24 Jun 2016

BREXIT the reality - NOT amateur radio

So the referendum has taken place and the UK people have chosen to leave the EU. All of my close family voted to remain IN. The future of the UK is unknown. Indeed, the future of the EU may now be very different. All I hope is that we remain friends with our neighbours in Europe. We have always wanted the EU trade, but we have never sought closer political ties.  The future is ours to forge and we must chose a good future that unites its people not divides them.


DaveL said...

Hopefully the repercussions won't be too dire. I noticed the stock market took a tumble, hopefully things will stabilize quickly, and the UK's decision won't cause a mad dash of other nations leaving the EU. Enjoy your holiday! Look forward to your postings when you get back.



Anonymous said...

You will be doing good, no worries. Congratulations to the UK people for making the first step towards regaining political autonomy. We hope to see you as brothers in freedom on the "other side".

Robert (in Germany)