16 Nov 2024
Near Ely Cathedral - NOT amateur radio
6m QRP FT8 (Saturday)
For some unknown reason my QMX+ initialised this morning, so I am on 6m QRP FT8 again. So far, I have been spotted by 5 English stations, although I see some better equipped stations are working India on 6m FT8.
UPDATE 1408z: Spotted by 30 stations today with the furthermost 4X1UF (3513km).
UPDATE 1745z: 32 spots of my QRP 6m FT8 today.
Spectrumview audio spectrum analyser
This is available in iOS but I don't think it is available for Android. Many years ago it was useful for VLF and lightbeam work when I needed an audio spectrum analyser. It was also going to be used at 137kHz until I blew up my beacon earlier this year! By changing the sample rate you can adjust the time shown on the screen.
It is the best audio spectrum analyser I found. It is a free app.
15 Nov 2024
Sepura SCL3 - NOT amateur radio
These days it seems emergency services are migrating to 4G/5G services and Sepura is producing a hand portable to allow this migration. It has a TETRA module.
When working, this is a great radio covering up to 6m, with SSB promised in a software update.
Most times it boots up fine, but not always.In most ways it is a really good QRP radio, but I find this annoying. I hope it is corrected in a later software release as well as the QMX+ USB port not being recognised with Windows 10 without several reboots of the QMX+.
FT710 Field
One well known UK dealer is selling the Yaesu FT710 Field for £814.99 after the Yaesu cashback.
Ely Cathedral - NOT amateur radio
The photo shows the view from the Almonry that has been serving meals since the 1200s.
Ely, Bishop’s Palace - NOT amateur radio
10m 500mW WSPR ( Friday)
My QRP beacon was turned on about 0910z. No spots yet.
UPDATE 1538z: Lots of spots today including many from "across the pond". So far today, 17 stations have spotted me.