14 Jan 2023

VLF earth-mode

This photo was taken in 2011 and shows where my VLF beacon could be received locally. The TX was 5W. 

Oscar 100 - worst yet?

It has never seemed this bad. The photo shows the narrowband transponder on a European weekend morning. Where is everyone? 

Stations on Oscar 100 at 1010z

UPDATE 1012z:
A little better, but still very under-used.

Oscar 100 wideband transponder spectrum

UPDATE 1020z:
There appears to be better use of the wideband transponder on Oscar 100. Although there is a spectrum display (see photo), I am not aware of a site with DATV streams. If so, I do not know of it.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

Apparently (this was news to me) there is a weekly TV net on Oscar 100 on Thursday nights at 2000z. 

See https://batc.org.uk/live/oscar100net . This link streams the results. I must check this out.

Sunspots - Saturday January 14th 2023

Solar flux is 209 and the SSN 181. A=12 and K=3.

13 Jan 2023

20m FT8 RX (Friday)

For the last hour or so, I have been on 20m FT8 RX using the 8m dipole, which is way off tune. At 1858z, 35 stations spotted with the furthermost N1HMT (5245km).

Where I come from - NOT amateur radio


This is where I come from in South Devon. This unspoilt area is known as the South Hams.

Solar cycle peak this year?

The 11 year solar cycle is an average with some cycles shorter than this and some longer. 

I am most definitely not an expert on this area, but note my favourite site for solar data is still forecasting the peak in November this year. Whatever, solar conditions are good at the moment. 10m (my favourite HF band) is in great shape and could be for several years. Even in the depths of the last solar minimum some spectacular DX was spotted on FT8.

Sepura - NOT amateur radio

The company I once worked for has been sold again, I understand. 

I retired in 2008. It originated as part of the Pye empire as Pye Telecom. A few years ago it was part of Hytera, but I gather it has been sold again, I think to an asset management company. 

These companies usually grow a business, then sell it again. Such companies are usually not interested in the business as such just increasing its value. To them, it is just a way of making (more) money. I hope it does OK. I am well removed from it these days, but as a once proud RF company, I still have my heart in it.

See https://www.sepura.com/ .

First signs? - NOT amateur radio

First we have snowdrops and aconites, then daffodils. Mind you, we have to get through winter first. 

There are already signs of new life.

8m QRP FT8 (Friday)

For about 15 minutes, I have been on 8m FT8 on 40.680 with 2.5W to the dipole. 

UPDATE 1443z: No spots all day. It looks like I need a much higher ERP to be really successful on 8m outside the main Es season. Yes, I manage the occasional report, but with just 2.5W and dipole, I am having a hard time.  Should I spend £50 for a renewal of my T&I permit for 8m?

UPDATE 1844z: G0HVQ (181km) has spotted me. After a period on TX, the power drops. My estimate is my power was about 1.8W when I was spotted.

Telly addict? - NOT amateur radio


One of my son's cats yesterday watching the TV.