10 Dec 2016

Back on 10m JT65

Shortly before lunch, I went QRT on MF WSPR and started up on 10m JT65. As yet, no spots on 10m JT65 where I run 2W.

It has been fairly quiet of late on 10m, although the last week has seen 10m JT65 spots of my 2W signal from the USA and South America, despite the much lower sunspot numbers now and just QRP power. I only use simple wire antennas on HF.  JT65 really is a great mode without the need for much power or big beams.

My recommendation is switch to 10m JT65. The DX is harder to find these days, but using weak signal modes gives you the best chance of being copied.

Using the format  "B callsign locator" as a beacon when not looking for QSOs will show up on PSK reporter maps if you tick the "upload to PSK reporter maps" in your JT65 software.

WSJT-X V1.6 is stable and freely available. I've used this now for JT65 and WSPR for about a year.

UPDATE 1606z: 10m JT65 has been very quiet so far. I'd expect South Americans and maybe the USA to appear in the next couple of hours or not at all.

UPDATE 1706z: LW2DAF (11211km) was spotted about an hour ago on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1758z: 3 South American spots so far tonight on 10m JT65.

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