16 Nov 2024

Near Ely Cathedral - NOT amateur radio

Ely is unusual in having a park with delightful views of the cathedral nearby. This is about 300m from the cathedral and is a delightful walk.

6m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

For some unknown reason my QMX+ initialised this morning, so I am on 6m QRP FT8 again. So far, I have been spotted by 5 English stations, although I see some better equipped stations are working India on 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1408z: Spotted by 30 stations today with the furthermost 4X1UF (3513km).

UPDATE 1745z: 
32 spots of my QRP 6m FT8 today.

Spectrumview audio spectrum analyser

When I got my iPhone SE about a year ago, I was quite surprised to see that an app was still available for Spectrumview from Oxford Scientific. 

This is available in iOS but I don't think it is available for Android. Many years ago it was useful for VLF and lightbeam work when I needed an audio spectrum analyser. It was also going to be used at 137kHz until I blew up my beacon earlier this year! By changing the sample rate you can adjust the time shown on the screen.

It is the best audio spectrum analyser I found. It is a free app.

Sunspots - Saturday November 16th

Solar flux is 149 and the SSN 71.   A=13 and K=2. 

15 Nov 2024

Sepura SCL3 - NOT amateur radio

In my professional life before I retired in 2008 I worked for Sepura as a design manager. In those days we led the way in TETRA radios. 

These days it seems emergency services are migrating to 4G/5G services and Sepura is producing a hand portable to allow this migration. It has a TETRA module.


When working, this is a great radio covering up to 6m, with SSB promised in a software update. 

Most times it boots up fine, but not always. 

I get a screen that is dim with the top line as shown in the photo. Without unplugging it, I cannot turn it off. It is as if it is not initialised.

In most ways it is a really good QRP radio, but I find this annoying. I hope it is corrected in a later software release as well as the QMX+ USB port not being recognised with Windows 10 without several reboots of the QMX+.

FT710 Field

 One well known UK dealer is selling the Yaesu FT710 Field for £814.99 after the Yaesu cashback.

Ely Cathedral - NOT amateur radio

This is called "The Ship of the Fens". It is on top of a hill and can be seen for miles, much like Chartres in France. 

The photo shows the view from the Almonry that has been serving meals since the 1200s.

Ely, Bishop’s Palace - NOT amateur radio

During WW2 my dad was a Pathfinder flying night raids in Lancaster bombers over Germany. 

Before joining flying crew he had to have his appendix removed here. It is now part of the Kings School.

I am sure he hated war.

10m 500mW WSPR ( Friday)

My QRP beacon was turned on about 0910z. No spots yet.

UPDATE 1538z: 
Lots of spots today including many from "across the pond". So far today,  17 stations have spotted me.