21 Nov 2018

Old Shack 1992?

Yesterday, whilst giving the shack a clean, I came across this photo of my radio gear in about 1992.

Although I cannot be sure of the year, there is a Yaesu FT747.  The MX2 is used with a homebrew 28MHz 1W transverter. Also in the picture is a Mk1 Lincoln 10m rig and a dual band Standard handheld (C828?) and charger.  Also visible is a Howes QRP ATU and a 70cms Pye PRM80.  I had more gear then than now!

At that time, I was using a table in our main bedroom.

America first - NOT amateur radio

Despite the brutal murder of a dissident reporter, the US president is still a supporter of Saudi Arabia. Perhaps this is tied up with arms the USA wants to supply them?

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46283355

20 Nov 2018

QSY to topband

At about 1815z I QSYed to 160m FT8. Already lots of European and Russian stations spotted on 160m FT8.

UPDATE 2052z: WU1ITU (4831km) is coming in a bit earlier each night now on 160m FT8 RX. This is always the first transatlantic station I spot.  Once again, there are lots of Europeans and Russians.

The Lesser Chirpy transceiver

This was designed for 10m when the solar cycle was on the up (rising sunspots). It could still be useful in Es conditions, or it might make the basis of a transceiver for other bands. I can already see how one capacitor can be saved! It uses FSK to eliminate chirp. In the past, I connected an SDR to the earpiece output and this allows much of the CW band to be covered on RX.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/chirpy .

See also https://sites.google.com/site/sm6lkm/saqrx/ for a possible SDR .

The Democratic Unionist Party - NOT amateur radio

The governing party in the UK is the Conservative Party. However they need the continuing support of the DUP from Northern Ireland. This could be crucial in any BREXIT vote. At the moment, the DUP is not exactly pleased with the interim BREXIT deal.

Mess? What mess?

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-46269755 .

More village walk - NOT amateur radio

This was another photo taken on our walk yesterday. The UK foreign minister at one time, Sir Francis Pym, lived in the house on the right before we came to the village (the Tan House).

Village walk - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, we dodged the showers and did a walk around part of our village. My wife made this collage. It is now much colder with a biting east wind.

Cycle 25 sunspots

Southgate News reports that another short-lived sunspot of cycle 25 appeared and disappeared. According to spaceweather.com this is quite normal. Sunspot minimum could last some time yet.

10m FT8

In a few minutes I shall QSY to 10m FT8 for the day.

UPDATE 1035z: 5 stations in 4 countries spotted so far today on 10m FT8 RX. All Europeans.

UPDATE 1042z: First "real DX" spotted on 10m FT8 RX today: ZS6WB (9094km) in South Africa. As there is quite decent 10m propagation to southern Europe is this a mix of E layer and F layer?

UPDATE 1158z: A brief CQ (2.5W QRP) was spotted by SP7FFY (1452km). So far today on 10m FT8 RX 27 stations in 13 countries and 2 continents spotted. The photo shows the stations spotted so far today as of 1148z.

UPDATE 1333z: Another South African spotted on 10m FT8 RX: ZS6UB (9139km).

160m FT8 overnight

In total, 7 USA and Canadian plus 2 Caribbean stations were spotted on 160m FT8 RX overnight. All these were using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Details of this "antenna" were given yesterday in a comment. Best DX spotted on 160m FT8 RX was C6AGU (7032km) in the Bahamas.

Sunspots - Tuesday November 20th 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the SSN 12. A=4 and K=2.

19 Nov 2018

160m FT8

As it is now dark, I have QSYed to 160m FT8 using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. On RX lots of EU stations immediately spotted and even my QRP (2.5W) CQ was copied in a couple of countries. Best DX on 160m FT8 RX (already) is RA9AJ (3901km) in Asiatic Russia.

Es'hail2 satellite

I gather this was successfully launched and it is being "parked" in a temporary orbit so engineers can check it over. You may recall it includes amateur band linear transponders and it is hoped to be placed in a geosynchronous orbit.

See https://amsat-uk.org/satellites/geosynchronous/eshail-2/

2m FT8

It is a few days since I last checked 2m FT8, and there has been a meteor shower (Leonid) in the last few days. In the past I have been amazed by the DX which I spot every day on the 2m band by this mode. Most signals come in by aircraft reflection, although some are tropo. It certainly has transformed 2m for me. What is so unusual for me is that conditions rarely matter: this DX is always there!

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/2m-ft8  .

The week ahead - NOT amateur radio

We can be certain of one thing - the future is a mystery. The BBC is doing its best to navel gaze. One thing is certain. Mrs May, the UK Prime Minister, can expect a rough time!

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-46236112 .

Mortality - NOT amateur radio

A few moments ago, I walked to the bakers. On the way was a dead red-legged partridge that was probably hit by a car. I doubt the motorist was even aware. Things like this just remind us how fragile life really is.

A year ago my son's brother-in-law was killed whilst crossing the road on green at a pedestrian crossing in Australia. The car driver was on her phone and ploughed into him. He was only young.

When we die (some of us) hope for some kind of life after death. No-one is really sure, but probably we just cease to exist as we did in the billions of years before we came into existence. What chance we were born at this time on this planet?

Are all religions our attempt to come to terms with our mortality? I do not know. No-one is really sure.

10m FT8

In a few moments I shall QSY to 10m FT8 for the day.

UPDATE 1035z: A promising start? 5 stations in 5 countries spotted already with best DX RV6FT (3093km).

UPDATE 1143z: 11 stations in 8 EU countries spotted on 10m FT8 RX so far today. No "real DX" spotted here, although others may have been luckier.

UPDATE 1404z: Now 13 stations in 9 countries spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1817z: No further spots, so time to QSY to 160m FT8.

Topband overnight

Last night was the best yet with more North Americans and Caribbean stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX than at any point since I have been monitoring this season. In all, 14 USA and Canadian stations spotted plus 1 in the Caribbean with best DX KC9FFV (7612km) in Texas.

Sunspots - Monday November 19th 2018

Are we over the very worst or is this just a blip?

Solar flux is 73 (still poor, but better) and the sunspot number 13. A=3 and K=1.

We will need several months of improving numbers before we can be sure we are climbing out of the sunspot minimum. In the meantime, cross your fingers and hope!

Pound v. Euro - NOT amateur radio

Whatever your views on BREXIT, we can expect difficult days ahead.

I am sure the EU wants to punish the UK for leaving the "club" and many in the UK hanker for days which cannot return when "Britannia ruled the waves" and we had an empire. This is an illusion.

Our future is very much linked to Europe as well as the rest of the world. It is reasonable to want the UK parliament to have the final say over our laws and who lives and works here. We cannot have total free movement of people within the EU. In the referendum over 2 years ago I voted "remain" but there was, and still is, a lot wrong with the EU. It is protectionist and inward looking.

In my view, the best outcome would be tariffless borders with the EU, but the UK controlling who lives and works here. Personally, I think the EU is miffed about the lack of funding from the UK and is dreading others following the UK's lead.

If an agreement can be stuck, I expect the UK pound to bounce back. If we leave the EU without agreement it is anyone's guess what will happen. In the end I am sure the UK will do fine outside the EU, but it might take several years for the dust to settle.

UPDATE 1146z: So far today, the UK pound has been climbing and is currently worth 1.126 euros.

Steve G1KQH's Blog

You may be interested in Steve's blog. Steve is G1KQH.

See http://g1kqh.blogspot.com/

18 Nov 2018

Williams Syndrome - NOT amateur radio

Until I saw a tweet earlier by G7SOZ, I had not heard of this condition. Mind you, there are lots of things that I know little about.

See https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/williams-syndrome#diagnosis

QSY to topband FT8

A few minutes ago, I decided to go on 160m FT8 for the evening and overnight. I called CQ and then called a German station, but no QSOs resulted, although I was spotted by a couple of Gs and SM0MDG (1348km) despite my 2.5W QRP to the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. On 160m FT8 RX, I am spotting loads of EU and a Russian.

UPDATE 1657z:  Best DX on 160m FT8 RX is currently RV1CC (2030km).
The stations spotted in the first 30 minutes on 160m FT8 RX this evening
UPDATE 2135z: Right on time WU1ITU (4831km) in Maine, USA spotted again.

10m at present

As most know, we are now at sunspot minimum when solar activity and sunspots are at a low level.

In the past, many would have given up on the higher HF bands and moved down to lower bands to get QSOs. These days we have new weak signal modes and more people are exploring these bands in the "quiet years".

It is fair to say days are mixed. Sometimes it can be very quiet and at other times the band opens, albeit briefly, to distant parts. In the last month DX from South America, South Africa or the Indian Ocean has been spotted on at least half of the days with FT8. Even Australia and North America have been copied!

Indeed, 10m is much harder than a few years ago, but modes like FT8 have proved there are openings on 10m, even when solar conditions are poor and sunspots absent. Never give up on 10m. If more people stuck with 10m, we might all be in for a pleasant surprise.

Tropo forecasts

Although I rarely use this myself, there is a useful program to predict tropo openings on 2m.

Peace - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, as already mentioned, we went to east Suffolk. OK, I am biased, but in my view Thornham Parva is one of the best churches in the whole world. It is where Basil Spence is buried and is a little gem of peace.

CDARC 2m SSB net 0830z 144.180MHz SSB horizontal

After several Sundays when I simply forgot, this morning I actually remembered!

Even G8OFA in Salisbury was copied, as well as all the others in the net. Sadly, G8OFA could not hear me. Afterwards I realised I was only on 2.5W and I could have used 5W. I am not sure where all the stations were located. Richard, G3TFX, about 200m away, was strong even without the big-wheel omni antenna!

UPDATE  1542z: G8OFA was using 400W to a 7el (on 2m) dual beam yagi. Quite a bit more ERP than me!

10m FT8

After a very brief CQ (2.5W), I am now on 10m FT8 RX. No spots yet, unsurprisingly.

UPDATE 1153z: 5 stations spotted in 2 countries with best DX on 10m FT8 RX F1RAD (867km).

UPDATE 1538z: Now 7 stations in 4 countries spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. All EU.

Topband overnight

On 160m FT8 RX a record number of North American stations spotted with 12 in the USA and Canada plus a couple more in the Caribbean.  Best DX spotted was KY7M (8369km) in New Mexico. All these were on the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground, which is well exceeding all expectations.

Even on QRP TX it seems to work well.

I am not sure if the pattern suggests directionality, or just a lack of activity from stations further south. The alignment of the "loop" in the ground should imply better results E-W than N-S. Certainly it works well E-W.

Sunspots - Sunday November 18th 2018

Solar flux is 72 and the SSN is 13.  A=1 and K=1.

Salcombe light - NOT amateur radio

This photo of the sky over Salcombe, where I was brought up as a child, was posted first by Andy Dean yesterday.

17 Nov 2018

Return to Topband

Just over an hour ago, I returned to 160m FT8. My 2.5W CQ using the earth-electrode "antenna" was spotted by 7 stations in 5 countries.

UPDATE 1900z: 160m never fails. Night after night, lots and lots of Europeans and Russians are spotted on FT8 and I don't think there has been a single night when I have been monitoring and not spotted a transatlantic station.
UPDATE 2130z: In the last week, the first North American has been spotted by now. As yet, nothing apart from EU and Russians.

UPDATE 2157z: Best DX so far on 160m FT8 RX is UK9AA (5171km) in Uzbekistan.

UPDATE 2215z: The first North American has been spotted: VA2WA (5115km) in Canada.

East Suffolk - NOT amateur radio

Today, we visited East Suffolk. We ate in Eye and visited the church there (see photo). We also visited Thornham Parva, a delightful thatched church where the architect Basil Spence is buried.

10m FT8 RX

During the daytime I am again monitoring 10m FT8 RX. So far, 3 stations spotted in 3 countries. I suspect these are all tropo or aircraft reflections.

UPDATE 1058z: Now a couple of stations in the southern Indian Ocean!  Best DX is 3B8CW (9751km) on Mauritius. A band with plenty of surprises!

Sunspots - Saturday November 17th 2018

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 14. A=2 and K=0.

New Mexico on Topband!

Overnight, I was on 160m FT8 RX. Lots of Europeans again and 8 North Americans spotted with the best DX being AA7A (8369km) in New Mexico,USA. Still using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground, which has far exceeded expectations.

16 Nov 2018

Worth Sharing - NOT amateur radio

This was shared on Facebook by Michael Rainey. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this here.

Return to 160m FT8

As 10m was dire, I QSYed to 160m FT8 about 30 minutes ago. My brief CQ call (2.5W to the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground) was spotted by 5 stations with best DX being DO1HJK (602km).

UPDATE 1852z: Loads of Europeans again on 160m FT8 RX with best DX RN9N (4605km).

UPDATE 2215z: Already 3 North Americans spotted on 160m FT8 this evening with the best DX being W8LRL (5919km).
Stations so far spotted this evening on 160m FT8 RX

Es'hail-2 satellite launched

The latest Qatari satellite, which carries a geosynchronous amateur transponder has been launched. I expect it will be some weeks before we are fully aware of the mission's success. If it is successful, it could be transformative.

See https://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/article/16/11/2018/Qatar-launches-Es’hail-2-satellite

Spotting pirates

This is an age-old issue. In my youth, even I was guilty, running an illegal MW TX! Mind you, with a range of maybe 20m, I doubt I caused any QRM.

On FT8, a useful trick is to see where the station is being spotted. If there are few spots close to the station's location, be suspicious. If the station is being spotted locally and across the world, it is more likely to be genuine. I know this is not a 100% sure-fire check, but if you have doubts it is worth checking.