19 May 2024

10m 500uW (0.5mW) WSPR (Sunday)

 10m Es looks promising and my 500uW 10m WSPR beacon is on.

UPDATE 1457z:  Despite Es being excellent today with 24 spots across Europe in 6m 10mW FT8, I have received no spots at all of my 500uW 10m WSPR. This is 13dB less power, but I was surprised that not a single spot was obtained. This must mean (1) 13dB makes a lot of difference, (2) many more are now on FT8, or (3) the 15 second period of FT8 catches more very brief Es openings than the 120 seconds of WSPR-2. It is probably a bit of all three.

UPDATE 1838z:  GM4WJA (624km) has spotted my 500uW (0.5mW) 10m WSPR several times.

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