This week I have 8 items for sale on eBay including a few radio books. I am trying to de-clutter ahead of our house move in a few months time. It is proving harder than I thought to get rid of things and in fact I am still collecting more things than I am disposing of!

The radio books are
QRP Basics by George Dobbs. This is an essential guide to low powered radio operating. As I have the newer edition, this first edition version is for sale. Highly recommended book.

The next is
LF Today by Mike Dennison G3XDV which is the first version of the guide to LF operating especially on 136kHz, although invaluable for 472kHz too. I used this version extensively when first setting up to TX on 136kHz.
The next is
The Comprehensive Radio Valve Guide which is a Babani series book listing every radio valve since 1956. As a semiconductor man I hardly ever looked at it.
Another book is the
6 Metre Handbook, a guide to the magic band by Don Field G3XTT. This book is really aimed at 6m DXers and I was a bit disappointed that it didn't say more about using the band for simple local communications.
There are also a few other good books listed and a mock marble fire surround which my local builder tells me should sell for over £100.
You can find all 8 items for sale via .
Get bidding if you are interested as they are sure to sell.
anything written by GD is priceless.
In the past I have been very surprised how just cleaning out the shack of items not used can bring some nice $$ rewards for more toys!!
The "bread and dripping" triggers nostalgic memories, tempted to bid. And the Babani valve guide, I am sure i must have had one of those in my time.
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