23 Dec 2021

SAQ transmission - tomorrow

The historic 17.2kHz VLF alternator CW TX that is a World Heritage Site and almost 100 years old is on the air tomorrow, December 24th with a special message. They will QSL. 

I am a proud possessor of a rare QSL card from them many years ago. I think this was with my VLF converter and loop antenna. I thought this converter was on my website, but it seems to be missing. I shall add it later. For now, see this page.

There is a very good software RX on my video channel. This with a simple antenna and small preamp connected to the PC sound card is all you need. 

The whole thing is being live streamed on YouTube I believe.

See https://alexander.n.se/en/ .

See also the software VLF receiver by SM6LKM on my video channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDxRhQYg7lQ .

UPDATE 1635z: The VLF up-converter should now be available via my G3XBM website (added today).

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