17 Aug 2018

6m FT8 RX

Although on since breakfast, not much doing. Just EA1SI (1071km) in northern Spain spotted so far on 6m FT8. This could be Es or could be aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 0912z: Es I think. Now 5 stations spotted in 4 countries with best DX EA7HG (1644km) in southern Spain.

UPDATE 1935z: It definitely feels like the end of the Es season. 8 different in  5 countries spotted today on 6m FT8 RX today with best DX S01WS (3043km). Soon be QRT time.

16 Aug 2018

QRT on all bands

The big switch has been pulled and I am now QRT on all bands until tomorrow.

Not sure what bands to try tomorrow. Maybe 6m FT8 RX and 10m WSPR TX.

There is still Es about, but not as much as a few months ago. The main problem now will be fewer stations on as they think the Es season has ended. With FT8, even short openings will be uncovered. Es might still be productive outside of the traditional Es season.

Surprises - NOT amateur radio

In many ways this has been a hard year with several people no longer with us or now living with terrible conditions.

At the same time, we have had the joy of some total surprises! There is little doubt that receiving a total surprise is a great joy. In past years, I have received things through the post. To this day, I have absolutely no idea who sent them. Grateful? You bet. It brings joy to the heart that there are some really kind people around. These are the unsung heroes who take pleasure in seeing other people happy. Thank you. Really, thank you.

If you want to bring joy into someone's life, send them a surprise!

New projects

Someone recently asked me if I had any plans for new projects. Well, at the moment, I have not given this too much thought.

I fancy trying 136 and 472kHz RX with a decent antenna in the form of an E-field probe in the garden in a quiet spot. Up to now I have only tried these bands with compromise antennas and it would be good to find out what I can copy with an EFP in a quiet spot in the garden. Maybe I shall not transmit on MF/LF this autumn and winter?

I also fancy a better try on 4m. This means erecting an antenna for the band as presently I have none. At this QTH I have never been on 4m. 4m FT8 and WSPR could be good.

It is years since I tried 23cm reception.

In the end it will probably be none of these!

Disappearing swifts (birds) - NOT amateur radio

About this time of year, swifts start to fly south. For a few months they are part of the British summer. They sleep and feed on the wing. The screaming swifts are a common summer sound.

Then you realise they are not here. I am sure we'll see more still, but they are moving south. By early September most will have gone. They winter south of the Sahara in Africa.

Funny how I treasure the day when the first swift of the year is seen. To me, it is a sign that life goes on. This year we seem to have had fewer swallows and house martins. Luckily here swift numbers have held up. Several people have erected swift nest boxes.

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/swift/


Since just before breakfast, I have been on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) with my stand alone WSPR beacon. Just one spot all morning in the form of IU1DZZ (973km). There is still Es, but it is now less common.

In the last hour OY1OF (1164km) in the Faroe Is last been spotting me.

UPDATE 1640z: No spots received since 1228z. What Es there was seems short-lived? In the past I had a theory that later in the season more northerly stations become more commonplace by Es. Not sure if this is true.

UPDATE 1947z: Soon be time to go QRT. In all, 4 different stations spotted my 10m WSPR today.

Dahlias - NOT amateur radio

Every year they have a great show of dahlias at nearby Anglesey Abbey. This is just one of them this year.

Big VHF beams?

Well, I can just imagine the reaction of my neighbours if I erected this monster in my garden! Southgate News reports on a new dual band 10el beam for 50/70MHz. If towers and big beams are your "thing", then I guess you may be interested.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/august/worlds-longest-50mhz-70mhz-dual-bander.htm#.W3U92fZFzIU

Of course, these monster stations are frequently at the far end of some QRP QSOs, so I have to watch what I say! All I can say is these are not of interest to me. Personally I prefer smaller antennas as do my neighbours.

My other websites - NOT amateur radio

On my main website are links to some of the other websites I maintain. One of these is the Cambridgeshire Choral Group in which my wife sings. They are always on the lookout for new singers, especially male. No auditions are needed and they sing in some great venues in the Cambridge, UK area with a professional orchestra and soloists.

See www.g3xbm.co.uk .

Sunspots - Thursday August 16th 2018

Solar flux is again 69 and the SSN 12. A=14 and K=4.

2m FT8 again

Yet again I am on 2m FT8. An earlier CQ call (2.5W) this morning was spotted by G7RAU (461km) in Cornwall. He seems to spot me every time!

Already this morning I have spotted a couple of stations in Brittany. Yesterday was typical with DX previously unheard of on my simple system within reach.

The map shows what I spotted in the last day on 2m FT8. Antenna is just the big-wheel omni.

UPDATE 1647z: A quieter day so far with 10 stations in 3 countries spotted here on 2m FT8 RX. Best DX is F6DBI (501km).

UPDATE 1956z: Yet again, 2m FT8 RX has surprised me today. Time now to go QRT. The map below shows the stations spotted here in the last day. Remember I just use a  big-wheel omni, no big beams!

15 Aug 2018

Chaos - NOT amateur radio

Our son is a good cook, but he does leave a disaster area in his wake! The photo shows him in our kitchen last week. 15 minutes cooking and 30 minutes clearing up after him.

Hamsphere - float your boat?

Every once in a while I get Hamsphere newsletters.

Hamsphere is a "virtual" form of amateur radio. The ionosphere is simulated - it is not real. Some of these simulations are very good and they may be of interest to you. I have to admit that they do not "float my boat" much. Especially when HF is poor, I can understand the attraction, but to me this not real.

Network radios to me are a better alternative, as these allow contacts via distant repeaters that are real. Best of all is real amateur radio, actually advancing radio science by pushing the boundaries. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to do this.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/virtual/hamsphere

New HF SSB/CW rig coming from QRP-labs?

There are rumours on the streets about a new, single band, SSB/CW QRP transceiver from Hans Summers. Time will tell.

See https://www.qrp-labs.com/

Late start on 10m WSPR TX (500mW)

At 1028z I started up my 10m WSPR TX beacon. This is much later than usual. Normally it takes about 15-20 minutes for the crystal to stabilise, assuming there are any Es spots. So, the earliest I can reasonably expect to get any spots is 1045z. Any spots before then (unlikely) are likely to show quite a bit of drift.

UPDATE 1625z: Plenty of Es this afternoon on 10m WSPR. 6 unique stations spotting me this afternoon, either in Italy or Germany.

UPDATE 1727z: 47 spots today on 10m WSPR. The latest Es spot was over an hour ago.

2m FT8

For a change today I am on 2m FT8. An early 2-way QSO was hadt  with PA9CC (394km) in JO32 square. This was with 2.5W to the big-wheel horizontal omni. My call was copied by G7RAU (461km) in Cornwall. 2m FT8 continues to amaze me: unheard of DX is within reach even with my low ERP.

UPDATE 1030z:  5 stations in 4 countries spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX. Best DX on RX so far is DM1CG (459km).

UPDATE 1230z: I gave a brief CQ again just before lunch (2.5W to the big-wheel omni) and was again spotted by G7RAU in south Cornwall on the Lizard peninsula. So far today, 8 stations in 5 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1630z: So far today, I have spotted 17 different stations spotted in 6 countries. The impression is that some are by aircraft reflection and some are by tropo.

UPDATE 2145z: Time to go QRT on 2m FT8. Today 29 stations in 6 countries spotted and a QSO with a PA early this morning with just 2.5W and a big-wheel omni. And these are flat conditions on 2m. FT8 really is amazing.

Sunspots - Wednesday 15th August 2018

Sunspots at last!

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number 12. Yes 12, not zero!! A=4 and K=1

14 Aug 2018

70cm actvity contest

As usual, I entered the RSGB's 70cm activity contest this evening using 5W and my 2m halo. Only 2 QSOs were made! If I want to make a serious entry, I need more power and a "real" 70cm antenna.

"Successful" HAARP WSPR test?

Well, not in my book.

Southgate News carries news of this test using WSPR around the end of July and start of August. The report mentions the hundreds of WSPR reports from all over the USA and Canada. Using 1GW ERP this is distinctly average.

OK, apparently D-layer absorption was high on 80m, but I would have expected reports from elsewhere too.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/august/successful-haarp-wspr-research-campaign.htm#.W3LXXPZFzIU

6m FT8 RX

Although I guess these could be aircraft reflections, they are probably mostly Es, certainly the more distant spots.

I have been on 6m FT8 RX since before breakfast and spotted 15 stations in 8 countries so far. Again, a promising start to the day at 0952z. Best DX on 6m FT8 RX is DM5BB (903km).

As yet, I have not tried 6m FT8 TX today.

UPDATE 1317z: Es from all over Europe. Best DX on 6m FT8 RX is IT9BCC (1889km).

UPDATE 1900z: Now going QRT, but  still plenty of Es on 6m FT8 RX today as the map shows.

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

Before breakfast, I turned in the 10m WSPR beacon. Very early on I was spotted by DK6UG (633km), but nothing since.

As I said yesterday, I think there are far more people on 10m FT8 than 10m WSPR. I use 10m WSPR as this is "stand alone" and does not tie up a PC or rig. If I want to go on 10m FT8 I need the FT817ND and PC.

Sunspots - Tuesday August 14th 2018

Firstly, an apology for a "senior moment" yesterday. I had the wrong date until this was pointed out to me by an old work colleague, Andrew. As soon as it was pointed out, it was corrected. I just wonder how many have crept through in the past unnoticed. Anyway, I hope the date today is right!

Solar flux is 66 (very low) today and the sunspot number 0. Not exactly startling!  A=5 and K=2.

13 Aug 2018

Back on 10m WSPR TX and 6m FT8 RX

After calling on the 2m East Cambs FM net (144.575MHz, 1900z, Mondays) and getting no takers, I returned to 10m WSPR TX (500mW) and 6m FT8 RX. Still plenty of Es about on both bands. My brief 6m FT8 CQ was widely copied in southern Europe despite running 2.5W to an omni vertical.

UPDATE 2026z: QRT on all bands.

Temporary QRT

We had storms quite close (2 miles), so I went QRT on all bands.

As the storms seem to have moved on, everything is now reconnected (6m FT8 RX and 10m WSPR TX). On 6m I am getting Es from Italy although it usually takes 20 minutes for things to settle on my 10m WSPR beacon.

We need the rain, so I am not complaining.

Car insurance fiasco - NOT amateur radio

Well, I  have been with my current car insurer for ages. Most years I have to ring up to tell them it is too much and get a better quote. This morning I did this again and they dropped a very little. So I told them to let their policy lapse and I'd look around. I have got the same cover for very much less, even allowing for introductory offers.

Now, wouldn't you think they would want to keep a loyal customer who has never made a claim? No, they have lost me now, probably for ever. Crass stupidity!! Their loss - not being able to see this.

In my view, the insurance industry is mad. Surely, they should give loyal, good customers a good deal to prevent them going elsewhere. Instead I get an idiot in a call-centre who couldn't care a jot. As I said, their loss, not mine. They deserve to lose all my business in future years, and they probably will now.

Storm threat?

The Met Office has put out a yellow warning of thunderstorms in East Anglia after 11am today. Looking at the storm maps, it looks like the risk is decreasing. Nonetheless, I shall keep looking (and listening!) ready to disconnect gear if the risk is too high.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=2;s=200;o=0;b=0.00;ts=0;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;

See https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings#?date=2018-08-13&lat=52.27453&lon=0.32891

2m FT8

When the Es season is finally over (today there are still Es spots on 10m and 6m), I shall probably return to 2m FT8, which seems to be the mode of the moment. Unheard of DX (for me) seems to be spotted here almost every day, even with my simple omni antenna! Many of these signals come in via aircraft reflections. The 15 second periods help. FT8 works with signals much weaker than SSB or CW.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/2m-ft8

Norwegien amateur radio rules

There are rule changes in Norway according to Southgate News. It looks like they can use 1000W on their primary allocations.

See https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=no&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2009-11-05-1340&xid=17259,15700023,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700186,15700190,15700201&usg=ALkJrhhYzEJKBi_urMj2QBqeNoGzZxIShA

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

Yet again my only spot today so far has come from EA8BFK (2880km) in the Canary Islands. As yet, no signs of Es spots from Europe.

UPDATE 2000z: Just 4 spots in 3 countries all day. I get the impression there is far more 10m FT8 activity than 10m WSPR.

Sunspots - Monday August 13th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the SSN still firmly zero. A=5 and K=2.

6m FT8

Well, no Es on 6m here today yet. So far, just 1 GW and 1MM spotted. sadly my own 2.5w CQ call was not copied by anyone.

UPDATE 0837z: I spoke too soon! EA1SI (1071km) spotted.

UPDATE 1645z: Plenty of Es on 6m FT8 RX today.

UPDATE 2017z: The Es on 6m FT8 RX today made it appear like 20m! Now QRT.

12 Aug 2018


The big plug has been pulled and everything disconnected until the morning. Yet again I am "blown away " by what can be spotted on 2m by FT8.

Local museum and windmill - NOT amateur radio

About once a month, my wife and I volunteer across the road at our local museum. We live directly opposite.

It is open Easter-October on Thursdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays 11am-5pm. It really is splendid. It is open at other times for special visits  e.g. school trips and visiting groups.

We normally help in the tearoom or kiosk. In the kiosk a wide variety of gifts such as these books are stocked.

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

A few moments ago, I switched on my 10m WSPR beacon. Even on a good day, it usually takes 20 minutes  before spots appear.

UPDATE  1247z: IZ3LCH (1149km) has spotted me 18 times so far over lunch.

UPDATE 1332z: Another Italian is also spotting me in N.Italy.

2m FT8 ....and a puzzle

When I switched to 2m FT8 last night I had a horrendous noise band in the middle of the passband. It was also there on 6m. I feared this was something external (maybe a new TV in the neighbourhood), so some investigation was needed.

Although it was still there in the morning I was still receiving signals. To cut a long story short, it totally went when I turned off NAR on my FT817ND. It was not there anywhere on 2m USB (which of course uses the wide setting). It is now set with NAR turned off, as it was originally. Not quite sure how this got turned on, but WSJT-X clearly did not like it!

Best DX spotted on 2m FT8 RX is S57LM (1239km) at a cracking +5dB S/N. Not bad with my big-wheel horizontal omni antenna. Signal reports suggest a mixture of tropo and aircraft reflections.

UPDATE 0939z: 8 stations in 5 countries spotted since last night. on 2m FT8 RX.  Even my brief CQ call on 2m FT8 got a spot from 194km, despite just 2.5W to the horizontal omni antenna.

UPDATE 1305z: 17 stations in 7 countries, so far, on 2m FT8 RX today.

Sunspots - Sunday August 12th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the sunspot number zero. A=10 and K=4.

11 Aug 2018

144MHz FT8 tomorrow?

Most 2m FT8 activity is on 144.174MHz. As the Es season is drawing to a close now, I may move back to 2m FT8 using the big-wheel omni antenna.

Richard G3TFX suggested I compare the big-wheel horizontal omni with my V2000 omni vertical. There was little difference suggesting the most common propagation on 2m FT8 was by reflections off planes.

Of course some reception may be tropo, so I'll stick with the big-wheel. Mind you, if you only have a vertical stick on 2m then try it, as you may be very surprised. I was surprised that DX that I could rarely hear was commonplace on 2m FT8.

I may swap to 2m FT8 later so I catch the Perseids meteor shower peak during the night.

Heathkit lunchboxes

Really I have no idea why these rigs appealed to me so much. They had poor receivers with little selectivity. Although I coveted the 2m version for years, apart from the manual, I never owned one.

These days, they would struggle on VHF. Most activity is FM, not AM, and the selectivity would be a real handicap anyway.

What I think I liked was the form factor. There was something about that that appealed.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/lunchbox

The FT8 debate

There is a debate currently about the merits (or otherwise) of new digital modes like FT8. The amateur radio population is aging alarmingly: in a few years' time most amateurs will be very old and, unless we attract younger people, our hobby will just die out.

In just the same way high streets are changing, there will be fewer new rigs, fewer radio magazines and fewer rallies. And that is just for starters. 20 years from now what will our hobby look like?

It appears that FT8 is overtaking SSB as the main mode on HF. Unless you have specialised software, you will not "chance on" casual amateurs as we "old timers" did. This is how I first found amateur radio. These days I am unsure how young people find us.

Personally, I love WSPR and FT8, but I can see that these and similar modes could adversely impact newcomers entering our hobby. I wish I had the magic bullet. Clearly what attracts people today is very different from what attracted me all those years ago.

Hidden disabilities - NOT amateur radio

This has been mentioned here before, but I make no apologies.

Like several people, outwardly I look well (with a healthy tan) yet hidden from view is that I feel giddy on my feet and exhausted much of the time. My life is a near continuous fog. Many things that were once easy are not any more.  Even after a good sleep, I awake exhausted.

Many have hidden disabilities, which are not at all obvious. My only plea is don't judge a book by its cover. If someone feels bad inside, they probably are. A very few may fake things, but most will be genuine.

Speaking personally, I have been like this for almost 5 years now. I am not after sympathy: we have to make the best we can of what we have. All I am after, on behalf of everyone with a hidden disability, is a little understanding.