17 Nov 2024
6m QRP FT8 (Sunday)
10m 500mW WSPR (Sunday)
My QRP beacon has been on most of the morning. So far, 13 stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 1420z: 26 stations have spotted me.
Unusual view - NOT amateur radio
The windmill next door has been on the blog many times but this is an unusual view over the allotment gardens .
Leonid meteor shower
This peaks on November 17th.
Usually meteor showers result in VHF reflections. Although some manage QSOs with random meteors, the duration of reflections is usually longer in showers, so QSOs tend to be easier.
Pings tend to be strong, but of short duration. MSK144 is a popular mode.
UPDATE 0942z: No spots overnight. I hope I am on the correct frequency.
Very clever people
Thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly, I have been watching a video showing how someone uses a microcontroller as a TX and RX just by writing code. These chips are not intended to do this at all. To me this is magic!
I would not know where to start, HI.
16 Nov 2024
6m MSK144 RX (Saturday)
Overnight I am monitoring 50.280MHz MSK144, hoping to catch some MS pings in the Leonid meteor shower. I think this is the most used frequency for this mode in Europe.
UPDATE 2100z: No spots.
Inclusivity - NOT amateur radio
In a modern society everyone deserves an equal chance irrespective of race, colour, ethnicity, sexuality or disability. Who they are simply does not matter.
However, have you noticed that nearly every advert on TV now tries really hard to be seen as "inclusive" by including anyone who might be considered "outside"? Perhaps the person is obese, black, disabled or whatever. How often have you noticed someone mentions, in passing, about their husband or wife (of the same sex) on TV?
Now, I am not saying this is wrong, far from it, yet in many ways society has become less tolerant.
I hope that we can all be "inclusive" without becoming total prudes.
10m 500mW WSPR (Saturday)
So far this morning 6 stations have spotted me.