian goose, which is an introduced bird. They are now spreading and quite common in Norfolk.

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/egyptian-goose

More Norwich - NOT amateur radio

This is another picture of Norwich taken yesterday. It shows the market reflected in sunglasses.

On many levels, Norwich is a great city. By road it is about 1 hour 15 minutes away. By train from Ely it takes about 1 hour.

Solar cycle 25 predictions

This quote is from http://www.solen.info/solar/polarfields/polar.html

"As of July 2018 the strength of the polar fields hints at a cycle 25 with a magnitude slightly stronger than that of cycle 24."

In a few years we will have a better idea. I hope they are right!

See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle_25 . At the moment this doesn't say a lot, but I expect it will soon say a lot more.

Solar data for August available.

If you are interested in the solar data for last month and much more check out http://www.solen.info/solar/

10m FT8

For a change today, I think I am going to try 10m FT8. Activity on FT8 seems greater than WSPR, but the main Es season has ended, so I am unsure of the level of activity. I am about to turn things on (0815z). Although mostly RX I'll call CQ occasionally (2.5W).

UPDATE 0829z: Now active. Called CQ on 10m FT8, but no spots. So far, no-one else spotted. I live in hope!

UPDATE 0938z: Still no spots.

UPDATE 1124z: My CQ calls were not spotted. On RX 5 stations in 5 countries spotted with best DX 9A7JCY (1424km) in Croatia. I suspect this is Es. There seems more FT8 activity than WSPR. I think the 15 seconds (rather than 2 minutes for WSPR) TX period helps.

UPDATE 1451z: Now 14 stations in 10 countries spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. Most look like Es. Best DX spotted is YO2CI (1681km).

UPDATE 1817z: Now 15 stations in 10 countries spotted today on 10m FT8. There is still Es about!
UPDATE 1937z: Quite late this evening 3 Brazilians were spotted on 10m FT8. Best DX was PP5BK (10114km). Considering conditions as we approach sunspot minimum are the pits, this was a total surprise on 10m FT8 RX. I shall probably try 10m FT8 again tomorrow.

Sunspots - Sunday September 2nd 2018

The slow plod to the sunspot minimum continues.

Solar flux is still 67 and the SSN still 0. A=5 and K=1.

1 Sept 2018

Rally and Buildathon - too late?

The following has only just been seen. It was rather late coming to me, and is included for completeness today being Sept 1st!


Telford at the Park Inn Hotel, Telford, TF3 4NA. Steve Hartley G0FUW is leading the Bath style 'Buildathon' which this year features a design by Heather. M0HMO described as an 'HF Swiss Army Knife', a small digital, very portable device that will measure VSWR, RF power, DC voltage, resistance, continuity, HF frequency, GPS (Lat/long, Maidenhead and OS Grid ref) and more, for around £20. The Buildathon venue opens from 7pm and Heather recommends pre-booking for the project by calling her on 0780 254 8938 or email heather@myorangedragon.com . Bookings for a concessionary overnight stay at the Buildathon venue can be made directly to the Park Inn Hotel on 01952 429988, ASAP, making mention of the GQRP Radio event. Further information at www.telfordhamfest.org.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Syncing atomic clocks

There is a chance that WWVB on 60kHz will disappear next year as the genius decrees. Amateur Radio Weekly has a link to an article about using GPS to derive accurate timing.

See https://www.anishathalye.com/2016/12/26/micro-wwvb/?utm_source=amateur-radio-weekly&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter

Gone? - NOT amateur radio

It is some days now since I saw a swift. They are one of the first summer migrant birds to leave. I expect there are a few stragglers, but most have now gone.

I read last week that 51 cattle egrets were seen together in South Devon. Some of these must now be breeding in the UK. I expect in 20 years they will be a common UK sight.

Norwich, Norfolk, UK - NOT amateur radio

Today, we went by train to Norwich. It has a fine Norman cathedral built almost 1000 years ago with stone brought all the way from Caen in France. This beggars belief. No power tools, no power boats, just hard labour.

We love Norwich. It is one of the few cities I could live in.

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

My little 10m WSPR beacon is active, but no spots of my signal so far. Will this be another blank day?

UPDATE 1945z: No spots again all day today on 10m WSPR. Now QRT. I only use 10m WSPR as the antenna is available and the beacon does not use the PC. When on 2m or 6m, I might as well try 10m WSPR, although I guess to be spotted by anyone now is a thrill!

2m FT8 RX

Since breakfast, I have been on 2m FT8 RX. So far, just a couple of Fs with best DX on FT8 RX F5CBU (454km) in Brittany.

UPDATE 1551z:  Best DX on 2m FT8 RX today is DJ1AN (627km) in Lower Saxony, Germany. 12 stations in 5 countries spotted so far today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1642z: Now 33 stations spotted in 7 countries today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1946z: Now QRT. Plenty of choice DX spotted, although this seems available every day. With FT8, I copy DX I only dreamt about in the past.

Sunspots - Saturday September 1st 2018

It seems hard to believe it is already September!

Solar flux is 67 today and the sunspot number zero again. A=5 and K=1.

31 Aug 2018

Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

We are quite lucky living just outside Cambridge. This is a famous university town with some fine old buildings. We went shopping in Cambridge earlier.

In recent years it has become a hi-tech centre. I think I am correct in saying it has the highest number of Nobel prize winners in the world.

10m WSPR (TX)

All day, my 10m WSPR TX beacon (500mW) has been on. As yet, not a single spot! Dire. It will stay on for a few more hours, but the main Es season has definitely passed now.

UPDATE 2000z:  No spots all day. Soon be time to go QRT.

Amateur Television

Amateur TV has never been of interest to me. Actually this is not true: I am interested, but there are too few hours in the day! There are only so many things one can do.

If, like me, you are a fireside fusilier (I am gunner do this and I am gunner do that - joke!) you may like to read CQ-DATV63, which can be downloaded free. I saw this on Southgate News.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/august/free-magazine-download.htm#.W4lJtPZFzIU

2m FT8

Yet again, I am on 2m FT8. So far, this is just RX, although I shall probably call CQ (2.5W) later. So far, in the last half day, 25 stations in 9 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX with the big-wheel omni. Best DX is DD7DAC (518km) in JO31 square.
UPDATE 2015z: A brief CQ at around 1600z was spotted by G7RAU (461km) in IN79 on the Lizard in Cornwall. On 2m FT8 RX today 51 stations in 9 countries spotted. QRT soon.
UPDATE 2038z: Just before going QRT I called CQ (2.5W).  I also worked G4RRA (298km) in Devon by FT8 when I was using 2.5W to my big-wheel omni. With FT8 anything seems possible!   In all, 5 stations spotted my callsign including G7RAU again. This must be normal everyday tropo and not aircraft reflection. It seems that well over 400km is possible with 2.5W and my big-wheel omni at any time via FT8. Amazing. At one time I would be telling my XYL about these contacts, but they are now so commonplace that I don't bother.