19 May 2024

10m 500uW (0.5mW) WSPR (Sunday)

 10m Es looks promising and my 500uW 10m WSPR beacon is on.

UPDATE 1457z:  Despite Es being excellent today with 24 spots across Europe in 6m 10mW FT8, I have received no spots at all of my 500uW 10m WSPR. This is 13dB less power, but I was surprised that not a single spot was obtained. This must mean (1) 13dB makes a lot of difference, (2) many more are now on FT8, or (3) the 15 second period of FT8 catches more very brief Es openings than the 120 seconds of WSPR-2. It is probably a bit of all three.

UPDATE 1838z:  GM4WJA (624km) has spotted my 500uW (0.5mW) 10m WSPR several times.

Sunspots - Sunday May 19th

Solar flux is 194 and the SSN 166. A=12 and K=1.

End of the road?

Overnight just 2  stations spotted my 10mW ERP 630m WSPR. It looks like the season is ending as noise levels increase over the spring and summer making the reception of weaker signals much harder. It was fun. 

I shall try again in the autumn. 

A new challenge calls!

18 May 2024

630m QRP WSPR (Saturday)

My 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was turned on at about 1910. So far, spotted by just G6AVK (78km).

8m FT8 QRPP under ISM rules

My 10mW 6m FT8  tests have already exceeded my expectations. I am very tempted to try 8m FT8 (not WSPR) at 10mW ERP on under ISM rules. Perhaps I should try to mend my 8m dipole tomorrow?

New ICOM HF transceiver?

On John's blog he mentions a new concept radio from ICOM called the X60. This is on show at the Dayton Hamvention this weekend. The main unveiling will be at the Tokyo Ham Fair later this summer.

The Dayton Hamvention is probably the biggest amateur radio show in the world. 

I have not yet heard if Yaesu will announce anything. Personally, I think they are in a total muddle and it would not surprise me if Yaesu and Kenwood leave the amateur radio market within 5 years.

See https://hamvention.org/

Blog numbers - NOT amateur radio

One of the things as a runner of a blog I can see is how many visitors I get each day. Basically these numbers are unreliable!  

Yesterday, for example, the number of supposed visitors tripled within minutes only to go down again later. Today I have already well exceeded the number seen yesterday. 

Basically they are rubbish.

European Es

At the moment, things do not look too great. However, with Es, things can very quickly alter, so I shall stick with 10m and 6m QRPP WSPR in case things change.

6m 10mW WSPR (Saturday)

Once again, I am on 6m with my 10mW WSPR. Although I have been copied locally, I have yet to get any Es spots. 

I am trying to simulate what would happen with ISM powers in the UK on 8m, which is open to all without a licence in the UK. I remain convinced this is enough power on WSPR to allow Es spots from Europe on 8m. 

With FT8, conditions would have to be exceptional to be copied I suspect.

UPDATE 1234z:  My experiment has worked. Quite a few European spots of my 10mW 6m WSPR. Some reports suggest even FT8 might have worked. Starting next week I shall try 6m QRPP FT8 at 10mW. It is my conclusion that 10mW ERP WSPR on 8m (available to all in the UK without a licence) would work under Es conditions.

UPDATE 1548z: I decided to try 6m FT8 at 10mW this afternoon i.e. earlier than planned. Already spotted by 14 stations across Europe (see map). Perhaps the shorter TX period of FT8 catches shorter openings than the 120 seconds of WSPR?

Near where I come from - NOT amateur radio

This photo of some years ago shows where I come from and lived until my early 20s. It is still beautiful and I try to go back to stay with my brother most years. It is a region known as the South Hams.