8 Aug 2018

6m FT8

A fairly quiet start today.

So far (0900z), just 6 different stations in 3 countries spotted. Some of these could be Es or possibly aircraft reflections.

An earlier TX period (2.5W) was spotted by 2 stations (in Brittany and the UK). No QSOs.

Certainly not promising currently.

UPDATE 0950z: Best DX spotted on 6m FT8 RX is LA7DFA (1311km). Currently 8 different stations in 4 countries spotted so far today on 6m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1304z: Now 32 different stations spotted in 16 countries.

Sunspots - Wednesday August 8th 2018

Solar flux today is 69 and the sunspot number, unsurprisingly, zero. A=10 and K=1.

7 Aug 2018

Rain! - NOT amateur radio

We have had a long, hot summer with just a couple of thunder showers a few weeks ago. Tonight we had rain and more is forecast overnight  After weeks of temperatures in the 30 deg C plus region, rain is welcomed. Our lawns are parched and badly in need of rain. Usually they recover, eventually. Normally we complain we get too much rain!

Storms? 2m UKAC OK?

As you know, I keep a close watch on storms and disconnect everything if there is a threat nearby. At the moment most of the storms seem to be over northern Brittany and just north of Paris. They are many hours away and we may miss them altogether.

Tonight is the August 2m leg of the activity contest (UKAC) organised by the RSGB. Assuming there is no storm threat, I'll put in an appearance for 30 minutes or so starting around 1900z on SSB. If there are storms nearby, I'll give it a miss. Last month, conditions were very good.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=2;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;

UPDATE  1849z: The storms have crossed the channel and seem to be approaching Kent. At the moment, I think we should miss most of the storms, at least until late tonight.

UPDATE 1957z: 6 SSB contacts in the 2m UKAC, with best DX 229km.  Not bad for 5W, big-wheel omni, useless voice and just 37 minutes of operating.

Bully? - NOT amateur radio

So President Trump is on the warpath again, now allegedly saying anyone doing business with Iran will not do business with the USA. Sadly, he lives on our planet.

Biased  - me? No, just reflecting the views of EVERYONE I have spoken with, honestly EVERYONE, all who think he is an ignorant bigot and a menace. Honestly, I have not met one single person outside the USA who has a good word to say about him. Everyone!! Yes everyone. Most are amazed he was voted in.

Now, I know we are entitled to our own views, and I respect you for holding yours, but I am truly amazed by the level of support in the USA for the current president.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-45098031

OFCOM "Communications Monthly"

OFCOM's July report is now available. It seems no time at all since the last one!

See http://ofcom.cmail19.com/t/ViewEmail/i/E162000517E813DA2540EF23F30FEDED/59D1BD3EA2F08127C67FD2F38AC4859C

Young birds - NOT amateur radio

It gladdens the heart to see young birds in our garden. There are young swifts overhead, young blackbirds and starlings, and today and yesterday, a young goldfinch (see photo).

6m FT8 RX

Well. there are so many spots already that I cannot say how many stations have been spotted, but lots! Best DX so far on 6m FT8 RX is A92HK (5058km) in Bahrain. Briefly, before breakfast I was on TX calling CQ and was spotted in southern Italy. No QSOs though.

Good Es today on 10m

My car had to go for an annual service today, so I was up early. I have been on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) since way before breakfast and already there are 65 spots in the log. Today looks promising.

UPDATE 1152z: It was quiet for much of the morning, but there are spots from Germany again now. So far 75 spots on 10m WSPR of my 500mW beacon. 6 different stations spotting me.

UPDATE 1257z: Best DX today is a spot from IZ3LCH (1149km).

Eureka moment? - NOT amateur radio

For the last 5 years I have been fighting to get better from my stroke. Now I think this is how I am going to be.  It is pointless fighting it and myself. As I am now is probably how I shall always be: giddy, tired and with a poor voice.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/stroke

If I make further improvements so well and good, but my energies are better spent trying to cope with the "new me" rather than fighting. This may seem trivial to others, but to me it marks a turning point.