17 Feb 2019

SSTV from Oscar 100

Although I made no attempt to decode it, someone was sending SSTV through this geosynchronous satellite earlier.

Also, DD0CW was a good signal on CW, which is the first time I have heard any CW via this satellite. I am sure others have used this mode, but not when I was looking.

Again, using the webSDR to check activity. At the moment about 4-6 QSOs ongoing at any one time, so not busy. As yet, my best DX heard via Oscar 100 is an A71 in Qatar. I know others have heard PY. It must be odd to receive DX stations with no QSB and at any time!

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

UPDATE 2247z: GU6EFB has been calling CQ for ages with no takers. I guess most USB operators have tried and worked those that are active. As far as I am concerned, the vast majority are Europeans and mainly Germans and English stations. I guess there are fewer microwave enthusiasts in Africa and South America. I expect some will start with just the 2.4GHz TX and receive using the webSDR?

Gardening - NOT amateur radio

As the weather was sunny and mild, we decided to do some gardening.

I trimmed back some choisya, which smells like lemon. After about 20 minutes I was totally exhausted and had to stop. When on my feet I am giddy all of the time, but stretching as well just did it for me. I am pretty sure this is my 2013 stroke after-effects and not just me getting older.

It was nice to be in the garden, but I have to learn to pace myself.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/stroke

New friend? - NOT amateur radio

As the weather was so good today, we went to Hare Park at Chippenham, near Cambridge to see the snowdrops. There were a few daffodils out, but not many.

The second photo is my wife with one of the statues.

The photo at the top shows some of the snowdrops.

Spring? - NOT amateur radio

Yes, I know it is only February and we could still get really cold weather and snow. However, it feels like spring and the daffodils on our green are in full bloom. This picture is a few days old and they are even more in bloom today.

2m FT8 RX

Much of the morning, I have been on 2m FT8 RX. So far, 29 stations spotted here with best DX DF7JC (468km). Once again using the FT817ND with the big-wheel omni antenna.
UPDATE 1621z: Currently 50 stations in 6 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1754z:  Now 56 stations in 7 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX today.

UPDATE 2230z:  Now 71 different stations in 8 countries with best DX spotted DL3TW (655km) on 2m FT8 in the last 12 hours.

Overnight on 472kHz WSPR

Last night (overnight) and last evening, I was active on 472kHz WSPR with 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. I would describe conditions and results as "average"  with 7 stations spotting me and I spotted 9 stations. On TX my best DX was a spot by F59706/1 (560km) who copied my 10mW ERP at -23dB S/N.
Stations that spotted me.
Stations I spotted.

Sunspots - Sunday February 17th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the sunspot number zero. A=4 and K=1.

16 Feb 2019

QSY to 472kHz WSPR

At about 1837z, I QSYed to 472kHz WSPR with 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

QSYed from 10m FT8

At the moment, I am looking on 1.84MHz FT8 RX, although I think I'll try 472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP) shortly. Even within a few minutes, much of Europe was coming through again on 160m FT8 RX.
Stations received within a few minutes on 160m FT8 
RX with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

Earth-electrode "antenna" further description

Earth-electrode "antenna" system - click to enlarge
As blog readers will know, over the years I have had great success on VLF earth-mode, LF and MF with a very simple "antenna" that the neighbours and XYL don't even realise is there. Now, if you have space for a real antenna you may well get better results with a proper antenna and ground system. However, if like me, you don't like big antennas this may be an answer, at least with modes like WSPR, JT9 and FT8. Every situation is different. At the old QTH I did not need a matching transformer at all. At your QTH you may need a different turns number or ratio. At 137kHz, 472kHz and 1.84MHz my theory is this forms a loop in the ground. With VLF utilities assisted earth-mode I think it behaves differently.
3C90 step-up transformer
Basically, the far end connects to a ground rod about 1m long in the soil. This is connected to the shack end via a wire (normal hook-up wire) that runs along the garden fence, not far off the ground. At the shack end I connect to the mains ground (please check that this is safe at your QTH as mains earths vary), although at the old QTH I used a separate ground spike (outside the shack) with the wire from the far ground spike run along the ground. Results were almost identical.

At this QTH I use a 3C90 42mm diameter toroid with 2t on the primary (connected to the rig or transverter) and a 20t secondary (connected to the "antenna"). This was empirically wound to give best match and best ERP. I hope the diagram and photo helps. The video was at the old QTH.

Oscar 100

Only time will tell how this geosynchronous satellite (Es'hail2) will work out. At the moment, it seems to be working well with about 6-8 users at one time. As time goes by, I expect more people will get active on it. In the end it could get quite busy.

Will the initial enthusiasm wane? Will people soon tire of this "repeater in the sky"? OK it is 22000 miles up, but once you have worked a few stations, you know you can work just about anybody that is in range across the planet with suitable gear. At the moment it is novel to be able to work real DX with ease on microwave frequencies at any time.

At the moment I am monitoring on the web SDR. See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

10m FT8 during the day

As per usual, I am on 10m FT8 RX during the day. Just one G spotted so far G4HZW (212km). No sign here of much activity today.

UPDATE 1425z: HB9DFP (714km) best DX spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. Just 3 spots in all here.

Witch hazel? - NOT amateur radio

I am definitely not a plant expert! This was seen at Anglesey Abbey a few days ago. I think it is witch hazel, although I am not sure. If it is, I am not sure why it got this name.

160m FT8 RX overnight

A pretty good period with 403 different stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX in the last 24 hours with 16 North Americans spotted overnight. Best DX was N5TZH (7537km) in Louisiana. Yet again, using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

Sunspots - Saturday February 16th 2019

Solar flux is 70 today and the SSN zero. A=4 and K=1.

15 Feb 2019

Budding artist - NOT amateur radio

Our 9 year old grandson is a great artist. This is his latest. Like many youngsters, he seems addicted to the iPad. There are other examples of his artwork on my main website. He is a good all-rounder and enjoys several sports. Of all our grandchildren, he is probably the most sociable and rounded.

160m FT8 RX

Since teatime, I have been on 160m FT8 RX. So far, 94 stations spotted on the band.

UPDATE 2106z: Now 161 stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX this evening on the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

UPDATE 2207z: Now 213 stations spotted and WU1ITU (4831km)  spotted at 2154z.

UPDATE 2314z: Now 252 stations spotted this evening on 160m FT8 RX with 3 North Americans.

10m FT8

Most of the day I have been monitoring 10m FT8 RX. So far, 5 spots with my best DX F5RD (681km) in central France. Not sure if this was a slight bit of Es or aircraft reflection.

At the moment many users have deserted 10m, although I expect they will be back in the main Es season from April-August. As FT8 seems to show, 10m is actually open (albeit briefly) on many days. It would not surprise me to hear that better equipped stations could work N-S DX paths on many days, although you need activity!

Overnight on 160m FT8

Not a bad night. 10 North Americans and 1 Caribbean stations spotted last night along with 410 Europeans and Asians on 160m FT8 RX with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

Sunspots - Friday February 15th 2019

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0 yet again. A=13 and K=3.

14 Feb 2019

160m FT8

Using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground for a brief CQ just now (2.5W) resulted in just one spot by M0RTP (116km). On 160m FT8 RX so far 4 stations spotted in 4 countries here, although it is still bright and sunny.

UPDATE 2218z: Loads and loads of Europeans spotted on 160m FT8 RX this evening again. VE3OAT (5359km) was the first North American spotted at 2207z.

UPDATE 2326z: Now 5 North Americans spotted on 160m FT8 RX already! At the last count 299 Europeans and Asians spotted already on 160m FT8 RX.

Statue - NOT amateur radio

On St Pancras Station in London is a statue of Sir John Betjeman. St Pancras is where the Eurostar trains leave from for Brussels and Paris.

Sir John loved trains and without his intervention in the 1960s it is likely this fine building would have been pulled down in the name of "progress".

Javelin trains - NOT amateur radio

The journeys to and from Canterbury were fast due in part to non-stop trains to and from Cambridge to London and the fast Javelin trains from St Pancras deep into Kent. These are fast, clean and spacious. The staff are always very helpful in Kent. Javelins are a bit like Eurostar eating up the miles. You board the train and reach your destination in no time!

We went to Kent to see our son and family and to see one of our grandsons in his school musical, "Mary Poppins", which was very good.



Nantwich Civic Hall, Cheshire, CW5 5DG. The venue has free car parking and the doors open at 10:30am. There will be a Bring & Buy, as well as traders and RSGB book stall. A single raffle ticket is included with the entrance programme with additional tickets available. Catering is provided on site. Contact Stuart Jackson on 07880 732 534.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Sunspots - Thursday February 14th 2019

Solar flux is 71 today and the sunspot number 0. A=13 and K=3.

13 Feb 2019

New post on earth-electrode antenna coming

Although I have some urgent family matters to attend to first, it is my intention to do a new post about my earth-electrode antenna system for LF/MF, which works well for me, but is dead simple. I'll probably do it at the weekend and add photos and diagrams to make things clearer.

70cm activity contest (UKAC)

This contest is held every month, although I resorted, as usual, to my 2m big-wheel omni last night as my antenna and I use 5W. In all, 4 stations worked with best DX G3MEH in IO91QS.Usually I work G4CLA (105km) , but my voice said, "go QRT".

Sunspots - Wednesday February 13th 2019

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN still zero. The active side of the sun is still pointing away from Earth I think. A=6 and K=2.

12 Feb 2019

Es'hail2 geosynchronous satellite operational

Ahead of the official opening users can now experimentally unload to this satellite and it is already busy! Most users I have heard are using 5-6W and getting solid access. So far, so good.

Not sure if it is just me, but everything goes dead on the web SDR after about a minute or two. When I reload the page all is fine again for a limited time. I am using MS Edge with Windows 10.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

QSY to 160m FT8 RX

At about 1615z, I QSYed from 10m to 160m FT8 RX. Already there are Europeans coming through. 5 stations spotted in 3 countries within 10 minutes. Best DX on 160m FT8 RX is UT4XU (1963km).

Boots and flowers - NOT amateur radio

Our local Montessori school has found a great way to use odd boots and make the place inviting too.

New radio - pass

After oscillating between several new radios, I have decided to purchase none at this time. It seems my trusty FT817ND does all I need, so I will not invest in a new radio at the moment. If I really can't decide and I am content with what I have, why bother?

10m FT8 RX

As is my usual pattern, I am on 10m FT8 RX for the day. If I get any spots, I shall be pleased!

UPDATE 1548z: Just LA3VEA (1127km) spotted so far today.

472kHz WSPR overnight

Last night, a total of 11 stations spotted my 10mW ERP with best DX being PA0O (440km).  I spotted 13 stations with best DX EA7HPM (1726km).
Stations that spotted me overnight

Stations I spotted overnight

Stroke update - NOT amateur radio

If this is of no interest please feel free to ignore it and look at another post. 

These days (5.5 years after my 2013 stroke) it is hard to tell what is old age and what are the after-effects of the stroke. When on my feet, I feel giddy all the time. I think this is worse than it was. My voice is poor. I find driving stressful. These feel like stroke after-effects.

Life is about making the best of "us" as we are. My main issue is most people assume I am "normal". Indeed I look fine. This is the trouble with hidden disabilities: people simply do not understand.

This is why I use digital modes like WSPR and FT8 a lot: my voice is not needed and I can be "normal". Sadly, my experiments away from home are all but impossible. I get exhausted quite easily with almost any physical or mental activity: after about 25 minutes I am exhausted. By exhausted I really mean exhausted, not just tired. After a rest I am fine again. Thankfully, time on the PC does not wear me out.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/stroke

4m transverter

Some years ago at the old QTH (2012?)  I designed and built this transverter for 4m (70MHz). As I recall I erected a wire dipole for the band just before a contest and worked a few stations on CW.

At the present QTH, I have never been on 4m.

Many years ago (1968?) I recall working ZB2VHF via Es one summer from university with 4W of AM on 70.26MHz. I can't recall the 4m antenna we used, but it was at best a small yagi.

As I recall, this QRP transverter put out 1-2W on the band, but could probably produce a bit more with some optimisation.

These days there are quite a number of countries on the band. This was not the case back in the 1960s when it was mainly a UK allocation and only 70.2-70.4MHz. Maybe I should give the band another go? As I recall it is quite an effective Es band in the Es season, and with a few watts much of the UK can be covered.

Sunspots - Tuesday February 12th 2019

Solar flux is 69 and the sunspot number 0. A=9 and K=3.

Lock-up - NOT amateur radio

Back in the 1800s, village miscreants were put in the village lock-up. I guess this was a follow-up to the stocks, when rotten eggs and tomatoes were thrown. Maybe we should bring back stocks? Sorry, this would violate the miscreants human rights and heath and safety legislation! The photo shows our village lock-up. These days it is a garage.

11 Feb 2019

Earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground details

Several people have asked for more details of the "antenna" I use on 137kHz, 472kHz and 1.84MHz.

The far end is a ground rod (copper I think) about 1m long. The wire back to the shack is about 12m long and runs along the garden fence (about 1.5m off the ground). At the near (shack end) it connects to the mains ground.

At the old QTH I tried a separate ground just outside the shack and running the "return" wire along the ground. Results were much the same. At 137kHz, 472kHz and 1.84MHz I am pretty sure this structure acts as a loop in the ground.

On VLF earth mode, I suspect the "antenna" is not acting as a loop.

                               --- Sketch and photos to be added on a later post, probably Feb 15th? ---

472kHz WSPR

About 30 minutes ago, I QSYed to 472kHz (630m) WSPR using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground (10mW ERP). Even though the transverter crystal takes about 20 minutes to fully settle, plenty of spots on RX and TX. At the moment (it is still light here) best DX on RX is PA3ABK (306km).
Initial 472kHz WSPR spots