10 Aug 2018

Broadcasting on shortwave

Like many in my generation, I came to amateur radio via shortwave broadcasters. As a young teenager I enjoyed getting QSL cards from broadcast stations around the world. In those days there were a great many broadcasters and many of these were in English. Not so today! Many broadcasters have left shortwave and opted instead for internet streaming as this is clearer and easier. It is probably cheaper too as big transmitters and antennas don't need to be maintained. 

Many of the shortwave stations transmitted propaganda, not that most of us cared. Certainly all many of us wanted was that QSL card. If they were proud of their tractor factory output, we could not have cared less!

I hear today via Southgate News that All India Radio may close its external shortwave service. Years ago this was one of the stations I heard direct from India on a crystal set here in the UK. Times are changing.

If you want to take a nostalgic listen to those interval signals, you can. I know this has appeared on this blog before, but it is fun!

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/interval


At the moment I still have my 10m antenna (looking on 10m FT8 RX) connected as the storms seem to be avoiding us. I always keep an eye out and check the storm maps often.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=2;s=200;o=0;b=0.00;ts=0;z=9;y=52.1402;x=0.2554;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;

Lounge window view - NOT amateur radio

This view has been on many times before. Today (again) we had dark clouds and rain after our recent very hot, dry, period. No thunderstorms as yet. This was taken through our lounge window earlier. If you zoom in you may be able to see the rain.

Another UK rally


Cobham Sports and Social Club Ground, Merley, nr Wimborne, Dorset BH21 3DA. Talk in will be on S22. Doors open at 10am and admission is £4, which includes parking. There will be trade stands, a car boot sale. There will be a lecture stream during the day. Tony Baker, G3PFM, 07743 475 018, tbaker@tiscali.co.uk www.frars.org.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

10m FT8 RX

About 15 minutes ago, I went on 10m FT8 RX. So far, just one spot from Italy. This was probably Es.

UPDATE 1038z: 7 southern EU spots, which I guess are Es.

UPDATE 1652z: 14 stations in 10 countries so far today on 10m FT8 RX.  It is getting harder now on 10m Es.

Perseid meteor shower and storm risks

This weekend I hope to keep a watch on 6m FT8 RX for possible Perseid meteor shower action. Although there is a risk of thunder showers later, I do not yet know what it will be like Saturday overnight into Sunday.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/blitzortung/europe/index.php?lang=en

Weather forecasts (UK) - NOT amateur radio

Almost every day the Met Office and the BBC weather forecasts are different just a few hours from now. As an example, the BBC shows a 30% chance of rain here this afternoon and light cloud whereas the Met Office has dark clouds and an 80% chance of rain! The only certain forecast seems to be looking out of the window!

OK, I know the UK weather is hard to predict, but surely the BBC and Met Office should be in close agreement for a few hours' time? Often the forecast is wrong for the present time. They forecast sun and out the window it is raining.

If you don't like the look of one, you can always try the other!

Sunspots - Friday August 10th 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number 0. A=4 and K=1.

9 Aug 2018

QRT time

In a few moments I am going QRT on all bands. Although there is still Es about, I get the feeling that we are now going to see Es less often than in May, June and July. Yesterday there was a good E layer opening to the USA on 6m FT8 RX. Today was relatively quiet here on 6m. 10m WSPR was dire.

Rain - NOT amateur radio

Apart from a couple of short, sharp thunder showers we have had no real rain since May. Temperatures have been over 30 deg C for most of the summer. It has be very hot for the UK.

Today we had real rain that lasted for about 5 hours. It feels cooler too. Tomorrow temperatures should be quite low compared with a few days ago.

Our lawns are parched brown. It will take weeks for the grass to recover, assuming it will. Today's rain will have helped but we need a lot more.

See https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/u121rkr90#?date=2018-08-09