3 Mar 2021

Quantum Entanglement - NOT amateur radio

One of the aspects of quantum mechanics that fascinates me is quantum entanglement. According to quantum theory, quantum entanglement suggests that particles completely separated (even at the other ends of the universe) can share something in common. One day, this may be a clue to teleportation. There are aspects of this which are totally weird. 

In my view, we still have a lot to learn about physics. Quantum mechanics and relativity seem to be imperfect descriptions and I can imagine in the next 100 years we will find other more integrated, theories that better describe things.

In 100 years you can imagine our descendants looking back at our theories in amazement.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_entanglement .

Sunspots - Wednesday March 3rd 2021

Solar flux is 75 and the SSN 28. A=20 and K=5.

2 Mar 2021

Quiet corner - NOT amateur radio

Since we moved to our village in 1975, it has grown quite a lot. When we came the population was just over 4000 whereas it is nearly 7000 now.

Despite this, it still feels like a village. It has some lovely quiet corners as the photo shows. Here, they have really blended new houses with the old.

IC202 2m SSB/CW

Nostalgia time again....

Way back, I owned an ICOM IC202. This was a 2m SSB/CW VXO controlled rig. The VXO covered 200kHz and behaved like a VFO.  It had a very "military" look. 

Later, it was replaced by the IC202S. Many still use these today to drive microwave transverters. I used mine on 10m with a homebrewed transverter. It worked some impressive DX with 1W pep on 10m SSB with just a low wire dipole antenna.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp/Home/ic202 .

As this is my old website and not maintained, do not follow the links on the left as these are not maintained.

Blossom - NOT amateur radio

Every year, we look forward to the blossom on the tree near our village Post Office. 

It is now coming out at last, a sure sign of spring and better days ahead. 

It normally lasts for a few weeks, then is gone. At the moment, it is glorious.

OFCOM Communications Monthly

Every month OFCOM updates its "Communications Monthly" with the latest statistics it holds. See the OFCOM website for more details.

New 2m webpage

Although I am as guilty as others for not using the band as often as I once did, I have created a webpage about 2m operation on my main G3XBM website. 2m is a good, but much under-used, band.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/2m .

472kHz (630m) WSPR RX overnight

 Yesterday evening and overnight I was on 472kHz WSPR RX with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. 9 stations were spotted with the furthermost being EA4GHB (1300km).

2m activity contest this evening

OK, I must set an alarm on my phone so I don't miss this! 

At 2000z this evening is the March leg of the 2m UKAC activity contest run by the RSGB. Although the contest runs for 2.5 hours I usually stop on for less than an hour with my 10W, poor voice and omni antenna. 

It is not like most contests - it is fun and activity is usually very high on SSB. With conditions likely to be good tonight, you may want to give it a go. 

Although I usually submit a score, you do not have to. Exchange is just report, serial number and QTH locator e.g. 59012, IO91FB.

In the end 11 QSOs made before I had to go QRT.

Dalham near Newmarket - NOT amateur radio

The photo collage shows the village of Dalham near Newmarket on this day 4 years ago. It is a pretty village with lots of thatched cottages. 

17m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

At the moment I am on 17m FT8 with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop antenna. 17m FT8 is usually quite good and is often open when I go on during the day. 

So far, just a single spot on RX of TA2UIL (2826km) and nobody spotting me on TX.

UPDATE 1116z:  28 stations spotted on RX with the furthermost 5Z4VJ (6858km) in Kenya. Still no spots of me on TX.

UPDATE 1140z: 41 stations spotted on RX and 2 stations have spotted me on TX with the furthermost being RA3BE (2437km).

UPDATE 1300z:  70 stations spotted so far on the band (see map).

UPDATE 1605z:  110 stations spotted on RX. 1 QSO and my QRP spotted by 2 stations.

UPDATE 1822z: 116 stations spotted on RX.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 2nd 2021

 Solar flux is 71 and the sunspot number 0.  A=26 and K=4. Pretty poor again.

1 Mar 2021

630m (472kHz) WSPR RX

This evening I am on 630m WSPR RX from about 2045z.  So far this evening, 3 stations spotted with furthermost LA8AV (1012km). Still using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

Wicken walk - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows another view of our walk at Wicken last week.  It was a delightful walk.

New webpage created - 10m FT8 QRP transceiver

I am keen to have a go at this, but fear my energy levels and fine motor skills may not be up to it these days. Years ago, this would have been trivial for me. 

Imagine, working the whole world on a very simple rig, low cost, smaller than a pack of cards that you have built yourself! 

I just hope QRPguys take this further and do a kit. It would be so popular that someone has to do it.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/10ft8

QSY to 17m FT8 QRP (Monday)

As 15m seemed pretty quiet here, I have QSYed to 17m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop antenna. It is now 1358z. So far, just 2 stations spotted on RX and nobody has spotted me on QRP TX yet.

UPDATE 1445z:  9 stations spotted on RX with furthermost E21EIC (9481km) in Thailand. Nobody has yet spotted me on QRP 17m FT8 TX.

UPDATE 1800z: 4 stations have spotted my QRP today on 17m FT8. The map shows the stations spotted here. 

UPDATE 1852z: 40 stations spotted.

New OFCOM EMF rules coming in

If you use over 10W, the new OFCOM rules on EMF may apply to you, especially if you are investigated over complaints by neighbours. As a QRP man, I am not bothered! 

If you have a big tower, beam and full power you may have issues. You have to show that people can't be harmed by excessive EMF. If I had my way, all UK licencees would be limited to 100W, or even 10W!

See the OFCOM website for more details.

I quite like the Eire approach. In Eire, amateurs have access to much of the Band 1 spectrum. Why not grant all UK radio amateurs access to big chunks of spectrum at, say, 100mW ERP on a strictly non-interference basis? If you cause interference you get closed down, otherwise carry on. Oh silly me, this requires people with brains!!   

Personally, I'd like access to some VLF spectrum and 40MHz. I guess the main issue is military access. I still don't understand why so much UK spectrum is reserved for the military when most is unused for most of the time.  Views?

15m FT8 QRP (Monday)

It is now 1050z. Today, I am on 15m FT8 with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop antenna. So far, 7 stations spotted on RX and 1 spot of my QRP on TX by SV1HAB (2412km).

UPDATE 1211z: With just 8 stations spotted on RX and just 1 spot of me on TX, I may QSY to 17m FT8.

Updated solar data

My favourite website for solar data is usually updated early each month. Often this is on the 1st or 2nd of the month. Included, usually, is a forecast of the climb towards the next solar peak. It is worth checking.

See https://www.solen.info/solar/ . 

Simple circuits

Inspired by "Hot Iron" edited by Peter Thornton GW6NGR I see reference to Rick Andersen KE3JJ. He has several very simple designs on his site.

See http://www.ke3ij.com/ .

Sunspots - Monday March 1st 2021

Solar flux is 78 and the SSN 13.  A=6 and K=6.

It is hard to think we are in March already. According to the UK Met Office we are now in spring. The Es season is only a few months away now.

28 Feb 2021

Stroke update - NOT amateur radio

My 2013 stroke left me outwardly looking fine, but it has had a lasting impact on me. Before I was quite active and healthy, but these days things are far harder. 

In many ways I am more fortunate than many. My voice is poor and driving, and being driven, is far harder. A few years ago I could drive 300 miles to Devon. Even 10 miles is hard these days.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/stroke .

CDARC 80m net

As an experiment I tried to join the CDARC (Cambridge club) 80m net this morning with my 2.5W and the earth-electrode antenna. Although I had no problem hearing people, I could not be heard. My noise level is very low on this antenna, but I needed more power to overcome noise others were probably suffering. 

The SWR is too high for the auto-ATU on my FT991A. It just says "High VSWR" and gives up. On the FT817ND it works fine.

Hare Park Chippenham - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows Hare Park, Chippenham near Cambridge a few years ago. This is open to the public a few times each year. The snowdrops were incredible. 

Reeds - NOT amateur radio

This part of the UK  (East Anglia) is thought of as flat and boring yet it has a unique beauty. 

Often the skies are amazing and the land watery. My wife took this photo a few days ago. 

Ultra simple transceiver for 10m FT8

One of my ideas is for an ultra simple crystal controlled FT8 transceiver for 10m probably. Another option is 15m. Crystals can be quite expensive, but bought in quantity the price comes way down. 

I have in mind a simple DSB rig at 28.074MHz only, a bit like my WISPY transceiver.  The full transceiver version of WISPY was never built, but both the RX and TX versions were built. I wonder if there is a low cost source of 14.040 (easily pulled) or 14.037MHz crystals? This would be simpler than a synthesised source. I don't think pulled ceramic resonators would be stable enough, but they might be.

My health rather precludes me designing and building one these days, but I would be more than happy to share my ideas with anyone who could take this on seriously. Ideally, a PCB could be made as a simple kit. 

In my mind this could be a really simple rig that would be able to work the world very soon once 10m really gets going. Don't forget that 10m is always good in the Es season at any part of the solar cycle. Even very low power FT8 would get all across the world.  10m is an excellent band with small antennas and QRP. I can imagine such rigs being incredibly simple and low cost. In this version I used a 2N3866 PA, but I would use paralleled 2N3904s as these are far less expensive.  For greater TX power, further 2N3904s PAs could be paralleled with low value emitter resistors.  This is a very low cost way of getting useful output.

Very few controls are necessary, probably none! It would need a BNC connector and probably something to show it is on RX or TX. I can imagine it fitting in a low cost, small, plastic box.

QRPguys are offering something similar on lower frequencies. Maybe they will offer higher frequencies later as the sunspot cycle gathers pace? 

See https://qrpguys.com/ .

UPDATE 2020z:  Steve G1KQH has told me of some low cost crystals that would certainly work: https://kc9on.com/product/14mhz-hc49u-tall-crystals/

Sunspots - Sunday February 28th 2021

 Solar flux is 79 and the SSN 14. A=4 and K=2.

27 Feb 2021

Silver birch - NOT amateur radio

This photo shows a silver birch tree seen on our walk yesterday in our village here in East Anglia, UK.

As you can tell, the last few days have felt mild and spring like.

According to the UK Met Office, Monday is the first day of spring.

2m FT8 RX today

On 2m FT8 today, I have been RX only with the FT817ND and the big-wheel omni antenna. 

156 stations in 9 countries spotted by teatime. 

UPDATE 2250z: QRT.

Cambridge Radio Club Zoom talk

Last evening, CDARC had another excellent Zoom talk. 

Being on Zoom, speakers can be anywhere and this time the speaker was in Canada! 

I like Zoom talks as these can be seen all over the world. As well as the speaker, there was someone else in Canada taking part I believe.

Zoom has surprised me. By sharing the screen, slides can be seen as easily as in a room. Also, all taking part can chat, by video or just mic if they prefer to wear their bedclothes!

Almost spring - NOT amateur radio

We went for a walk around the village earlier. It felt very mild and springlike. Daffodils are coming out widely now as shown in the photo. 

As we are only in February there is every chance for some bad weather and snow still.


Last evening the reports of distant stations on 2m FT8 was clearly the work of a pirate. 

Sunspots - Saturday February 27th 2021

Solar flux is 80 and the SSN 16. A=11 and K=2. 

26 Feb 2021

2m FT8 QRP ( Friday)

At 1905z I QSYed to 2m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. 

So far, 3 stations in 3 countries have spotted my QRP TX. On RX 10 stations in 2 countries spotted here so far.

Stations spotted on 2m FT8
RX this evening
UPDATE 2220z: Plenty of spots of eastern Europeans on 2m FT8 RX. If this is tropo, these are a very long distance away. I am puzzled what sort of propagation this is. In all, 47 stations spotted on RX. Furthermost is,supposedly,  UA3PRS (2481km) which is almost unbelievable. I wonder if some pirate is having a laugh?

UPDATE 2300z: As conditions seem good, I have decided to stay RX only on 2m FT8 overnight.

Batteries catching fire

Some years ago, when I was still working, there was a small risk of batteries being damaged and catching fire. 

When battery packs catch fire the result can be dramatic. LiIon batteries were especially vulnerable, especially if dropped or abused. The incidence was probably about 1 in 150,000 packs. Failures, especially causing fire, cause customer alarm. In the limit, this can warrant a product recall. Recalls can be very expensive. You can imagine the cost of recalls if you sell mobile phones or laptops. A manufacturer will do everything possible to deny this and avoid the cost of a recall.

According to the BBC, Hyundai is replacing 82000 batteries in some electric cars at crippling cost. I pity them. This must be a nightmare for manufacturers of electric vehicles.

From personal experience, LiIon battery packs can be little bombs. I never, ever, risk leaving them charging without supervision. One person we have met left her mobile phone charging and burnt down her flat. Such incidents are rare, but they do happen. Modern technologies may be safer, but treat all batteries as potential bombs.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-56156801 .

15m FT8 QRP (Friday)

The 15m FT8 QRP gear was turned on just before 1030z. As usual, I am using 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop on the shack windowsill. No spots yet.

UPDATE 1055z:  Just EA8ACW (2988km) spotted so far.

UPDATE 1240z:  Just 3 EA8s spotted on RX. Nobody has spotted me on TX. 

UPDATE 1538z:  Just 7 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX today and nobody has spotted me on QRP TX. A few South Americans only spotted.

UPDATE 1844z:  So far, 1 station has spotted my QRP (2.5W) TX:  EA8BFK (2881km). On RX, 10 station have been spotted. Quite a poor day.

Scale - NOT amateur radio

One thing I am sure about is that in 100 years people will look back at us and think, "did they believe that?".

In the last century our ideas of the universe and of subatomic particles have changed enormously. I am sure they will change again in the next. Just think of the changes to our thinking as a result of quantum theory and Einstein.

Whatever I think is hardly likely to be correct, but I am often intrigued by scale. The visible universe is unbelievably huge with probably huge numbers of habitable planets. The subatomic world is incredible. Time is a puzzle. What if all these were linked and whole universes were inside each of us?

It is all a matter of scale. There is no reason whatsoever that universes have to be on the scale we know. Somehow I have the feeling that the macroscopic and microscopic worlds are somehow linked.  One thing is certain: we know so little.

Everything remains a mystery.

60m FT8 overnight

Using the earth-electrode "antenna" I stayed on 60m FT8 RX overnight. In all, 467 stations were spotted in 5 continents. 

Where I come from - NOT amateur radio

This photo has been on before. It shows where I come from in South Devon. Most years I get back there. It is still a most beautiful area. 

Sunspots - Friday February 26th 2021

Solar flux is 80 and the SSN 31. A=13 and K=3.