5 Feb 2025

10m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

Since fixing the RF feedback issue (see earlier post) I have been on 10m FT8 since about 0700z.

UPDATE 1940z:  14 spots already with the IC-705, all bar one in the USA .

RF in the shack on 10m with the IC-705

 For some reason I was getting RF feedback in the shack when using my IC-705 at 10W on 10m FT8. I added a few ferrite beads and this seems to have fixed it,

Waiting for the bus - NOT amateur radio

In the UK bus travel is free most of the time if you are old. It is as quick to go into Cambridge by bus as by car and is totally free. This was earlier waiting for our bus.

10m QRP WSPR TX (Wednesday)


My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon has been on since just after breakfast. So far, 14 stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 1400z: 16 stations have spotted me.

VLF transmitter


Looking through some old photos I came across this one of my VLF transmitter that was used for earth-mode tests though the ground. 

It produced about 5W and my best DX (before my stroke intervened!) was about 6km. Much further would have been possible.

Since my stroke, I have been unable to continue my VLF tests. It is still on my shelf.

Sunspots - Wednesday February 5th

 Solar flux is 191 and the SSN 194.  A=6 and K=1.

4 Feb 2025

Huge sunspot

Apparently there is a very large sunspot that could result in increased solar activity this week. 

Is it or isn't it?

The Yaesu FTX-1F puzzles me. 

This radio was announced, and deposits taken, by many dealers months ago, yet (as far as I am aware) we have never seen any preliminary specs. 

The only data I am aware of was the demo at the Tokyo Ham Fair last summer. I am still getting the feeling that Yaesu is "tweeking" the design or was just testing the market to judge whether or not it would make any money. 

From what we have seen already it has fewer features than the 5 year old ICOM IC-705, meaning it would be unlikely to make Yaesu much, if any, profit.

As I have said many times, it has to be feature-rich and keenly priced to be a real winner. There are many loyal Yaesu fans, but the market place has become far more fierce since the FT817 was launched.

Come on Yaesu! Where are those specs?

Shetland sunrise - NOT amateur radio

As mentioned before, one of my friends on 365project lives on the Shetland Islands. He takes some stunning photos including this one of the sunrise over Mousa.

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

My IC-705 was turned on at 0914z. 

UPDATE 1318z: 
17 spots of me.