27 Nov 2018

160m FT8 overnight

In all, 9 USA and Canadian stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX overnight.

26 Nov 2018

Warming UK (and USA) - NOT amateur radio

The latest range of expected temperatures in the UK have just been published. In the USA, there were warnings on Saturday about the impact on the economy of climate change. President Trump seems wrong.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-46343103  .

Early QSY to 160m FT8

As 10m was so dire today, I have QSYed to topband using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. This happened at around 1330z. I am currently on TX every 15 seconds with 2.5W.  So far, no spots given or received.

UPDATE 1357z: Just a couple of spots of my 2.5W FT8 signal from M0RTP (116km) and G8VR (76km). Just SM0MDG (1348km) on 160m FT8 RX so far.

UPDATE 1622z: 25 stations in 11 countries spotted on 160m FT8 RX today.

UPDATE 1630z: Just calling CQ again. 11 stations spotted me with best DX SM0MDG (1348km).
UPDATE 1755z: Best 160m FT8 RX DX today is R9YC (5247km) in Asiatic Russia.

UPDATE 2117z: Right on time WU1ITU (4831km) was the first USA station spotted on 160m FT8 this evening. This station is always the first I spot from the USA on 160m. Earlier, a station in Greenland was spotted.
Stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX so far tonight using earth-electrode "antenna" in ground

5MHz in the UK

OK, I do not use 5MHz much presently. We have some quite generous 5MHz slots in the UK with power limits greater than in the 15kHz wide international allocation released in some countries.

Personally, I'd prefer us to have the international, narrow, allocation with lower power. Many will strongly disagree!

As long as noise levels are low, the 60m band is quite important when solar conditions are not good.

One year on - NOT amateur radio

About a year ago, the only bank in our village closed. It has still not sold. The plot is central and I am quite surprised it wasn't snapped up.

UAE pardon - NOT amateur radio

OK, I am not clear of the facts, but the UAE has pardoned Matthew Hedges, the UK academic accused of spying and facing life in a UAE prison.

This reminds me of the Greeks who thought some UK plane spotters were spies some years ago. Some governments just don't get some odd UK behaviours.

Anyway, I am very glad the UAE saw sense.  I suspect the UAE was bothered about the harm this would have done them.

Mars landing - NOT amateur radio

Landing probes on Mars seems to be fraught with problems, so I just hope this latest mission goes as planned. It must be those pesky green men!

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-46333459 .

UPDATE 2133z: It looks like it successfully landed.

Windmill painting - NOT amateur radio

One of my wife's birthday presents this weekend was a painting of "our" windmill next door done by our 9 year old grandson. It now has pride of place in our hall. For a 9 year old it is very good.

His cousin asked where we bought it!

10m FT8

In a few minutes I shall switch to 10m FT8 for the day. This evening and overnight, I shall probably switch to 160m FT8.

UPDATE 1330z: The switch to 10m FT8 was done at 1030z. No spots yet. The pits! As 10m seems so poor, I may QSY to 160m FT8 sooner than planned.

630m (472kHz) WSPR

Yesterday evening and overnight I was on 472kHz (630m) WSPR with 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. In all, 12 stations spotted me with best DX LA3EQ/MW (769km) in Norway. I am often spotted in Norway on 472kHz WSPR.
472kHz WSPR TX (10mW ERP) Last Night
472kHz WSPR RX Last Night

Sunspots - Monday November 26th 2018

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 15. A=3 and K=1.

Are we seeing the early signs of cycle 25? It would be good if the polarity of these sunspots indicated they were cycle 25 spots. I need to check. Looking at  http://www.solen.info/solar/images/cycles23_24.png
it suggests the minimum about now, although other images suggest the minimum could last far longer. Time will tell.

25 Nov 2018

Mobile phone insurance - NOT amateur radio

Actually, I need a bit of help.

At the moment I use a very simple mobile phone from Tesco. It is used mainly for texts with the occasional phone call. At a one off cost of £19.99  this phone is brilliant. A simple "pay as you go" top up lasts me months and months.

As a Virgin Media customer I was tempted by a fancy "pay monthly" phone which has 4GB data allowance each month (with roll over), unlimited texts and more phone call minutes than I could use. However, they seem very coy about insurance!! Having looked for ages, I cannot find what this is a month, so I assume it must be a lot. This may stop me going for a contract.

So, my question is, "what should I expect to pay in the UK for mobile phone insurance?".

Space junk

Southgate News reports that the FCC has rejected a plea for AMSAT to be made exempt from legislation designed to rid space of junk from old or redundant satellites. This is becoming a big issue with lots of junk up there.  I can see this being an issue if the owners of small satellites have to plan for the satellite when its useful life is over.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/november/fcc-rejects-amsat-orbital-debris-petition.htm#.W_ruNPZ2u00 .

QSYed to MF

After a very poor day on 10m FT8 (sunspot minimum!) I have again QSYed to 472kHz (630m) WSPR with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground and 10mW ERP. On the first transmission 3 stations spotted me with the best being G8TTI (186km). At the moment, the crystal in the transverter is still settling. It normally takes about 20 minutes before the drift reported is zero.
UPDATE 1845z: So far this evening 3 unique stations have spotted my 10mW QRPP signal. Not a bad start. Earlier, I thought it was 6 before I realised some were at breakfast time!

UPDATE 1940z: GM0UDL (659km) is now the most distant spot of my 10mW ERP this evening.

Family weekend - NOT amateur radio

As my wife was celebrating a special birthday, all the grandchildren were staying overnight. We managed!

Last night on 630m (472kHz) WSPR

Overnight was average here on MF. In all, I spotted 15 different stations and my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was spotted by 10 stations with best DX a spot by PA0O (440km).

Sunspots - Sunday November 25th 2018

Sunspots again!  This may be just a blip, but there are sunspots again.

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 14 today. A=4 and K=0.

Is this the start of cycle 25? Only time will tell.

QSY to 10m FT8

After a busy, family weekend, at about 1200z I returned to 10m FT8. At present I am RX only. No spots yet!

UPDATE 1258z: Just one spot so far on 10m FT8 RX MM0ZBH (482km).

UPDATE 1401z: Just 3 UK stations spotted so far today in 2 countries.

UPDATE 1707z: In all 4 stations only spotted today on 10m FT8 RX today, with best DX DL6RDM (944km).

24 Nov 2018

Birthdays - NOT amateur radio

My wife is 70 today and I am 70 just before Christmas. It is hard to understand where the years have gone! Enjoy every precious moment. Inside, we both still feel young.

Sunspots - Saturday November 24th 2018

Solar flux is 68 and the sunspot number 0. A=3 and K=0. Sunspot minimum.

Best DX yet on 630m WSPR

Overnight, my 10mW ERP MF signal from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was spotted by 16 unique stations with the best being a spot by SM4GOJ (1246km) in Sweden. Although I am not sure, I think this is the most distant spot I have ever received on 630m at this QTH.
On 630m WSPR RX I was able to spot 19 stations here.

23 Nov 2018

Back on MF WSPR

This evening, I decided to try 630m (472kHz) WSPR again (10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground). Best DX, so far, on TX is PA3ABK (306km).

UPDATE 2218z: So far 14 unique stations spotted on 472kHz WSPR RX and 11 spots of my 10mW ERP on TX.

Up the pole - NOT amateur radio

It looks like a neighbour is having issues with his phone or perhaps having his broadband upgraded. It was a dull, dreary, cold and damp morning to be working up a pole!

10m FT8

7 stations in 4 countries spotted so far on 10 FT8 RX today.

UPDATE 1533z: So far on 10m FT8 RX, 18 stations in 6 countries, all in Europe.

160m FT8 RX

In all, 5 USA plus Canadians and 2 Caribbean stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX last night. Shortly, I'll QSY to 10m FT8.

Sunspots - Friday November 23rd 2018

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 0. A=3 and K=1.

How DID we manage? - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, I was asked to add a safeguarding policy to one of the websites I do. Today, I received a newsletter from the Cambridge University of the Third Age and this now includes an updated safeguarding page.

Have we all gone stark raving mad??

In the past, society functioned at least as well, if not better, without all this box ticking. Now, I am sure the intentions are honourable, but do we really need it? Like anti-discrimination laws, I am sure those who wrote the legislation had the best of intent. I agree, we need to safeguard people and their data and discrimination against LGBT people is wrong. However, the balance seems to have swung too far.

Perhaps we need a few judges to say this is all getting stupid and refuse to award any damages or dismiss a few cases for those who didn't tick the boxes.

Perhaps we need a 125 page policy on how to exit houses next? Mind the step, as this is a trip hazard. If I fall exiting your house I may sue you for £1M damages! Oh silly me, I forgot to read the 125 page document spelling out how to walk safely.

22 Nov 2018

Dull, cold day - NOT amateur radio

As usual, I went into Cambridge for my U3A course. It was a dull, cold morning.

Suddenly, the weather has turned and those long, hot summer days seem long ago. It is hard to think that in just a few weeks the evenings start to get lighter!

Return to topband

About 10 minutes ago I QSYed from 10m to 160m FT8. Already lots of Europeans including European Russia, with some calling CQ JA, although no JAs spotted here! Yet again, I am using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. It is still quite mind-blowing to spot so many stations each 15 second period on 160m FT8.  Best DX, so far, on 160m FT8 RX is R9GM (3499km).

A brief 2.5W FT8 160m CQ was spotted by just a single G: G8DX (197km). At the moment I am RX only.

UPDATE 1945z: Most stations seem to be E-W. I am not sure if this is the antenna directionality or just that there are fewer stations in the N-S direction.
Stations received so far this evening on 160m FT8 RX
UPDATE 2045z:  As on previous evenings, WU1ITU (4831km) was the first North American spotted on 160m FT8 RX.

Rally on Sunday


Spennymoor Leisure Centre, 32 High Street, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 6DB. This venue is ideally suited for both trader and disabled as it boasts good parking and access to a large ground floor hall. Doors open at 10.30am, 10.15am for disabled visitors. Admission is £2, accompanied under-14s free. There will be the usual radio, computer, electronics and bring and buy stalls as well as catering and bar facilities. Talk-in on S22. Contact John, G4LRG, 01388 606 396 or check website at www.barac.org.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

10m FT8

All day I have been monitoring 10m FT8 RX. Only 13 Europeans spotted today with no "real DX".

Sunspots - Thursday November 22nd 2018

Solar flux is 69 and the sunspot number has returned to zero. A=5 and K=1.

160m FT8 RX overnight

In all, 8 USA and Canadian plus one Caribbean stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX overnight. As before, absolutely loads of Europeans too. Again, the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was being used.

21 Nov 2018

QSY to 160m FT8 RX

About an hour ago, I QSYed to 160m using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground as the DX on 10m seems to have stopped. All being well, the first transatlantic DX on 160m will appear before 2100z. The band is filled with Europeans!

UPDATE 2219z: Right on target time, there was WU1ITU again. I am supposed to believe I also received a Pacific station, but I suspect this is a pirate in Asiatic Russia or Europe, unless I get convincing evidence otherwise.

Growing up fast - NOT amateur radio

One of our grandsons was 11 last week. Here he is just after a haircut.

In 6 years he could be driving!

They grow up all too fast, but I guess that is life. We have made the most of his childhood days so far.

EU Article 13: a threat? - NOT amateur radio

Having a son who is a professional musician, I am keen to see his copyright protected. However, it seems that Article 13, which could become law in the EU, could have very unintended consequences. 

FETer - a very simple 80m transceiver

Many years ago, I created the FETer, a one FET transceiver for 80m. Although very simple, it certainly worked. It is featured on my main G3XBM website.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/feter-80m-qrpp-cw-transceiver

10m FT8

Since before breakfast, I have been on 10m FT8 RX. So far, 1 spot - F1RAD (867km).

UPDATE 1003z: Now 11 stations in 10 countries spotted with best DX IW0BCF (1476km). So far, these are all EU with no "real DX".

UPDATE 1025z: I spoke just too soon! FR4OO (9722km) on Reunion Is (south Indian Ocean) has now been spotted on 10m FT8 RX. Now 17 stations in 13 countries spotted so far today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1106z: A recent CQ call (2.5W) was spotted by F1RAD (867km), although no QSO resulted. Presently 41 stations in 17 countries spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. Dead? Hardly!

UPDATE 1208z: Now 3 South Africans spotted in the Johannesburg area on 10m FT8 RX.

160m FT8 last night

Yet again, I went on 160m FT8 RX last night in the evening and overnight. As usual, there were  loads of stations in Europe and Asiatic Russia with WU1ITU the first transatlantic station spotted. In all, 5 USA and Canadian plus 4 Caribbean stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Best DX spotted on 160m FT8 RX was  W5IZ (7679km).

Sunspots - Wednesday November 21st 2018

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=6 and K=1.