8 Apr 2024

Brilliant day on 10m QRPP yesterday

With 49 spots of my 500uW WSPR from the Canary Islands and one from the USA yesterday, this must go down as a very good day. What puzzles me is sunspots were average and A and K indicators were not exceptional. Let’s see what happens today.

UPDATE 0850z: 
Already plenty of spots from the Canary Is.  I wonder if EA8BFK (2880km) has got a better antenna recently?

UPDATE 2200z:  Plenty of spots of me by EA8BFK but nobody else today. When it’s good it’s like a pipe between us. I wonder what the path loss should be by F2?


PE4BAS, Bas said...

It looks like the forecast on sunspots is better at the end of this month. However, 10m is open worldwide. Yesterday evening strong signals on 10 from VP6G on Pitcairn Isl. relatively easy to make contact. I check 6m every day looking for the first big ES or TEP or hopefully F2 opening. 73, Bas

Roger G3XBM said...

It is easy to leave the beacon running at 500uW. I shall probably try at this power on 10m WSPR this Es season.